7 it.- Vol. XI1L No. 206 CONC01U fjL: C. S ATTJR tAY v- DECEMBER ' 19. 1896. Whole' NO: lr.58 ' l N. PIT. HER W ONDERFUL PROGRESS THE PAST YEAR. parts of the city, and the jingle of been supplemented during the holU the bells of their delivery wagon days with a' largelsfpck of fireworks can be heard at any time duritig the and Christmas noyel ties. He is a day. '. popular young ;man, with all classes' and has a thriving' patronage. A, L. SAPPENFIELB If there is anybody in town who lippam:& barrier. pen pjctnresof onr city as sue is don't know and like "Doc" Sappen- "These? gentlemen are well known Today-ner Mpiendid cbardies, fold he must haye come in on the to thetrade and aee& no encomiums !!rSr, last trata, for he has been doing from They 7 a full . line of Plants and Prosperous Merenants, business at the "flame old Stand" f Or F -Br" -iS8 D(1 '.77 ner Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists; , groceries. Both ! are popular and Trtn r rvov . nova a H . n I It m rm w ... Z w " , . . j ' . . MT XT . . Etc-teady Advancement or a TUrl- -iu.jB, uu. UUBls cnmmanrl thfl nnnfinno nf all Kn nessi too. You never hear "Doc" hrnnw tLm k0k . H. I : 4 ... .. Im .1 - . - s:-i- k y in -wins Community. CONTINUED PROM YESTERDAY. . DRY & WADSWORTH. Dry & Wad8worth, the leading furniture men of this section of the croaking about trade being dull, for business a number of years and has . ' V . " " " he keens his three salfismpn hnntlina fl woli fKl?o Wr, iuki-DleaSe TOU 111 GlOtlllllO' than Wft hfl.Vfi ftVfi he keeps his three salesmen hustling a weil established and reliable trade. night and day filling orders, He V Srrc; coMiN has in stock some general merchan- Warren has been4n business here State, are successors to the firm of r-r 6 iu uiaujr tt.B,aUus ua auuuuiu- Cannons, Fetzer & Bell, and have, staple and fancy. Sappenfield has lated an, ibdepndent fortune by for the past fourteen months, ac- Ppohly shipped more "molly cot- his close .attention to business, and , , . - , . tori taila'Mhis season than all the 18 classed amongHtheowealthiest col- commodated an immenso trade in comb ored men of th Sod tii. He carries this city, county and neighboring other dealers combmed. & fc 8t6ck! 6fc groceries-and counties. They have received orders little & Cornelius. has custom' wliich can always be from the most remote regions of the This is another of the many new depended on. i c ; beer. Men Suits latest and! Best CONTINUED. Tak e laxali ve'Bromoi QnJ ni n TeTa& lets. o All druggists' refund- the money if it fails to cure. 25c. ' : ; T 4. State for furniture, so well, is their Qrms established here during the business known and advertised., past year, and one of tne most suc They carry a $12,000 stock, and do cessful of the whole lot. They business to the tune of $35 000 per have only been with us half a year, annum. They also handle under- but they haven't let any flies light takers' supp'ies in large quantities, on them in that time, and they have from the cheapest plain coffin to succeeded in building up a first-rate the moselaWalSsteerand;metaU M?m;4S ?!apg f y'grdceries, lie casfeets. Messrs. A E Lentz and Mr- Cornelius came from Moores- W Ti M are hn-to 'dCid th' em'.l vV,Mrrlii contains the balming department and are known Botn are 7OUXi8 men 8teady ener' following account of a bold robbery to an appreciative public fof tfeeif ogresj. aidLbyipse jn that place Thursday evening : promptness and efficiency when tion ,.t0 f?ron8 rne of the boldest robberies that calleoMinori: Th6 firm is eniovint theyco friends eVtrl occurred I here happened . .: , : . r ana customers every day. 2. : :Jj2JL:I' ..i--SL'i i-H , stkickeb 4 & s6n. la uua iv iiio uiauutir m wmuu iuc Boys' best. Suits latest and Children s Suits latest Vesro Holds Up Zeke Brown In Sails- bury end Takes - Ills Parse. are obliginS to their install: u a ....,-.:uuuB-,u-.j,.u Mojle'a ; bar, at;.abpi t patrons. also,. who would, be anf, T f e mentioned, and, ived ofmany BeVvicaSle pieces odteand donH. attempt to put.on ok. the inortdliu paj men deprived of many yesterday eyening about 6:30 o'clock. P Old. mafi ZaiellBroWnV who runs business of the concernis conductednr?Cd 8? They are'obligin to their ffiifalK ao a "J-":0."111-ia' Piaiu to Moyles f.at.about cthe honr drink; He jjayment for it from a ptirie arid- placed the puree in his upper-coat pocketr Tom Snle&reCone of the most dangerous negroes in the community, watched bici and followed him out of the ba i. When Brown had : - : i 1 reached the corner of Main- and in front of G Vf We guarantee to save vou mone. TS -11 - f lillSHI HATS AND OAPS1FOR EVERYBODY. GAIMMONS of furnnure were it not for the easy eW p'ijihg eiah fdf thi terms which this firm allows them. goQ can and Aq r0(jk Their business is of great proporr bottom fig'nre3. Mr. Strisker is an tions and is one of the niost neces- 0li.time.r here aod hia friends are Eary establishments Concord has. . legion. 1 BALTIMOBE CLOTHIHO HOUSE. C B WAGONER A Word : ' ' T0ffi-E w LOLht- Ocuncil KreetSj J -Shapperio opened up a year Carries a 1,200 stock of staple ago, and has done a good business and fancy groceries, and has no rea -all alone. He carries in stock a f nil son to complain of lack of custom. Scott's, Shedreck, stepped up behind line of clothing, shoes, hats, gents Hia 8alea will aggregate $5,000 a himi and;catohi furnishings, sporting goods, and year, and are increasing daily. Mr. broughtiKto fiis: kneesli In. an 00i ,.0, monnt Wagoner is up to date! in everything, mstant Sh'edredkl had 'run his hands &na is one ot uoncoras most popu- in Brown? pocket and .taken, the lar young business men and counts rge Shoi! was-wptu reo and ni8 irienas Dy tne nnmoer or ni3 acquaintances. Election returns areriothing compared; to Jthe re sults you receive by; trading with. Dry & Wadsworth, who are wide awake an,UTt6blate People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quiclsly conyinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at onc. ?Tis only a few days till 'Xniasiand. everybody i? begin ning to look around f or ; S anta C lau s. His head quarters this time are at' the : of 5,000. The firm employes three salesmen. Mr. Shapperio is closing out his stock at a very low figure in order to go exclusively into the wholesale husiness.- He reports in creased receipts every month, hav ing built up a good and reliable trade on a strictly cash basis. . PATTERSON'S. This is the large wholesale and is now in H. G..EITZ. Henry," as eyery one calls him, is one of the boys. He has a neat little store and a large stock in fact he has goods to burn, and. enough of them to supply the town, as long: as the good city fathers will retail grocery and commission house allow the - boys to shoot fireworks. of Concord, with G W Patterson a3 But this is not all he's got, for he proprietor Geo. L Patterson as carries a full line of groceries, manager and a corps of efl&cient canned goods and confections. He salesmen. This is one of our city's also runs a first class bakery, and nlrlpflt. PsfaWiflKpfi ViftnRPa. anr? l'ta has always on hand the best of ASK- the t recovereq dyspptis; feili us su ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how tfrey .reepvteed health, iieerful spirits and good appetite ;i they will tell patronage h'a3 grown to immense proportions, having kept pace with the growing demands Of . our city. -'. -i . .-- DOVE & BOST, J Dove and D Luther Boat are the members of. this firm. They handle dry oods, ,sHd.i:hatsf' glassware, crpotey" aird gfcbfrWsr Their specialty however, is fancy groceries, fruits, etc. Biyery thing here is kept neat as a parlor. They have a jarge and cdn s taiitlyii? creas nSaonagv inlbotfi ,tbwn acid county, employing three salesmen nd running a free delivery to all bread, cakes, pies, etc. JOHN c. smith. lSnS5S?9 by' taking "Siio livER REGULATOR. The Cheapest, Purest and Best ramOy v Medicine in the World ! ' ' For DYSPEPSIA,, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks; SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits) SOURtSTOMACH, Heartburn, etc.; This unrivaled remedyj is warranted not to contain a single particle of M.ERcyRY"!M" any mineral substance, . r PU R ELY VEG EYABLE , contaiising those Southern" Roots' and Herbs which" an all-wise .Providence hasi plaicedini countries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It wiU ; cure all Diseases caned by ; Derangement of the T .Ivat n.ntf Ttrxrl .? ..... . . The" SYMPTOMS bfijlvtf Comptaint. a bitter' or bal,taste in the raoQth ; Pain uv the JBackj b.ides. or OOIU I He says if you likecomfortl and ease ;lray one'of- Dry " & Wadsworth'd Big Hockinj Cnairsjor .th Lsdifs', sizes for your wife. Orif jbu wantto sleepwell and . rest easy buy one of the paleigh Wire - Spring Mat tresses, best In the world, or one of the handsoines t . lounges. They haveUhem-at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-todate and' in style buy a parlor sui-ahid to. fit ji a room nicely buy one of these handmefsn low. AIN 1- Jrr 1 J-1JL:m rT Trv'T; TcrVT T" I r U i Jl-L 5 lrvVin Vqo Voovi Vi -!- ina nc tti. 1 faints, often . mistaken for Rheumatism: J-V fetomach; Loss of AppetiteJ BoweV'afternatery and has done a good business from the opening day. He started with a small stock, but hfs been steadily adding to Jt until he now has his MK'elvesffull .to overflowing and in- Lcreased custom has necessitated the employment recently of a delivery clerk. John has all the qualities of a successful merchant in his make up. ED- mix. i Mr. Hill carries a nice line of plain and fancy groceries, which has costive and lax;; Headache; Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation 1 of having failed to do 'sotaething which aught jo havebeen done; Debility; Low Spirits ; a , thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes; a dry Cough; often mistaken for Consumption." Sometimes many of these symptoms, attend the, disease, at others very few ; but the LrvER the largest organ- in the body f i-genera.Hy -the -seat-of the- disease, and if not Regulated Tn time, great suffering," wretch edness andiDfiATilHensueJ - r i " 1 .V, ' The 4bllom hihljestteiiieji peraensattest to the Virtues of' Simmons Liver Regulator : Gen..W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. SWT R" R; Co."; R2vT J." R. Felder, Pe son Ga: Suptj Ga, S-Wi-R R. ; Hon. Alexander H- Stephens. ;vv e nave tcstea its vinucs pcrsuutai y, tuxu. jj ache, it is the best medicine the wprki ever saw. We j nave tried forty other remedies" before Simmons'Iiver iRemlaKrani ione of them -ga Venus' more than tern- '.reuei ; ue xveguiaror nox omy reuerea, umtureu En. Telegraph and Messenger, Macok, Gk rry,ijta,; ioi. iv. parKi, uL'any,.vi-; v,. mur.cr ; fcsq.,bhenr; fSibb Ua.,ua.; J . A. Butts. isauiDnagerf n ;Rev;- T. W Burke. Macon. G-tu; ? Vrrgil Power. JP3 MANUFACTVRED OKCT BT J. H. ZEXLIN & CO PhSadelphi. V Yes'sir, Weh Chairs of all " des crip tions. Tables all sixes- and . styles. Big' lot of ;Fic turds, : Window fehadesv Cur-V, tain J?oll, Ladie .'. Sideboards Cliina Closets and .every th home' pleasantand a wife chappy, r BeginnjnV fxdm;T'.r;:;j" today and ;during the holidays wetpiopose to to ' r each cash purchaser a nice and onseful piWef :furv-: , L niture; consisting of Hat Hacks, Music Racks, Comb , and 3rush? Shelf jvJBdolc Shelves, Corner. Bracke-tSi ;. ;'JJ Medicine CasesVWhat Not etc. This is no fake ;! ' SWe Go.'1 ThVpiiceXof the articles meantime are , f rpm: ,15 cents tb6. Theiyfiiue ..ofyth'eresent.- wil,l " Degpyerned These -sales wiJLlontin abbymfationedt. articles nave all oeetr given out.MUome at once na ; :

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