Vol. XIl! No. 209 co k corny , 'n: a;, wedjn esday. December ls'oe. Whole NO. 1,58 (Mil N PIT, - HER W ONDERFUL PROGRESS THE PAST YEAR. 1 for heating by steam and hot water. He mav be found at rhr Fnrifmjs I j - . Corner where he is 'ready to accept contracts in his various lice?. JUL IxTRACTORS Concord is not finished. Capt. A H Props t, who figures largoiy on factories and very extensive build ings here r. "d elsewhere over the ! Pen Pictures of nr City as Slie is ' Today-Her NjlenIJll Churches, Kcnoois, nanus, iioieis, rtewsnaucrs . - Uor Immense SSamifacturins uuulu Biuwyu ia Plants and Prosperous Merchants, equal tO any demand in the town CT Her Lawyers, Steady Ad vins Commuliy CHARGED WITH THE MUR DER OF HONEYCUTT. in, I W -- - w i- V. A i 'T - A-i C y V V I me luiva a uuesv uusinesa arcmiec tare, besides a "fiLUDED FROM YESTERDAY ) O DELL' 8 STORE. The Odell Manufacturing Co., number of other builders of various degrees of ekill iare kept bnsy opening up new ioca tions for business, ple&sare and do- run a large general store at Forest mesticity. Hill. They do not run a cornmis- water works. sionary, but merely meet the wants The town is supplied for domes- of their patrons in handling every- tjc U3:s En(i security against lire by thing, in clothing, dry goods, shoes, the Concord Water Works' Company, I froceries, etc., and selling .at the P B Fetzer president and treasurer. , lowest figures consistent with busi- This company has two tank? (one rmncinles., The Odell Corn- now undergoing renovation) rith a pany pay " their handred3 of em-k2?acity. of 125,000 -.gallons and 0u the chain gang, w r allowed to -Wia i nh thv ,ral!n pulping facilities capable of meet- go home to spend Sunday. Late in J - " I-., . . rTl HeiUbcock Unaer Bond as a Witness - iSood Bronshi to Concord . anil Placed in Jail, Wnerp lie Will Await Action of the CourtInter viewed by The Standard. As stated i n Tuesday's Standard Sam Hood and George Heathcock, charged ,witn the death or Will Honeycutt, were given a' prelimi nary hearing Before Justice C F Smitb;,of No. 9 town? bipj Tuesdaj, Evidence in the caie developed ithat Hood alone was responsible for Mie aeett ana no w tumea over ta Deputy' Sheriff Geo.- F Barn hard t, who br&egii tho prisoner to town last night arid landed him in jail, av bile Heath cock was: bound over as a witnes j in the su m of S 100, which w. - given. ' Henh cock,, was the principal wit r and testified as follows : 1,1 rt Pelra, who is serving a term ew - Clothing - at -C 1 1 Dlease oii in piotliinop than ade where they pitas MILLINERY. T Conco. 1 has two exponents of the fashionable in millineryMiss Mollie Brachen and Mis3 Nannie Alexander. Miss Brachen a parlors are most effectual when opportunity are located in che Li taker buna ng exists for its appliances. - opposite tne ut.-uiouu, wnere bus. is j. piRE companies. prepan u to meet all demands in her line. Miss Alexander bar a parlor in the store room of Gibson & Mor rison, where she continues a3 in the the evening he sent Hood with one S-J of hi3tmui"3 to Hoheycutt's house, whers ii8 r: 1 to ail a wason ana No doubt about it we are better f xed to have ever. v, Men's Suits , latest an d est.- " '' : t oys' Suits, latest and JL ing tne greatest exigencies, it na3 G.500 feet of 4inch main aiud 10,000 feet of II inch main with essential another mule with which to bring nnliunrps Jta nppfnlnftas mav be Petll back to the chain gang. Ju8t afcor starting back. Hood told very muuu eittutieu iu iuc ticatuc. : - .... , TT : , , . , i - - - - . - Honevcutt and Heathcock that he curityof -our hoes. Its servjecs d .. of whigkev hid in the woods, and he vould go get some of it. He found the jug empty, and accused Honeycutt qf stealing his ' w hiftkev; Honevcutt denied the One reel and hose company cf theft and some words passed, where- whites and a hook and ladder com- upon Hood got into the wagon and . . -v . struck Honeycutt on the head with pany colored respond promptly to rt ur,r, atiot urhinh ho had hrnnal t rison, where she continues as in tne th2 alarin of fire kn'd manifest heroi6 him on his Return from the past, to cater to the wishes of the 2Qnme and fortitude in battling woods. ;A!1 three wc re under the ladies in up-to-date headgear. ltK fires that hannilv occur but influence of whiskey at the time. Both of tbese young ladies go tp hr . in Concord; ; lVy wen on to retra s no use I LECTRIC, lights. night .and the bppt part of the next mu x. v a -vw ca day wiihontlVtieuadhJ, and wbere The city is supplied with an elec . H:pfl te Moh'dav evening," It .. .. . . II . . - . - - iv-.V ic light service lor aomesnc ana i that Heathcock di bes Gliildren's Siiits, and best i q toqt , We giiaranteeto save von mone. nfHTs - m - vmwm UUII I Ui lllti&J I w 1 i the Eastern markets eyery year, where they study the latest New York and Parisian fashions,- and there are no back numbers ; to be found in either store. p. yorke. HATS AND OAPSIFOR EVERYfiODT. " ; -'" C A NPii O N S & F ET E"R trie A. J. S J ght service for domestic ana Lm that Heathcock did what he public street illumination, that could td separate :? the combatants, though not as gooa as we snau nave uu w : , ft i d f ;a iia before he could stop them the blow wucu wo """u'" wa? struck These gentlemen own and operate pAnBftble$ and we learn wriat we have Dr. R S Young went down Tues e iewelry store of Concord. They . f uon flnipniv 1 hnt. farelv we ria atrpnino and held an autoDsv. sink into Egyptian darkness. which -showed that death was 6ir , T , t . T . u. caused by a blow on the head, cans- This, the Concord Electric Light t cle indentation in4 the skull. Company, with Capt. Odell as pres the prisoner: L ident and J W Cannon secretary, Through the kipdness of Jailer treasurer and-general manager, em John Hill, a Standard reporter n,n, nf.Qnn iTt.Pftn was auowea an luiefyiow the iewelry store of Concord. They carry a most complete line of every thing in jewelry, silverware, watches, clocks, cut glass, etc., handling only the very best grades at the very lowest prices. In a Christmas pres ent they can please the most fastid ious business in a most successful man ner. A Word to-fhr Wise. BRICK MAKING. Mr. J F Yorke manages the M""'" l"u J " Hood this '(Wednesday) morning. ZL oaDd,e I'0We, prPelLd. by .ne . He isa EqaaWy bui.lt young' fellow. hore power engine, iney rurnisn about 5 leet 10, will ! weign aoout 126 incandescent lights. ' the 160 pounds, black hair and (, . .v ..-.'-j Hflr p.rimhlexion. with a pip- ant 8treets Deaia! nu countenance. Hood talked without In this line Mr7 R A Brown is the in private dwelling and business hesitation to The Standard man. kingpin. At his yards just below houses. the depot he has' three machines, shoemakers. :th a daily output of 100,000 bncJf, 0 nether "soles" are changed f"d the demand taxes them to their luxcst capacity. During; the past year Mr. Brown has employed from 50 to 200 hands, and has made and laid over 7,000,000 I k.' Among the large contracts he has handled this year was the building of a large cotton factory, warehouse and &tore at China Grove; the water tank here, two big warehouses .at Can- L a geDera)y known. iiviiie, tne.jvmg anu jruiifir uuuu lr7s, and numerous small ores al most without number. Besides e:o, he has finished up work -at Bpp?Pmnr CAtv. frirri ishpd the brick or the factory at Mt. Pleasant, and dipped thousands of brick all over the State. Altogether, this is one of the most . thriving" enteTpriBes of . city. " v,- - Brown's competitor in the brick Wsiness. He runs one machine ana has a yearly output of 500j000. ie is also well equipped for plumber crk and for all manner of fittipgs and renewed by boot and shoemakers of the highest grade and if you want the genuine home product you can get it at .'W -W Gibson's; G W Brown's : G R SwinkTs, all near the centre of trade, and D M Valker's and Daniel Stillei's, at Forest Hill ; Jay Parker's and Julius Honey cutt, at Cannonyille, beside others COAL DEALERS. Mr. K L Craven and Messrs. Blackwelder & Hwnbuckle will keep you warm day and Sight with the best of coal' delivered on. short notice. concluded on fourth page. ;CASfdftiA;; For Infants and Children. ' timilt dnaturs tTa ftHVbfi tn hia first MS8, a that - w - t he did not strike Honeyc1" -it . all, assanlted L Hon- evcutt with a knife and Ht-athcock ; separated tnem ana piaceu xxuurj ontt in 'the iWagonHe ?eays the dead man received his injuries in falling out of the wagon. . Hood charges that Heathcock ' testified fabely at the trial Tuesday in order to eave'bimsf trouble about some blockade" whiskey V When asked phnnt his family, the young fellow's eyes filled with tears as he told the rpnnrtfir that his narents : were long since dead and his only living rela- t.ifi was an unmarried, sister, who Charlotte. Hood is 22 nU, ad came here from Texas seven vears ago. He worked . . . . : Oil. Jl 1 J for Mort Petra lest tail ana oau only been with ' Honeycutt about t wo weka. H e says lie can proje a good character, and this is the first time he' has" ever gotten into trou ble dfnykinci: 1 ; , M1 " , ' Montgomery ife Crowell will prob ably be retained as qounsel -for Tt CURE A. COJLD IS ONE DAY Take laxatit V Bromo Quihine Tab lets "drnglstar-refbnd the m6tiey if it failtfto care. 25c. - ) Dr.Mnes,PalnPinaBtoi)Healaclie. Election returns aremothihg compared to the re sults you receive by trading with Dry & Wads worth, who are wide awake and uptpH'date. People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly convinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody i? begiu ning to look around for Santa Claus. His head quarters this time are at the p VJLl XJLJL He sys3if you like comfort and ease buy one of Dry & WcJsworth'd Big Booking Chairs or the Ladies' izes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep we-1 and rest easy buy Sne of the Raleigh Wire Spring Mal tresses, best in the world, or one of .the handsomest louns-es. They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to Inake your parlor look op-todate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of these handsome suits, the prices arelow. 1 'AIN'T IT THE TRUTH Yes sir, W havef every thing in the furniture line. Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and styles. Big lot of Pictures,. Window Shades, Our tain Polls, Ladies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes, Sideboards, China Closets and everything jto make a home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and during the holidays we proposejo give to each, cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of f ur niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Music Hacks, Coc;b and Brush Shelf, Book" Shelve Jcrner Brackei s, Medicine Case's. What Hots, etc. This is no fake 1 Sure Go." The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to 16. The value of the present will be governed by the amount of the cash, purchase. These sales will continue until the' above mentioned -articles have all been given put. Come atonceiand getthe choice presents, - -. f Yours to leasej ' f'- ,'t M ' : X. '