VOii- Alii 1U. 11 uuinuukl iN. TttUKSUAY. DECEMBER 24,; 1896. Whole NO. 1.59 CHRISTMAS. JOHN C. LESLIE. s 1 HIGH VTA Y IjOBBERY. FalUFrom Ills Bicycle and Pain- isir. G. W. Jordan; sir the County, is Held Up By Hire Street and Rob bed J Hen On Main The second higbtaay robbery in How the Bay Is to be Spent by Our People, J fully lnjnrcd Exercises will take place tomor- The many friends of Mr. John O row nieht at the Latheran, Central Leahe regret to learn of a M. E, and Baptist churches. painful accident with which he met SaHsonry within t4 weeks occurred At the Episcopal church there yesterday. The Charlotte News hsst nigbt betweerjJo-and 11 o'clock r;il ho nrPflphino' at. 11 n olor.K. l 2ives tna rnilowinc jmnnnt nriti Inn Main ofwn ti..r e .u- OH -'-' - ; , MO O ; i BMCQII 1U .lUU Kt k IUO UjCJi with a Christmas tree for the little Mr. Jora Leslie, of the firm of I house. ones at 3 in the afternoon. Leslie and Sogers, was painfully Mr. G W Jordari a well known The entertainment at the First wounded by a fall from his bicycle i esbyterian church will take place yesterday afternoon, at 5 o'clock' in the afternoon. The The accident occurred on North schools at Cannon ville and - Forest Tryon " street, opposite the Second TTil 1 ? 1 1 AnSml : i V rn s s-r rvm oca 1 n . . . . -cAciwocD, f reahvterifiii fthnrnh. J v Mr. Leslie tried tocross the street car track at a point where the rails are qune nign. his wneei was turned by the trrok, throwing Hill will assist in these and a delightful' programme of mu elc, recitations, etc., will be render ed, r esides the 'Xmn tree for the children. Entertainments will be given at all the churches either this evening of tomorrow. There will be good mnsic at ail of them andenioyment for old and young. At rmer of this county, came in town yesterday afternoon to. go to Char lotte on. the 8:25 trkin.; Arriving at t.hp nnrf oKftnf ft tJnner- Inn' tnnt. A feme In. New - Clolhinff - at - Cannons - & - the depot, about 8 that his train was and came up Main off on his side. "He was painfully injured by the fall, and was picked up and carried into Mr. Harty's, 113 North Tryon This evening at 7 o'clock the otiCCU ',. Central Methodist Sunday school Drs. Faison and McCombs were will be given a party at Armory called in. Hall. The members of the congre- It is thought His hip was dislo gation are invited to come and cad by the'fall. The injury was bring the little ones. ; I serious, but not fatal. At Grace E L church, Rev. N I ulrfc Ua va a f!riT?Rt.rn tree I ATln Wetldlnsr. JLJChimJ Hilt, ill W w 1 and Christmas services tonight. ice eoitor.on behalf of himself and wife, acknowledge the receipt of the BUCKlen'S Arnica BalYe. I fnllnnririrr ond fonrlf fV.i oiA The Best Salve m the world for , . , . . . .. Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, .Salt thanks with their congratulations to Eheum. Fever Sores, Tefterd Chappe the two happy couples. that have ar- Handsr Chilblains-, Corns-and ajl J rived at the ten mile, post in life's oaiu xiiuuuuc, .!iv r iiQurney maae pleasant witn muiuai Pil or no nav ream-ed. It ist. . v- ..j. - t - guaranteea w give Biavwiauuuu w with Mr. R B Raie until shortly after 10 o'clcck acd then started to him reiurn to the" depot. . I : - v . He had gotten far. as the opera hau8e when two men stepped up Dt hind hiui,- eatchinjr him one by each arm. At the eame time another party stepped up to him and point ed a pis tol in his lace : said, VMake an outcry and I II off." Speaking to a f No doubt about it we'are' better fixed to indefinitely late I DleaSO OU ill'SClotllill .tliail iWe haVfi' 0 VGT street. He talKed Meii s- SuitSj latest and Best. monev ref uhdedr; Pri625 cehte per box For sale at PjB Fetzer's Drug store, -' v-.'.r- v- 1887,- . - K ..r i.: - 1897. " Judge and Mrsi W J Montgom ? ery invite you to be presat(: ; - at the tin wedding of. their daughters, Tuesday even ing, January fif t, eighN '- teen hundred and ninety-Bevenv-- at half past eight o'clock; North Main Street, Concord, N. C JDots From China Oroye Dry Croweir, ode China Grove's , efilcient physicians, left yesterday for Baltimore, wjiere he goes to take a special course during the holidays. We were glad to fiee Messrs. Jones Dr. and Mrs E o Register, Yorke and Morrison Fstzer, ot your Mr alid Mrs, J B Sherrill. city, yisiting our town yesterday. Mr Brown was up yesterday fin to cube a cold is onb bay ishing the bricK work on the new Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- mill. We want to congratulate him 1 .f u faila6t60 care 25c. upon the nice appearance ana tne I - - m - - good and substantial work he haslstonea todsreao. 32, a.f. & a. m done. Mr. McAllister, his foreman, J To W. J. Hill, Com. on Oxford left last night for his home at Mt. I BVCoble, Orphan Asy- Pleasant, where he expects to spend U.P.tvault ) ; lum the balance of the winter. Sorry to Brethren : At last Grand Lodge, M Tin Ira f rin.ham vFtawa1 . , -i m J 1 lull U SX V. WJL. lUl uauii VUOICU btl eeeour cieyer 01a menu leave. is A f w 1 SminV will Tpftrft todavl0 . - t ' . , , T , U m;n I provided the Masons of the State for Richmond, Va., where he Willi . ..7 .... wuuiu rxiDt a n&c auiuum iuib year, spend the holidays. ? Mr. Edgar Gaither and Miss Ethel Patterson were in Salisbury yesterday looking after Xmas goods. Mr. Emmet Fisher was in our town Sunday evening. 7 The attrac tion seems to be so great that he has occasion to make frequent visits we desire to do our part of this and trust every one will do something towards it. As our St. John com munication falls on Sunday this time, it is ordered that we meet on Christmas day at 10 o'clock a. m. 1 " it is your duty to lead in the work of the Asylum, please take Dr. Stevens, of Enochville, was in I gome steps in aid of raising a col- town today, buying Xmas goods. "Provost." China Grove, Dec. 23. ' Fire in IlnntersTllle. Hunteesville, N. C, Dec 23 -Yesterday the house of Mr. R B Hunter, Sr., came near being de I handsome report. lection for this Oxford fund fcr that day, do what you can in get ting a full attendance and make an eHort to get assistance from our friends who are not members. I urge you to see each other a oace, go to work and give us a blow your head World reporter of the affair Mr. Jordan says that he realized .his utter helplessness in tne hands of, thre aruied men and made no resis'atjee,. He had in This pocket at' the time about $13 and a note. Both his money and the note were aken. v ' v Mr. Jordan did not recognize any of hisf assailants.- Salisbury - World. ''' - - ? : lia Yon .Eyer - , Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for ' a ft a' your traubiesi it not, get a ootue now and fret relief.- This medicine 'has been found to be peculiarly aaaptea to tne renei ana cure 01 an female: complaints, exertim? a won derful direct influence m giving s t r eng th ton e to the organs. If von. hava loss of &Dnetite. -conBtiDa- honTlieaaacuers iainun&peiisj, ,qr, are nervous,1 sleepless, nrex6iiablev melancholy or. troubled tviUi.; dizzy snells. Electric Bittern urthe medi- cin&TOix need. " Health: and strength re t?uarJtnfeed bv, its use. Fifty cents and $1.00; at Fetzers Drug Store. : r r Shootlnjc lnMonroe. V- At Monroe, last, Monday: night, about 11 o'clock, Capt. George Mere- dithstiot and painfully; wonnded a man r named Mark Austin. The bullet passed through Austin's left side, f The shooting was done in self defense, witnesses stating it was av case of shoot or (be- shot." Capt Meredith had the pistol in his right band' I overcoat pocket, and was so pressed for time that he did not draw it out, but fired through the pocket and coat , lining. Austin's wound is not serious.- Charlotte Observer. j ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever mod ague, th mercurial (diseased patient; how ihey recovered health. cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you by taking Simmons LiYEfc Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest and Best FamUy . Hedicine in the World! - , For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits. SUUK MUAlAi;ii, xieartDurn, etc. This unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain - a single particle of Mercury, or any mineral substance, i-v " PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which an all-wise Providence has placed in countries where liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the XJver and Bowels. : , The SYMPTOMS of jver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, bides or for Rheumatism ; sow tomaeht Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately . a c " sr :- Boys' best. Suits, latest aiifi L i Childrien'so Suits, ilatest and best We guaranteeto savabu'mdne WM4 stroyed by fire. At noon a smoke was noticed in the hall and was found to be coming from a closet in a near-by room. In just a few minufes the. fire had gained considr erabTe headway, and the smoke was dense, coming from burning cloth ing.:. -'V; :J:-y. ' The fire company turned' out promptly with six fire extinguishers, and the fire was soon extinguished. The damage was light Yours fraternally, m Jas. O. Fink, W. M. Irftst Notice Town Taxes. V 1 must have your taxes by the lt of January. I will have to settle with the town on that date. I hope all persons owing the same will call and settle at once. I will be com pelled to Advertise it not paid by that time. I.hoDe vou will settle and save costs. , J. L. Bogeb, Town Tax Coflector. I Oct. 15, tf Joints, often mistaken btomaent Loss of Adpc costive and lax : Headache : Loss of Memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which aught to have been done; DerMlity;lx"W Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Eyes ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms attend the rdisease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest 'organ in the body, is generally the seat of the. disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch edness and DEATH will ensue. The following highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator : Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. Kt R. Co. ; Rev.' J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K.parks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master, son, Esq.,Sherifr Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge. Ga.; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. We have tested its virtues personally, and kno that for Dyspepsia, cihonsness and lnrobbing nead ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tern borary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured W&." Ed. Telegraph and Messenger, Macow.Ga, MAKV7ACTURKD ONLY BT J. H. ZF.IT.TN & CO.. PhCadelphu . -10 - HATS-AND CAPS EQR-EVERXBODY. I 7 - k1 w ISE, Election -returns. arenothlng compared to the "re sults you receive by Iradirig with Dry & Wads worth, who are wide awake and uptondate. t People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases" can be quickly convinced; of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. . ' Tis only a few days till 5 Xmas and everybody i? begins ning to look around for Santa Clans. His head quarters this time are at the He says if you like comfort and ease buy, one of Dry & .Wads worth' 6 Big Rocking Chairs or the Ladips' sizes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep well and rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best In the world, or one of the handsomest lounges.. -They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-todate and in style buy a parlor suit and to lit up a room nicely buy one of these handsome suits, the prices areMow. AIN'T" IT THE TR UT H Yes sir, We have everything in the furniture line. Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes andV styles Big lot . f Pictures, Window 8hades, Cur tain Polls, Ladj. Desks, Office'Desks, Wardrobes,. Sideboards, Chii u Closets and everything to make a home pleasant aiid a wife happy. Beginning from' today ana during the holidays we propose to give to each cash! purchaser a nice and useful piece of furv niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Mnsic Rapks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book; Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots, etc. This is no fake ' Sore Go.'V The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to 16. The value of the present will be governed by the amount of the cash purchase. These sales will continue until the above mentioned, articles have all been given out. Come atonce and. getfthejehoicejpresents, Yourslto Please. - j 1 J K