vaV::: ;. V'-7 7';77 7." V v'v 7 7,77. .7-, :. - 7;-7'; :l!V- . . vy-y- 7 .' ;-,'-:--;.y ; . - . 7V7;7 -'7 .-7". '.7 '. 7-,-"-T7 , . "77". ".' - -. . , ,..7 .-,-7- :y .7 . :, ..,, . - ., ,. : , .. ,f . '7., .. :'v v.y.y -..-y yy,,,yy;;-- ''7yyy7'" U:;7vg 77y7--'y'tj'vy"-'.: 77-y-y -;;7 -7;i7: 7..i:7r-Vry777V-: -7'-. y,:.?y -7:,v 7: y77y -7 yy7 7y."y-v?. v, 7:7:;J-iiB r-7;777:v:; ' 7: y"YK 7777-7 77': t - - . . , . - 7 ? - " ' - - ' , r vi . - : , . .- . - 7,. Tin TT1T Tin CON, - v n n n . 1 , ; - - - . .. - wt ioo. : - - - . "PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TOWARDS MEN." than children. . 7-' l -"e - higheat," distant grace r - ,u'u',8 C0nl(t 'e heard in respons as GRACE E. L. CHURCH. f. h . 7 o - u ; angels were jet .ervjces were held at. Grace E. L. sonndinK to the amazed shep. xi uy evening t-u"iiaiDgg or "reace on Mere were two trees of rr ;eth eood wil I tnrA and exquisite taste. The U.0 consisted; or the usual devotional feature with appropriate Warti concert responses, colloquial present 'T truths, suitable "ous and songs by the paro ill I n I 1 . . " Whole O. 1;60 v tjuuu win toward men." It was a JojfuroccasiVn ''taalUnd the usual and : indispensable gifu l0ade u,ag :cnmax to. the appr6prite exercises. - . . - ST. JAHIS.CHUECH. y At 7;30 p. m.,on Christmas even ing justas the gifts "at th Pru. teriaif chu rclrerer bediatribtited, ol muiife I bclth:ft hrtiV -friJ S?tfifr cornet and clani At duet vwith " orean ::flpiftrnnan?m0nf rendered the occasion-deligntf ul, but .uC greag reature of the occasion was a cata teDd.redy tiie'Jchil'dren la lowniDniirff, childlikerwavJ appropriate because i t waa ah ; nnnfl 10n for Childish-hrtM '"too WillUU can be motee' tnt0 ' in juvenile glee; The.f found good old D 6S b The Day Celebrated in an .eneos sia ciaos MafceV oiai CJh01 Snd most ; beaohfnllj X-ie Heart or me utile one.. rendered music by the chorea choir. Ohristmastide was made a season lf ts uwe th distribnted to all of pleasure by both old and voune . u .f' 88 We" 83 to ail for h"" in Concord. The church "entertain, !. - deP03"ed. It was a ments were well attended and hfehlv j '"""J nort and capable of bear eaiojabie. The solend.d mB8i th. ' m.noh frait jn honor of the 6nb. bright eyes and happy hearts of the 1 UI Ubual'a little ones made even the old forget saiitts. dull care and join in the gladsome At All Saints Episcopal church song of "Pace on Earth, Good Will a Christmas tree and appropriate to Men." services were held at 3 o'clock TRINITY KEFOBM cHapbi,. 01"8tma8 day. This devout band OnWednesil.,7,.1,. .i7.:.... 0t workers iad.a neat little tree and and people of Trinity assembled in I f I i'MS- commemoration of th great Christ T J,0US 00ntente(lness and mth' " 6is -ender ymps mas event and .engaged deWtlvin pr-ab7,-a ma more elaborate for ''"TeoDes. -Ia their happy suitable services, of which eon FTT00 Qld Dot have con- !?-'? d,8tant mn"ic&1 echoed recitations, etc , were rendered and T"3 ' the P,easnre of. the ffif? .Wet, and swelled the little oand partook of the man, ftor " their treat and ejpysy shared -by .all .wbo .gazed gifts prepared. -.oniy. au contributed, to w,Wdight ati theiin' tbw "Witless without sharme nocent pleasurej. ?At tho Jobbst hill u. , CHOKCH. their g,ft, The venerable D?. oS,0hris" heS t0 lh -Here on ' Thursday eveninraa8 .JnterrogatioM elicited im- basementWhereibegaw each a sack rendered a service to .touch .th Prompttr answers' id - iinnarM nf,n. .:J, . aS8Ck iM-SMovin After dfeTnhnnfl ndnvkw-ri?- aI . iwTm : I; ' - ' . eimo, i-i iiTr rr"? u'.'f !;.:''::; ;fxoA viuisch. v; f : bery scene wa substitute uold.,the pastor. Tmadft a tpn mit.nfAJ Th nt Ur.- - - i . - - " w? uostituteu, address. Thfln ? . J liUxt: t j . i - vi ,f rri ?nd,dmiogaeweret teattbe, SSfeSQit 15 whose: interesis so mneh beautv tree they had faV Christmas 1 Chriatmacasioas. - ; r, ,t, decorated atrd'-fairly groaned . 0nde ! mT)(X"U 7 -TJT - 7A7:utJ;;; - ' ; ; ': ' ... ' . . 7,;.;y- theopeninffranthfim tha nlooc, , . wetter HXel to qa uiOTninc tHanS we hava. ever Men' 7. . . . - -. - "- Best. s suits, latest and Bovs' Suits, latest AN. AFFRAY. XAM.y, s) deratedartJCfairly groaned . dei AUBgiiis were in ooxes, very like I the weight of the "-great hearVa' nf ; -"" bricks, and with them a -chimoev good things that hl h:?2l -sbuilt. Of Santa Olaus for-the wants a chimney and here he came, were typical of the ti iu7 mlus niay.,- after- and, bless his good old heart, h intended SZ "oaURRoberfa- took down that chimney and found ?re,ation turn d Z KnlXi?,fT ; ever, brick to contain all sorts of enfoy the occasion. iStll io Lmm into which we elide at ChZZ m un cnnstmas evening the doors of AJI of them . had indulged times win thl vonn hlS V T Trinlty Reform chnrch were thrown Jmhimj, oTof Him who w- b I pen and ' children entered to be- ;rodaS happy ChrTstl dlv " hothe -tifu. Christmas tree f vnghborho auu ucuurawons mat tne good bigger r?xrr ' uu twe; ponce arrived central m. e. congregation. people had craning and touch. .i05 tbe 8Can battlebberts was -This congregation held its Christ- inS here and there with strokes of urom& scIpourld mas exercises in Armory Hall. It cymmetry and Jc Iness . ur the 1Dicted a knife, while' the conelofed a cantata interspersed delight of the little folks.! womenhad' escaped ith, a few with recitations, songs and cnh. devotional exercises were followed ttt ecratches abaat thfaW and ruses rendered by chUdren and hJ tor9 Rev. B WSi vyib wnen resnonsive reading mT 7u'r-wflo and recitations 8lDgly. in erotrll??:0 and concert intersperseded wi h ... "'V 10 V;h ter , . ... . couru B'ai mo 'tft to a sack of good ,hi. of W(sh " " e.0,,,,r D 5f that U 'beywere all eeflSl? " , they nevertire and all went home of oG- toll of pleasant recollections of and people responded with , J ? ' dlsohareel.he: Evidence Christmas eve, Dec. 24, 1896. i-? SSihf e-hf that he:had.taken aopart I r - I YY. t ne USnal Plff.fl wprp rhon J;a.,'knt.j I 7 :.- . the union Sunday school displayed a ad onmo 1!f k "elded in the When bilious or costiv. eat a Cas Christmas tree and held their ser ? binds the young hearts caret, jcandy-tathartic, enre guaran- vices on Thnrsdav evening Th.l submission to the king of ed''1. 2oo. -v y; . , r j; - were alternated with beautiful songs J ' With merrv ChrifltiTifta Viol la ,i il. I utrbt bbtot cfr-nnr i jingle of the sleigh bells and aorro This WftflmrtUM fi, L v ,7 . -Vntquit-t6bacOT . hlj.. i . : ppro xms was probably the inost elabo- ing .reaiily:1Andfnrav& w Vansimaa Citations. Two rate Christmas exerC,s if well; atroi" "guu-aiie iYo-i.o-$ac. tae wonder-worker- that makes- weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds irv ton i Art rtrtr- tT' xt C yver uu,uuu cured. i?nyCroBafifrnrYi xSOOSiet aiin Pamnlo t mo;i r A J J f AiAict4 ' iiOu. Aadress oternnor'lioTrinrl-iT- n. nu s cago or NewTYork; 7 showed very skillful training that made the occasion one of exquisite aelight. The children were treated ApnfCirobaeeoitit and Siotioke Tour Santa CJIauses, all flaked with snow aed of course, from long years of nnstmas yieits to the children. clever and kind as Santa always ? w gooa little folks, put in their ap. pearance with each a bag of 'goodies" for each scholar, which gave fresh sparkle to . the bnght iittle eyes m& joy to tbe ltle hearts j An seemed pleased aod hppy4$ithel RPft. son, being a union of Bays Chapel Sunday School and Forest - Hill Chapel, with the First Presbyterian. The Uree was larse. elaboratMv trimmed andffaultlesslv bean iff nl The songv choruses, recitations. singly and by groups, were a special ' . m . teaiure. Tne splendid choir with their pipe organ, was aided hv, the f Concord orchestra and the Wanted f An Idea 'Who can th& wi some Kimpie thttg to patent? . : - Children and best and 'sa suits, Uatest We guaranteeto save uou'mone ; TSAND CAPS FOR EVEBYB01D Y. A ' Woii) "tqthe Wise Election returns arenothlnir comnnrAi u ,1, suits you receive byHrMinSth I w e re- to believe what 'ifeSd tto fenrS?! Vt correctness of what we, say by cailing at oucp "A, only a few days till 'J&naa a4 everybody "' be Jn rung to look around for -gant.a . cur,- n u K ? quarters this time are atthe ClanS- Hls .bead lounges. ..TneT havA t.h0T n "r:5 buy a parlor suit and to fit npa room DiS buy one of trse handsome suits,' theVric A I V 1 THE TR TTTH CbSVSTr fe'?thing in the furniture line, airs . of all descriptions. Tables all sizes ana styles. Big lo t of Pictures, Window Shales Onr SS ' nd. eTerything tO:makea and BrusbShelf,-6ak: Shelves, "-GBdfete from I?cents L l" ' arc,s n.rantime are irom io cents to S6. The value of the tireaerit will y-;-y nay -It - 1 ; : . s : cul" iQio tne joys of the young I y- ' ' .. i - - was excellent, - As they sang "Glory J ou we&itn. lis i r-,f5 p i Of tVtj r.nTtpj fn, uieir juu pnxo oner 7- '" -i

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