Arrival of Trains. -The following change of schedule took eect after 1 p. m. Nov. 15, 1896 i'JJRSONAL POlATJBKS. 1 SOUTHBOUND. "w nag, ior passengers. Mr. KeJlv T.ttToq n"r- No. "7 arrives at 8.4 a m " 11 44 10 40 a m, 9 - " 9.02 pm, - C3 5.15 pm, (ii0t.a. bhinn were mnro u Jun loonfaf1 Char- t the reM"7 wrnoon Mr l . lue onoe'fifqtfaer- "uceo turnf!1 has re- GOODS CHEAPEB NORTHBOUND. w vvuy irom Winston. t -.--Messrs. Chas. p Dltnn oa Jnhn R T;nx,r, Gallon and THAN EVER No. 10 arrives at 017am :.8 :: :.:;- thVS.. -""-r rBBton, are iu w . I ' ' " UK uiuiv. BIG LOT Ml8 Almn ni ?tP only at Char- Harry P. Deato.v, local reorto. SHORTLOOALS? For a clean ehave. hair-cut and Music far the rtcepUoa to night d especially for the oc- We have two Mv-fn,,. ..u . Lowe & Dick have cold weather t2 eir change of ad, today. Officers are nn th 7i 1 - , - luuauut ior bund tigers," of which the jungles .ui.u occm 10 lull. Prof. McAnultv's tnnW cf ue between now and Friday, and th 16 win ar- -11 x 1. . . xuercuant8 are nnw . large amount of delayed .fruit that njab. rne depot 13 chocked full. Mrs. A H Propst receivpH lrn. ay njht and entPrtfll fieri mnni ro ally a numbpr nf fr0c.f t l." 4 t 6UM til HUT egam home on Norm Main street. Mr.; and Mrs. Quine' Moore, of Wilmington. repHnt I iQf u- ret: born of U v!ir o veriain by a pet cat that lay across it oywierea it to death. 'lil De ID lyOnmrr? of -ti ? wu . cuuesaay, Uec. S0:h, one day. His practice is limited to eye, ear Mr. Jim Dov,v o nk:ll- tree to the congion bHo well Bantiat nhrI t?:j . rc U Air- Vi. " A'nuay nignt. tvSr l given a nice present. rpLft ,.. . ine literarr mppfino. tt... orth Leasue o7n7r V"?,: ;QUrCQ Was hplr? in -fk -i; rl ATrc t r -T; pariors oi 1UI8. L r. Cple Mondav nifrht t va.- an unusualiv fintpS.rnSn meet. " On Thursdav Mr ni; .:n . y '-v.. ah 1 n . Will move into his Main street, and the house on Cor bin street that, will hona u - mixmj ui mr, j ii JMason. Hailroad men nav fHf v. Of th flnn f K K J ? t"0 UeiaZ Turi l"r.ruuu l caused uiuic 01 the yards in feaiisbury, which ojmnnt k::j.j so heavy ,s the traffic, both passen- Mr. C H Cornfilina nf t,ji Annie - Sherriil, a popular i.uti iau v ' ill 1 n Tn tn . ice groom is a cousin of our town. 1 Irn auu Weil Own Ot everv Wnman xr?Un 1 . bpantTr f K u - UO U010r aa OU ueauty 01 her hair hnt the man may do SO by the OCPAflinnal t?em to b5heve that the little drain application of AWa ?r tt- " .whlch gots oa from da7 to issufficient It nrpnK 1 ye'r8 Hair Vigor. towpaythevetyliflfoi.VSS i- prevents baldness, removes dand- akess exhaustion, melancholy : thn run, and cures all scalp disease. O? A fearful mine exp at , Princeton, Ind., -"jcieeu- men were in the minB ntr 7;-: ;1 T Z1Ji'iuulr? " n? 3d more than half nf I 11 j nuoixi WOrtJI rJ ..vt. a aiumc f ICbCnpUOa. mea. and manv nfJ,an I Itrestores health and viVor tn tViA i wed. Two ;fi r1"' s nAnoj nuu ib is "y- it ucais mnammation, stops dis- uoped may Survive. The cause Of EhMrFS strengthens the .ligaments and .1 j a vj , xua lae explosion is a mystery. stnrv l." If von hflvootMnki . inestimable value to young women and ta 3onV a troublesome COUgh, prospective mothers, greatly lessening the on t keep nibbling sweets, and P"13 and perils of childbirth if taken dur-; 50 ruin vour ftnoW a jA ...Pfancy. During the "chamre of : two Of iS'T W"J?J..K-. dn tt IT WUUJ eciorai Will 00 yOU more good than nnnnrlo r is medicine m your house. , j S N: Ci, has bn strkr, A few nights ago a young coune whose names could not be leamed' aroused R;eist9r VddiDgton at a ing a marriage license. Oa account of .their youth the license wa re feed and they left, savin, thev were determinWl f J-i il ,y. go to South Carolina" ,uuu woaia There nre some people who are never positive in aay hing. Tt ! always. "I don't know t - so- Tnere is a world of nK . J-nVS.6?1 recommend Sim- ivw regulator to all who are troubled with D.speraf Liver Complaint" " or Backieii's A ri w. The Bess Saivf in .u - Hr, r , - c wunu ior "S.80 HlcerP, Salt 7 " ' oo.-jtterd Chapne Hands. Ch lhWr,a ,yK. n, i? 7- ' una ail bkm Eruptions, and positively cores riles or no. pay requi-ed It is guaranteed to give statief action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box ior sale at P B Fetzer's Drue store, e Mrs. Cochrane Better. Mrs. H H Cochrane, of Colnmhin S. C, is on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kimmons. in Kn 1 township. Mrs. Cochrane ported quite seriously ill. hut condition is now so much improved thab MrCochranebas returned to his work in the Pl conversation ith a Standard re porter, we learned that Mr nAi, I rane contemplates returning to r,i . , oaro ,naJ. will very ' - ansmayeBcen. 'an l, oetievethe new story tuac me truit Adam and Eve ate was a banana, "Why?" (lRpnang3 hnmnn,'t. i -vWBO uumaunj uaa contii.uea frt . .. . .!. . eTer ce."-Om. cmnan Tribune. AUC DOOK OI "Uigj V tt. woman's life is di.' ' -vided into thrto To CHRP 7 . cnapterss Girl, . - motherhood. At 77 the time when 1 r j'oune ffiri masses into womanhnrwl '11 lurnm me leaf as i . . . j II - uai. a her existence - tunc i care, ana thoughtfulnesf will double her chances of future ha ppiness and sa- e jiriany hours of suffering. Every young wo man should have an intelligent un- . , . uuBuwumz oi ner hich is little better than nurp ;c opens the way to an untold amount of pii hd wretchedness. jFew women realize the influence exerted their bodily and mental well-be in e-bv sneHai nrnjc -ur: Sr1."? Dif VinarPirjr.:" u.p . F in.raai tissues which cannot ---. uy wviu ucauaeni. lc 13 OZ Tf at, Tae People's Com. Sen5?, Medical Adviser," has 1008 pages. eJiS)2Uf 31 ooecat ; : - ' ' ' T hnra- Vo " :r. W"' 01 Aynch &Ja;i 'r' Miss JeJie A i DeiilD uu ounngstreeL Treaftnrer'n Mr o ? 1 . frnrn l , " cwins 19 absent Irom the city for a few davs H will return Thursday " for""f,r; k Browerftla3t night i.or 1aUrinhnrcr j davs TTo J-Ti Bpeua severa aays. He will return next year pMr. E T Bjst, a populor salesman at Onnnno 1 w popuir off to Monroe for a few days. Miss L.Tiro ur,j, Charlotte, pa d through on the nam, going north. -Mr. Henry T Utley and familv v. "lucu a visit to rela tives in South Carolina. Mr. -H M R,iri j "Buier.j.uiia, nave returned from - tu xieign and elsewhere. Mr. Adolnhna TK?co j 5 . the ciuv.from Talanno n ,A: , 1 . , ... cuuuui va., iaat niP'nt nnd roill 1 . ;Mu" cpeiiu several days in trip nrllnn -" --vy UUUUIlJ. I. Miss Addie Patterson has re- 1 ucu Amceja Seminary, after spending Christmas at her home m tniscitv. Mrs. Sam Pearson arrived in the city from Morganton last even. aad spsnd ee vecal days , Mrs. Leroy Springs, who has oeen visitma at the hnm. r . . J M Udell, returned to: her home in vuauutie iQis morning. Miss Katip. Ko Tirol l the holidays with friphr1 in r--o returned to her home at Ne well's this morning. Mr, 'Walter Hnlo' Jf xr,.t Mr. Lee Hoyie, of ! Moores ville, are spending sRvpr.?! .iot.n ; u city, the guests of Dr. aud Mrs. D D Johnson. j Miss Josie Pharr, of Charlotte", who has ocea tpcodiiig bom time "nuurs. iaura iUass, la the coun ry, is. stopping relatives for u few days. , Mr. and Mrs. S B Stewart, who have heeavibiiiog the la iter's pa rents, Mr. and Mr. Thomas Shinn in No. ,9 township, have returned to their home at Talapoosa, Ga. Misses Hattie Goodman and Uaisy Jamea nasasH thriu city today on tneir return to school at Mont Amoeua, after spending ton Hava C ft . O uayo iu way county. Mr. and Mrs. N F Harris, who have been spending some time in the city with relatives, will leave tnnioht. fn fVin;. u ... t , . ,uou liumo at Ijynch m i , . r ' ax lets. AH drncaita ,J a mon,, -; -tt aoiuuu wie money if it fails to cure. 25c. Oi ircni Sofflpafly, We want everybody to have a pleasant and profitable Christmas. You can make many of your friends feel that men and women do not live for perlf alone by purchasing from us some of our nice and useful 'Xmas gifts. We would suggest to you that you com bine common sense arid useful ness in making your gifts, sup pose you give ybur friends some of the folio1 wing gifts which will be hidhly appre ciatecl i ' A nice Table Cloth, I A dozen Linen Doylies, A dozen Linen Handkerchiefs, A nice Silk Hankerchief, i dozen Hermsdorf Hose, put up one-half dozen in a box. A Nice Scarf, A nice Velvet Rug, ! A nice Moquette Rug, A nice Feather Boa, and many other things too numerous to mention. Give us a call and eco wuai We have. ! VVetiU THE BARGAIN MERCHANTS. eee wnat we have. OF Toilet IN BOX. ONLY 10 cts. BOX just in from New York, The very latest stvl. f. - . J -- J UUC a uaiiu. uome at once and Dan QCO mem. We want, particularly to call your attention to our ojttiutja ana unndren. -SH OES- They are known as Lone Wearers." Rvrv a tries tnem come hftflr Deed, of another -nai n " fun, . VfllJ. line of Children Slinoa not be excelled Trv ? fin. ana be convinced. fA-Nice Linelor KID GLOVES Just 'Received. V We areldailv arldino- r. ofnnfr ii.11 it obisiscv .iu -an . its nno. wr 1 1 take great pleasure in show mg our goods. Come to seejus Soap, THIS WEEK A NEW LOT OF I ;sIh? - Fl CAPES, , felgli JACKETS " " "" ' MiB. Holidays are now about over and to kt-ep business booming we will make prices cheaper than ever. Octagon Soap 4 cents. Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in a box fer 5 cents. j Floating Soap, 2 cakes for u tenia. v . Cotton Blankets,' 50 cents per pair. Wool Carrets,x 25cts per piece. ; : . LOWE tt L.Vi ARC HEY, Ml). Physician and Surgeon Concord, K. 0. 3FFICE: ST. - CLOUD AVicx ' ' . . ' i w . JN0. R. ERWIN. C. A. MISENHEIMjER ERWIN & M1SENHEIMEH Physicians and Surgeons ; Office No. 3. Harty building, iP- 1 o raca, i-rr' J UK. iws W ROYAL GERKB This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favor with aU who know it best, as the great est of all icdical remedies ior both sexes, of all ages and in aU conditions- WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. fl Kill gifa joa APPETITE. II will gia joa stfu! refreshing SLEEP. It will stimulate jour DIGESTION. Uwill restore jour NERVOUS EKERSY. ItwHI put jour KIDNEYS In perfect ordsx. ltwHl purifjjsar Elcod. It fciU change jour weakness Into STR2KGTfL a will bring joa out of sickness tea HEALTH. HEW PACKAGE, XABGC BOTTLE, 10 DOSESONEDOLLAB. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. aiAJTrTACTCBID OSI.T BT Hie Atlanta diemicai Co., Atlanta, Ga. WSHE PC2 4S-PACS BOOS, TtJiTT.yp ' FZiZl It's DRUG