Vol. XIII.No. 213 CONCORD, N. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1896. Whole NO. NOT UNTIL APRIL A SUCCESSFUL OPERATION.' A SURPRISE MARRIAGE Little iBartba Moore- UesenVd from (he Jaws of Deatb. Much fear has been entertained Monday morning early the news by the email merchant of our city came to town that little Martha in regard to the Standard Oil; Com-. Mipore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., P The Standard Oil Company Will Sell Wholesale Only to Our Mediants. fear has been entertained pany doing business here, on the belief that the great syndicate would interfere with the retail trade. Such is not the case, however. Mr. R F Kice. their ateut for this diss C Moore, of Cluster, would not live through the day. But later in the day the happy news came of a suc cessful operation by Dra. V,rilder, Winchester, De Armond and Hunt uict, told a fcTANDAia) reporter wrf cau saveu me mue gin ner me. this morning that the oil Company Last Wednesday evening, while would not be able "to do any local PlayinS with some corn, Martha business here before the last of swallowed a grain or two. She be M.rP.h or thft first of Anril and that San to catch her breath short; as if ., , - V . vflrt-rt she were choked, soon after hand i.iicj nuuiu oujiij vi aj ij xnov uiiiuu of the wholesale trade they could It will be at least three months. and possibly longer, before the tank is in readiness to accommodate its patrons. ling the corn. Her mother became alarmed, and brought her to town. Drs. V inchester and Graham ex amined her, and decided that there was no corn in her throat. But she grew sicker from day to day, till early Monday her life was despaired r v rpu fnr r1rr.t.nrs mftnt.innfid jrur urr xutjr irB , Mrs. Wjnslow's Soothing Syrup has above held a condition and con bren used for over fifty years by eluded to cut into the child's throat millions of mothers .for their child- and see if there wag anything there, ren while teething, with perfect sue- Dr. Wilder, ripe from' the Houston cesa. It soothes the child, eoftene ca3e, at once said that the litt:e girl the gums, allays all pain . cures wind had BOmething in fcer threat. He colic, and is the best remedy for . . .. . c Diarrhoea It . will relieve the poor UBed ihQ knlfe and the nm of little sufferer immediately. Sold by corn flew out on the floor. The druggists in every part of the world, child stood the operation well and Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, .Be sure is n0w doing nicely. She began to and ass tor "Mrs. wmsiows aootn- brighten at once. .It was. a happy iLg Syrup," and take no other kind. I . K . Mr, MnnrftR :nst after t.hA nnftT'n.t.fnn'. Oh'ft'rlttft Observer. Jacksou Earnhardt Dead. I ff ... , Jackson Earnhardt, of No.' 4 1 tocurea coldis ose way township, aged 30 years, died at his Take laxative BromoQuinirie Tab- home . Tuesclay night af ter a brief illness with typhoid fever. Mr; Jwnnarat .was a .son oi uaieo Jiarn to Take .Advantaged or onr city W1f arrl Ttma ft fifnr. pnbflfantiftH Schools and Basiness Opening; 1 T me in. r. Pressly and Miss Etta Cochrane Made One last Night. Dr. George Wf Pressly was mar ried Tuesday night to Miss Etta Cochrane at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. M W Cochrane, 305 West Fifth fctreei, at 8:30 o-clock, by Rev. John T ; Chalmers. Only the special friends of the bride and '...'-. a -r . gruom were present, ic was ex pected that the, marriage would take place rat the Associate- Reformed ... t Presbyterian church -just before prayer meeting, but the couple release ou in- Clothm0 than we have ever wanted to surprise their friends, 1 if - CIolhiDg - at ' - Ullil'ill s-l-. fefznr's No doubt about it weare better fixed to and called in Mr.Chalmers and had the knot tied at home, - Not even did the boarders iri the house know that the marriage was t take place until the minister arrived. The bride is beautiful; her special beauty being her eyesof charming blut and she has a host of friends in a'nd out of Charlotte. The groom is one .of (- Charlotte's sacceseful physicians. Dr. Pressly came.rto Charlotte over two years ago, ai;d has bteq. practicing medi cine during his Btay m the city, he is now associated with Dr. 0 M Strong in the medical professioDi He is a valued member of Charlotte Lodge No. 8. I, 0. 0. P., and has made quice a hose of. friends in the city, Charlotte Observer. ne J lis: and Crescent. Notes. We wish all a happy New Year Mr. L W Brown and family of Cannonvillev were visiting at Mr. Rufua Fisher's, 53-- day night. Mr, Hufus Hendron, who is teach" irg.thQ public school at Oak Grove, farmer. His remains were interred 0ne drawing card for the town of wilKteach a singing school at Lower at Mt. Olivet church burying Concord is her excellent schools, Stone pr ,S(aJ,nrdAys. Mr. Hendron grounds this (Wednesday) afternoon both public and private. Many of h8 aq excellent umger. at 3 o'clock. the citizens recently locating here , Miss Dora Krimminger, who hai The deceased leaves a wife and come for the purpose of giving their been attending school at Newton, is four small children to mourn his children tutoring that could not be at home during vacation. death. Our sympathy goes out to obtained at the district or country Rev. W H Stubblebine, of Sails the bereaved ones in their time of school. Mr. L K lucker, a pros- bury, preached an excellent sermon affliction. ; perocs farmer and 1 merchant of at Twer Stone Sunday , evening. Stanly county, has mo ed to this From Isaiah 13:17, "Thine eyea a Household Necessity. Icitv to educate his children and to shall see the Kiner in his beautv. uaoaioio vuu y vy.v i tro into DUBinead. 15 a verv iiKeiv tn.v anaii Dftnoia tnp mn.i tMt m most wonderful medical discovery i , o mrtuQT. mil ant rtr to the taste act gently and pesitive- shlQ2le as oue of oar emon grp. I The students of Crescent are ly on the kidneys, liver and bowels: wuv V ' , . . J ., , spending vacation- at home. The j: i i a nfitter loaLion ror excellent i - beer . Men's Suits, latest and Best. Boys' Suits, latest and best Cliildren'si Suits, and best. lat est We guaranteeto save vouTm6neT'- GOAT I!- FBRiiSHIKGS. lets. AH druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. the u IIIUU J HATS;AND CAPS FORIEVERYBOD Y. G AN Gi NS F ETZ E R A Word to THE W ISE Election returns arenothing compared to the re sults you receive by trading with Dry & Wadsworth, who are wide awake and uptondate. People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly convinced, of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody is begins ning to look around for Santa Glaus. His headv quarters this time are at the SlU.?il?dL to find aode It is thought we will have some 1 1 .11 .1. s. U C 1 J I . bay and try a box of C.C. U. to-day, welcome an BtrauK-ra iu uciu, uew f-uuiere. nr - 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaran teed to cure by all druggists. knowing it to be a good one. All Free. With Difficulty a FireWas Avoided, Those who have used Dr. King's Now Disnnvfirv knnw its value and "Hoboes retreat' the old dummy those who have no V have now the i; ononh namo nftr hinor the, ODDortunity to try it free. Call on Mr. o u crown is erecting a dwelling house for Mr. Mack Hol- shonser. Last Saturday night while D , MoNiary . was chatting with his girl of his - buggy to trouble getting , . . advertised druggist and get a trial some one hid parts the cause or a ereat and disastrous urtffi fir a TWdav aftPrnoon. Several address to H E Bucklen & Co-J tha V.had grea1 If ihina rn o vi .A nf pfim nlo hnv rt I hto hn (TfttT in - rnfininfT i pnnriihnn tramps thered up an abundance Dr. Rms Now Life Pills free, as UT f . - Jno L of loose coal around the depot and well as a copy of Guide toHealth and 1 ! . i Mousenold Instructor free. ot uuitv - j : ; m l - ..; . Mrs,. Crawford rreeler, who has been critically ill, ; we t ae glad? to say, is much better, Misses Lillie apc( Josie Nussman spent mas in cur midst. It is feared that R?v. Cox, of Or gan charge, will resign his present t and I well as a copy of Guid 1 rr i ij -i il.L- .a hm ihi hii i.i ih .i im.1 :n ii w iiii.ii ia a i - - wmen is guaranteed to do you stnvfi. Aftp.r mftkinc a roanner ure I eOnd arifi p.nsr. vhn nnt.hmo. Pfit the men dozsd off. and in a few zer s ug store. ' minntPH siwnkfi to find the walls of - I At the First Presbyterian Chnreh To- the coach on tire. With a mignty nisht. j -effort they succeeded in extinguish- Rv. LA McLiurin, of Spruce ing the flames, and forthwith took IPine, N C, the Presbyterian evah to their heels, going South. The geliat of Mitchell and Wautauga charge. His many friendr hope he car stands inst in rear ot tne UaDar counties, the held formerly occupied will remain. i "Solomon." rus cotton mills, and had fire gotten by Rev. K P Pell, will speak in the a fairly good start, a great conna- YiiBt Presbyterian church at the graiion might have been the result. feaf isbtirlaus Here. ...... ... The following list of young Sal iaburian8 were among the many guests at the New South Club recep tion Tuesday rnigUt: Misses Ran kii White, Boyden, Mrs. Reisner and Messrs. Ernest Brown, J H Mc Neeley, W R Linton and R L Crawford. usual prayer meeting, service tonight at -7 o'clock. Tomorrow (Thursday) night Rev. McLaurin will address the congregation N at Rocky River church, m No. 1 township. A Good and Taluable ,Book. New State Directory for North Carolina in limited edition, price $5 sent postpaid. Order at once of Levi Branson, d&wapll '.' Raleigh, N. C. id Fetf 3 your address to H! E Buck sample'bdx btj)ti Kinets New Iiife Pills.'pAft triaT-wiUjConvince you of tueir menus ; rn,ejse puis are, easy in action WcTa;f e Tr ti cularly effec tive iu the cOTafcof .Constirjation and sick headache.' For malariaand fevr troubles the haVeVbeen proved invaluable, They are guar: an teed to be perfectly vegetable. They.xlo not weaken by -their action but by criviner tone to the stomach and boweis greatly invigorate th system. Regular size 25c per box bold at Fetzer's Drug Store, AIN He says if you like comfort and ease buy one of Dry & Wadsworth' a Big Rocking Chairs or the Ladib' sizes for your wife. Or if you wan t to sleep 1 veil and rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best in the world, or one of the handsomest lounges. They have them at all prices from 84,00 to $25, and to make your, parlor look ap-todate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of these handsome suits, the prices are low.-. 'T iT THE TRUTH. Yes sir, We have, everything m the furniture line. Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and styles. Big lot of pictures, .Window Shades, Cur tain Foils, Ladies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and dnring the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of fur niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book" Shel ves, Comer Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots4 eta This is no fake 4 3ure Go ! : : The pi ices of the articles'mean time are from 15 cents to $6, ;TJie value of the present will be governed, by .the amount . of the T;cashr purchase. These sales w.ill.coptinue until the above mentioned articles have all been given out. Come atonce and getAthe choice.presents, (, XOU1 .- ft to Please ML Hi

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