A Tlioronfeli C-leansIns. Ic wili b remembered thfct The Standard has time sad again con "tended that the filtbiestf place in the t t La ity ,'wiis the court room at the r owmy's . court house, and at the last tei ei of j conrt( Judge Greeny ordeud that the' room !ce cleansed. The oraer was; read to the hew board of commissioners at their rr cent meeting and as a consequence fif teen or more bushels of jdirt, dus;, tobac co quids, ambier, peanut hulls and other filth that contains microbes and : disease germs, -have been re- house will be thoroughly cleansed, and arrangements: will be made to Keep it in appearance as neat as pos sible with the services of a jani -tor. For this one! step the new board of Commissioners deserve special praise, , and will doubtless receive the blessings of a grateful people. j llaptlsts lree from BJortgcjje. j Rev. J J Prtysenr, pastor of. the Baptist church, has succeded in raising funds enough to taki up a mortgago h eld again" s t the church property to the amount of $924 60, which was p&id on Thursday. The church is now free from mortgage debt and in the spring will enlarge its house' of worship, the present church being too emull. The church is also figuring on building a pari soncge onJta prpperty in tberj&uti ful grove ih rear of. the church. The church has two building lots and will sell the oWer lotutthe'-nfohesY cash price, ,?vnd retain -the upjier one for their minister a home, j i a ICouscIiolil Necessity. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, jibe mopt wonderful medical discovery; of the nse, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positive ALT GELD'S TENDER HEART. , r CUKE A COLD IS OJJE DAY Take laxative Bromo Qainine Tab lets. All druggists; refund the m o n ey i f ? t. fai Is to c ure. 25s. m 1 4 He Pardons Some of the Worst Pris oners In the Illinois. Penitentiary, and Commutes sentences; of Others. Chicago1, Jan. 6.-Govprnor A1U geld capped the climax ( of an unu sual pardon record yesterday by granting freedom to nineteen coa victs, one of whom is John Mc i Grath, for a decade the leader of the Henry street gaugacd an arch en emy of the police. Five other Cook county criminals were turned loose by the retiring ; Governor, but not all of them will be reqjived in the city with so much fear and horror as the noted Mc Grath. Of much interest to the po lice also is the .commutation of the sentence of Manna Scarr. a life prisoner1 at Joliet, sentenced from Chicago in 1890 for poisoning her employer. Ths sentence in her case was commuted to 12 yjears, and, lowing for percentage, she will soon be free. ' ; . j " Vir,'. 1 Governor Altg-ld aleo commute ct H - C iii I-at - s - d- ft, . The XcwFirm. i Messrs. S J Ervih ai;d 0 L Smith, who comprise the firm of ilJivih & Smith, are de3ticed toucces. Their motto is to ; please everybody, and i the eentences of Charle'Si J ana i with the elegant assortment of plain ; Frank R Me:iddivcrof convicted of ly on the kidney?, liver and boyvels; and fancy groceries they hate in cleansing the entire system, dispel st0re, they will L.rdly raiss -their m(i cure headache, fever, habitual . T . . v coiQo, tuioucou , v pi aim. It actually makes one hungry constipation and biliousness, rieasa , . J , , & J iay nod try a bbx of C.C. C. to-day, to inspect tnir goc da they are so 10 2o 50 cents, boiq ana guaran- trecn r.u nice ana of each grtat "teed to cure by all druggists: No doubt about it weTare better fixed to- Dlease ou in Glothin than we! haveevar Men's Suits, latest and Best., x Boys' Suits, ; latest ; iici best v. Tlacjjcruns Shoolinff. ; . Thurotiay night about 1Q o'clock torje niliirious son of Adam, either variety. The members of this Unii are courteous and are-well knowo to everybody. They-will promptly de liver good3 to any part of the city,' when an order is left with them. Tuo Lives Saved. . druskor . cruzy, while going (out We wish.them well. Academy, street; f indulged in the ; piomiJiicuou8 firing of a pistol. He began shooting on leaving Main l;;-Mis. -.'Phoebe Thomras, of Junction L street! at, ' Fisher's lane, and when City, til., was told by her doctors &chia the grove at the graded oho had ccnEumption and. thai there r! i f L fr o-uc, was do hope for her recovery, but fcliGol h. turned aod, fired two sho.s two bottles of Dr. Kin 28 Now W in the direction of the Baptist covery saved her life. Mr. Thomas 'church, M, w:.W:Deaton,IWho was SSM; attracted to the . back yard at his approaching bonsumption, tried home by the successive firi j g, came rtsu v?rthlf? elste en i1'. . . v . . i Li bought a bottle of Dr. iJling'a New near being shot, having seen the Discovery and in two weeks was flashes and heard the balls eizzing cured. He is naturally thankful , . tt i r, 4.unl. rrrhwr. "'is such results, of 'which these by hira, He thinks that whoever are 8amplesf that prove te wonder did tho shooting took him for a post ful efficacy of this medicine! in 4.L '-ui. i. u coughs and colds. Free trial bottles Uiuu. luuuguu mail uc . rf j 1-4 w. , j-itAx-. -. good target. " , ; receiving deposits np-jto the time their bank iu Chicago was placed in the handa of a receiver, from one year in the prison to GO days in jiil. , Altgeld is the man. who never tires of Vaying rhean things about the man who Hop. Josiah Patterson, of Mfmphis, Tenn., says is the greatest Ameripan of his time.'Oro ver Cleveland. Doct r3 will differ. It 13 safest to adhere to those of whojinjas much evil cannot be said as they ' desire to' stiy of other3. Ghildreii's Suits, latest; and best. We guaranteeto save won mone at 1'Vtzer's Dru"g Btore. Regular size 5Uof ma S?1.1KJ- Jas't try a 10c. box of Cascarete, the finest liver and bowel regulator eH r made Speaker II il email. flannan ttxe llostler. Several weeks ago Diye Hannah. bought a torse from Henry Steele and was to pay Steele 10 for the horse Thursday ; When the GOATS M m HATS-AND i M& CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. CANNONS;' The .Charlotte News in its round bill f ell v due. Steele called upon up; or the legislature says : ' . -- 'L" Hannan for the mone, but not bav If Senator Ambrose Hileman ex- ing money in hand, 'pointed to a tends the precedent set by his -pre- stall and remarked to Steele : debe8S9r,lMr Walser, he may rise "There's' your horse."! - Steele left from his seat some day and cast the the horse in the stable and pro foliowing votes: 1, Hileman ; 53 Am ceeded to find a pnrchasar, but'whiie brose liiiemaa ; 3, A F Hileman ; 4, gon3 Hannan took the hore and the gentleman from Cabarrus ; 5, swapped it tp one McCartley, .who Mr. Speaker. It will be remembered was to get boot to the amount of 5. thkfe Mr. Zeb Vance Walser left the In stead of giving McCartley the $5, chair, voted as the member from Hannan took his horse and sailed eff, Dayideon, causing a tie on resplu- leaving both Steele; and McCartitiy tion ; then proceeded to breali the m the soup. A warrant was taken tie by voting 'as Speaker of the j out for his arrest and before another Notice of seizure. J- - ; - -.1-7 ' ' Seized near Ale.uarle, on the 6th of Janury,- 1S'J7, the 'f pi1 owing prop erty supposed to belong to John Brown, for violation of the Ioternal Revenue Laws of the United Stated, to vvit ; " ' .; L'. 1 horse, 1 mule, 1 -two horsa wagon and hkrnes, 1 par: j , 2 buck ets, 1 skillet and 2 empty kegs. Notice is hereby given to any one claiming .said property to make claim fcr same to ihe undersigned at his effice in Ahtville N. C, in the manner and form) prescribed by law, within 30 days of date herein mentioned, or the same wili be de clared forfeited to the government of the United States. ; - By. Sam'lIj. Rogers, - Collector 5th Dis't of NV C R S Harris, D. C. January 8ch, 1897 1 wr4. - ... .:-. T0 TTTT? in Election returns are nothing compared to the re sults you receive 6y trading wi th Dry & Wads wor th, who are wide awake and uptod!ate. People are ape Hon Ee 1 tio TravciloK trade wa3 made Hanna was in the ciutcnes or me law. nis trial was set for 10 o'clock this (Friday) 1 Li that time arrived; shrewd trader. Hannan is a Men's: Banquet. Tk -,AUrr r4m Qk mprniDe,-. dui ine mauer was aa- ern Pipf s ik always in the ! var( for iG3 ed between the three men before some nice entertainment. Oa next luesday evening, the 12tb, there will be a grand banquet at Piney Woods Inii complimentary to the commercial travelers of the South ern States. . We regret very much our inability to avail ourselves of the courteous invitation to join the "boys.'V ; Lf We will live in hope 'of some more convenient time to; visit that city in the woods. to believe what can be. quickly they see and the Doubting Thomases convinced of the truthfulness and correctness of whatl.we say by calling at one. 'Tis only a few days tiJr'Xmas and everybody i? begin ning to look around if or Santa laus. -His head quarters this time are at the , J 4 says if i on W by Attempt to Cure catarrh bv the use of socared .blood remedies ? That catarrh is not caused by blood troubles is self-evident when you reflect that attacks are always due to sudden climatic changes or exposure, land occur most frequently duriug; the winter and spring and, ? bough the, blood is as pare then as in the thmnser or fall. A remedy whicn) quickly relieves and cures the catarrhal attscka has been found in ElyVjCream Balmr -S3 Iiast .Notice Town Tas. 1 must have your taxes by the lit of January. I will have to settle with the town on' that date, I hope all persons owing' the same will call and settle at once. I will bs "com pelled to advertise if not paid by that time. I hope i you will settle and save costs. . J. L. Bogek, . Town Tax Collector. I Oct. 15, tf . , ; " A Mlssliisjf Man, Mr. John W Srierman, a ' well known newspaper man of Lynch, burg, Ya , disappeared on the 17th of December. It is thought that he Was suffering from temporary . men tal aberration. .Any Information concerning his " whereabouts will be thankfully received at the Bonitz Hotel, WilraingtoD, N. O., or Jay Mrs. J W Shermn, Lynchburg, Va. U: State papers will 'please copy,- as Mr. Sherman is - believed ".to be in North Carolina.:- ; like comfort and ease buy One of Dry & Wadsworth's Big Rocking Chairs or the Ladies? i7Ps for vonr wife : Or if von want to sleet) well and rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best in the world, or one of the handsomest; lounges.' They havefliem.at all prices from $4,00 to- $25, and to make your parlor look up-to-date and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of these handsome suits, the prices are low. ' AIN'T , IT THE TRUTH':: Yes sir, We have everythiug in the furniture line;. G hairs of all 'descriptions Tables all sizes and:' styles; Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades, Our- tain rolls, Xiadits' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes V Side-boards, China Closets and everything to make a, home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginnintr from- today and during the holidays we propose xo give 10 each cash purcbaser a nice and useful piece of fur niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, jSook Shelves, Corner Brackets, . Medicine Cases. WhtNots,' etc. This is no fake 4 Sure Go.' The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to $6. The value of the present will be governed by . tha amount of : the cash purchase, : These sales wilb continue until the above mentioned articles have all been giyen out. Cometonce aDpli get thejehoice presents, . i Please iwsa -yf. ; y - - :r