, rrlYfa(4, Trains, The folio wiig change of schedule took effect after I p. ro. Nov! 15, 1896 . , SOUTHBOUND. ; No. -37 arrives at 8.4 am. "11 , " "1040 a m. 4( i 9 ; 31 " " 9.02 p m, V " 9.7 p m, . , u 515 p m; (tieia;n " G3 it NORTHBOUND. No. 10 arrives at Q 17 a m, ' 36 u "1007am, ' 13 " 7 23 p m, '38 ; 9.02 pm, -64 " .' "11.15 a m. (frorht ' i : No. 35 30, 37 and 38 stoo onlv at Char. lotte, Concord; Salisbury, Greensboro and- Danville. Passengers for local points between these stations will haye to i use the other trains. "... - Everything in Nice, New and Fresh ... at ' J. L. Miller's. Harry P. Beaton, local reporter! SHORT LOCALS. Ervin & Smith" invite you to call and examine their entire new stock of fancy' .groceries'.-..'.' , ; Hugh, the sma'.l child of Mr. and Mrs. J -M Barrage, is quite sick. Ashe Wedn?sday falls on the 3rd ana EisteriSnndnv April lS:h. . " : f u nuur s ureasiast cocoa, cnewing gam .aiid rnuatard at Ervin & Smiths - : ' Th6 Lutheran Visitor reports forty-three marriages in last week's issue.. '. . . C ascar e ta stimula te I iver, kidn eys and bowels. ' Never sicken, weaken or gripe. . 10o. ' ; Mr. John H Moose has secured the position of private secretary of speaker oi tbe House, Hileman. For a clean shave, hair-cut and 'Shampoo, go to G V Montgomery at The Busy Bees of the First Pres terian church held an important business meeting at the manse this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Lemon cling peaches of superior xsuM'vium iiun, k premier . Dased beans and elegant corn at Ervin & Smith's. Gip Walters, the young ' man thrown info a precarious condition by the exc2ssive flow of blood from the nose last week, is alright again. LeggettV pie cros'v Aunt Je mima's pan cake flour, Leggett's fruit jams at Ervin & Smith's. Mrs, J H Mason will entertain a number of friends to-night, in hon or of her friend and guest, Miss E3 eye Piummer, of Charlotte. "The usual weekly afternoon household prayer-meeting was held Sunday at 3 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peoples, on Simpson street. ; Pears, apricots,- peaches and prahes, California fruits at Ervin & Smiths's. V; jll :r Communion services were held at day. There was an unusually large attendance, owing to the pretty weather. ' ' '. p- - ' ' " ' Ladies who Have charge of the culinary department ot a w house hold would save money nd lots M thinking if they will leave v an or der with Ervin & Smith to make op their bill of fare. . u uoa, oy enor Quesada,v Cuban representative at Washington. En- dorsed hv nKo '-.:5 rl A mfln: jZZ iU "'H .. --vU0.uDuittuu, . jx, oonanza-iior agents. t Only S1.50. Bi Ww --liiLuinnii iii n.vovnhnrin mnf. ik . - . ui i uuujr naiilo wiy I paid. CT!Zen; v F'l ftnn .r h? umu, uu uiaio aure8S todftV-'ifTWR XT AmTrMrA.t 1 - :-, EGA GROCERIES $1 ' '''' r 8 veeir Florida orangeaat Emn & Qmith'o Sloop .SfSons Sunaay.vfutmsyd"; apauper. cT.ffi a for E va -Barlihardt, a negro, .woman of tfo.::5.:to:ship. Ervin & Smith, in the L nm at fit a ;robm, are : headquarter, Jr bamk .tv uwua eiRicKies ana canned gooda. . Tney Solicit a share of your patronage. T he Liter iry meeting of j the Ep Worth Leuiue of Ceniral MLihnliit: church will meet tomnrrnw ni. h at t.pareonage with the jfamiiy of ? Fw x9v. jtuompson.il L03T:Between Mr. J M Odell's and R Allison's,, one pair of gold spectacles, in leather case, with the name L Lubin engraved on them. , The finder will be rewarded by returning same to Mrs; J M Odell. ; It bas een said by many; who are reliable informants, that more people attended services at the va rious churches in this' city Sunday, than on any previous day for many 3'ears. -a--,;" , , ' In the .treatment of croup or whooping cough, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has a most marvelous ef fect. Thousands of lives are saved annually by the use of this medi cine, lit frees tho obstructed air passagesv allays inflammation, and controls the desire to cough. Mr. J Shappirio, proprietor of the Baltimore Bargain House, adver- tloaa Kits Jnf t.A nnnU -f t uio lur caie regara- less of cost. He will close out his business and s Polling e-verything at a sacrifice. S ie 'his ad be the fourth 'page, f A prbgnosticator of very obscure prominence jh as predicted that not until after February 2 ad will we haye falling weather. He is a Ca barrus citizen, but not as well up on the changes of the moon and stars a3 our old friend McAnulty. ' That slight cold, of -which you think so little, may lead to 'serious trouble with the lungs. Avoid, this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, the best known remedy - for colds, coughs, catarrh, brbhehitis, incipient consumption, and all other throat and luog diseases. Bennett Thompson, -a young Gilead, white man living near M Montgomery cou n tv, sh ot an,d pain fully wounded t;vo i colored men, wnose names we could not (earn, a few days ago, Mean whiskey was at the bottom of the trouble. ! The annual mealing of the Grand Lodge off Masons, of North Carolina will convene at Raleigh to-morrcw (Tuesday) Mr. M C Walter will be the representative from Stdkfeb' Lodge, No. 32, of this city. I Mr. Clarence Brandrifl, of Mill ville, N. J., and Miss S E SherriU, of Mill Bridge,N. C, were united in' matrimony on the 8th "day of January! at the parsonage of Thyra tire , Presbyterian church, Rowan county, by the pastor, Rev. Harris. A queen Is only a woinan after all, an every woman .; is 1 queen if she be a pert ect ' woman. The crown ..of wo manhood is mother' hood. . There is no this. ' There is no better thing' that any woman ; can do tnan to be a mothei of bright and -happy children- . That;- is . the best and highest thing that anybodv can do in this world. It cannot be achieve ed by a woman who isn't .healthy, . who suffers from any . of ilhe weaknesses .1 bt disorders peculiar to her -sex.; A false idea of ' -m o d e s lb x which nreventii the acauisition' of know. ledge, and the carelessness which pre vents an application of knowledge arc the most - prolific jqauses : of ..this kind of ir.krifi- Thirtv vears acoi knowledp-a .Ottae prefvaieuce"oi .sucn aisoraers in- 3 -r j T r -r' 21. : . . T T- -T . J ' O ' " " O nnrpfi i ir k. vv neice. man hs now. chief consulting physician of the Invalid'! X1UICA lUiU. y3U4gltU. J-JJ.VA I.U LC, ttl XU11UU, N-rVt. to devote a crreatamoiiTit of. time I anq iStuqy, jctti e preparation 91 j a a-emeay perfectly and positively all forms of fe- male weakness tliat would take the r An i it KiPTre i ramnie rrpsrn tii urn ZT - x - V1or7 women jjojuaini mucD wwwieagft. oy Common' -Sense' Medical ' -Adviser. ' A -'PfiESONAL- POUTl& .:U-.aoi Mffl..;VV,; C, Boy i are visiting in Salisbury. j ;Mr;jJ W iPnarr, of Charlotte, Wvh in the city to-day. : ; Mr. aF Ritchieojf Salisbury, was here yesterday. : Deputy George F Barnhardt spent, Sunday witn'home folks in is j. 9. . !' -i, ' '- "Mr J M Borrage left for Stanly county at an early hour this morn- Mr. T' M' Rogers, of Philadel phia is registered at the St. Cloud hotel. " -rr' ' V'". ., Mrr Walter Scott, of Charlotte,1 opuu ouuuay ana to-day in tbe city. ; " ; .;; -ir:: . - ;. ; Mr. C M Cook, Jr., of Bessemer City& spent Sunday here with 'friends. -; m , . r Miss Sallie Belle Erwin is spnding td-day in Mooreavilie. She will return to-morrow. Mr. AS Day vault ha1? gone to baiiaoury and other pom bs up the road for several days. 1 . Mearfl. R L Dick, C A Littles and Guy Barrier spent Sunday at Mt. Pleasant. , f i Mr. William Quantz spent yes terday in the ci ty vith home fol ks, returning to Salisbury last nigb,t. Miss Lizzie Gray is visiting friends and re atives in Charlotte. She will be absent from the city for several days, :; . - " . :: -'if- i 1" - J Mr. EJ, IFreezi, Mies Delia Eimhardt, Mr. Liwis Boyd and Miss . Hester Wilkinson ail attended serviccsd at Bicfc Creek church yes terday. j Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, soiir stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by .Hood's Pills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. 11 druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ine only rni to take with Ilood's Sarsaparilia. Eor-Infant3 and 'Children. Th9 fas- siailo ! signatura is ea eTery wrapper. r ItMay Do as Jluch lor Ion. Mi. Fred MilJer, of Irving, II., writes that he, bad a seve- e Kidney trouble for many years, wi'th severe pains i'n his bick and also that his bladder was I affected. .He, tried r4any so called kidney cures but without any good result. Abou t a year ago he bagan use of Electric Bitters and found 'relief at once. Electric Bitters is especial, y adaptv ed to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost in- ant relief.. One trial will will proye our statement. Price 50c and 81,00 at Fetzer's Drug: Stoie. , Tbe Ideal Panacea i ; J ames tL. Francis, L'-,AMermap Chicago pays : I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Corns plaints, having used it in my . family for , the last five years, to the exclu sion of physicians's . prescriptions or other preparations. ,.. : t : Rev.fJ ohn B urgus,Keokuk, Iowa, wrireg: I have :been ' a minister of the Methodist Episcopal 'church for 50 years or more, and have never found anything so. beneficial. or; thai gave me sucK j speedy reh'ef .aa JC)ri Kins s New piscqyery. ; Try . this ideal Uough iiemedv now. Trial DOttjies free atJFeszer's Drug Store 4 Rn.trl.n'. ...... ..... 1 C ,The BestjSalyein the .world for Outs, .Braises,:-! Soxes;, Ulcers Salt RheamFfiver, SQres;Tettera Qhappe Sna, qttlairAs,, Corn8-and;all Skin Jrpjasnd positively cures Piles orrtdacfe : ayjiauicLIt is guararteed to give aMUf action or money refunded.: Trice 25 cents per box :.Fpr sale at ' B Fetzer's Drag A SfllPI FJflflRPFTfi H lilt IllflBSillDS, UNION. ... .. i Don't5fail Itp come -in and examineat. A NE W LOT OF just ih; from New York, The very latest style. E y ery2Jone a bargain. Come at onceand see tnem. We want, particularly to call your attention! to Laides and Children. our -SHOE S- They are known as Long VVearers., ; Every one. who tries them come back when in needV of another pair. Our line Jof . Children Shoes can not fbe -exdelled. - Tryf them andibe pnyinced, . r ; . - yxist Received; ryy are daily: adding vto our Stock? Jinijaltlits - Wne rTill Igrfiatpleasulrl ing out goods.! - - r 7 Come to rsee its HI . 1 1 FffilE. 1 ' - I'- : ' ; - ! M - CAPES JACKETS DIGK. THE CHEAP STORE. - " W fpftl hicrhlv nlftnsftd nvpr jthev success that we met with during the year j ust closed, and the thousands of people to wnom ..we j nave , say ea so many h uh dreds of d pilars for in their purchases are still better friends of f ours". We. year with a full head of steam and if P USH, PLUCK and biV S;tock of goods and the LOW- EST PKICES ON EARTH will amount will increase to anything we our business in 1897 more than 60 per - centv come firing your friends and to see us THE CHEAP STORE. o o n 3 in -T- r v - Or- --50-'3 rn w - n J rn "-si i Pfl -i -i 4 0 0. cm cr: BZ3 cm ! lb 1 H'l;i '6x.o.nW:..,:Ta ;0: A? r- . ""r-- f1?. . Offers, to thes buaitiPGS liable, permaneri t, Qpnaervativo and accomodating banking institution. We solicit your business with thsv assurance of honorable , treatment and due appreciation bf your - pat ronare. -:, ' - -" . ' '.?; If we can serve you at any time, we shall be glad to have you come and setj us. . ' 'j' , - . LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS? TO CUSTOMERS ,i : . Gpital and Sulplus $70.000. D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M j ODELli, Pres. LOI oil -1 i M s rn . i rin- vk; -ruLi is leieililBit: public 1 a re- r"--?-y 'fTT7T c'ris.ta piV P'i''riv'. J ' - 1 Li 1 1 f fc-Tt l" III. ft . 1 .- mil.. J flfc bUn P IW IVC : i:: siilll - V: i 'Soii MM u4Si-r IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE SOcts. galatia, ixxs.. Not. 16, 1S33. r Paris Medicine Co., St. Ixrals, Mo. v r - - Gentlemen: Wo sold lastrear, 600 bottles oi GBOVB'S TASTELESS CIITTJj TONIC and baT bought three gross already this year. In all omr ei perience of 14 years, in the drag business, have never sold an article that gave such universal satis taction aa your Tonic Tours truly. v m ' ' For saleand: guaranteed, by all Q0K CONCERN 352 356 6ekr. free copy will be sent on receipt of 21 one- 8 tore," ill! ilsi 5 A rt rf AChb and EiiEUMATiSM relieve ; druggists.

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