Vol. XV No 4 . CON C01UVN. C. TUESDAY,- JANUARY 19. 1897. Whole NO.i l. . ? - -4 i .. i:f i -t,y , ,.:,;,...- TTT" .... , : : : - - : : . . COURT PROCEEDINGS. Can nonTlllo Items, i Mr. Richard t smCH Disposed of at Monday After-tv . . - , uoon HiidiTiiis Morning smiiod, Uick Atwell, from Iredell, moved Judge Starbuok this morning ap- iDt0 Neyr fown Monday and made pDinted Thursday as the set day for aQ accession or seven operatives the trial of Henry Yorke, who is available for the mills. I -charged wi.h .the murder of John Richard' Bost has apet rabbit Steel. Thel following names were at e8caPe( from its domicile Mon drawn from1 a box commanding that dav" ' Richard immediately gave they appear Thursday morning as a chaso to hia Pet- The excitement gpecial veni e from which a jury will was more contagious than measles be selected ' " , 1 or mumps, and a looker-on counted tt TiJiftr. W .1 And ArannT A thirty-nWe boys in the chase, with A. f-Hi ' " 11 L 2 111- 5-. ... Winecoff, A C Howell. r, 10g miensuy oi a pac ui oounas cnasing a rox. in all tne crowd, the honor of the catch could hardly be properly assigned, but all the boys got the benefits of the health inspiring chase. 1 Moser, A J it Victor L g pears, C A Sherwood, A M Black welder, R H Thompson, J F Sides, J j L B Andre w, J Mack Hartsell, T S Rhinehardt, W D iarns, WE Morrison, John A Ollne, r H Davis. D F Barrier, W W . : - . ::r'-y' :: of- f ' t;; . ( Drawing: Well. It has been some time since an exhibition has been ; in this, city that has pleased the public as well as the exhibition of the large ser pent and other interestine- curiosi ties at the Reld building onhoftit a . " Some Odds and Ends at suh a FmMl part of the cost as to make it xi. xr tt -h,- V lunny ior everyoo iy nut ourselves, the Moms Houra: nnH fVio Kcontv i of this exhibition is it is vneaL first . two weeks of January, beginning- i , . ; , wi. u unjr, xueuuajr, oauuary we win give our-c ustomera and uiasa iu an us uepariment8 ior la pairons tne cnance lo buy pny of tne following: ! dies as well as eentlemen. Thev About 50 boys' ' coats at 35 cents. The lining and thread and buttons kJuTWvLU - wouiacot anouttnat mucn. v L , i I ! wo U04 ai w,eeK, po;au woo About 40 men's coats! at 75 cents. Ifa worth thafetmnnK irl rol- have not seen; the monster should tDem .if eouaehody gave you the cloth. 1 do so before leaves1 for it is in- DPUt 100 pairs of Men s pants at 75 cents. This is less thin, half Then if yon want a vet yoa can have your choice of about f0 vAst at 35 cents. Whole suit $1.85. Not to be sneezed, at without snuff, or Reception Friday Jtignt. gnnned at without teeth.' I I - I I SSmhS A SMALL LOT OF LADIES FINE SHOES! deed a curiosity. Stuart, R A White, Martin A ProbableTrlp to Washington. Members of the Uabarrm Light Pmnat. Watt Berrinsrer. W W Bur- Infantry are conferring with each leyson, S 4 Ritchie, F A Arc hi- other over the prospects of a trip to bald, Wm. A Goodman, W J Mc- Washington to participate in the Laughlini J A Hartsell, J M Lit inaugural ceremonies on the 4th of tle3,T BllFetzer, W DeBerry Foil, March, when president-elect Wil AI S Sloop,1 Henry Cruse, VLalcom G liam McKinley will take up the LeLtz, jl in O Wallace, Wm. B reins of the United States goTem. Smitb, F Smith, J C Kluttz, Jer- meut. The onlycoat attached to ry A Shinn, J FMeglar, Joseph R the trip will be transportation and White, Jqnn L xiuay, James w iu wao poi ueui ui iuc uuiu- B Boat, J F -Goodson, W PanJ w"l attend, the railroad fare G M Lore, H W Lud- wl,l be an insignificant item. Fiaher, M D Faggart, g, R V Holshou8er, (dead). State vs State ys tinued State Kiectrlo Bitters. Mary Branic, for Keep ing disorderly house ; not guilty. Wood and Overcrsh, con- Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the larjguid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and slug- Ja PAttA TTrv. ReUinp eisb and the need of a tonic and li I altArfttiVA ia f Alt. A ': nmmnr. iiaa nf whiskey ; not guilty. . this medicine has often averted State vs Henry Archer, plead long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers , . k . j k I iiu xiiouiciiio vxii uui' ULiurt) wurtJiy iu guiuy el guspended tple assault, jodgmeat counteracting and freeing the svstem Son payment of coat. from thejnalarial poison. Headache rields to Electric Bitters. 50o and ing concfdled weapons, plead guilty $100 per bottle at Fetzer1 Drug store. State issued "Mr. CharleS J 'Harris, at home, from half past eiht; until twelve, at 50 cents. Not a third of the average cosf . -I ",j i. - : I ' -, - . ; . j ...- ... auuul iuu pairs oi juuien nne snoeb iu ou icon ana jac e of Ze?gT r s Friday evening, Jan nary twenty- -Keed s and Fad an Brothers make, to go, at 75 cents, no over oae third i i " I thn . .4. . .. Cruunu, t.,Kuiren nunureaana ninety Also a smalUine of Eastern-made fine hoes at 75 cnt. fn in St. Cloud Hotel. Coicord. the Jot but cost over $li t Dont miss this lot. Tney woijt be hrts manAr days . ,. ' ; . ; . -h A small lot of men s Meavvi Jline.iisn ties. and . hieh cut Brnrrom Mra. crevard wording sboes at 50c. A better lot at 75c. These hi- n-jriUr $1.25 snoes. ijoys wort snoes at 50 and 65 cents. A small lot of men s fuits, good and servicable. but- not fruarantflcrl allwp6l atl2. Plenty places where they willask "you $2 .V) fr a single coat not an? better. U I . I To close our boys knee pants suits, in fine eoods.l we cive rod for $2. This line includes all we have 'that cost over $2 1 All the Joregoing stuff is in favor of th6 buyer. FUN FOR BUT DEATH TO FROGS 1 You are the boys, we are the frogs seyrn. N. C. f "To meet Mr. and Ervin Harris." Couldn't Cafeti the lffnmp. A certain poncord girl, in speak ing of a yonn s gentleman recently in the city ifrom Salisbury, said : choice BOYS, "Why, he's mumps too aw to catch the NOW FOR I A FEW THINGS IN l FRESH N EW GOODS. Now don't swoon away, but just remember that it givwa us as murh To Stop the Apread of the flagne. Rome, January 16.L- It is official- pleasure to be able toi sell these turners cheap as it gives a hungry man j i : f: I RaiiRfaction to eat. : We oousrnt tnem for s thnn vah" mm kvo h'J1 ly announce that England, France, them the very same way. Men's atin calf bals, Sunday huoes, at 85 HprmnnT. Arifttrm. Hnsaia and Tnr- cents. Men s good tuasiisn ties, nign cut DtogHiis at 75 cents. Men'ii . , ! j . , . . heavy oil grain English Ties and Creoles at $1. You nvr mx fhera for ey uae aK-fu iu num an interna- le88 than SI. 25. You can't buy them now in lots of 1,000 Pi. s from any tional conference in this citv to con- factory for less than $1.10. Ladies glove grain J ace an bn ion1 shoes oirlor r,ronanlAnorV rrionroa UoJ0f Bolid leather alUhroughzoept counters, at 60q hUdren's oil gram. i y""j "H""ov polkas 40 cents, lioys long pants 50 cents, worth $h the spread in Europe of the bubonic plague now i&ing ia India.. :OANNO.lSIG ER vs witjh dead costs! State ya to make James Killwm abpot 30 yeaw of age, was tuuiid dead, lying across his bed at hjs hotel in Charlotte Monday. 8 It lis supposed that hd Ed Johnston, assault Kew Teachers Elected. y weapon guilty and At a meetiDg 0f the board of died suddenlt of heart failure. graded echcol commissioners, held Hopston Foster, failing this (Tuesday morning Prof. M A ... . I - A Word i TO THE A Rubbery In Stanly.; - s r returns of his property Boer 8on 0f Mr. Daniel Boger, of The store of Whitt Simpson, a and poll, guilty. The court decided No 10 township, was elected to merchant of Locust Lvel, Stanly fn v&U.iin rrifQrrloUf' nnnn rt? m at t". I . . n. r ... . InnTinftT tit a a aTiVoH f Rofnvow loaf vu icicqco utjcuuauu uwu jvw aS818 iTincipai oninn at tne central "' t"""vj of sinele tax i for 9o and eosts in 0r Pmf "Rirror h witnH the tbieyes relieving the cash drawer to accept the p-sition offered him, Pf about 8 ,n monf7 d taklnS Abbie E Greeiy was elected a quantity or, gooas, rapers nave teacher' to assist in , the ! colored been taken out for the arrest of four Wise. the caBe. State vs and W Kobert Foster, A L Gossa Holbrooks, failing to ' niflVo rafnrna nnf. -orn 1 1 1 v State vs Albert Reed, M M Gray, J V Stow'e Caleb Misenheimer, fail ing to make returns,ail plead guil ty judgment suspended on payment of co3t8 an4 taxes. W M 13arrier, having complied graded ecbool. ... ; 'I This additional help has been 6 . needed for some time. s boys on whom suspicion re3ts. Mr. Simpson feels confident that he knows all parties to the robbery. Election returns are nothing compared to the re suits you receive by trading with Dry & Wads worth, who are wide awake and uptosdate. f! People are apt to believe what they see and the DoubtingThomase can be quickly! conyinced of the truthfulness u.nd correctness of what we say by. calling at onc. 'Tis oniv a lew aays im 'Amaa ana every doqv m Df ffin ning to look around for Santa Claus. His quarters this time are at the, Bncklen's Arnica aire. The Best Saive in tLe world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt TTp.ver Sores. Tetterd Channe .:l. i , . . - . . j i i k x who a ooara requiring gooa ue- Hands chilblains, Corns and all FliFniltliFe lieaitv ' hayior for one year, was discharged Skin Eruptions, and positively cures ' from court. btate vs Adam Allmam, carrying concealed weapon, plead , guilty and fined : $15 and costs. " " State ys Jack Boger, larceny, guilty. Sentenced to 8 months on chain, gang. ' - rof tate vl Madison Hall, carrying concealed (weapon; plead guilty, $15 and costs. Charlie Coleman, a 13 -year old Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give st&tisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store," Ban Oyer and Killed. The information reaches here that a factory girl was killed early this morning at Haw Kiver.: She at tempted to cross the track in front of the west bound mixed train and uegro plead guilty for forcible tress fla ,L- k ftnd kilIed. It wa8 im. paea and by consent of court, jadg- possible to learn the girl's name or ma Buspenaeu. , the circumstances attending:, tne The case of tli3 State against W killing. Durham Sun of the 18th. Gadd, Channing Smith, C F Smith, Gilbert Smith, Henry Li taker JJn(i Hiram Baiber, for false impria onment, ig being1 heard this after soon, ana greater po will doubtless occupy tha tion of the time. To CURE A COLD IS OSE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab 1 A1l druggists refund the mcmey if t fails ure. 25c. i If Acm5 ar k XIiteumatibm relieved .V hy Db. HUcsr Nerve Plaflteea CASTOR I A . - i For Infants and. Children, !Ti fee limlls t!saturs N.- is ea An epldemle prevailed In Plymouth, Pa., and was so violent that the town was almost, decimated every one fled that could get away,! excepting , those who heroically determined that duty required their presence to nurse their families and combat the disease. t I Heroes who fight battles and destroy armies, desolate homes and crush na tions are lauded to the skies, but there is another heroism that should never be forgotten, that which stands at the bed side defying danger and death, soothing the sufferer. Such devotion was shown m Plymouth, .and the fell destroyer was soon driven back, and health smiled upon the doomed town once more. Having in our official capacity as mem bers of the Plymouth Hospital Committee been asked to test and prove the effective ness of many different articles to be usej as disinfectants in sickrooms and as pre ventives of infectious fevers, report that Darbys Prophylactic Fluid has been thor oughly tested during the recent Typhoid epidemic in thjs place. ; It proved most effi cacious in stavine the spread of the fever. ; 5. M. JJAVHNPORT, O. M. Lancb, James Lee, Jr. Mr. Frank L Smith, who is con a'aA tn his room with the grip, 's reported as being somewhat befe-l A 1 "I . ( ' loaay. F. H. Armstrong, J. A. Opp, Thos. Kerr. Several of the leading merchants of Ply mouth, who had cases of the fever in their families, who are persdrtally known tomt, used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, to their entire satisfaction and have given the best of testimonials to that effect. It is a most : effective preparation. It should be used in every house as a preventive from Ty-. Ehoid Fever, or in any case where a dis lfectant is needed. 1 would recommend it to everyone, having had a good oppor tunity to know its excellent qualities. G. H. Prtvdlh, Hospital Steward. ; v" ' 1 1 " " ' v ' '" ' ' ' Headache and Neuralffta cnre . ULLES PAIN PILL3. "Oneceaadoa, He saysMf you likecomf ort and ease buy one of Dry & Wadsworth'jj Big Rocking Chairs or the Ladies? N sizes for your wife. Or if you wan t to sleep well' and rest easy buy one of the. Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best in the world, or one of the handsomest lounces. They have them at all prices from 84,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-todate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit Up a room nicely buy oneof v these, handsome suits,the pricesfare low. ' j 'AIN'T iT THE TRUTH..'! ; Yes sir, We have everything in the furniture line, i Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and . styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades, Cur , p tain Polls, Ladies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes 1 Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a ' home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser at nice and useful piece of fui . niture, consisting of fiat Racks, Music Racks, Comb, and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Casest What Nots, etc. This l is no fake . ' Sure Go.'1 The piices of the articles meantime are ; from 15 cents to ?6. "The value of the present will be governed by? the amount of the cash purchase, ! These $ales will cbiiiinue until the above mentioned articles have all been given out, - Gome atonceand get thehoice presents,; t i , Yours to Please, ! 1 i J . Tt." 7 i .

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