1 tir It s : -' - 1 ' - 1 i "i Vol.! K V.' No. 8 AT THE CAPITAL. pomqmy, N. c. satur daajarTTS proceedings the General Assembly . in unci, SENATE. KALeigh Jan. 22 The Seriate was opened wun prayer by Rev. D Committee to Do the Whipple. The district ecbooNo. 19, taught at the old PJuBkett school house in No. 1 township, is not rnnnincr nn smooth as ice. It seems that a small boy was called jip for a whip, ping, And the lady in charge, feel- --o -w aoa iuumUCQ ior nf?r. re- Mr. Charles J Harris entertained most charming the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Ervin Harris at the St. Cloud. . I 1 ; Mrs.fM C-Ddsenbnry bad affairs Bet.e. . Bills and resolutions were " .iFT! Tuld bo ""Porfluous ofiered aa follows : . uu lDe!rPt was a sue- Mr. Abell Bill to amend section Thn Koti ... of Tbe pode, relatin to de- rpom were beay S TK positions. ; ferns, ivy and potted nUn.o n j "J " on tne boy and was M, M0Je-To amend ?b8pter380 ns Ld .(fe S? bSrlt h of 1889 relating to liens on J heavily ,aden nocenoe of the chargeTte father' canal companies. jl?'" 8n thl eea80m and b ouk not submit to Mr. Shore-Bill to clear the Tad- R tTZ TTV and' the Ppo8e1 whiPPiDg, which cans- k:n river of. timber,.etc. andVn.?w' "ni Bo0th ed a di'i8io" in the school, and as Mr. Rollins-Bill to regulate the the nSST T8 ma" " stand, the school is re- -in to the dissection of S2 iM? PorUd to be in bad shape, It ia dead bodies horrohou . ?v par- we ver, mat -all differences aeau unuiea. i ior, wnere thev wr rCA;n..4 1 ir mi.- . . , Ji hm i . ' 1. , "wfcwiBu uyiur,- win ue amicably adiiiRtAri within The ca endar was then tnVo Chae. Harrio oc0;0i u nr.- ... L, . , , y auiustea witnin I r "ucloVDU uj ipa oaiue fcoe nexuiew days knd a number of hills nA or,i l-Belle Ervin. whn infJl4 I : - - ivuui u i 7 " w " uuu uueu Hann Whole NO. 1625 ' i . A1 I' ' ' 'v'7. -of V;.;. 'v: ..;!-: '.-J;. fanny for evbodv S 8mlU Part of as to make it ( : " . . . j wv w ViD, lions were disposed of guest to the "guests of honor," Mr ,c1! o " music, added n eroment: Messrsr .Grant, chairman: LftwA.-- Smatber., McCskey, Atwater and The guests left at a, late hour, Arvll. It - . r coping io De remembered when Mr. Din lunue renei or ss T John- Brevard Harris is called upon to re ported the matter to the committer. .nThjs eek ftn next week, the last two wAfifc nf ToMn h u oonimittee took iUP, 1 iLoo afeSf5 CenU- The and ftread and but.ons prieeAlb0U' 100 pairS f Men'8 pants a' 75 cents. This is less than half tJ30 your choice of about 50 vest, grinned at withoSt "th. ! i be 8neezed a without isnuff, or A SMALL LOT OF LADIES FINE SHOESI at 50 cents. Not a third of the average cost. WeoWS -d -lao of Zeigl.r pf the a verage co"t. - 8t 7o oe.ntB' no ov-r thini. are rtsalar i$1.25 - Jnllan Caldwell Dendj The President announced the foK 80 rs' Brevard Harris. Mrs. Jennette Caldwell received a days.! i;n,r.nnJmifM i Concord's orchestra. with.it telegram this (SaturdavV morning A sma iot of n wu lJ music, added much to 'thiV, om States ville. : aaoUnnin. thZ 7 better. lot TSTh I Ji ii .., ,...!!!. " ujro wufli BiloeS &E fttlri nr,f0 STeniner. i ueain 01 ner little PraHHRnn .Tnlin I A smrdl Inf. nf mma n rr j . . : . thA.7..w ' C." ,r V, "'.7"' all wool al V PiT" "ifJ na Beryicawe. but not cuaranteed ! wen tca ;mutejf- eon, a one-legged Confederate sol- tnrn tha compliment to his brother.11118 entlre community in the loss I BUT DEA tw to i5f 5So8i ,?VaTor of the buyer. ( FUN FOR BOY., dier, allowing him to peddle with- ' -v ; M. J. 8. of dear little boy . rr A r - T frogs- cut license, passing second and . W iMU.iU ".-.ord'IWJ 1NU W FO R A FEW THINGS third readings. V Mr. G. Cailloutte. Z'A A bill grantine a chartpr W ,J JV 4. . -KJlbhl NEW GOODS. Bill for the relief of J L Stewart, BeaTervUle, III., says; To Drv Kina's I cotrn9''on of a railroad from Ab. nBn,, Sl'iK?"? aw??t but just remember that it sives u, aamnrh Sr-SJjf J?8? than ralue andwe seH cents "Men's eood Pliah H0BvaLm .BI "aJsT Sunday shoes, nt IDeVd tOr from any shoes readings. HOUSE. Mr. Petree a -. i .ui q ,fi, : ., , . i vuitjr uiuiioni or aoijara are bank- Mr. LawnT " " ZtZ"? : We ing thf promoters of hi, propoeed -X .-".rr" it iGer'a" W S ro.?. a connection ugtuuuuo irum.we ravages of Drue StorA r 7 AOtH witn the ISaboarc il grant S & Tated grounds from the ravages of I Drug Store. PMu ry, oy masing it a misdemeanor , r i , vo"",rrns unartz. tolallow poultry to go on or remain ruch groAnd after one dav's no. . .. Ln .r tBe Plaotatwn of Mr. - tice by i,3 owner. V . Mv xoung, in; the Rocky Kidge r''e tice bylta owner. ii Mr, Daniels, of Darer-To prohibit the sbebting of wild fowl in that county from-"batrys," Mr. Mearee To pay registrars and judges of election 1.50 each for services last election day and 1.50 each to persons who carried election ret Jrns of flection to the county seat : that not to apply to the rai aboard Air line. A A Alonstrisity. wpeks ago JastBundav morns aicrumey, a woman acrops road, gave birth to an infant n an in Section nf thft nnn n txr :i southwest of town, has been leased "ft perfect monstrosity. The wo tn q no.nnn M ni i.ii ! . man xxrna frinrhtonaA ' u ' Uv oUUipaujf ut uuanoue men Wnoj " 6"tu.jyjr Boeing will utilize the We onann'fi nf elephant when the circus was vhite quartz found on the supface . 71 aDd tbP chlfd has a Pcu" out there. eupeu oiairormation protrude ' ing from just beDenlr us ncser It ine company will use the quartz has no roof to its month and cannot in experiments, but the nature of DQrse mating only from a spoou . the experiments was not learned. The, nnhaPPJ mother nearly i . starved for two weeks as sh nrn. counties whre such officers have Mrrea UIlver 18 at head of the cealed the birth until plaat bunday. already been' paid. movement, which is a new enter- Wilson Times. jj ! Election returns are notMng compared to,fthe re suits you receive by trading with Dry & -Wads worth who are wide awake hnd up.to.date Peo$ a to belwve what they see and the DonbtingThomases can be quickly convinced of the truthfulness and correctness of whatwe say by caJling at once Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody i? 'un 3, ff.ronnd for Santa Claiis. His" hSid. quarters thisjtime are at the . T. , A i. ' . t i.oernetny ro amend ThP ' H v;Vw . Code as to pauper SUltS by Striking SalisWrto IIave New Dally. If II; JtlJN 1JN Qf9 out the word 8 "one or mor wif i no0nnfl 0 L n t We wish to caution all users of Simmons HegPP," j . J Wlt" H J GaS(ine edltor of the Caro- Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest and jnsertmg two dis lina Watchman, at Salisbury was in mtfest importance to! their health- interested witnesses and hv th offi rho u n 1 , perhaps their lives. The 'sole proprietors davif yyne?8e.ana by the affi- the city and tells us that Messrs. and makers of Simmons Liver Regulator ot one or more practicing Joe X Rouesche and Clint N Brown lea th cJlustomers are often deceived by attorneys'- K - 1 , . . i J buying . and taking some! 1 niedicine of a A I are soon to establish a daily paper in similar appearance or taste, believing it to A bin to make it a misdemeanor to Salisbury The first issue is to an- SSl??? ,We warn a political meeting Caused rpar nhnnf. Mornh 1 on triftr.AnWcrpni.Knf flQ ikof.';D e; Uetl crsa firing, when an amends published from new material Mr llS-' No ?e! e1?? mke8 or Was ad'lprl lJot; ' . . F m u - material, air. ever has rnade Simmons Liver Regulator, or , I -- wttHnK uue itoueecne is an experienced newspa- ayingjcajiea C5immona jjiver Keguiator, conduct also of the sneakpr Aa J M1 lf r , i , but J . H. Zeilin & Co., and no medicine made the bill n 1 f -I P ' made Per man and Mr. Brown has also by anyonb else is the Eame.f We alone can An jiffriirT166 i W eDeral favor, had considerable experience. Char- P1 lfc QpJ.apd we cannot be responsible, if f . m 1 auienament; was aU m-'Al i umermeuicmes represented; as tne same do -v JLIJ Li (V 1 1 1 LT IriO latrrnW.Ml 1 ' 1 I "" wwww He says if you like comfnTtfan 0oc.fi, 1 & Wadsworth'. tag, Bocki, Ch j sizes for your wife. Or if yon want to 'sleep V ell ad rest easy bny one iof the Raleigh Wire Sorin M- tt onZeVbeTV6 01 ne of .he ESo 9fi t They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-tbsdate arid in stylea parlor snit and to fit np a room nicely' buy onethesehandsomersnits-the prices are low "age actors. t l'U ,i?corPrate the Moore an'y & Western Railroad, also caused much discussion, it beine biM n'el f the W- - fi-H. The A m?i ? pf.8S9d its cond readine. hon, I t0 8' hotel and boarding coaflS LWal olaini?d that it allele TeJhe con6titutional e2 re ? 5.00 worth of per , uai property.- j r ?5 to 5i T V clerl 8 fees 'n PendiS $ 6r ' d Was dlBnssed bn t ionrnedS B'Cn,810n the House ad- To Appoint Two Commissioners. i I irnn annnnonW . v1 . T . Tl l Judge Strbuck has received a tor, because the name wasjsomewhat like itition from; citizens of Rowan 51!! petition from citizens of Rowan &SfSl? pa?age di1nHave " Kegulator on it, you have? been imposed county, praying for the appoint- upon and have not been tlkinsr Simmons mnttf Liver Regulator at all. The Regulator has any years, and :- 'A " men! of two extra commissioners for - - : ; r that county. The application! asks for the appointment of J A Fisher, Topulist, and George Rose,1 Repub lican. Judge Starbuck .informed a Standard reporter this j morning that be had the matter under nnm. sideration and that -he would takp action on the matter in the coarse of a few days' It is very probable that tha appointment will be . made. 'AIN'T IT 1 rihj TRUTH v. mvuiumuij icicocu leu; tics me Bame ut not help you as you are led to expect they will. Bear this fact well in mind , if you have been m thje habit of using atoedicine which you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula- riQAo viaex Liver bftpn f auunu uiam y cell o, auu all who use it. know how necessary it is for been favorablv known for A: Fever aTin Aorno Rilinnn Ti?oTToi nnncfinn I tion, ileacfache, ryppepsia, and all disorders j. tmomg arom a jjseasea jjiver. We ask you to look for yourselves, and see that Simmons Liver Regulator, which you can readily distinguish by the Red Z on wrapper ami by our name, is the only medicine calleH Simmons Liver Regulator. r. ii. zeuin & co. riIf5s5rt'nT,e ave . vy iing in the f nrnitnre line; lr descriptions Tables all sizes and Shades, Our- ni Polls; Ladies'esks, Office Desks, Wardrobes .bidt cards, China Closets and everything to make a, home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning fromi today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful pieca of fur Batr;Back8, Music Eacks, Comb and Bpsh Shelf Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, s Medicine Cases What Nots. etc This isUno lake rnre Cxo. The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 centsto I6i :The value of the present will ba governed l.tie amount: of the cash purchase. These sales will continue until the aboye mentioned articles have all been-given out.Come atfonce' and getthe choice presents, g "; ; : ; v 8imn ' I. lOtt8 , .Take V- '.''': Liver Ilegulatori i - i 1 . . t 1