VL' N' - : 'v: : ' - - - " wmmm . - ,., . . -. -- ,. t - " . 1 lF H ? IV I S IP -W fc.1V . n A Mfe : " - ! 4 - j . ... . ..- LAngh and theWorld Laugbg XVitU I Yon," ; So thought the New South Club when thej originated and planned that jolliest of entertainments, an ''Apple Sociable," for last evening. l uesdajr. anernoon and evening oi.every wees, tne club rooms are thrown open to the ladies, so that they can have th benefit of the I cboice literature and all the papers 5 of the dajr, but last evening was given to mirth, fun and applea. Messrs. R L Keesler and Q E . Smith ananged the festivities, an nounced the prizes and ) timed the contestants. . The firstcontest was an uApple Paring." To the one who could hor the longest paring at the: ex piration ofjfive minutes, was offered a dainty after-dinner cup Mrs. W J Montgomery, Miss Montgomery ; Meerk Harris and Goodman acting as judges. Mr. C L Smith the si6ceesful Sontestant and t: him Prof. Shinn in a lew well n words, nresentftfi th , COUBr PROCEEDINGS. GRAND ilTRY8REPOBT sea nisnnBod - ?j 1 l- Wholb. NO 1.626 ra n . 1 Slate ve. Oharle. Sutierj: chafed i-? with stealing a razor from W H on ,n-rPrott.t. KM..t Keed, enilty; sentenced t th. lVf : T nam f. O - i-i ! 1 gang for 8 months. breaking, guilty;' chain years. gang three -We, the members of the Grand hni k- 1.'. ; . .. StftP vfl f?tro - 1 ucK leave 10 make tne follow ocate vs. nye vounar mpn framK. I; i .., : uj report; i I Ab rm " ;3r. -"nmaies, twenty- He.dachEHcBebaV' ee l?m; 'e'l cared for. tp be thb very bes.. It effects a bl?!lding8 are in good permanent rnrA riri tu J..i. -l . hh;f,7i -It il .ouiusiureaoi wuu mwu, wiu tne exception of one 81&aaaes Yield to hearth tht. ,a A nVr 7 ve urs all who are w 4U ucc re eive this rprninr e) aSa " ouu nav Jmmeaiate at- casesof habitbal onEleo ' "- Jitters, cures by giVing the We find the keeping dl the jail needed tone to the bow es. and -fro niii, 'II j J case long; resist the use of this I J fou oraer escouia frf,i S'nn iy it oucA. -Fiftjp cents be expected with the large, number aDd Sl.OO as Fetzer's Dru? Store. cf prisoners confined. - The jdil building ia in bad order needs repairs. The heater is worth- to the home of Mr. "T ,A Moser, in Ie8S and should bej replaced by a No. 8 township, and told Mr. Moser nevv on?- present one is too smaii ror the work it, hs to do. 6 03 uumoer 01 ig bisier oeing eicb and that as vve nuti l"e bt0?e room in bad ttlcis contained in the antiles narpd his horse wa3 rirft.t.tr ni order. 'Momo nf.i hi r. as given to each contestant. Mis3 out' h wanted to exchange with ' pneoners cells are ineecure. h KitQ Gibson and Eri. TTil I f i0A Mr. Moser until he could Umn We wonErfMmmon,) Mlfl L Another apple1 was peeled and they wn 10 6ee Dr- R S Young. Mr. of a whitp-wash brush in all the :y Moser, tbroueh kindness Ipt. TTprriurr ! rooms of fho hn!Mml ", Hill wnn trio v? u i ' nave bis horse and buesv and n J 1 We would .... m - " i ' -wwujtuv utiC U il LI till luesdav nipht nothing hori h.m v, , . . ... ' - - v . SHOESL bunday last Joe Herring rods' us-y Oao gues3 at the number of to1?" of the 0agt a, to matei. trfUfttS a 7!Sh .? tw0 of January, berfw,-. SS our .u8tomers audU wobfdbKbohat rflSoh56?'8- The ,fa4? thread and buttons pficftfc "'a .orth that r4h to price bUt 100 P8irS ot Men'8 73 cents. This ia less than, hair SJljfe 50 vest., grumed at without teeth 0xiCu c wnnout enuff, or- A SMALL LOT OF LADIES FINE at 50 cents. Not a ihird of H1B .v.r,.., IJPeOH,wl10p0lrSpo,.?dif8 fi1e sho "n button and ht of IZeisr r of Srversfeiot.Br0ther8 maU to "' 75 cents, not ovf TLLSr- days. cst over 81J Don t miss this lot. They won't be here many- shoes. Boys work shoes at 50 aid 65 cens ' U all oS5ii0t pi? 's,tui,8 socd, and eervioible. but. i.W Vlteee " an wool at 12. Plenty places where thev will ank , 9 i1'""., coat not any better. , iOU 52 " ' Ul " tingle fnr 9 Tk nT Ji r pants suns, in nne goods, we r v vrn f.'.cVa. BUT DEATH TO FKOflS i T0' oyjer,'. PUX ;FO BOl'S. 11 AU A'HUUb ! You tiro ttie boys, wa are tlu, ;rcs, ' , . i ' - . ' f"v" rcueuuaoie to Dalieve that he has wer, a.d npon tne floor and each skipped nith the hor.e and buggj -. 1UIU13UCU W1,u a u may be, however, that the man W and spoon and given two met vrith s..ma accident 'a'a'd was mmntea mj which to work. They providentially hindered from re- 1 I "HH'o wilu tufiiiugiio cquirH Moser e. poon and put it in the basket. In this race Misses Kate Means and Jnie Richmond';- tied. This tie ' .: v crked off hv Anntw forta ; - -j j "wt.w. tavc 1U c i Missj Means won by one apple. 1 Mfi4: For Infants and CiiHren. in he next contest, by. eat- L8 i ' ' J apple pie so much quicker v a.Jjjorie else and thereby win. ' 'v i 1 )oyety rose bDl. ' is CI c?ery . ... t . Blatcd for Secretary of tlic frcasurr Mr. Lymaa 'Gage, 'Chicago's nreat financier and bank nresidfint. an. C.J. oyejy rose bowl. '' fan trew "fjtst..-aua farioaV c -Ched thp filimair koh' - h; uwu ' LUU :.'!.tBu uctme on apptev were '4Utt- p4siMeii& ap- difrom the ceiling by a pears to ba slatt;Ci for Secretary of Td the one wbo cite moit cf l treasury unaer the hew ad- ;;ple, was to be awarded a hand- PlaIsiration. General Alger's name p k.cio uuuoic-u uj lliv ivepuoiican party of Michigan for someplace' in the cabinet, to his. great delight. .,ouiq .or perturnery.; .M:ny ' d 'tjbemseisea most crcdita- i - 4- . . ' f " Uii? but .'!:. G W Oald brok.' .1 -r by.cowpTctely.cletpolish. -"f t ' 'V ' ' i a a olcUo in the Cabinet of President oloct McKinley I wili'.esteetii it the cioizki2- honor of mv )f pnii i. -A .Tnle. rhfl'TnlnornAWoi nf iveo to him 01:" ' 1 r-ll(! nn!p rwfrr 're-, Also a stove in the; Regietrar'&of fice and a a;cve, V lock and, twelve ! chairs in the re tit Jury room. We earnestly prot-t against' the Board pfConrUj Couimiesioners' aK lowing 'xru:y convictls the privilege of leayin the camp kinder any cir cumstaocea except on camp. We extend our; thanks to His Honor, the Judge and thk Solicitor ror courtesies. shown jug during sitting. : J Kespectfuily subniitted bv urano Jury and foreman. Concord, N 0 Jan. 26, 1897. fSoforie fh S DTUL?.n?w in 'Ptsof 1,000, pair, fioin any BoliH ipooii TiT v V JJlts ,ove gram iace au" uiMcn bhoes polkafc through except counters, at 60c i kndi,k , ii business of the the C 4 Lki A Word' ; TO TH E T f S evening. The Eest Saive in tke world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever "Sores, Tetterd bhappe Hands, Chilblains,' Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and Dosiiively.cur$ Piles or uo pay rqvn-ed. It i guaranteed to- givp jnnifa f o monev; refunds. Prfc 5 c-nid bo- For f.ale at P Feiz-r'o f ) store. ; . . . ; Election returns arenotiiing compared toTfbp )( suits you receive by trading wiih Drv & WrS.woith who are wide awake and uptosdate People air to believe what they see; and the Doubting Thoinase can be quickly convinced of tthe utiilifUlLegs and, correctness of wbat:we say by caJlir, afono 'Tis oruy a iew aavs till 'Xmas nnrl . . " . " v w ' v i j u va J X? UC 11 qnarters tMs!time arft at tliH I LJ 1 : i, I-. o . ) i I . . I t. . J. . i 1 t J.. s history of my. family, an he nor that I;h befnethy, the brother of I T Abernethy, is out in a : i Observer, ' stating ' that rk and care had unbalanced -1 of the unfortunate author nqvei- ot. pfrange ''nbraen-' -r dlthnt fcr socie tiao al t K:d.estrnction had been ill ni - Hp fitnhpa th- " - ULl occasion he was help to arrest a man .7 thiv facts in the esse will J i v iiim jistifible in drawing the 7 V; UQd f temptingLto "ahoot ooe, Key. Goode however. r . Jof, Abrnethy complains at the "Trnesa Of the -Observer's accbunt b we conied "nd resents the t ba cherished as long' shall last." ; in the aa life 1 u i- A "loascliolrl Necessity. Cascarets Candy n Cathartic, the moat wonderjul medical "discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste,' act gsntly and positive ly on the kidneys, liver anr howels; cleacsing tho entire system', dispel coiq?, cure neaaa.coe, lever, habitual r.nnsf.iniitinn nnri hilinnsnpci Pionr-n b-iy and try a box' of C. C. C. to day, m or rn o.u i ! iu, , cfu uauiy. ouiu anu guaran teed to cure by all druggists. T CURE A COJLB IX ONE JDAX Take laxative Bromo Quini ne Tab lets. All -.v drucffists refund thfi . ., . . . money if it fails to cure. 25c. iqaii . . Go to the Baltimore Bargain TTnncA x ttilA nH ua n tncra ff thoi closing out prices: They will wind up their busines here this week and are selling clothing and shoes at a ZZr. Francis Fishor bdatl. i I he remains of Air. Francis Fub er arrived in the city t his (Weil ate day) morning from !Fort Mill?, ! C., and were taken to the home -of his son, Mr. Scott jFher, in' No. 4 township, from whre the corpse wni.oe coovejea to irmity church burying ground tomorrow. About a year ago Mr. Fisher and family returned, to Cufcarrus, his native home, from the West and later went to Fort Mill, S. C, where he had lived until his death. lie was taken with la grippe .several weeKa ago anu grew; worse until Monday night, ; when he died. Shortly after arriving here from the West Mrs. Fisher d ted. Mr. Fisher sv3j3 the father of 13 children, eleven He says If you lika rn-mfnrt m,i Cnci & Wadswortb's Rid- p-rtio. -ni;rJ t - v ! . 1 "Hvaiaf; v J J rt J J r? U i L U e ; I P O T ' ' ! sizes lor your wife.' Oi if yen want to sleep iveJj uzd I rest easv buv onp nf tb T?oi tresses, best in the world, or one cf.the hanrtsoniesl lonnffes. They have them st all prices froto:$4.(-0 to and to make your parjor, look oiv-tt-date ai;d m style buy a parlor suit arid to fit up a rcomiikeiy buy oneof" tlesehaijdsomeeniisrhc nfei, Urc-'Jov.-. ' ALN T iT THE TR.IWH of whom survive; wa3 59 years of age. him. Deceased Ys'sirWe have evrylhJDo; m the f vwdjis cu-.aii.-oescriptions Tables rvll sizes rnd styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window fe Lades I Cv " tarn olls," Ladies' Desks; Office Desks' WardrrleR' Sideboards, Cliina Closets and evervtliing to jnake a borne pleasant and a; wife happy. Beginning iioni today and during the holidays we pjopoee to give to each casb puj chaser a nice and uselu) piece of li nrture, consisting of Bat Kacks, JMiiEic Backs, Co; b and Brush SbPlf. p Medicine ?aes:;TbatJN.ot8. .etc.-, Ibis is no fcke -"Sfare GoJ. The piices of the articl-s menntime'are from 15 cents to $6. The value of the present v. ill Jbe governed by the amount of the cashl purchase. ' These sales will cominue. until the above mentioned articles have all been given out.Come atoncefand set the choice m ftp fin ta; ' " ! " r - ; JL " W' VI liver, kidneys Cascarete sti m ulate and bowelp." Never sirkpn .trpnttn ours to Please; 4. '1 1 ".'-' i 'i.'TUlM .... . .1 f y ("" v.-;-.. ;v rt:rIir7W saennce. or gripe. 10j. . .

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