XV. No. 13 CONCERT), NC., FIUDAY. JANUARY 29, 1897. W holts NO. 1.62S LESLIE-MCKESSON. n TSarriniro Wednesday of Two o" v :,?:. ton ;jJIoi Popular .Yonng ' (,,ica rotsncr tuueord Boy the Of the marriage of Mr. W A Les CAROLINA CENTRAL WEEC li.va former oci: urred cn Train Derail ed Rear Hrtr let-Cars ':'( "'".;,.' ' ' 'Selescbpedi A wreck occurred on the Carolina Central road Wednesday, "at Laurel :oncord vboy, which four miUs below Hamlet. -The Wednesday last, the train, when it reached Lau :ei Hill, Mi fit, iji.LlHAJ Hei aid says : 'Tl, ,r-v was' consis'edof an ecgine, two box cars a quiet but. pretty full of hands T?ho had been a$ work weddicg yeterdy at 11 a. m., at on the lower part "of the read, sev the residence of Mr. C F, McKesson, eral othsr box cars and a passenger aid (lauhterj Muss Annie, whose coach. The cars containing the beauty and accomplishments and bands were next to the engine, wiuning manner make her1 the pride These were dropped at Laurel Hill, of Morgan ton, land Mr. W A Leslie, and fortunately for the men within i enterprising Morganton druggist, that they were, for none, of them who, though having been a resident would have been left to tell the c our town oaly a little over a year, story. As the train was speeding has won a host of friends on account along toward Hamlet the engine of his many excellent qualities, vere became derailed, throwing the whole happily hiarried, in the presence of train off the track. The first four relatives of the bride and a few Gars next to the engine were tele f ri nds of the contracting parties, scoped. The passenger coach ran Kev. Churchill iSatterlee, rector of some distance off the rails. -Mr. F Grace Church - Morgan ten, per- H Rahm, who was one of the pas formed the beautiful and impressiye sengers, was giving in his experi marriage ceremony. Miss Florence ence yesterday at the Buford. He Hardin was maid, of honor and Mr. said it was one of the most complete W T Pa we w&j beat man. The wrecks he had ever seen, and that nii.hprfl were. Messrs. F B Davis, W the riding on the cross ties was F Hunt, R A. Decision That Hade a Wreck of Healthy ana Safe' Institutions. Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 28 A receiver wao appointed today for the Covenant' Building and Loan AJs-, 8ociation of this city, making the Seventh one to go under! Baring the last ten days. Of the nine build i i;g and loan associations cjoing bui ness in this city, there are now only two, and they art doomed to go within the next few idays. The panic in building. and loan associa tions in this city was caused by. a decision of the ! Supreme Court, which provides that where a" bor rower forfeited hia property the as sociation must pay back euch sum as he has paid in. Following this, hundreds of suits were at onra be gun and then the people who hid money invested began to withdraw it. Applications for withdrawal came so fas that moneyj ccmld not be obtained to pay ofl one-third of them. Public sentiment was bit terly opposed to the associations and the result was that' they ! went into receivers' bands and the seven will be wound up. The Southern, which was the second one to fail, U the largest i n the world and ' had stock holders in every Eastern and South ern State and many in, the West. Ia nearly every instance, the asso ciations were in periectly solvent condition when the receiver was appointed; O Pearson, Jr., and about the roughest experiment he James W Wilson, Jr. . ' VV ever tried. The wedding was announced to Engineer Martin and : the firemn tAVft nlace at Grace Church at 3.30 lumped from the engine as "she" i p. m., but owmg,to th death cn went over. No one was hurt, but J,"- Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has m . f C Hf 1 1 Tjr WnUnn rha rrr rcnlr or ex r r tho from moo rtrstm t For OVer Fifty Years aunt of the changed and bride, the hour was plete. Charlotte Observer. the marriage was a qaiet one, at the home of the bride. Thfc Discovery Saved His Lir. x Mr. G.- Ciilloutte, .Druggist, at King's Was The presents were numerous, cost- BeaverviDe, III,, saysuTpDr, ir ofi hartfTJimp " '' New uiscovery'l owe my life- " Th happy1 pair left1 immediately taken with La Grippe and tried all ' . .. . , , . .u the physicians for mi!e3 about, but f..r Aaheville. where they took the -i A - a 1 , . of no avail and was given up and v&3UDaie,iQrpunum imug, fcold j could not Jim Having Dr. Jiner's New Discovery in my store I J - i- .Ul, M..kU I J '1 tit '11' i meaa several uays au tut- vrtu eeni ior a uoitie ana- Degan its use pn: tfiPn rpmrn rn nior?auiuu iu uuu xium iuo mat uwo ucuuu iu - . - -XV - Q I w get better, and after using three live- - f a : i . Thd 'jopngl people, just entering upoa bply: vfedlock, have the be.t jRichea of toeir large number 01 fnerida." - : '- M!3'L-iura Leslie, dster of the bottle3 was ud and about again. It ia worth its weight in gold. Te won't keop store or hojso without it Get a free trial at Fetzer's Drug Store. r I: groom, was- present tru ret.imed ' ' i .L ' A ' T at the marriage ) il V Sir, Carrinser ' jiYlth the Firemen Rprjatnr Rrrinorpr w.is in thp p.itv to the city Thursday hoi dv in conversation with a Standard reporter he said tuat many friends here whan' the matter of taking the ap vriihbr hini and his bride all joys tialit this, life may bring. ' the mess nuive. The Best gaive in the Torid for HilemaD b( 't? Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, bait m ?, FeverSores, Tetterd Chappe what Senator Barringer nancs, n Cmlblains, Corns and al) Cl fT! I f - -. 1 - ' n propriation away irom tne atat? Firemen' Association wa3 put to a vofe. ne waaitt oe rouna wun ine fiiennen, thati he most heartily fa yored the appropriation. Speaker owever, wants the ap y : -t ? p propriation cut on, juagmg irom said. bkin Eruntiona. and Dositivelv cures J mt Filto or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or raonev refunded. Price 26 cents per v box For gale at P B Fetzer's Drue ,. store. GASTORfiA For Infants and Children. been millions of mothers for their -child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It Boothes the child, softeLS the gums, allays all pain,! cures-wind colic, and is - the beet remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor ittle sufferer immediately. Sold by irflggisteJnevpry part of the world. Twenty-fiye cents a bottle,- Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth Lg Syrup," and take to other kind. Gold Mliierfi Coming Prospectors representing northern capital, from the Cripple Creek and California gold mines, are expected to visit the noted gold beds of Ca barrus county within a short while, from which great results may ensue. The gold fields of North: and South Carolina and Georgia on the A tl an tic coast are now attracting almost as much attention and capital as ever did California, and Colarado on the Pacific coast. The greatest draw back to the miners of the Atlanta ic coast has been the lack of facili ties for the developments of the mines, which facilities could not be obtained for the absence of means. The paity that will visit Cabarrus will be piloted oy Mr. W A Smith, of this city, who knows every inch of gold mining property in this sec tion," '.; . ..""( . 1. ' Froze On DIis Face. young! gentleman of the city btgan his toilet this morning by first attempting to shave himself in timil9 iC OS a cold room. Making a stiff lather borrowing Parents. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Gil- of soap and cold water, a good coat iiam Blakwelder, near St. John's, Wa3 besmeared over his shining is shrouded in sorrow and sadness nukers. and when the raznr was fndav Their little 4-months old '!lJ 1 'J. it. !r.l L.i'nU anr nVioovfnl nr. Li 9 OF: '! Some Odds and-Ends at s'unh a small nn'rfnf iha nnut ffta fo mfiVo ifc funny for everybody but ourselves, ' i . " ' This week and next week. the last two wee lis of JAnnarv. heinntn??-' with this day, Tuesday, Jauuary 19oh, we willv giv our customers aud p iirons tue chance to Puy pny of the following: v . . About 50 boys coats at 35 cents. The limns and thread and buttons woul i cost about that much. About' 40 men's coats ah 75 CA'n'ts. It's wnrih .fhafe. Tnnp.h fo toaa them if soinpbody gave you the cloth. " i bout 100 pirs of Meu's pan ta atr 75 cents. This i3 less than half price.-' . -: V:r:-.: x-.':'- v Then if you want a vect voa cn have your choice of about i 50 vestn at 35 cents. Whole nuit 1.85. Not to be sneezed at wiihout ! snuff, o r grinned at without' teeth'. i v A SMALL LOT OF LADIES FINE SHOES! at 50 cents. Not a thirdjof the averagacost. L ''"-. ' ''!' '. . . . - ' : . ". : '.; "' '"; . , " . . . About 100 pairs ofJadtes fine sboea in Jsutton and lac? a of Zeigler sr. ReedV and Padan Brothers make, to go at 75 cents, not ottr outj third of the average cot. - , ; - j- AIso a small line of Eastern-made fine shoes at 75 cents. None in the lot but cost over SI. Don't miss this lot. Thev won't be here man v days. 'v -.,; -:. - :.y A small lot of men a Heavy English ties, and hieh .-'uum brouanf working shoes at 50q. A better lot at 75c. .These r regular $1.23 shoes. Boys work shoes at 50 and 65 cents. 1 A small lot of men's suits, good and servicable. but nut krui:anteed: all wool at 12. Plenty places where they will ask you 82 5i for a single coat not any better. I : To close our boys knee Dines suits, in fine sroods. we ' sy vou choice- for S2. This line includes all we htive that cost over Si ! All the toregoing stuff isin favor of the buyer. FUN FOR BOYS. BUT DEATH TO FROGS I You are the boys, we'are the irogs. NOW FOR A FEW THINGS IN FRESH NEW GOODS Now don't swoon away, but just remember that it giv W .oiura" pleasure to be able to sell these things cheap 'as . it gives h UuTi?ry mtiii sansiaotion to eat. We bought tnem fof leas than valun ann re bJ them the very samel way. Men's Hatin clf ba s, Suad -y t 85 cents ; Men's good ELu?lish ties, high cut .brogMs -'afc' 75 c ur. .MtV heavy oil grain English Ties and Creoles at 1. You nvar s tw i t ni for less than 1.25. Youcan t buy them now in lots of 1,000 purs from any factory for less than $1.10. Ladies glove grain lace airV . ? von. si,oeis sona leatner all tnrougti except counters, at 6!J3 ' n'lOi's.i a ou giu poikas 40 cents, lioys long pants 50 cents, .worth $1; A Word oms I T 0THE ise: Election returns are no turn 2 com Dared to tue-iv-1 suits you receive by trading with Dry & Wads worth who are wide awake and uptodate. fZeopie "-are'iac to believe what they see and the Dpubtinsj Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the truthfulness and. correctness of what we say by calling at ouch. fTis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody i? begia ninff to look around for Santa Claus. His head quarters this time are at'the - . ; ' i When bilious or costive, eataCa caret candy cithartic, cure guarai - teed, 10c, 26o. He saysjif you like comfort'andeasejbuyone ofiDry & Wadsworth d Big Rocking Chairs or the Ladiy sizes for your wife. Or if you wan t to sleep well aud rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best in the world, or one of the handsomest lounges. They have them at air prices from S4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-tosdate and in style buy a parlor suit and to fit up a room nicely buy one of r these handsome suits, Jthepricesjarejlow raised to make a side scrane. the itifaut. so bright and cheerful only iscoverv was made that hik entire yesterday lies a corpse. In some flt,prion8 wav the child' has been taviU fro7oii Th Jnfioman in called away, and it is thought that eation handles razors'in his busi- the baby smothered, having been aess, but was not skillful enough in found cold in death this morning. Va management of the one appro- The grief-stricken parents have the Plated to his own use to keep from tenderest sympathy ot- all tneir Sashing up his face. . v.; many friends in the loss of their de3r little bab. AG n-ew- State Directory for North ten fla 1D.limited edition, price $5 iuBipaia. urder , at once of Lev4 Branson, Raleigh, N. C. ooa and Valanble Boot. wapU TOCVBEAVOIiD in OWE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ets. All druggists, Jr.fund the money if it fails to cure. ' 25a Terdlct "A'ot Gnllty" j In the case lof toe State against A W" Neal, D IB Motley, J C Lee J Neal, Tom Robinson and J N Mot ley, charged with- rocking the house of. Porter Oray, were acquitted. The trial cousumed! two dayj time. From all appearances based on evidence in the case,! Porter Gray is implicated in a number of new charges against him. He is now one of the. many, fugitives that the law would' love .to handle he made his escape from the court house Thursday and has not since been heard Of. AIN IT THE TRUTH Notice Knight. There will be a regular meeting of Concord1 K!nights Cf Pythias, No. 51; toniight at 8 o'clock." Members especially- requested tc ne prompt; ; : . - G. L. PArtEESoir, . C O,, M J- & BEk btsel ti KT.. of, It- and 8 ; . Yes sir, We have'everythingTm the'furniture line Chairs of all descriptions. Tables all sizes and styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades,, Cur tain Polls; Ladies' Desks, Office Desks,, Wardrobes Sideboards, China Closets and everything to make a home pleasant and" a wife' happy. Beginning from, today and during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a, nice andf useful piece of -fur. niture, consisting, of Bat Racks Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots,. etc. This is no fake ' Sure Go.'v The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to f 6. : The value of the present will be jgoverned by the amount of l the cash purchase. These "sales wilL continue until the above mentioned ' articles have all been given out.rCome atTonceancl get the choice presents, Ydurslto Please, t:

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