' 1 ,- . j V o'.-'V.ji VV !: V , -?V v - - i . . - "- - - : " j. -. w . : -t . ' ." - , - .; - i - . ) ; 4y f'fnifD-ns V l-'-'.A f J..!' . I','. ,i . J -I i f 1 I I I I'l I Id. Li o XT. No. 14 s CONCOUl, N. 0., SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1897. Wiiolf, NO. 1 COUKT ADJOURNED, v xv o o 111 bamfnns:, On i iUv rnie iiirtiv hii ne to i 'I - . . ,u;.rv ttrm of Cabarrus coumy vl; ..;,r otjurt.- uojjurntd Friday rebir ;', wLiDf the critniiiul docket V,W -cuarVd off theL longest list of ; kuosh taour courts The ts iiKi witueesed and other at- tt-uuuii ta' wcije glad, lo . be "released pf jati s that ure atsoctatea with courr, business. j: ' ." 4 :: - ; As i. result of the two weeks t Li AT THE CAF1TAF . I KnrnWnl Homiugr. ;! , ' rv ; Thursday and Friday nightsj Feb. I locoedingsof the CSonc-ivl Assembly 1 Knri S am rh H4.t Oor f.. , oigrsi amateur performance ever booked a our local Thespian Trtn- A bill wa8 Pe Prof Baaei's epeeucular kar- introduced to prevent the"-iritroduc- mval ! om? 18 Qf P tirtn 'nronrria V ! v . norm (jvery jfticu ar, tne j.Hof tioa of dangerous, insects: Oae m c08tumj 0,JI12 )hd; , r,.( r,. relation to tramps and; vagrants Weach itfdostry of our tow., U UMvjr..Uww cADuiug uuu ur Line ooiy ming; cor. if a. :lu. per- ; - in is lief. : : SENATE. Raleigh, Jdn 30- KIZ'T Mid CE : A. LA SJ JL JUL Tv..,.-A imprisonment for thirty daysv Resolutions wee introduced also requiring our Congressman to vote for free coinage of silver at the ratio work, twenty-two men have been ot 16 to 1 on all occasions whether geut to the county chain gang, which by independent bill or by rider on .will, in amouut aggregate to bout other bills, whether by international twelte ytaid; labor. ; : . : , - ; . . Henry Yorke waa the single pris- agreement or independently, oner seat toi the penitentiary. He AIso for the abolition of national was convicted of anslanghter and banks, the non discrimination of was sentenced for twenty yiars ; v moneys and against the retirement Henry McOane, the oriinatpr; of of the greenbackH. . Also to make of .the spying -data de harrm'V war on trusts and monopolies; v hag been orcuoanced insane and an- mL. . . i. ' i v - vj r vi iue powers oi ine national exc- plication has been. made for his .ad? t, ... . , " 1 mission to the Asylum at Golds borb. cutlve the Supreme Court are Henry is a harmless sort orofcnder, treated as things' to be restricted to but has been an bedupant rdf the constitutional limits, prisoners' bar in nearly every court- Some time was taken up in the for several jjears. .. . -)l discussion of the Pacific railroad af The court did some excellent woik we understand to be set. in cleaning the records and it is . , ua rh,t I hp nnni9hmpntH of ' tied and that the government mort- few will check the masses who may gage is to be foreclosed. ' , be inclined to commit crime. . ' in the house. The civil' docket was not taken . K;n " 't An j A. r ii j A oiiiJwas introduced to aot)ro- np, therefore all pending case3 were . - -Arnf . , , , "F Hilizabeth City, also a bill to create A llonseliol d Treasure. t,h nffioo nf nnh1iVminti of o eol. D. W. Fuller, of Cana jpharie, T. ary of 1.500 and term of effice four Y.,savs that he always keeps Dr . ' m; . , , it Kicg's ewj Discovery in the house years, the office to be filled by the and his family has always found the Governor, and by him the printing very best fl Soma Odds and Ends at suoh asnfill part of the cost as to1 'make it iunny for everybody but ourselves. i - 1; This week and next week, the last two wee';s of January, begrmmsr ' with this day, Tuesday; January iSthi we will give oar ( ustotnerd and ' petrorjs the chance 1o Duy pny; of the following: - ' r . formatice is in no way simiiar to the "ouc ou ooys coats ac da cents. The Jinmg and thread and buttons a j- r f . wouI t cost about that much. - trades display of thtee 5ears ago ; JAh.ut 40 men's coats at; 75 cents. It's-worth that much to make Ejacn nrm is represejatea eeparae.y them ir.ooitiebody aye you the cloth. slap pictures and sides the mercantile there will be .inina tableaux. Ue bout 100 pairs of Men's pints' ar75 cents- This i3 les3 thai : ba'f ypi Knpp,IHpn xucij u jou wan a vent voa can nave your cnoice or aoouv bu vests -rv""-'v'-'J I nf R 4- TT7 1 t ' .It. d-l o- XT . . i . i . I i katcby, uongs, fancy ; marches, Ore RriUDed at without tfcth. nian etntuarv. startlTntrrnpchftnical . b 5 Hrvl' FINE SHOES! uaiciuui iiub uiacnine, in ne ganery -. , v-. , "':..-v:. 'f '';-v ;' 1 - . ; . throwing ten colors iof light equal at 50 cents. Not a third of the average'eostr to 6,000 c-ind'es burning at once J TM ClOaiOi; .grand SpfC aCUlar About 100 nairs ofJadtes fine shoes in hntfcnn and laf of ZeielftrH. phaotoa magorial kleideecopio Reed's and Pad an Brothers make, to go at 75. cents, not ov-r.,ou' third rnarhh ia mkfwi ifiantv : Pr. c- of the veraffe cot. ' ww- w -w, mm - x. V. t VI VI W A - l . . ' . . ' ' uUi. . : r - i: . Ji o:.il Also a small line of Eastern -made i fine shoes at 75 cents. Tsone in elc'X - u'" DeaT01Ba' the.lot but cost oyer 81. Don't miss this lot. They won't be here many' : A small 'lot of men' Heavy Ensrlish ties, and hisrh on, brosrans. 4: working shoes at 50c. A better lot at 1 75o. These ar ivtf.il.ar 1.25 rpmrpsfintati VPs pri- 35 cents. Whole suit $1.85. Not to be sneezed at without enulf, or laVt Suridav ' a11 me foregoing stun is in favor of the buyer FU? rUli JjUib, , " t v BUT DEATH TO FROGS 1 You are the boys, we are the irogs. that be would Lot be without it, it 1 . , . results follow its use ; G. A. Dykeman, Drug- bidder. I, N. Y., says that Dr. ;M'r. Drew would have uCoin" Har- Discovery is unaouDt S!vKthe iSrt TouBllmidS T that 'ay's book. "Elementary Principles ie 'haa used! it in his family for eight of a Republic." taught in our public procurable, cris'-, Catski K-ug's New be year?, and it has never failed to do ahool an mat is ciaimeu iof ii. uuj xjuc - ;. . . try a renibiiy so long tried and Mr button, of New Hanover, of tesied. Tral bottles free at Fet- fered resolutions of impeachment zer'e Diuglsiore. Regular size CO 3 nfrn. Bt r.A rmnA aild SI 00 : ' agaiuan ti'ugo iiymuuu jui enn63. F.veBpeciheatiohs, not m- liCSOlallOUS Of KespeCt. UlnrU nHnrlntfn onrl rtn,na VQ Wheas, Our Heavenly Father in eaumerated. hiswh-, but mysterious providence, uc'h consideration is given to has removed from among us, Mrs. the matter cf high salaries to rail Alice McKinley Morrison , a mem- road officials. It is claimed that Der or our cnurcu anu oi uur mm when toe railroaa commission sunary society. would urge a reduction ot rates it id 1st, Thit while we bow met with the declaration that the submission to this sad expenses are eb great as to render.it dispensation, we are nevertheless impossible. Some of the debaters deeply sensible of our loss. are reasonable and fair, while there 2iid, That Ve tender our -ay m pa J are extremists that would so handi- thy to the! bereaved husband and cap railroads and all other corpora children. May the hope of meeting tionsas tosend them into the hands b r ia thit bright and beautiful of receivers and let the people dose world where sorrow and teara are all.their investments. , unknown be their consolation.- A bill was offered by Mr. Sutton 3rd. That a copy of these resolu- t0 allow judges to limit the amount tions be inscribed in our missionary OI Paamg ny iawy em xcepi uu rmr a nnnxr ha ant in the he. Criminal Cases. . r i, j i. .'v I Moore county in a case involving reaved family and a copy sent to the 1 JW 0 . & Concord Times and the Daily Itj.-olved, ia humble Standard with the request to pub list. '. . i - :v-. ':. ( Mrs. J P Allisok, Committee, i Mrs. D D Johnson, Mrs D B Morrison. the ownershio of an . .818 cow nine lawyers spoke on each side' and the trial occupied three days. - The bill was tabled. IN FRESH NEW GOODS: A Monstrosity. r .nlw:: -cii-:'kjjjL:-:s: it shoes. Boys work shoes at 50 and 65 cents; --I lf,T A small lot of men's fuits, good and sorvicahle. but rot c:ud.ranteed following account of an mfaut bbrn all wool at 12. Plenty places where theyiwill ask you $2 5v fvr a single i4 " i JA;- :' coat ntot any better. u ; - t -s- Jii -lo close our boys knee panes suits, in fine goods, we gv vou choice . imr . v t. ; ixvi , xms Jine lnciuuen an we nave buaj cost over Two i we'eks .ago! morhitrV. Dixie :,Kih1eV.:'ldr'w''dttia'n rdstVe railroad gWe blnh to an NOW FOR A FEW THINGS infant a perfect moostrooaity. The woman was f rishten'd by s eine an elerjWnt when the circus wm in this v -Now don t swoon away, but just remember that it giyM ;n as mucii -r-ji j1 - '--.f.,-; , .. , . - pleasure to be able to sell these tamers cheap as it gives a auDi?ry man cicv ; anu me cnnu naa a peculiar satisfaction to eat. We bousht teem i for ie.s than valud aul wo s?J trun ken shaped malformation nro p!iem the very same way. v Men's satin calf bals, fcjcndny shfes,: t 85 . i. ,vuv1.v, .v.-. i cents. Men s good Baehsh ties, mghi cut bo s at. 75 --t Mw truding from just beneath its nose heavy 0ij gYAill Enelish Tie and Creoles at SI. Y;m over stw r.hfin fcr It has no roof to its mouth and cm- Hess than $L25. You caa't buy them now in lots of 1,000. purs from any not nurse eaMrity onlV from i snocn fa??ory W less than 81.10. Ladies glove graiu laco an U-vicn nhoeg, not nurse, easing only Irom a spocn.. 60iid leather ail throuffb excant counters, at 60a hUdri, ou.urti rn . . . . . . 'ml. .. -. a.:- . .". . . xne unhappy mother nearly starvea poikas 40 cents. Boys lon pants 50 cents, .worth 81. ror to weeKs, as, she conceaieu tne birth uutil lass'Sliaday." s i We c'ip this from; the Salisbury n. AMMON -m -n, tan hard several au 'account of a World. The weeks ago pnhl:sied similar cute in a town wav out m i ' . . . Ohio. A. TO THE w ISE. Two Prizes Atvnrtlecl.! i Miss Mry Montgo iuery is certaini-. ly a. charming betg. Friday nigh she entertained the Progress ive Whist Club, numbering twenty four, at her elegant home on North Mam street, and tne party 13 paid to have been one of thej jmortsu cces&ful of the gei3h. '..Two. prizes were aw-irdid the p-ayerj, Misu . Jaaie Richmond bei wtr the Ir.haoiDioa" nd of onrtse crred off first prize "Miss Fannie Young f 11 heir to tb booby priz?. An excellent jilunch consist, ing of choice delicacies wa3 served. ii We wish to caation all users of Simmons Liver Regulator on a subiect of the deepest interest and "importance to their health ; perhaps their lives, ine spie propneiore and makers of Simmons Liver Regulator learn that fciistomers are 'often deceired by buying and . taKing some, neaicine gi p. similar appearance or taste; believing it t6 be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn you1 that Unless the word flegitlatpr is ppi ; ever has made Simmons' Liver "Regulator, or EIeqtionreturnsJareVnotning compared to the re-' stilts you receive by trading with, Dry & Wads world. who are yvide awake and npo-date. People are apt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the truthfulness and correctness of-what we say by calling at once, only a few days till 'Xmaa and everybody i? 1 ning to look around for Santa Claus. His quarters thistime are at the t --v:-v:-.'. i-' x 10 e riii lieadv An Inter estinsr Belle. Our esteemed' friend, Mr. 0 H I -m-w ... ; . I ZO. J Sot so cold, Bat ulittle italn. The cold, bleakrweather:ha8-trioa- its vis- erated considerably within the past its till '98 and showed us a bible eight hours, and the forecast for the printed in London in the year 1669. t10vf 0, , ! . .... o The bDok shows age and wear but is next 24 hours says: Fair till bun readable. A peculiarity of the Qay afternoon,! followed by showers, letters is that the "a? in. capitals is and not so 'cold . like the "s" we use and also .. the small 's" is like ours it it ends a word but if it comes anywhere else than at the end of the word it is o the long kind so nearly like our The spelling though is nearly like bur and not like that in Tyn dale's version of the Bible. He saysjif tyou like comfort t nd easeJbuyone of Vvy & W a d swor t h j B ig B o ck in g C h a i rs or the J pdis' sizes for your vvvife. Or if you wan t to sleep eJl and' rest easy buy one of the Ualeigh Wire Spring Mat tresses, best in the world, or onej of the handsomest " lounges. They have them at all prices from 4,00 to 25, and to inake your parlor look up-to-date and in style buy a pafl a room nicely buy one of ttese Kandsoine snitstheprictjsjaf eJlow.IJ MM iT 0 - S THE TR UTH anyihing callefdSimmon3 ,Liv.er Regulator, but J; H. Zeilin & Co ,'atid no meilitine made" TO CURE A COLD IM OSE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine T2I et8 All druggists refund the oney if it fails to cure. 25c. A Good andVnlaable Book. n New State Directory for North r iSis Wanted-An Idea f viuoi .av J Jul ju Ul Who can thlM of sonae BlmDle thtUfr to patent? by anyone else ia the same. We alone can nnt. it iitvl and we cannot!, be reBDOnsible. if other" medicines represented.1 as Jtae same do not help yon as yon? are led to expect; they, i will. - Bearthi8 fact well in mind, if yoirf HftVe f beeijin the habit of using amedicine: which j. you shpposed-to be Simmons LlverRegula-! tor. because the name was somewhat like It; and the pacKage cua not nave ine worn Regulator on it, you have been imposed .' upon and have hot been! taking Simmons Liver Regulator at alL LThe Regulator haV been favorably known for many yearsr and all whp use itiKnow how;! necessary it is for Fever and . Ague, Bilious' , Fever, Ctonstipa titSfi : TTpiAkxhhk: Dvsbensia. and all disbrder? arising from a Diseased Liver. v ; s i We ask you to Iook lor yourselves, anu -see that Siffiitanslift you can readily distinguish, by the Red Z on wrapper, and hf VurJ hatie. is the only medicine called Simmons Liver Regulator. V erBiri ' Cbairs of all description si Tables : Ml sTfcA 'and taipbft, tk'Mh 'Oificjft CeS ' Wafrdrdbes TiSidttbaTds China! Oibs hbtfe plekisiantrgfl8 a- Wiffei nappyi Beginning from tdaA i each casli iiurctfaserla Dice nd useful niece of fur nittrrecbiisist Medicine Casi?s. h at Kd.t s, etc. ' Thlsisi ,no.fake Protect LEVI BBANSON, "Uuftli P- t ronr Ideas; they, may bring you wealth. J6HN WEUDERBURN & CO fjlwjt Attor; Take i ri 4 SrireGo?.' Theipiices of I the articles meantime are from 15 cerits td ??6. ' Vdlue of the present will art idles hLve: alPben givn 6utCdmet oiied, and I to ( WapU Kaleigh, N. C. Tiit tw"iidted iue . . 1, , . , , .