1 11 JaMacto? En, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Ginghams Outin Cloths Plaids , Sheeting and Sal Bao-s. i ' . - -. Dealers in GENERAL ; MERCHADISE o- Euvers' of COUNTRY f PRODUCE o: all kind, and 4-foot wood always wanted best prices for same. We invite an insec- tion ot all- - the goods we manufacture. ODELL -MFCf. Co., ' Concord N. C- CONCORD MARKETS, COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling J........ 7.1 Middlings;-:..................6.85J XiDw middling .V ...... 6; 75 btaina ... 6.00 ? PEODUOB MAa KTSZ 1 Corrected bv Swms: & White. . 15acoB..;..... ..................... to 7S 5u garcrrr ed nam a . . i 12 5 to 1 4 Bnlk mea8,sides 6 to 7 Beesax::...;:..;....-i......,...,.:.2o Britter ...... ......I. .!....... 10tol5 Ohickena......... ; . . . .!....V.....10to20 Oorpl . .......... .... ...... ..W...45 Eg&.z....x . ..v. ... is Lardl...... ........... . 7 Flour(North Carolr)..... $2.50 Meal...... ................ 45 Oafs:.. ..... . 40 Talld ...... . . .. .... 3to4 Ranted. All the Hides, WaxjTallow and Eggs we can get. Arepaying x?to- Aiay : v ; . : - . Dry Flint Hides Dry Salt " Green V r " Glue ,;K Wax " !.". ; Tallow y EgfiTS 10 cts 5 ' , ' 22 ; 2 16" 0 ply the freight deduced; from the above prices. Write to us; r THE SHIPPERS' PRODUCE CO. i, 'Tlt ' r Baltimore, Md, 01 fidelity Bjilding. ' ; I ' - - . . " " . ' - d&wm iOBBPOlSOKI ASPECIALTYS?4?;l! tiary liLUOt l'OISON permanently Gnred Irt lfi toXii dtw. Vnn tjf. If you prefer to come here we will con. tract topayrallroadfareandhotelbilianol nomezQrBame tricennder r&ttia cnam n Pimples. Copper Colored Spots. Ulcers on anr pan pi tne Doay, iiair or Eyebrows falling out, it is this Secondary BLOOD POISON we enarantee to ur. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a . case We cannot enre.- This disease has alir&r bafUcd the skill of the most eminent phTsE ians. 8500,000 capital behind ur tmcondi. tional guaranty; ' Absolute proofs sent sealed on application.' Address COOK REMEDY CCL 01 Masonlo Temple CHICAQO, T"T i s cury iodide potash, and stlli hare achei nri rains aioooos if asenea in month, snr nenth ofUarTey A. Dai. Dr Harvey A Deal, who was for a long time 'connected with the aewspaper business in Charlotte, died last Friday night at his home in Greenville, S. C. His body was buried there yesterday. Mr. Deal aa about 45 years of age and leaves f wife and five childien. He was a brotberiu-Jaw of Mr. Chas Robert aonofVnei police force. r Mr. beal -was born near Enoch- ville, ii Rowan county, acd came to UharJocte about 1880, taking a place in the bubiness office of the Gbser- yer, then nnder the. management of the late Col; Chas. R Jones. He continued "with the ! Observer uniil it was imrgedinto the Chronicle in 1888, udwas with that piper for a few tnonths, when he went to Col umbia, S. C There he was con nected with the Columbia Register, and whs appointed chairman of the Columbia board of control of the Srate dispensary. Two years ago Mr. Deal moved to Greenville, and was connected 'with the Baptist Courier, published at that place. was a man of generous impulses and of genial -'disposition.;" He had many friends in Charlotte, who will regret to learn of his death, and whose sympathies will be extended to his bereaved' wire 'ana ner cnudren; tlharlotte Observer. ' Mr. Deal was well known in Con cord and Cabarrus, haying a nnmber of relatives in this county and in to hear Rowan, who will bet pained of his death. When they put a man in jail, be Cannot follow bis natural ... iriclina iinns. He cannotl eac wiiat he wants to-he ia" limited to h v ery frugal diet Is it noV equally true of a dyspeptid? For all of the real epjoynaenVbe gets out of life, he might as well be, in! jail. He can not eJat rwjrat be Ifkespor eriodghv He suffers much, gets little sym pathy. At first, perhaps a little heaviness in the stomach, a littlo 8ournea8,r-windy f belchings and heartbirnheadaches drid f jbiliods neoa and J foul taite inHhei moXith in the mor.iing. Chronic conetipa- ti on 1satm oBti tie vi tablBr'anTr-nrpan sr that the body is holdinp poisonous, impure matter that should' be got ten rid of. ' The poison is being re absorbed into the blood and the wholeodyrimptirity in the blood may lead to almost any disease. Constipation is the start of it all. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation, cure it so it stays cured. No other remedy in the world will do that. Send 21 cents nne-cent stamps to World's tispen8ary Medical As sociation, Buffalo, N. Y., and re ceive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page Com mon Sense Medical ; Ad viser, illus trated ' ) t5 M ' . v mm " . on DO'TOIT WAXT' A- t ; I have now in stock in the Mor ris bdilBingppositew theJ cburt houseva nice line of and all grades of furniture, and more coming suit able for holiday presents and every clay use and can sell it as low as anybody. . j Respectfully, J30 J. WIV founds. -siren ci Fill H 3 Two Ilnndreaj of Them Will Visit BHleiph In .April Nexw , A party of 200 New Jersey edi tors will visit! Rleigh about the first of April. The party will come here from Portsmouth by a special train known as the "Editors' Spe cial." The edj ors wi 1 go to Souths em Pines and Charlotte. The Sa- board Air Line has tendered the New Jersey editors a special train free of all charge and in other ways 'l - . . havel arranged to convince tneir It guesta that Souchera hospitality is what it is said to be. The Charlotte Newi of ye3terday says: '" 'f :.-,v j Mr. Frank A Hey wood, editor of i i. Southern Progress, of Woodbury, N, J., the paper whici has said eo m ny kind thitiga of Cbarlotte ,oi late, arrived in Charlotte on the fcea board iraiui this afternoon for the purpose Of making arrange ments for a shdrt visit to the city of some two hundred New Jersey edi tors. Wtsdnesdav. March 31. Mr Haywood took two parties of New England , editors through Virginia in lo90 and it; resulted in tne in- vefttiuent of $2,000,000 in that sec- tion, and the making of Norfolk ' i . . -' ' one of the best advertised cities in the South. Mr. Hey wood also se cured the enormous inyestments made in Virginia, Florida and Geor gia recently uiud b? Mr. D L Risbyj the New Jersey ton builder, of Philadelphia.-j-Pres8 Visitor Old and the Xew. Mr. W S Tinder and family left Saturday forGaffcey, 8. O.; to spend a while there with relatives, from whence they move to Knoxville, Tenn,, wHere M r Linder, has secured a good sparing; posi ciun in a1 cotton ffict6iy! For the tast eloven months' Mx.i Ljiatftr. was tboas weaver, at Ihe OabarfbsPbotton Mills: in this city ana kwas"estee,med py employer' ana: ettrplojeKaSSelMf !Horri bnckle. who. but recently returned frOmjliyndniyargj 1 Va.j' will succeed Try Electric Btttos as a remedy for your troubles T'lf Thot,"gei a bottle now and 'et relief, ; This medicine has 'been foUnd to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct j influence in giving strtngth and tone to the organs. If you hae loss' of a,ppetife,, constipa4 tion," headachy, fainting spells, or are nervous, j-f sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you tteed."i''EFealth-and strength are guaranteed by! 'its' use.-Fifty cents and $li00 at Fetzer's Drug Store. Alelegram of Sadness. J T Pinnixj of this city, received a. telegram today conveying the sad intelligence of the death ox his unl cle, Hon. M H Pin nix, of Lexing ton, N. C , which o curred at 8:45 o'clock this morninc. No further particulars were stated in the mes' sage. 5 - ( ' v ' i The deceased was one of the most prominent men' of that section of country. fietias several times rep resented. Bavirison county in the Legislature; and has held many po sitions of trust and honor.' " " 1 Mr. Pinnixleft on the 4:38 train this afternoon ! for Lexington to at tend. the funeral. Durham Sun of January 30thit v TO CURE A i'OLD, J.JS QUE DAT Take laxative Bromo Suinind Tab icte. ah uruggi8is' reiuna the money if it fals to'cure. f 25c; t FIREipORANCi:. TTT1 ' ' i " ' . -r . . . , n vnen m neea oi j'irA Hitman call und see us, or vviit'e.C We'iepre sent; Only; firstcla! Honie and For eign companies- ;'-. WpODH D Vs' & HiliEIS NEW JERSEY EDITORS. I a 7 o f n Mp Vren kration for As- similatinglhePoodRegula- tin the otomaens aiiu.x?u lie Promotes DigcsUoaChecT ful ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine norHiiieraL Not Narcotic JuTtpkin Sestl "1 m ftocAelU SJlJ -yfru'se Seed. yVarmSeed - VictisryrW' Flu rofi A perfect Remedy forConslipa- AVorms .Convulsions Jcverish ness and LOSS: OF SLEEP. ' - . TacSiniite Signature or ' f "NEW YORK. . 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB DAILY &. HI - JiS - ':fy J .' 1 '''! " ' . ' ,'i '" ' " ' mm 1 . . ! . J ' -THE- , ; i :- . ::. ' " " ; l 5 . ' " - , CONCORD STANDAPyD Democraict in principle, conservative in methods. Newsy bntjnot sensationat. Devoted to the interest of nnity harmony and progress. Its effects and eaiarms, to add to the iovs of the home circle, the elevation of' tbe ambitious and aspirations of its readers. Jt would gladlyfililthe rmind witt pleasant and profitably thoughts, making life's burdens lighter, its duties dearer, its o pportunities'morefapparent. If not pkasej try it and STANDARD isworth manv v. ! ,;:J .., . y . r , . - I -" 'A . i J. D. W. H. PAYNE, Tuner anajRep&irer of PIANOS ' AND ORGANS. CHARGES MODERATE : Satisfaction guaranteecf. Orders left with Mr. Truman Chapman wiu receive prom pt attentions j21 .. ' . i ,'-, DO YOU TA KE Publishers. ' ' X 7 :.:r; . " : : ' 4ZodaAe ln20 tpinniW "On csu fctoS QTHAT THE FAC-SIMILE JRE OF- ; IS ON THE ; WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLTB OT? lo) Jtt t Oastoria ia put up in one-slae bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it if "just as good" and "will answer every pur pose."' 43-See that you get 0-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. itbf&o-r " , WEEKLY. IT? see if you don't sayJthat THE ti U ' -w ww. WW J VI. te; sou, M.'L. Brown &Bro. - LIVERY, FEED AND SAJjE STABLES, 11$ re?r f St.; Gloud Hotel. Omni Sfinw? a? Passenger trainL Outfits SLc 1 kids fundsned promptly and at scmabl prices. 'Horses and mules S and if or ASale.; Breeders i . - - 4 - ;v.r 1

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