fit x 1 ! i : " i TT : f ' .iV . i ; - .1 AT THE CAPITAL. l'roreelfii8 of the General Assembly .. rier. . . ".' L SENATE. ; ' . " Raleigh, Feb. 2 -r-By unanimous coni?eut, resolution No. 313 was placed on the calendar. This reso lution is to elicit information for the better; regulation of railroad charges in tho State; gives the Governor the right to call on all railroad, express, steamboat and telegraph as tn nor: tainL all those officers who receive over S2 0U0 per anuum as salarv Mr. Grant introduced a bill for the purpose of stimulating the taxes in rural districts. Mr. Hardison Bill to prohibit the gale of immoral and obscene litera ture in the State, also a bill to pro tect the people of the State from fevers, etc., in second-hand clothing also to prohibit the sale of liquor unless under police supervision. Mr. Butler Bill to amend chap- ter 4y$, laws of 1891, relating to Supreme Cjurt records furnished railroad commission ; also by same a bill to increase the duties of j the railroad commission in relation to the inter-State commerce commis roughs will not preach. Mr. McCrary tried verV hard to re-enact virtually the fraudulent bill of 95, with regard to assignments, which he claimed was good but had been repented because it had been fraudulently gotten through. His bill was iei orted unfavorably by the committee and in the bouse was tabled, though at a later mnmf w lodged a morion to reconsider. 1 be House held a nieht wxjico a number oi bills were passed of a private nature. SET READ Y, yjjTER ANSI Whole NO. 1,634 Importrnce in Meetinsr of Great Jnne. ': ; Tbe rennion of .Confederate veter. ans at; JMashville will!, be on 6iuueaii events of the kind Karnival Iicrnnls. The funniest scene of all j8 the demsfacfRoeenatooth a jjfd long is extracted withoat pain, 'ex cept to tbe aodience aud ihat is in 8ldlaaghing. See? Then comes a barber 8hup ,n full opera, tion ladv artifita. fi. i.fL. cub burners, lamerea ana snavpd in true of the witnessed. The reunion waa fir.t tixed for May 5, 6 and 7, bu t Get- erai Gordon, chief of me United Confederate Veterans, announces that the dates fcW h changed to Jane 22 23 and 24. There were several j reasons for tte change. It was believed that it would be more conWmJnt for the veterans to attend in jjune than in May, and at the later date the Tenns essee Centennial Exposition will l e in a more advanced stage! Oeneral Gordon; I refers with yt&vffirSJX'mM fthe !! -to mate it with thv; rr:6 . ?. two of jn,v w: tbeaSc- Wrtt -ch to make pr. -boot 1,0 pairs of Men's pants a"t 75 cents. This is Jess than Wf at 35 'haeiM'V' oh?:9 Of about 50 vppu Krinnd at without te"th' at .i,hout t-nuff, ot A SMALL LOT OI? I a hn?o at 50 cents. Not a t tonsorial: stjle. 3e7 w 1 : " - ' ef8 whh shine you wuile you riFZ nVj p ?4 prlde! ? I be last tableaux is the artist's 7 Confederate veterans' organize uu0.3!vl.Dg Pictures and statuary oos are already enrolled Vnd th.t eion. Mr. Hardison Bill to increase the public school fund in the State. Mr. Early Bill to repeal chapter 1 50 private laws of 1893, relating! to , incorporated towns. 1 Mr. Person Bill to increase the public school fund from fees in Sec retary of State's office. Mr. Alexander Bill to incorpoj ate ttie American Trust and Sav ing Company. Mr. Clark Bill to authorize mayors in towns and' cities to solemnize the marriage ceremony; Much discussion arose from the consideration of a bill to repeal the act in chanter 303 laws of 95 With regard to line between the conntiAs of Alamance and Chatham. Mr. Lusk introdaced a bill to al low graduates of the A'sheville Nor mal and Collegiate Institute . for Young Women to teach jn the pub lic schools of the State. .Mr. Sutton, to provide that the existence of a life estate in any land 8hall not be a bar to a sale or parti tion of suchJands. A .bill, passed amending the act creating the colored Nornal school ac ayetteville and naming new trustees and managers. 1 . A bill to ameud the law as to reg;3tration of pharmacists caused uca discussion, some ridicule and mDch daughter from the tilt between ir- and Mr Alexander, Mr. Hauser faaked leave to have the nate's free silver instiuction olution placed on the calendar! ihere was instant protest He aae a motion ti. , ne Democrats voted aye and the publicans no. The motion to tQ3pend was lost; ' . ; HdUSPr nab-a A i. slif . ,uun a resolntion that Rev. a 0 burroughs be allowed to 4 m tbe hall of the House to- row eveniLg, Mr.-Hauser was aIi bQrroue:!i8 was a Mormon a3k ; ia he w3 a Universale and the members to "come oac to- nignt j and hear Brother CerM L ' amendment was Ttbat uTd aCC1pted by Mr. Hauser lter 8h0 lead in the tpboi..?." iQe vote on Mr. Ha cted -!?n-V7as tIe and Speaker ' !!llnst t bo Brother Bor- w' "58 nd 8tatu"7 "ona ladv enroled Vnd ih. t -rem iniTZTX X??'? C8 . 150 more . formed before ,he v h u. M II U I M II I 1 U 1 ... -'ft! lowing the mercantile representatives songs, Bpecuhies, scenes and tab leaux. Tue grand spectacular phantasmagonal k a 1 e i d e a c o p i c march closes the eeaing'a perform ance. Go to Armnru nni H, , j tH O W flMH J . ! vtca ouu. rr nitv nirrhn Lil 5 Presbyterian Ladies' Benevolent society. Adults 50 cents. 40 UeniS. HPfttfl nnm v. I Gibson's Drug store. Children 8a!e at reunion. He urces ill th begin'at once preparations to attend the great reunion. Vry 'important ousiness will be considered by tbe gatnered veterans. The question of r.w..M.U6 Qiaw uf umer aia tor dis . i. 1 l : ! aoieaor destitute veUraps and the widows and orphans ojr veterans will t9 discussed. . i General Gordon declares his faith tnat appeals for aid to the broken A nonseHold Treasare. D. W. T?n11or n,-i I-.l i ; I v Hava' rL,; V "ojuuario, x. i ouu ueeay veterans or KVra Mw Tk.oAj7?. kep?: 1 thev left h j!, r i n.rl?wrBr ine nous I . " -r'v "'" .uwt uo maue no wouia cot oe without it. if 1 . w iHuue wnnouc n0!!! keman Drn P11 aod degrayanon without gist, CatskiU, N. Y., sava that W; r.o .. .. . " those whom not be made these should the old heroes Sm8. . I'r-eceaent, that ny of fifllV (ha hoof imi.l. i . . I tnm ETI01F KaaVb n . r" t w .r ,w"u remeay ; tnat I upuu lue oia ne years, and ilfhas neveuSSlea'tS TV."?" glorious records vk io wiaiuieu ior it. wny noli "i WUI Ulf uiotress. telted 'Tyhn?n lonf and The Confederate rsunion at Nash cestea. lnal bottles free ! at FeU Bnu : ' " -1 1 ze DL 8tore- Regular sizt 60c v,n6 w,u "elj be a great and glo ana 31.00. r!nnii.,'tn il . . . .v WVWIIVUt . mmm m ' oi tue verage cot: 7 . r-"y. 'penie, not A80 a small lino nf "Roo j . ' .otbutc08tOTerir coat not any bettor? ' ; WhMe thejr W,U ask you S2 f,0 for a siiiX 1NUVV rOtf IN N " , .. . - T N V- 1 Off flOn f, flwnnn Ama. :.. j. . , . pleasure to be able to el Tn a. TU'- M saii8factiori to w Ki. "fu u"?es cneap as it gives a buhirrv man 3m the very saie wayl fien-af 1. ft hanu Talue; u . heavy oil ainEDglishTie'a ?, S"n k MJ less than i qpc v.. " VT uw,reojes at $1, You never saw thrm fk- factory foFleTs than 1 10 - Li. . ,n '?ts ,of 1'00 P"rs from 8Ly solid leathor iiVk.Tu "1U ',WB- B'ove Rram lace ai v. r : i uiwuu jicen& nmmr.Aro o- ?n- . ntiu -v.. poiKas 40 cents. Boys lonff nanT mZX ' "u a,iaftrn pu gram . . . . j- . F m;vr WWW 91, FEW THINGS FRESH NEW GOODS. - - . r . ' ' I . I ue veterans. ' . I w- . t . wa . . . i i rur-wnr rrotection: Catarrh n j' "-6 -umuB oi me r uxca id nqum rorm to be taken. uwjouo VI AjRlillfrnB I vij UOUalJV UUDLRin frlAfnltrtf COnntTnra nMi.1M i . i Or Iodidft ftf PatooDo rkW kAik . -l:.L i604n.ijr rcuuesiea to re-1 . . uu.aj, wuiuu port all deaths and causes Z?1? ir. 100 1 ng taken. of their comrades n hr WTa iB a0CaI not a blood die live neiehborhona w,.u .u r'-.V"Da o------v i Aia iuib re-1 "w-vmw. i cuaru) in me nasal nas- ElectionlretnrnaFn suits you receive ,ae r.e" I who are ide awake SfSEt to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly convinced of the trSffi? and orrectnessof whatl.we say byjlinR a? ontf "fa .ffi everbody0 'be Jn! - iuva aiuuiia ior,r canta Clans nnflrfa . bIn8aail3! Bead' v.MVUAo wuiouuio are. ac cue their age, and the time of seryice. Kespectfully, ; D. A. Caldwell, Commander in Chief. J. K. Ervin, Adjt. B neb ten's Arnica naiTe, The Best SaivA in t wnrM v m villi Xvi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt troubles and nor- any" m.- - J " XXMUJ JO iedged cure for these contains no mercury juries, ine nnest liver and hnnrdl 1-arrnlaL. . - ..v. iiguiatui '. I . - - - tare. Mrs. Eddina Deadi Mrs. W I Eddins died tu 'j.. '. rr , w. '" -uuiua uieu ac ner Skin Eruntions. and noaitTvM a o'clock at the age of 73 tears. iiicB w uu pay reoui-ed. ft ia I . . UUi7 tucea sick a guaranteed to give statisf action i or aJfl with pneumonia. She monev refunded. Prine 2fi store.- B Fetzer's Drug three sons, Alessrs. Chas. W , Jno! it., and. George, and three daughters. Mrsrf K L. Craven, of Concord Mr weath- W F.VVilliams, of Portsmouth . aasworm a Hig Hocking Chairs or the I -a w axes for your wife. Or if youi wantto sleen JeJ and rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spin Mats tresses, best in the world,, or,ole' of ihehandsomest 25, and to make your parlor look ap-to-date and in style bny a parlor suit and to fit upPa room nicely - " buy one of itieseihandsoinelsuitsthejpriceslare'lo.'? A AIM 1 iT THE TRUTH January Weather. Following is a record of thA r u iL , T , "inmujo u,. jrurismoutn a er ror the month of January. 1897 t a - 1 . 1 3 kept by Prof. H T .1 iwSii J I Mrs. L A Deyareui of ihis city Mt Pleasant: " Uharlotte Nes. on 3d. j-uc iiioerai sprvicea " 28th I ducted from ' : Tryon S treet . Baptist ynurcn, of which Mrs. Eidins had HlD'hPV: fpmnorafnrA ." AQO Lowest . " 6 Avrdro Qivo Nol of clear days 14, partly cloudy 1, cloudy 16. Heaviest rain 1.20 inches on the 20th. ! Snow fall 1 inches. v j . , Jce formed on 17 days. Total rainfall 2 62 inches, j A Good and Valuable Book, j ; New fitfltfi Dirpntnrv fnr i Wr.W Carolina in limitfid edition, nrino.'ftrf' ' " , V sent postpaid. I Order at once of Levi BransonJ d&wapll Kaleigb, N. C. and lone: been a consistent member,' this uiieruoon at 6 3U o'clock, by the pastor, l)r. A O Barron, f Mrs. Craven went over! to Chars lotte Tuesday night to attend the funeral of her mother, wiose death was quite a shock to hex TO CUBE A ( OLD IK o IAV Take laxativft "R Jets. Ail druggists refund - the C eihlln trnii line. Svtp t .dec"Ptl0D8 " Tables all sizes and till Pi'i B,1U,f,!t"e8' Window BhaaesiL'Onr. bideboards, China, Closets and everything to make a pleasant i wife happy. -Begn ftom tday and dnring the holidays we propose to give to each cash, purchaser a nice and nselx,! piece of fnr!s ""n C0.D8'sll1E B?t Backs, Music Racks, Comb SSi " n Shel, ook Shel res.: Corner Brackets, Medjcine Cases. What Nots. etc. This is no fake l?"6-0- ; fh5 Jns 9 the articles meantime are from 15 cents to t6. The value of the present will T?,i?eriDe-b-T,lhea-mount of lh Csh purchase. These sales will continue until the above mentioned articles have all been given put.gCome atoncer and get the choice presents. " I ; Yourslto1 Please, iuiucy u is iua u cure, j 25x

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