" ' ' . : . . ! . :" 1 ! 1 - - - Vol.. XV.-No. 51 CONOOlUVtf. C.MONdXt. FEBJlukRY 8. ; 1897. , , . 'i t ' Wholf. NO. 1.03(5 - : : P - : ' r" 1 " r- - ' - 1 ' "'-..: MONROE JOHNSTON HANGED AjSvro Burglar Meets Death From ilieUnllow at 11:15 Tortay He Pro fosse d Innocence Before the Trap iViisSpruns: That llnrled Hit Soul to tbe Mysterious Beyond. fecial to Th Standard. ; Charlotte, reo. Monroe Johnatoo, a negro, was hanged' in the Mecslenburg county) jail today. ITU. .xv f a of. 1 1 K oi m ' V-l ?B neck was dislocated and died in ifonrteen minutes after the trap was Sprung. Johnston fell a distance of ifoar feet and ten mcnes. ti8 body was remoyed from ita dangling posi- lady Friends Inylted. A unique entertainment will take place at the New South Club rooms tomorrow night. A spelling match has. been arranged for and the even ing promises to be one of great mers riment. The match will begin promptly at 8 SO o'clock. All lady friends are invited to be present. A Sad Accident. i Mr. and Mrs. Howard liye near Mock8ville, but are both sick of pneumonia. A neighbor, Mrs. Jackson, kindly took their infant and little 7-year- Wed dine at Rockwell. On Thursday afiernOon at three o'clock Mies.Minnie Fisher, a pretty yonng lady;bfrRockwj3ll. was mar ried to Mr. John Miller, of the same community. '!The- ceremony was performed at the bride's home, Reyl Paul Barringer, of the Gfer m a n Reformed church. After the cert mony a- dinner. was given in .hoaor of f the young couple. Salisbury World. : li OF- tion. at 11.45. He professed inno- old girl to take carQ of while cence of the crime for which he ws are sick. On taking them home convicted and robbed of life. He they had to cross a swollen stream; was nervous and had taken only a MrB jacte0n directed the little girl cop of sweet milk for his breakfast. to wait till she carried the babe over, He was dressed in a black auit ready but on looking round she found the for his yawning coffin which was HUle girl coming after her, who, be placed m readiness to receive his coming frightened, grasped Mrs. lifeless form when the penalty was Jackson and all lost their balance to and tell into the stream. Mrs. Jack to san succeeded in saving the infant, but the little girl was drowned. The j - t . v.v -ui .....j r , r the holy bonds of matrimony S a public terrible news is withheld for fear j ,' J Gone to Iredell Court. paid. His body was turned over, relatives at 1 o'clock and carried the country. The execution was not affair but the w jail was fiPed with of fatal effects on the sick parents. newspaper reporters, curious people and a corn of detailed officers. I From Sunday's Charlotte Observer "eae" conrt Degan on its secona wees cms aionaay) morning, ana 'Mr. A O Shields and family live P" lUB ulvu uaoe8vre "upposeu 10 in Long creek township. On the como nP a nnmDer or onr citizens :-.. f iTnn filh. lfi9fi,Mr. aie m attendance; being witnesses Shields and family retired as nsmj. P the case ?5 WW,wboj. sning At 1 o'clock Miss Maggie Shields; Udell Mannfactonng Company who wos sleeping in the room1 over r dmMji M .mow . 1 1 j ' dent Ward was employed as a her father, was aroBsed by someone , . J Sunday Marrlaffe. j; .rMn John Gurleej a: railroad em pfoyee and -? Mils - Lizzie" Holloman, of -Charleston,';1 G , ! were married! Saaay nibt 'at 'the; home of Mr. and - Mrs. B N'Tbomas at the Cabar rus Mills. Rev. B P lavis officiated. Mr. James M Walker and 'Miss Npnie M Robbihs were.marrieirSut,- dky afternoon at the! home of the bride at Cannon ville,1 Rey. McGee officiating Mr. John. H. Talbiert- and Miss Iaabelle Swearingen were united in un Some ds and Kn3a at such a smalt bart lof thft nost as f.n mnkfi it funny for everybody but1 buf Selves, j w This week and next week:' the ast two weeV s of Januarv. beffinninar ! with this day, Tuesday, January 19tb, we "will give our customers and patrons the chance to buy pny of the following; j About 50 bovs7 coats at 35 cents. The Jinine and thread and buttons would cost about that much- ' i About 40 men'seoats.at 75. cents. It's worth that much to mftla them if omebody save you the cloth. ' , ' ':-': A bout 100 pairs 01 Men's pants at cents This is less thanhalf price. 1- . . : , , .. . , - . 'f Then if 101 want a.vee.t von can have your choice of about 50 vesta. at 35 cents. Whole suit $1.85. Not to be sneezed at "without snuff.' cr gnnned at without teeth. feeling over ' : . .1 - . : Mr; Wm,, F Wineccff and;';Miss Florence Tucker, of Gannon ville, were manned Sundayfevening, j; Ten marriage license were issued titetweek, five late Saturday evening within an hour s time. e Forest Hill Nea. . r' , .7 'Thevmnmp8 have 'about subsided onJthe Hill. Cause: Material "playing out." Brother Arnold preached ; two "Whn i thn.tr L n answer .Came I - v - I ! - " - o m frto. vnnminbi,n tt fitrikiD8 him ia the temple gregatx6n esterdayi. -He gaye as keep quiet."' Miss Shields sprang fusing him to losetJie sight oiag hls tet, ; r the m orning service : l.A a a;a on fW rWan eye. Judge W J Montgomery, W K Acts $ venine service AcW5:29. vuoii, , fiu. "uuuiwd, x a.- vwuiojiDuvu iexig were wen nanaiea ana Charles Stratford,Sfake Carter, WJ'maoV A -Wood, Dr. Lt M Arcbey and. J ltha,t we Should live bv faith as She" fought .heroically, but he .1wfU W who had spoken to her drew a pistol and fired twice. Neither ball touched her. She grappled with the man A SMALL LOT at 50 cents. OF LADIES FINE SHOES! Not a thirdof the average. cost. . About 100 nairs ofiadies fine-shoes in button and Ia of Zp;erler Reed's and Padan Brothers make to go at 75 cents, not ovtr ovhinl of the t veraee coat. ' I ' , j Also a small line of Easternmade fine shoes at 75 cents. None in the lot but coat over $1. . Don't miss this lot. They-.won't be hie many days.' - v r . ;-v-' i v. . ' A small lot of men's Heavy English ties, and hih cur brogam , working shoes at 50c. A better lot at 75o. These ' aik rtgular $1.23 shoes. J3oys work shoes at 50 and 65 cents. 1 A small lot of men's suits, good and servicable. but i.ot anteed all wool at 12. Plenty places where they will 8k you $2 50 for a single coat not any better v - - . "J ; . s To close, our boys knee ptfnts suits, in fine goods, we giv vou choice for $2. r This line inoludea' all we have that cost over S - i i A.1I the foregoing etuffi is in. favor of the buyer. SFUT FOR BOYS, BUT DEATH TO FROGS ! You are' the boys, we are tlie irogs, ; j NOW FOR A -PFW THINGS IN N EW. GOODS. Now don t swobn away, but jusc remember that it giV- s u at rnrttn pleasure to be able to self , these thihgs cheap as it gives! a hnnry man saiif'libirrd .WIfb6iltltt thm for less than 'value a we- sell them the very saineKway. - Mh's batin calf ba's, SunrfT os, -t 85 cents! Mens good English. ties, high cut brogans at 75 oei tsv Mej's heavy oil grain English Ties and Creoles 'at 1. You never saw i!;fm for less than $1.25, !You can't biiy-them now in Jots of 1,000 pq fr om any factory lor less thangl.10. , Juadies' glove grain Jace an-' bunon shoes, - I . J I I A. A. I 1 . AT M 1 1 1 solid leather all through except counters, at. 60c hUdrtm'a oil grain polkas 40 cents. Boys' long pants 50 cents, worth SI, , too much for her. He threw her ten feet, ber face and breast striking a trunk. He then left her in a semi- unconscious condition and went down into her fathei'a room. " Mr. Shields had in the meantime heard the noise above, and was in the act of leaying ihis room to go and see what was the matter, when the door opened and the negro entered the room. The ' negro opened fire on to Statesville Sundayrnight. CASTOR I A God rather than man" and do all we: can for Christ's sake. ppjQM Odeil has gone to Bes- semr on a Dusiness trip. For Infants and Children. Tt9 fae- lig&atTura cf 1 . Our ganday School is now in a flourishing condition. , Thirty new names were addsd to the rblL yes- iJjw. Uerday, which makes the number now-enrolled 5S2. Nearly all - the Itnmbers; W;ere present, and every . is n Word TO THE 4 Wise. 4 ' L the re jiJiilectionreturniare.jiotninfir compared to suits ypu receive by4raiing wi th Dry & W adsworrh, wJbp are wide awake aiidl uptosdate. People are apt to believa wiat tKey seej ahd'fhef Dbubting Thumases can be quickly cbrhyinc0d of the truthfulness audi correctness of what" We say by calling at once. 'Tis only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody i begin ning to look , around fotf Santa Claus. His bead quarters this time tire a tbe j , 31 MrrShields." One ball Struck him Honor to Wnom Honor is Due. teacher, answered - when his or her one, and that on the left side. The negro then. Uear Standaed:-I beg leave to; name was (Jalld.saye Via, Mr. Shields described the make a few corrections in an item one sent a substitute. .- ..l iu. i:. Tirtt rtf wnicn aonearea in your issue ui average size1, and medium weight He s;ro was Saturday. I speak of the narrow .Mr.Haywood ' Dennis, who has been quite, sick with ; a grippe for ch said on the stand'that the; ne- e8CaPe of the Concord High School getaiayfi i ailvre ara: mucl lb Monroe Johnston: that he building, on Friday last. It was. Dlea8e(j state' is so much rim recognized him by the flash of the: stated, I think, that the building: pr0ved in health as to be able ' to ;.Li I ! 1 was saved by the timely interven- .ft:.-i..i. :.: iu; j:n was saved by tion of Mes . r Black, and taken by Sheriff 'Smithy Aubrey (Hoover, pistol, r : .TU UJ 'uc " C JL "te charge i-of his work in the mill I'l.familvihavA hften snffflrincr With the . )! - . -mm 1 "hSnwrr rtnorkf fVlO TTinut AP.flVA WOT If I. t v .Uhief Orr and Unicer lilaci?. to Mr. -WT . ! : , rrirfHiRftW bnt all aral convalea- that most excitiDg mcidentrf - J i. . ' cent. Johnsoij was arrested by Officer of Messrs. RJThompson; - g, of mos exc tri Tas - ..'..l 'We do . not like. to "brae." but we an interesting one. Mr Walteii Rrloneu' P'" . s MVlr o .ii US t i - RNlTUFvE : STORE. He says if you: like comfprt and ease;buy one of Dry f& Wadswortn'sJ mg Kockmg Gnairs or the 1 ?(Y sizes for your wife. Or: if. you wantto sleep well and rest easy $uy,one oi;tne Kaleign Wire Spring Mat tresses, best In- the world, or one of the handsom es t lounges. Tbey have .them at all. prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor , look . up-to-date and in style buy a parlor, suit and to fit tip a room nicely buy one of these A IN Shields'. He was reassured of John men 1U - - i.'-., I -r aon'a nftinff fbc man. Th trial waal as, l am sure bcwubuwiij, uuuici.7 . & T---I ... t m, . If. ich hurt beHeva we have as good morale and tt . i. . i r i i uiharrn nnn wn.H vp.rv in u nenry was appointea to aeienu ' . Vk M the best church-going people of unv Jolin J tt Hia Rn wn . -Rnt for that his heroic labors were unno? Mr. Henrv he would have been dinner liced. before now. Some ihouzht there Hoping that this will appear m waa ado'.l to the negro's identi- yonr issue of Monday, and correct 'y, but tlo ary who tried the case the error, under which the people of did not. - They rendered a verdict Concord are now laboring, I remain, n-rv-,Bn.: : .j JJv ainfirplv vonrs. J. R. uuipti ui guiitjr, auu iTAujiiuoi- j 'Johnson i huhg by the neck 4 ! the scaffold in the corridor : of il intil he is dead, dead, dead. on the WJien bilious or costive, eat a Cas caret, candy cathartic, cure guaran teed, 10c, 25c. - A Canadian editor named Tar ivel wants a poet to pay him 30. 000 for something he (the poet) wrote about him But he should R'ttr that itfen't easy to make ..t-ceat rhyme to aVnapie like that, d&wapll A C;od and Valuable -'Book. New State Dhectory for North Carolina in limited edition, price $o sent postpaid. Order at once of LBVI 15RANSON, Jtfaleigh, N. C. com muni ty-of its sjze in; the ; Ste, or we might saythe South; Judg ing from: the number in attendance at -the Methodist church Sunday nifirht. we will venture to pay if the Other churches in the neigbborhood were as well attended, there could not have been much more than a "corporal's guard ' left at home, and we have yet to see a single man un der the influence of liquor, -which speaks well tor our llend of town.,, TOCUREACOtD IK OSS DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tha money if it fciih to cure. 25c. handsome su;ts,athe prices are low IT ., THE TR UTH tYes sir, Wehave verything?iii'the furniture line, .rs , q kll all sizes and sylei. ' Big lot oi pictures, indow Shades, pur--tain JEbJl X Wardrobes Sideboards, China Closets ; and ;eyery thing to make a home pleasant and a iwif e, ?bappyi Eeginriing from today and during the hlolidaysvwepjopose to give to each ciasb -purchaser aniceiianditisefTil piece ' of fur- niture, consisting of Hat Racks, Music Racks; Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots, etc. This is no fake Sure Go,V jThepiicek of the; articles meantime are from 15 cents to. $6. The value of the present wjil be governed by ttb 6; amount .of t h e cash purchase. These sales wUjConUntienntilvthe above mentioned articles have all jbe'eri given out. -j Come atonce ' and get the choice presents, j