ally S tandard D. BARRIER & SON, -Editors-and Proprietors. cP COOK, Editorial Correspondent OFFICE IN BKlCK t ROW. The Standard is. published -crsry day (Sunday excepted) and rsSsIivered by carriers. f BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year. . ....... Six months ......... 200 "Three months.. . . . ... . . . . 100 'One month- -. . . . ........ i Single copy.. . . . . . . .. . . . .; .05 Tab . Weekly Standard is a ror-page, eight-column paper.- It a larger circulation in Cabarrus any other paper. Price $1.00 ;gasr .annum, in advance. . V advertising rates : Terma for regular advertisements isiade known on application. ' JLddresa rflWHimrnunioations to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD, FEB. 8 1897. brilliant flank movement at Chan celltrsville, and how Sickle's column trent to pieces no der the onalonght of twenty five thousand grey coats tells how Jackson was wounded by bis own men. In the amputation of the great leader's arm Wheeler says the surpeon threw the bullet against the wall in a fit of anger and his cousin picked it up. In going through the Inters effrcU Wheeler found the bun et about which the article was written. Darham Sun. -S Ii. GRA1IA3I AKKKS I ED. tMr. J L Graham, chief clerk of '?'-. M M banev Suiwrintendeut of .ilblic instruction, wi&s arrested in 3Eiteigh Saturday morning' charged -mith bumirc; the hona- in which he Sised in Newron fast vr. Mr. 2raham "gives a very satisfactory aaudirg statement, and may be in dolent and we hope he is, but he 'ssrtainly gives himself away to grave suspicion 3 when he attributes his arrest to political persecution from democrats. It is very unfortunate for Mr. Graham that such suspicions are . -.oat altogether a surprise and his charging hid arrest to each causes weakens his case. To Be Burled Alive. Columbus, Ga., Feb., 6. Charles Brown, a young Atlanta man, has just gone through the experience cf sleeping two days while under hyp notio influence. His next feat is to remain burled 72 hours. This will not be the first time that the you Dg man has been buried alive. The experiment was tried before and not Micesaful. - In time Brown will get to -he a professional grave- ard inau and an habitual ihtper, if this aort of thing keeps up , Brown is to b buried like any Vither man, but nuh oue exception. A grave ten feet deep is to be dug, ani in this , the yonog man is to be placed. A iwo inc. a tube will lead down to toe ccffia from above, thus giving him the necessary air. The coffiu is to be hu ordinary casket, and the stowing away of tbe young man will look very natural indeed. The interment will take place in Jacksonville, Fla. ft (ht f i Before! Retiring.... TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. JQCOGE NORWOOD ON THE BENCH. -1 . J"udge Norwood is to hold court zd week in Monroe. We are glad that impeachment iiiaseedins , are made unnecessary 6j l3is resignation now placed to be -settle: :d effectual at his first break- vei. ' . . There is little hope that he will tgtain himself, but getting rid of iLtm will be easy and when he is dLown nd onf of tb s office that I no rrrah of his besetting weakness should -a&rJBiije tc, the full measure of syriL ts&thyrnay be and will probably be bestowed updn him. I ry . ij r r . - a ) urn Hiury oi rromeineusis a 'parable. Prometheus was on terms at intimacy with the gods. From them be stole fire, and gave it to vsien. For this sin he was' bound rJto the rocks ot Mount Caucassus, -jSLnd vultures were set upon, him 'They only ate his liver; This grew Villain as fast as it was pecked away. Ara his sufferings to be 'imagined ? Take a modern interpretation of mhe parable. There is no cooking 'itbout fire. In cooking and eat ing the mischief lies. The stomach ni overtasked, "the bowels become logged, they cannot dispose of the daod that is given them. The - im 7?nf ities back up on. the liver. Then the vultures the torments of diseased liver. Dr. Pierce's Gold aJMedical Discovery iB more than sc al to the vultures of dyspepsia ad its kindred diseases. There is 2kj more need of suffering from dys spsia than there is of hanging aaa'a self. Sold by fall medicine dealers the world oyer. An Unmitigated Misfortune. The McDuflfie (Ga ,) Journal de scribes in the following words an occurrence that will sometimes hap pen m a print shop : "Every printer knows that next to a burn-out, a "pied" form is the most unmitigated misfortune that can possibly befall a printing office. After we had made ready to print our paper last week, in placing the fofmson the pres3, the aggravating type suddenly dropped into dhoas and mixed themselves up in about one bushel of the most disgusting "pie" that ever demoralized a virtu ous and innocent printerv. The contemptible little metal fiends act ed like they were drunk or crazy. The long primer jumped in among the bourgeois, the nonpareil swung corners with the brevier, and the head letter crawled , over into the disgusting wreck of advertisements. The quads and spaces turned th3m selves loose in a wild, Idiotic epree, and sneaked and pranced in and through the whole mournful, sick ening mess. Even the usually-sober and sedate column rules acted in a most hateful and indecent manner. They stood on their heads, and grinned and snickered and wayed defiance over the scene of the disas "ter." " ' 1 ; lake Ayer's Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in bettex condition f or ji thi day's work Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy jfor constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated,1 and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of: so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for ! Ayer-s Cathartic Pills. When! other pills won't help you, Acer's is THE PlLlJ THAT WILL WAT Bullet that Killed Jackson. &n article lately published in the 2ST ew York Herald says that the bul at which killed General Stonewall -aolison is in the possession of I B 'Wheeler, orflighland Falls, K Y., srho has documents which establish :tke authenticity of his claim. Wheeler claims ?bat his cousin . was ca General Jackson's staff) and the zcticlQ after describing Jackson's Baeklen'B Arnica Batre, The Best Salve in the wcrid for Outs, 'Bruises, .Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positi vely cures Piles or no pay reqni-ed. It is guaranteed to give statiiaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, Xotlco ' . . i : I Notice is hereby given that appli cation willjbe'made to the General Assembly ofiNorth' Carolina now in 8es8ion,.to amend the charter for the town of Concord,JN. C. The Commissioners for the Town of Concord, N, C, By J. L. Harisell, Clerk. Jan. 16, 1897- s f20 SCHEDULE onii-vui ' IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897 This condensed schedule iapubi lished as information, and is subn ject to change without notice to the public : I TBAiNS LEA.VE CONCOBD, N.'O. 9:27 p. m. No. 35, daily for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air Line division, ana all points South and Southwest J Carries through Pullman drawing; room buffet sleepers between New! York, Washington, Atlanta, Birmy ingharo, Galvrston, Savannah and Jacksonville Also Pullman sleeoer' Charlotte to Augusta. 8:18 a. m. Nd 37, daily, Washings ton and Southwestern vestibuled limite 1 for Atlanta, Birmingham Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and jew uneans, ana au points oouiu and Southwe8tL Through Pullman sleeper Mew Yjbrk to New Orleans and .New York to Memphis. Dinj ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for Ban Francisco, Sun-J days. ' . -1 9;02 p m 9. 9, daily, from Richri mond, Washington, Goidaboro.NorH folk, Selma, Ralign, Greensboroj Kuoxville and Ashevill to Chari loite, N. C. f I 10:30 a- m. No. 11, daily, for Ati lanta and all 'points South. Solid train, i Richmond to Atlanta; PulU man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. ; - ij 10:07 a, m.--No. 36, daily, for Washington, .Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawing-room buffet sleepert Galveston to New York ; Jackson villo to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar Cisco Thursdays. -IJ 9:02 p. si. No. 38, daily, Washingi ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited, for Washington and all points North tThrough Pullman cslt Memphis Nw York; New Orleans to Hew Yorli ; jTampa to New York; Also yertibuled cOach and dining car. I . . II 7.22 p.' m.lTo. 12, daily, for Richs mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Ral eigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Cairies Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pulisnan car for Raieieh. II 6.17 a. in,-IS o. 10, daily, for Rich mond ; connect at Greensboro tor Raleign and j Norfolk ; at Danv?!le for Washington arid points North ; t- CI 1 : 1 1 I ! m , 1 , -w-r- i i ay oansuury ior Asnvnie, nnox? ville and points West. All trains carry passengers John M . Gulp,, i W. A. Tube, Traffic .""M-'er. Gen'l Paaa. AqH,. W. H. Gkeen; Washington, D. C. Gen'i superintendent, , ;j W ashing ton , D. C. S. H. Haed wick, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't1 m Z, Atlanta, Ga W. H. Taylob. Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, I ! . j, liouisville, Ky. UOWAN JJUSJINBUBT, ljOCalAgt, Uoncprd, N. Q. me Bimpia ko patent? JTotect yonr iaenr,; they may brlna you wealth Write JOHN WKIDERZitjR7 ii COr tenWitto?: INSURANCE. When in need ol Fire Insuiance, call und see us. or iite. We lenre sent only lirstckt 3 Home and For J eign companies. Respect full j. W'OODH WiE & UaI.BIB. RACKE T THE E 3 ! " I ' I i s :t jjrtfc ft wi ! . ' !-v . ' ' - .? -I . V.I