Vol. XV. No. 22 CONCOlllX N. C.t TIJES DAY: "FEBRUARY 9. 1897. Whole NO. 1.637 lirT - 7 nnd Crescent Notes. Miss Mattie Fieber. of Marden, is visiting at her old home, near Heilig. The Eat Rowan charge has ex- I 1 1 --.-! tended a call to Key. McNairy, to become pastor of said charge We ope he will accept. Mr. A M O 'rl was callad to the beside cf his sister lao, I'riday, who has a very severe case of pneumonia, but we learn she is much improved. Hope she will recover. .; . ' Miss Josie Nussman1 had charge of the fichool, near Nussman, last week while the teacher was away on other duties. - , There is much sickness around at present; consisting of grippe and deep colds. Mr. Tom Jjingle is building a dwelling house near Crescent.' i i' ; We hope in. the near future to have a post office at Cresent. ; The need of one, we think, ' iry great, and the matter is being attended to. We will -be fortunate to get it. )! Crescent is growing one' by one they are coming.- Last week , Mr. J A Marrow, and this wee' Misa Ada Harkey, entered the Academy. We are expecting more In the near fu ture. " . I ' Last Thursday night the debating society was organized with 20 mem bers, of which L-H Brown; presU dent ; u w testier, vice president; W F Josy, Secretary egad Miss Lou ana Barnhardt, treasurer, to meet every Thursday night. Mr. Willie Josy has the mamp34 Mr. Boyden Pesperman has the 1 be Stamps Stnrk. A certain negro boy, 'on Satur day night, walked into the e jre of W C Coleman and rH for a match. The proprietor wa3 busy writing a letter and beside his sta tionery which was lying on the showcase, lay a dollar's worth of postage stamps. He left his ma terial and went for the requested match, and when Coleman's back was turned, the boy laid hia hand upon the stamps, which stuck to his fingers. Coleman did not dis cover the theft until after the ne gro had departed. Monday Cole man notified several business houses to look out for some one to offer the stamps for sale. A man offered the stamps to Mr. Luther Shirey, clerk at tfye St. Cloud, at a discount, but when Mr. Shirey told him that a warrant-was out for him for steal ing the stamps from 'Coleman, the negro lost no time in returning the property to its rightful owner. The man who returned the stamps to Coleman was not the one who stole them, as has been learned since the ubove was written. grippe SoLOMOtf." CASTOR I A 1 For Infants and Children, ) ' - - i i It ea ere 17 vup;et. Com be ;ejn A Spaclons Store Boom. ! The Odell Manufacturing pany has for a long time crowded in the small store room, . in which they do the largest mercan tile business of any establishment in the city, and just 'for a change and more room the company will soon begin the construction of a three-story (including the basement) bailding. The - main store I room will be spacious. The dimensions will be 75x120 feet. The store rom will be built on the corner just across the street from the present 0116. The Odd Fellows will occupy the upper room of the proposed ew building. - All Free. i Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value and thoso who have not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on advertised druggist and get a trial bbttle free. Send your name and address to H E Bucklen & Go , Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide toHealth and Household Instructor free. All of which is guaranteed to. do you good and cost you nothing. J?ets zer. s Drug store. A Card. . " I wish to orrecft a statement m-ide in yesterday'd Standard con cerning my action in the so-called fire' at the High School building, which was nofhing more nor less than a few pieces of paper burning under the stove. I did not assist the "heroes" who saved the building and its occupants from cremation and I do not wish to rob them of their iust honor ? R P. G. 1 - : ,- -)..:. -of A Card of Tbanks, vi- The membefi of the Benevolent Society desirl to express their thanks to Mr. keestler, all the other gentlemen, yonpg ladies, and chil dren of: all denominations for their assisiancejn the entertainments last week. Mrs. D. B; Morrison, ..:.'. Secretary. TO C17RE A COLD IS OH E WAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. I Dr. Hamilton Will. Not Xenve. . ; -Always go'from home for news. The Standard learned from a sourceout of town that "Dr. Jesse Hamilton will soon leave von, hav. ing accepted a position with a firm in a neighboring town.,rvlr. Ham ilton was sought and from his own lips we learned that the report wes without foundation. We could not well get along without Jeese, as he is the biggest man in town and pop ular with everybody. He will rei main with Dr. Johnson. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets.- All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c: the Did the Mnle Drown? On every side Monday one could hear! ot a mule being drowned in Buffalo creek at the depot Saturday Tne Orfsin of "Chestnut' In an old play ca led "The Bro. kea Sword" there ia a? captain who is always telling old stones, the des tails of which often varies. He starts a tale about a cork tree, when he is interrupted by another charac ter, who suggests It was a chest -nut, Captain, a chestnut!? "Bah I" says I the Captain, ! say a cork tree." : .' ' 1 "4 che8tnuf repeats the other. "I should' knoW Jas well as you, hav ing heard jopvj tell the ta e these twenty seven fumes.", r At t dinner one evening a gentleman was telling a story of conaidjefable; antiqatty we- on acior, prcseas wno nau plavei inThenBrokett bwordiaid, haiiP andiliry,' "A chitrjit I J I baye heard you tell th bile these t enty bo ten tiuiee-Weekly Telegraph. csome ds and Ends at such a small part of the ooet as "to ihV funny for everybody but ourselves. ' This week and next week, the last two weeks of January, hi. " -:r. with this day, Tuesday, January J9tb, we will give our c ustomora wu patrons the chance to buy pny of the following: f About 50 boys' coats at 35 cents. The lining and thread and button would cost about that much. Aoout 40 men's coats at 75' cents. It's worth that much to -them if somebody gave you the cloth. . - i About 100 pairs of Men's pants at cents This is less thanhatf price.1 ' -rr' i . j. Then if you want a vet you can have your choice of about 50 vest at 35 Whole suit $1.85. - Not to be sneezed at wilhout cnuff, 0 Kr'uiii wnnouc leetn. . 'le, or A SFALL LOT OF LADIES FINE SHOESt at 60 cents. Notti thirdDf the average, cost. About 100 pairs bfJadies fine shoes in button and Ja T7 1 v rveea s ana Jf ad an Brothers make, to no at 75 cents, not over ou ,hird 01 me Kverage cot. , f Also a small line of Eastern-made fine shoes at 75 cents. Nonn in the Jot but coat oyer 81. "Don't miss this lot They wont; be hfe many days. , . . . - . - -: j ; . .-1 , 1 -I;.. - A small lot of men's Heavy English ties, and high cur h- ) , working shoes at 50c. A better lot at 75ol These ai retrnkc shoes. Boys work shoes at 50 and 65 cents. j k A small lot of men's suits, good and servicable, but ''not uuatanteed all wool at 12. Plenty places where they will ask you $2.5 f .r a single coat not any better. ' I Si8e our boys knee pants suits, in fine goods, we giv you choice for 82j.. This Jine includes all we have that cost over $2 All the foregoing stuff is in favor of the buyer. FUN .FOR I , ou l wiUAm TU KUii I Xou are the boys, we are the irogs. NOW FOR A FEW THINGS 1 IN FRESH NEW GOODS. Now don't swoon away, but iust remember that it erivr a u km mnrh pleasure to be able to sellthese thihers cheap as it gives a hungry man saiisfaction to eat. We bought them for less than vaJue Rmh them the very same way.V Men's satin calf hais, tJundnrj ti( es, cr C(Jts. Mens good Euiflikh ties, high cutTbronns at 75 citH. " Menn heavy pi) grain English Ties and Creoles at 81. You never saw thiux for less than S1.25. You can't buy them how in lots of 1,000 p j4r from factory for less than $1.10. Ladifs glove grain lace an bat ion solid leatlter all through except counters. Vat 60c rhMdren's oil grain puni.ua u con is. uoys long pants 50 cents, worth 81, GA M W O IM S A. Notice v ! t Notice is hereby iven that appli cation will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina now in session, to amend the charter for the town of Concord,!N O. The Commi8S;oners for the Town of Concord, N. C. 1 Bv J. L. Habtsell, Clerk. Jan. 16,1897. f20 We are sorry to lea-n tbnt Mrs. Wilson Barringer Of No. 7 town ship, is critically ill of "grip" anc her case has been pronounced hope less, but she has shown some rymp tomsof improvement since. WORD TO TH ' ? Election retnrnsare-no tiring compared to the re suits you receive by trading with Dry WTadsWortli, who are wide awake and uptondate. People are- u j.t to believe what they see and the Doubting Thomases can be quickly conyinced of the truthfulness and correctness of what we say by calling at odchJ .Tis- viiijr a. icw uajo im ..uiaH aiiu every DOuy is begin ning to look around for Santa Clans. His quarters this time are at the H RN1TURE' : STOR head' H w- A. Moore Badly Durt. Express Agent W A Moorel eae tHa Salisbury World, was thrown ca the express car about a; mile lhis r of Hot Springs last Friday. 3 tad opened tho eafo door in ich there wers $ 3,000 and had in hand a shot sack containing 00, vhnn, leaning forward, in the e.a door of the' express car just as , etfain was turning a curve, a cH and jerk threw :him out and unconscious and was found ? arching party sent back 0mi Hot Sbrinffs. He regained piousness after twelve hours aiid told hnn, u ,1 ti : night, bu J no evidence sustaining I We wish to caution all users of Simmons the repo could be obtained. a MtWh search wa3 made for the recovery of perhaps their lives. The sote proprietors the dead animal's body, bat ithe fnd makers of Simmons Liver Regulator -i. o learn that customers are often deceived by spirits had secreted it away. Some ( buying- and taking some medicine of a ri o tinio hlanlrpf. f n t h f similar annearance or taste, believing it to UUD ""- u ' , . 1 be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn i A TTVTrp ' m stream, and because it resembled the y(m that unieas the word Eegulator is on J 1 1 one seen on a certain mule, tne re the package or bottle, tnat it is not Simmons He says if you like comfbrtrand easejbuy one of Dry & Wadsworth'd Big Booking Chairs or the di' sizes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep well and rest easy buy one of the Raleigh Wire Spring! Mat tresses,, best in the world, or one; of the handsomest: lounges, s They have them at all prices from $4,00 to $25, and to make your parlor look ap-tosdate and4 in style buy a parlor suit and to f : ap a room nicely ' buy one of thesefchandsome suits,Jthe prices are low. 'd how t dnnn rvaA Pa ia v ! ' nurt and was Rftnt to hia , ;G .Columbia to recover from ininr;0 old Kit from a waj ery rrrn no port got out tnac me muie waa, ever haa Simmons I,iver Kegulator,or drowned. Mr Sam White did hae. anything called Simmons Liver Regulator, n - nnmfnrfahlft PTOPrience but J.HTZeiHn& Co., and no medicine made a very uncomfortable experience, by anyone els6 is the same.We alone can however. He was on his way home pUt it up, and we cannot be responsible, if m ri leback and when the beast got other medicines represented as: the same sdo muieDaCK, auu wueu uo uc not help you as you are led to expect they ia deep water it lay down. Mr, xdlLf: Bear this fact wellinmind, if you have White, of course, had to wade out' been in the habit of using a medicine winch U1-e,u . , . . . " you supposed to be Simmons Liver Regula- He had a rough time in rescuing br. because the name was somewhat like it, and the package aia not nave xne wora Recralator on it. vou have been imposed -A linrrn tint. fjilriTicr Rimmona i Passed Botn Jloases. . r , . ,rri. i Liver .KegUiator aiau.wj.ue xveguiatui uaa Mr. John Q, Waaawortn nag ren been favorably known for many years, and ceived a letter1 from Speaker Hile- all who use it know how necessary it is for ceiveu u icttc , . ' Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa- man Stating that the. bill providing tion. Headache, Dyspensia, and all disorder? fof the charter of the proposed raiU arismg from a Diseased Liver. ; read from Aberdeen here had passed 'eS both houses and that itvwoujd be- y0u can readily distinguish by the Red Z low Tho rhpr will be on wrapper, and by our name. 13 the only corne a law.. cnrter win te mediciciled simm0I13 Liver Regulator, forwarded to Mr. Wadsworth just as r j. u. zkixin & co. toon as the bill is ratified; THE TRUTH Yes sir, We have everythingrin the furniture line. Chairs of all descriptions Tables all sizes and. styles. Big lot of Pictures, Window Shades, Our tain Polls, Ladies' Desks, Office Desks, Wardrobes Sideboards, Ch;-- Closets and everything to niakaa home pleasant and a wife-1 happy. Beginning! from today and dnring the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and nsefnl piece of fnr nitnre, consisting of Bat Racks, Music Racks, Comb and Brush Shelf, Book Shelves, Corner Brackets, Medicine Cases. What Nots. etc This is no fake ' Sare Go." The piices of the articles meantime are from 15 cents to $6. The value of the present! will be governed by the amount of the cash purchase. These sales will continue until the above mentioned articles have all been given out. Come atonce and get the choice presents, Take Yours 0r'.:'J!Illes, Pain pills carfl Kiouraisiu." J 1 Simmons Liver "Regulator, toPlease, I 1 - - ' '

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