Vol. XV. No. 28 SI'. VALENTINE r?5'YomiE Folks Indulge in an Eyen of Ztnre JPlonsurc. j Cupid, with big bow anci arrow on 026 fide, and the invitation; written in rhyme appropriate to Valentine teuon,- ori the other side of heart ehrfped cards, wa3 the handsome de pira of invitations issued to her friends by.Mies Eiizibeth Gibson to attend a Velentme parky. : . f The decorations were simply ex qnisite and in perfect taste. A large rose made of heart shaped pinkyleaves on oich M which was written part of a quotation famished the chief amusement. Each one was expected to tiaish the qnoration and give, the name of the author, the one giving the largest number correct in both reepects to receive ;the first priasa double ring joined by a true-love knot. This was awarded to Miss LU Hill. .Mr. Earle Brown won ihj? bcoby priz a comic valentine; The dining room was decorated in. white and red. A wreath of red hearts encircled the round bhUn i A DEATH BSD-OOIfFi55SION. If Is UTonse to Kloo a JJn r.i. CONCQRij. N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY lej 1897. Gaye Him Another Horse, At te auction; sale of horses at Cori's stables in this city on Satur- 1 -r . ' " . ' . tAT HrP. VV. V3.,J day, January 23rd. Mr. JO Foutz, News ha3 i ist re,chd -hWrof fh. death and confession cf D. John B Ucrrell, of Tyler -county, who died Monday, of the murder of Alex Campbell, a prominent citizen -of that place. J a good and substantial farmer of 6 township, purchased a steed that was anrj'arent.lxr I JC J J V- -il.C . LI V I JL iuA. t JUL . OF ago. Campbell had to Dr GorrHI'e, a forcer neighbor intend, whi18 thern to colfect a small debt due .him W ,b8 doctor, rhe Gorrell's olannoj that, EOme tame after retiriDg for the night, the UOK38 occupied by Mr. health, paviiift a fair cash nrir n I J . "ursoiTes. the following Friday thi horse di,,. i'h th" day. Tsdty JanE'v6!' W of JaauT, beii iir. Fontz Cmmtito&tte-i Hth chance tol'uyf of Ihe fJ.1" .glVS 0Ur stomer, aud Dodd, from whom oXX&$g -xv iiifcirs coats at 75 cents Tf w.-rfh i somobodv ffavfi vn f 8' 11 worta that much to make culars to Mr. E A 1U8 murder occurred ejcht tesrs be boaght the horse, and as a res ult the two parties interested in the matter met in Charlotte Alooday, where Mr. Dodd gave Mr. Fooiz a horge jn the pi ac of the one that nad died. Mr. Fou tz says that Mr. .uoaa is a "square man. i - Vampbell was, blown up by means of ' B!rc&lenS A'a them if some powerful explosive, completely wfc'cjung tne buildingiand 4iillin him instantly. Strange to say,. -the family escaped uninjured. .Suspicion has always" pointed to Pr, Gorieil as knowing --ere about it than he admitted. A)ruxr., were called in, but tney failed to tioa in color abope the centre of which was a red find any thing that would justify his bell from which a figure of Cupid arreaV There the matter rested was suspended. Everything was until thoar cf death when he feeart shaded that could bethe cike raade a iuU confession. He said he rv divas made heart shnnp. in r becac19 angry at the old fTPntU' ite froitin?.-The nnlv ?riuKor dunniuje: him. and lcilh'ol !,;., 3 . - J w I w . - . w V A 1 1 Ml was the beautiful wua club. He then placed him - . . : I rtrt l-.,J l . ' . . :c;-.f;n pa.im. -- r ucu luui removing his family i iie uea.o w ere : miss Jal mil, l,A Biesy, oiew up the ..a. ijiiLcr, -j-iiaa.. alary iiiourgomi ery, Jce Goodman ; Miss Sallie Telle Er win, Walter Thompson ; i63 Kate Means, Ed Moss; Mies Fnnio Ko-er, John Yorke ; Miss Kale Gib-cn, Ed Bill ; Miss A;ne3 iiln? .TnA HiMTiftn Mian HiT ri -t . , v .vcjjuwu j Atiioa ui.niy XJULc j Craire. Wm. Gibson r-Manr pv, 150 which was d ' J J VU "JL. ond, Earle 'Brown, Jones Yorke. wa3 eeveo tyeight years of age at i- uauseii, j vv arson , ana Mr, at slowly. The farst night out -from his home, near Hebron, Pleasants CDunty, he stopped with an old friend named Hill. He did not reach Gorrell's house till Saturday. - ' un tne night of that day the dvna Jiea Kiifiuekiiy Sunday, mite explosion occurred. When the Mr. wiinam Taylor, an aged and DoaJ as found there was a wound well known citizen of Mecklenburg, on the head, but" it has always b.en living near Nevveli's, died very eud- suppeced that the injury was caused enly Sunday nipht. He ' was sit- by a rafter falling, due to'.the explo tin in hi3 fayorite chair at the 'f am aioxi" . ' ilj Preside, when he expired. He ' - ' wa3 67 years of age, and leaves a n, ; . , . . -faly. Hed heen unwell some time, but his sudden death neys will find the true remedy in r unexpected and a shock to his Electric 'RiffAm- 'v,i a:-:-- - -- I --. iiioVAiUlUO j um AllUUO 1 - 1 1 , V stiv hw ,'uu tut) UiOLU. . price., I j " ".-to xnis 13 Jess thanhaif nned hoSt teeth.- Vfc t0 be; fillzed at itfaout-enuff, or 4 at 50 cents. Not a tbirdjf the average cost! " ' of thVv oatJ5 cents, not ov.r thJd - teS ot Ko. in days, j t u " on tmiss this lot. Tney won't. hr maiiy suoes. Jovs work Rhnft-. of ko brr v ,r $L2. The Best, baive in tj.. wnvM ' Outs, Bruises,; . Sores,; Ulcers, - Salt heum, Fever Sores, Tetterd OhapP Hands, , Chilblains, Corns and ail kn EnPtioil nd poeitively cures -iles or no pav renins U gnrantesd to erive amhnt; monev refunded. Prin- x oln,a box For sale at P B PeWr's Drug ftl) jfp "ot'of men'e suits, good ndsevicable but tk store. - . ! i i- 4 all wool at $2. Plenty nlaa txTh SnM B.!r,iiCaPie buA ? - guaranteed coat not anv hff .urjr wmassyou SJ A Good and Valnnble Bojpli. Ne?7 State-Directory for 1 ! ...... . - - - North r si iiiifle coat not any bettor. TTTi S? stuff is in favor of th hSJ-ff w A Carolina in limited ftdiHnn ok I n iu i?.uiib ! YoU are the boys, wo are tlm Wc Uent postpaid. Order at once of iNO W FO RA FF.W WT-KT n e ! , j ' I : ,x 1 111 N VJO; U&wapll. LeviBranson. Kaleigh, N.C. Painter The evening was delightfully epent, and Miss Gibson sustained ber reputation as a splendid enter- building to hide the evidence of his gnut. Calvin Cafnpbyll, the murdered . - .... . i . man s eon, said : "About eiht yesrs airo, on Fri day, my father left 'on horseback tn see1 Dr. Gorrell and try to collect ue him." Pather the time, and could travel nniv VvTho does not know 'women and juung girls who are continually iri 5lu? viio have frequent fits of ruwtuuiy wunout any apparent " "r ; J-ue- lnieuigent physician V71il krw that it is et)me derann-e. jnt oj the complicated and deli .teminine organs. The young jginBufTers, bodily and mentally, in ?d -hflin. " nnrooortnaKk Tli fits of temper. Dr. Pierce's ---onto Preecription exerts a ion .power over worhanfi delicate t'PU- It -is an invigorating ! f. r f utfcoefci irregularities and pain- -fcymc-nts 01 woman. Car u utb hoc stimulate ana. contains - no wuiaKey nor otner intoxicanthut ICotes From the Organ. On the fourth Sunday of this month at Organ; Rev. GH Oox wilj preach the funeral of Mr. Dolph Heayer, who wai kiiied jin Greensj boro a few weeks ago. j. .. The Women's Home and -Foreign Miesionary Society cf Onranlchnrrh just before Christmas, igava out a number of nickies to the children to trade with. Tee society has fe apart Saturday; before the foarch Sunday in March a3 Children's day. On that day those who' have nickles are to bring them in with the amounts gained Somi have more than two dollars gained from a sin gle nickle in two months Rev Cox has gotten up a very appro priate programme, consisting of an address, fecititioris, songs, RiV. C A Brown will deliver ihe address The ladies of the society have 1 made a very handsome nm'H. nhinh they will offer for sale oV that day . You see, Mr. E iitor, we are goiug'to have & big day sure. ,Uj No Eoo. IN: FRESH2 NFW nnn .XT 1 ,, ! .- -.. . V jLi.l, pleisiirW to b ibte to tell tti .hS? reBfe'Jt-?,n! twau..-, tneia the very same way Mm V,'n r' w v ' a " cents.' Men'i good ffiishH?. 8"ly- heavy oil srafnEnglish T3 and Creoleat a 75 ce" V-er''s less than S1.25 Yoh Tan'! 9 a? ?,L; Tou neve- saw ti.crr for factarylfo?! lots of 1,090 P i i - f,.-. .- . JU QAM .A TTT --- i VVUKD TO THE VV IS-E; ElftfiH i .. uouiumg compared to th -V suits you receive by trading Mth Dry & adiwor!b ' wo are wide awake and update PeoS ire" to believe what they see and the DonbtSKmasls cn be quickly conyinced of the truthfuStnd correctness of whati we say by calling at o ""is only a few days till 'Xmas and everybody T- 'be-n s npg to look faround for Santa Claus. L quarters this, time arejfat flie . FURNITU E : ST ORE r-ts as a nonio and alterative! It auia naiiajy on tne stomach and ujuiug onoiit;ui) auu KlVID . viauis, tuoioyj' aiuiu Hat 1r in the performance of thefunctiSh, 1 xiectnc fitters is an excellent ap petizer and aids digestion. Old DOOdIq finrl if . innf oVanf Itr uIa they need. Price 50c and $100. per wa iii, i? eizer s urug otore. - IV rcis doctors freauentl v 1,,,? irvousness, dyspepsia, rili .r, l;,dney trouble when the , liciineis in the organs dia- V:nr:iiaI2e ana no help can "tfio' use of Dr. PV.roo' 'reecription toe?J nts in 'one-cent stamps socW? (i flPensary Medical As- sKf' Perce 8 1000 Pa"ge common ' 'iEDrc.L adviser, il.uocraied. We wish to caution all users of Simmons Liver Regulator on a subject of the deepest interest and importance to .-their health kcax uvea, me Boie propneiors ind makers of Simmons' Liver Eegulator utiorK vuaiuiiiciB aio unen ueceiveo ny eimila nvtnAwn. i. X 1 1 1 - . BiaiiiAcw. ooaiuuwj or, taBie,FDeuevmg it to be Simmons Liver Kegulator. We warn you that unless the word Regulator is on the package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No one else . makes, or William P. 'st. Jobn Dead. ! ever has made Simmons Liver Regulator, or- Win; x Q4. Ti. 'anytliingcalled Simmons Liver Kesulatorr r ? ' taui x. . uoud, xne DutJ.H.Zeilmcfe Go., and no-medicine made 1 former President of the " Mercantile b? anyone else is the 8ame.dWe alone can j NaHonrl IWnV r.f "NTaw Vo,.! ; UP an(i we cannot be! responsible, if i iMationm Dank, or JNew lorif, diedfothfirmpdirmpa rwnf U 4iL at S o'clock last night at his resi ' not help you as you are led Ito expect they dence of complicated kidney dBM-i&XSfel?- Mr. St. John was conspicuous in k?r, cause the name was somewhat hke . , . - . . it, and the package did not have the word D13 lahOTfl fnr f rps n.mnatro tn fVi. Parmlofn A u : i, it - ' i late -cm&i, Carried 'With, it much force, la his been favorably known for many Jyears and death the cause has lost an able and ' vJ ?f ? kno?.?ow ne8SW Is. for , . t ever and Ague, Bilious. Fever, Constipa te believe a conscientious advocate tiqn. Headache, Dyspepsia ahdajl disorders ; urising from a Diseased Liver. r vVa .sV Trrk-n 4rt Irtilr J f see that Simmons Liver Regulator, which TO CUKE A COLO IH OSE DAY - 4 r . see that bimmons Liver Regulator, which Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab i you can readily distinguish! by the1 Red Z j lets. Ail drueeists refund the" on fPP and by our name, is the only i money ii it fails to cure. 25c. , liCVA1"mc cuieu oimmuna iver raguiator. J. U. ZEIXIN & CO. -w r r OQ3 . '.'"- -Take "-vh ! : ' . I ' I Simmons JAver Heg&lator, Fwl T IZ? likcomfort and easejbuy one of Drv & Wadsworth'S Big Rocking Chairs or the 1 : sizes for your wife. Or if you want to sleep well and rest easy buy one of the Ealeigh Wire Spring K tresses, best In the world, or one' of the tandabmeat gunsre . They haveUheni at all "prices .jJK W .and to make your parlor look np-todate and in Stvle buv a Torlnr A 1 . a"u ,i - , r ,, "" ""uivm uu a room niceiv : buy one oflthese.haDdsomeisuitstheprices are low. - .Yes sir We have everything in therfnriiiture line. ' tV- ,.def "ptions. - ..Tables 'all sizes and tt fi pv i.B,gT 'toes, AVindow Shades, Cur tam .Polls. Ladies' T)Rh-H fiffia -nT.. nr. , Sideboards, China Closets and everything to makea home pleasant and a wife happy. Beginning from today and; during the holidays we propose to give to each cash purchaser a nice and useful piece of fnr- ' nd Brushy Shelf Book Shelves, Corner Brackets Mfdine ...Coeeaj .Why t Nots. etc - This is no fake ' Sure t,o.' Ihs pnees of the articles meantime are from 15 cents-toe. The value of tta presenT wfll e governed by the amount, of the .ash purchase . These sales will continue until tha s. oove mentioned articles have all been given out.Come atonce and' get the,choice;preent&. ' Yonrslto Please; " I ( '

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