I ! i ! r ? I-""-:." t J 1 . 1 r 7 Daily St&M&fC cTOH!Tb. BARRIER & SON, ; Editors and Proprietors. JAS. P. COOK, v . Editorial OFFICE IIS BRiCK ROW. The Standard is pubii3nd everyday (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. . . RATES' OF SUBSCRIPTION : ' ,Oa.e y ear, V.,. ' .;H00 . mouthe. . . f . : . . . ... 2 00 Thruo niontlir. . . . f . . . . . 100 uontb.s . . . v .... v ..oo .ingia cory. .05 The Weekly '-.Btadaud"' is-; a four-page, eigat-coiunm-'' paper;' 'It has a larger. circulation, in Cabis:rri33 thanrviy other paper. Price Si. 00 pr ril..i a am, in advance. ; . i advertising rates : '. : . ; ' ' . f pas for regular advertisements '--v knowrron application. VU'vclJ a enrnuuoicationrt to : , THE STANDARD, ; ? ,Conoord, N. C. :;;yCORDi b-BB. 2& 1807. niEWAYirQOES. When th rue interests of the people' .nrevto tes icrificad for suarne Ifba'r uaii for the ''Die counter" as is the cae now with ourfusion repre sntr.ti yes at R i?.eig h, i t is .Wvty natural that there ' woajd be . a grudging of the choice- pieces. The Governor., is about to lose Jhe good will of the Popuhsta on the iudge ship. He wants Sutton while they ?!wttt Waiter' llenry. . i - ' They propose to put their thumb Russell' and make him come on Mr. to tLv jor they will not help to pass the many radical measures he wants paxsed, Mr. Hileman and otherar -ru u committee, to uait.o'n th?r Gov ernor today and ifhe doas not agree to appoint Henpr they piopo3e to; mkcita feafie of the bill , that his fatness shjfli'be the judge of the lcw aiotric 1 1 b as- r.ays been the case and it lAviijj jq bG that conspirators f row- j yous of each other and they strsieir own path with thorns. ,ven intimated that Governor ,ell is pretty well amused with tjv situation ana .would be elaa .oiueceed Judge Seymour, and it is intimated that the Populists would be glad to pet rid of him and haye Mr. Reynolds as one more congenial, WHAT Cn&BES HEXT', Tha remarks' made liy Governor .Russ'el j in . his iijtaugural' reflctih oz'Qc;yiiC&n. iid ' iq Board ; of Dutdlrs no .tfc"eVSw'th Carolina . Railroad had the-appearanoa at the time "of measuiin.the author, more " effectually than 'th ef suriject f A tedious ..: investigation; snows that Goyemor Garr had less to do with the lease than almost any of the board and that there was absolutely nothing secret or sly ' about the 7;liok affair. The testimony goes to 6hOv that a set of wise "business men, actuated by the highest motives cf gocd to all concerned, -made the lease that they thought was a good bargain. i.-: v-f We suppose that when the inves tigation fails to find a crooked line in the whole transaction there will arise other, opportunities- to make charges just as groundless as those. CliANTON'S PIE GiME, There seems no limit to the in genions pie hunters and no bounds beyond which they will not go to get the coveted goal. Mecklenburg's man Clan ton has introduced a bill to create a board Correspondent. of commissioners to haye qhargoof that county's splendid road . system. To operate upon the feelings of .the anti-Democrats he charged that Democrats would not buy rocks or hire teams from anybody but Demo crats. Now it (urns out that Clan-, ton hirncdf was paid ? last . year 1,04:9.54 for rock, which was more than any Democa-. wa-s paid. But an extreme pie hunter what won't he do ? ! ' ' ; '' Who would have thought two rs ago, when the fusion legisla ture sought to strip the- Governor of eyery possible j prerogative that it could now; have the 'gall to bestow upon the present Jncumbent almost unlimited pDwer. If- not resisted some slianieless misrepresentatives will bestow upon the. Governor the appointment of half the municipal overtfmjfh't - of " a nuinber! of our "Cities. .. ? - ,', !' ' ' "' ' . -If there is a f unionist who can look at the 'Curire of 'fiur Governor and the dominant element of the General1 Assembly without nausea he must have C me t hi n g ' $,Cop? per etomaoh. ? : "V- For Infants and Children. BlfiUlB clgaaturo Of -1 -7i ; r every , It looks very mncnr:fls, it Sehfcr Butler'6 power was gone. ..Sarapspn has been "&horir of r -y3 , locks v De lilah Skner and j.tt.Q Philistine- bolter have done the work., .Tne Populist., majority is,t g;ing all- to pieces. The Populist it seems, in the State are bP'comin demoralized, and wlH melt away, - ere long, to one or .the other of "the two- old .parties,M.tor. else fizzle out in fFothy nothingness like; a snail' when you put a pinch of. salt on it. Char lotte Observer. , Don't Tobacco Npit and (tjuioke Your If you want to quit tobacco, 'us ing easily' and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in teA days. Over 40 000 cured. Buy iNb-Tb-RaV from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. Booklet and sampler mailed free. Address Sterling Remedy ; Co,, Chi cago or. Now York. . TheTens some const '.ationmrtte fact that the House Tuesday de feated the infamous bill to place in the Governor's hands the appoint ment of half of the be ;d of alder men . in the city of Wilmington. There is virtue deft yetjn our dom inant crowd in Raleifch. This ex plains why the Governor Vas not given the appointment, jf the entire board. I 5 r Special Railroad Ra i'-'s, ' ' : On account of the North Carolina l&sb, Oyster, Game and industrial Fair to be held at Newborn, N.' C.. February 22 27, the Southern Rail way; will sell I round trip jtickets, which will be on sale February 20th to 25th inclusive, with' final limit March 2; fare for round f trip 88.20, plus 50 cents for one admission to fair grounds. 1 - ' ' The Southern Railway will j sell tickets to Washington, LMC., on ac cpunt of the Presidential-Inauguration at rate of one first-class fare for the; round trip for civilians, and one cent per mile travelled for military companies in uniform, and brass bands accompanying them, twenty five or more on one ticket. Reduced rates have been author-S ized- for, the following occasion : Presidential Inauguration ceremon ies at Washington, D. C, March 4, 1897. Tickets on sale March 1, 2 and 3, final limit March 8th, 1897. Fare for round trip $ 1105. Con tinuous par -ge in each direction. A 1 nebame. Old Sarsapanlla. That's Ayer's. The same old sarsaparilla as it was made ana t sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer 50 years aaa. In the laboratory it is (Lilferent. There incdern appli- s aiices lend speed to skill and experience. But the sarsapa- rilla is the sanie old' sarsaparilla that made the record 50 years of etirec. Why don't we better it?" Well, re're much in the condition of the Bishop and the ; raspberry : " Doubtless, " he said, " God might have made a ( better berry. J But doubtless, f also, lie never did. " Why don't we better the sarsaparilla? We can't. Ve are using the t same old plant that cured the Indians and the Spaniards. It has not been' bettered! And since tee make sarsaparilla com- pound 'out of sarsaparilla plant, ) we see no way of improvement. Of course, if we wire making somejsecret chemical compound we might....: But we're not. We're making the same old sar saparilla . to -cure the ' same old diseases. You can tell it's the ( same old, sarsaparilla be- i x;ause it works the same old. f cures. It's the sovereign blood purifier, and i SCHEDULE IN EFifEOT jJAN, 18, 197. 9 This condensed schedule is pubs lished as information, and is sub-n Jecft to change without , notice to the public : ' I I ! " TRAINS LIAVE 005C0ED, N. C. . 9:27 p. m. Ko. 85, daily for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air Line division, ana all pointsSouth and Southwest. Carries through iPullman drawing? room buffet sU'epers between New York, WaHhinon, Atlanta, Birrn lihgham, Galveitoii, Savannah and JGCKSonvuie, abo ruuman siee r Charlotte to AuVusta. - 1 8:13 a. m'. No W, daily, Washings ton and SoutHwstern vestibuled limiteT for Atlaita. Birmincham. Memphis, Rlontginery, Mobile and Nfiw Orleans, andall points South and Southwest.! Chrough Pullman sleeper New YorMto New Orleans and New York! td Memphis Din ing car, vpstibulel coach, between Washington! and Ltlanti. -Pullman tourist car for SadFrancisco, Sun days. 9:02 p m. No; 9, aily, from Rich. mond, Washington Goidsboro.Nor folk, Selma, Rali b, Greensboro, Knoxville and I As eville to Char lotte.l.C. f ; -. - 10:30 a. m. No. : , daily, for At lanta and all poils South. Solid train, Richmond ti Atlanta: Pull man Bleeping Jcar Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m. No. 36, daily, for Wahin - on, Ricl aond, Raleigh and all pc'nts Nort Carries Pull man drawingroom buffet" sleeper, Galveston to New brk ; Jackson ville to Oew York; Birminerham to New Yck. , Pulln n tourist crs from San Frar ciscotfiursdays 9:02 pii. NO. 38,laily, Washing ton and Sou thweaern vestibuled, limited, X for Washigton and ' all points North Thrdth Pullman car, Memphis to New.Ycfe; New Orleans t o New York : Tamil to Ne w York, Also carries; vertibled coach and dining car. j , ; U 7:22 p. m. No. 12, aily, for Richi mond, Asheville, Ch tanooga, Ral eigh, Gbldsboro ar . all points North. Carries Putman sleeping car from Groensborop Xlichmondr Connects at Greensbro with train carrying Pullman caifor Baieigh. 6.17 a. m, N 6. JO, lily, for Rich mond : connects at deensboro lor Raleign and Norfoll; at Danville for Washington and Joints North ; at Salisbury for Alville, Knox ville and points Westf Al freight trains caiy passengers. John M:CuLP,r WA; Tuek, Traffic "Mgr. GentPass, Ag't, W. H. Green, Waiington, D. C. Gen'i Superintendat, v AVa8hington30. C. S.H. Hard wick, Assren'iP. Ag't j ; Atlanta, Ga W. H. TAYLOEAss't On'l P. Ag't, f M Imisville, Ky. Gowan Dusenbeby, 3?cal Ag't, Coiord, N. C. 1 afifed-inidei Who can think at some simple thing to patent? Protect vour Idensi J tv mnv rfntr you wealth. Write JOHN 'TVlDDfcluURN AO.. Patent Attor peys, Washington, D. C4,for the $100 priao oiler I I - w -. 8 t's Ayera. n i; the" rageet: !. r,.-"-'.f'''"11" ... 1 - ' Wars :Bep Plain cr;ft:a pota 5c tip..,. Sstra- heavy copper bottom at 20c Covered, buckets" 5 3 to ' I9 :, Open bucksts 9 to 12 : Zinc backets 20c. W ash pana at o; 10. Granite wash -pans 25c. Dish pans -10 to-25o. . " j Eztra heavy dish pans 35c. ! Waiters 03 to CO 3. j Milk or baking pans 3c to IO3. Gray gra'nita baking pans 13 to 25c. Blue and' white baking pans 13 to Tubed cake pans 5 to 20c. ? 'r -: y2 -quart tin stew pots IO3. j. 1 2 quart gray granite stew pots 2oc. Gray granite rice boilers 75o to SI 15 Blue and white rice be i1 ere 95c. Sauce pans 15 to 20c. -t Milk strainer ,10c. Soup stiainers 10c. - ! Gravey strainers 5c. Tea strainers 33and 4c. Bowl 5c- ! Bread boxes 38 to 683. Cake boxes 33 to 60c. :. Spice boxes in case 48c case. Cash boxes with lock 6O3. J Zinc ccal hoods 25c Zinc slop buckets with lid 38c. . Painted-tin slop bucketa 25 ci Foot tub3 38c. ; Toilet sets 81 25. -Never-leak oil cans 25c. Iron bread pans 10c and 15s. Tin muffin cards 10 to 18c. T Tin graduated quart measures 5c. Painted toy cups 2c i -1 pt cupa 20c dcz. j 1-2 gal milking cups 5c. Black handle dippers 5c. B!ack handle granite dippers 15c. Vegetable graters 10c. ' Nutmeg graters 4c. rie pans 2 for 5c. 1 - Granite pie pans lOo. Jelly pan3o3. . Granite jelly pans IO3. Flour sifters 12c. ' Child's trays 25c. Stove lid lifters 33, can opener3 4o, vegetable ladles 5c j Cake turners 4c, sad iron stand 4c, coffee pot stand 4c,' soap stand 5c, and lots of other tinware. i ml 3m;air:i QluoliJe 7lz yd. ir'hut; ci'-Dsroaie worth J 10, r. Rerar: 71. ' ' 366 ydi ci tbo ;Sn.tst:.. black sateer.w 'mad'3's i i5b;"TCi-n 'ar price 25c yd. Shir;-. Taist bij !i 'i -25c to i75c yd. While goods. 5 to,: 22Jc'yd: . Wo Have in etock and on the road, ssbout 50 bolts -of nainsook, -lawns, diraitiea, Marseiles long cloth etc, ranging frdm 5c to 25c! yd. Good gingham at 5 to 8 1 3c. j '-Bargains in, red or white flannel. Embroidered flannel skirt patterns of 2 yd3 at $148 per pattern. Cotton flannel at 6J to IO3 yd.. Counterpanes 48c to $2 25. Nice line of Marseilles crib counter panes at 48c. ;. Cotton blankets 48c. j -9-4 bleached sheeting at 20a. Red or light blue cotton plush at Tic.,. - ;f; , Chenille table covers at 40j, do rr- tiers 62.50. GoaVrugs 2.50. Lice curtains 68c to $2 pair. Oil;window shades 25 and 303. Brass trimmed curtain polc3 22c. ! Oil table cloth 18c yd. Floor oil cloth 25c yd. I" piece straw matting at 25c yd. Baskets from 2c to $1 24. Stationery Dep't. Pencil tablets with 125 leaves at 2 c; larger ones at 4 and 5c. ; , Ink tablets worth 5c at 3c; 10c ones at 5c and 15c ones at 10c. Job3 in box paper at 10c box. Fine note paper at, 18d per lb. 10-inch envelopes at 5c per pack. Lead pencils 3c doz to 36 Ink and mucilage 3c. Steel ;p3ns'4c to 10c doz. Paper back novels at 5: and 10c. Cloth bound novels 15c. 'WE CAN SAVE YOU AO PER CEN T OF THE AGENT S PRICES OF STANDARD WORKS. ' We sell for $4 sets that theyj charge 810 for. See us bafore , buying;' 'twill cost you nothing to lcok. Can get you almost any standard works from Encyclopadia Britr- . ica at S28 down' to Juvenile woiIs. ox two aurlred invent w&nteuu 5 ?. i . tf - - '!