Arrival of Trams. of kchedufe took ect after 1 P- mrNo?. 15; 1890- ouu ru BOUND. To. 37 arrives at 8.4 a m 11 tt 10,10 a m, " 9.02 pm D.'pm, " 5.15 p m, (ireig 9 G3 it u NORTHBOUND. No. 10 arrives at' 6.17 a m 13 " .."9.o3pm,: : .safe s iEW CROP OfllBS ft HUH AD RTORlCO '' ' . AND- 1 ! ' Light Syrup, u RE AND SWEET. T T 'sTlTTT-T'Tt T Hakry P. Deaton, local reporter. C SHORT LOCALS." r -3 K ybody ride Crawford bicvcles. a A -Dodd and his Kentucky Red Miller's ad. on this page. He advertises a fine line of molasses. Read Oald'a netv ad. on this page today. .Hp has good shoes at all price.; r The Lu.ther Leapjne of St James congregation will meet at 7:30 to- L The amendments to the Charter ot Cdncord prssed third reading in I the House 'Tuesday.' ' When bilious or costive, eat a Cabaret; candy cathartic, cure guar anteed, 10c, 2oe; ! '"v ;ir i The regular monthlv .rnPAtinCT rtf " . J v i no rn nhtt tn vw wuuijf uuiuiiBbioners win oe Held Monday. Keeper Barnhardt. of thA home, says the few sick inmates are improving in health. Fair and colder to-night and to morrow ; jpartly cloudy tomorrow, r a ine iorecast. , : : , 1 Only twenty-se ven marriage ''voubb, nave Deen issued so lar.this month-and February is not a good -uuuvu tJimer. . A lot of nice malting iust refifiiv, at Ould's to be sold at 10 cents pt?r yara. t".o late. Call at once before it is THE, Standard is -lad to learn iat Mr, Lee Martin has about re covered from a severe attack of the Blackbirds are unusuallv abnnd . at in Georgia this year, and the 32perstitious think they must be a 'ign'ofsomethingr ' sses The topics of goaeral discussion "n the streets are the good roads bonds questions, in ; which sry -citizsn is more or lesa in- - ' . -316(1. " ' J ack Iiller, a negro -suspected of . araer iat lNorloI, Va., for whom a rsward;of S100 was offered by the governor ot Virginia, w?.i-captured Charlotte Tuesday. x :. Mr. Monroe Voiis, once a resident this city but now of1 Iredell nty, near Mooresville, gave The tandard a pleasant call; Tuesday. He .is visiting relatives in this county.' ;: .. ;..- . Mis3. Fannie Boyte ha3 resigned sh position of typewriter in the ieo of Mr. W M Smith, to accept 1 i position in Charlotte MissLIllie ackwelder will fill the position signed by Miss Boyte. Mr. Will T Johnston, of this who is attending school at viobane, represented the Y. M. C. A. of that place in the State conven 'ion held, at Winston. Mr. John oa la a student of ability and is 13 earnest Christian worker. Standard age ara fri- ? ,The NorthP? ?iU maa sa-vs tha the orta Carolina n . TOtreaked and striped arU Raleigh now takes theVremk cle at -uiuera Denver secret moni.n;...'3-. . medicines. WiTh X,tQ !Len 1 moists, it baa always been ""tT ed a standard remedy. .Governor BushneU, of Ohio' has yielded to the tr6nndon i poAnlto pressure brought to bear upoiTm and has-made announcement of S3 purpose to appoint the Hon Ma SMAnatofiUitheMat in th. oouai.e to &a vEc-ited by Mr Shrr m0n; on tl;e 4th proximo. care f0r eruptions, .boil?, nimpLe, e eaXat' 6t0? ,elap" ltinS from eadiet ant hie on ship-board or a Snl?7-0" 8-- value as t DJc.!0ii ai.aiiye medicine cannot be overestimated. . ' .enator PrUchari 0: North Uaro Una. called on Mr. Arir;,,!.,,. . V E Boyd, of Xorth Carolina, "r0' P'iwon. Mr. Pritcn- talk, with the Presicnt-eieec but tbat the selection of Mr. Gary, of jriauu, a,9 me southern repro sentative in t.h f k; . , i aoubtles8 deDnvn Nnrth r piace. A movement is on fan f. tr. mou a.material change in the. method of vumuB unimnajB. Tnero are many objections to Dublin .n: tions, and they have to a large ex tent been done awav with. Thfl private executions in iAila oiart , . , - j1"" uuro objectionaole feature. Sn if. ia suggested that as soon as the sen tence of death is passed on a crimi nal, sent to the State peniten tiary,, and there exppntftH " Tk;Q would also condemned murderers that some time occur. TOCCBE.A COLD IS OXE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- iew. aii druggists refund the money if it faila to cure. 25c. -ma To Hear Talinage. . The Rev. Dr. T DWiff Tot mo rrn lectures in Charlotte tonight. - Quite I a number of our citizens will be present. Among! those who have gone over for this occasion are : Mr. and Mrs. S J Lowe, Drs. Laff- erty and Montgomery, Messrs. Cbal White and D J Bcs tian. Did you ever voa f der what that heavy j weight on one side j of a locomotive I wheel was there for? Anyone who under ! stands mechanica knows the need of , ; a counter-balance to tqualize power and keep the machinery ff-oinc with a steadv even motion. With- ' o pf . ' out it the machinery wbuld wrench itself out oi snape. it is ine same way witn tn machinery of the human -body : it needs to go on steadily and regularly to be in good health not by fits and starts. The sudden wrenching medicines which peo ple sometimes take to overcome consti pation, give a violent strain to the intes tines which weakens them, so that the costiveness is afterwards worse than be fore. ? )' i " f . v ;. I i What costive people need 'is a natural laxative like Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleti V ' t ' . CAJl X. . . w tiw . . . A A W lent. They . move the bowels gradually; and comfortably but surely. You caiii regulate the dose one, two or three ."Pellets "exactly as you need. They strengthen the intestines to do their own work, so that after their movements hav become, regular they keep on naturally of themselves. , - The "Pleasant Pellets" gently stimu late and invigorate the liver to throw off biliousness ; and tone up the stomach ta secrete the digestive juices, and over come dyspepsia. The entire digestive, or alimentary, tract is. put in motion in the regular steady way of nature and health. This is what makes the V Plea. ant 'P11ofo cr iTtimpn;plv snnptiftr tn WAV JL J w w the numerous purging pills which wrench and weaken the system. Druggists may get more profit out of those other pilfj put you don't. The V Pleasant Peuets " are tiny sugar Coated granules 40 or more in a littlt one-inch vial tightly corked, hence, al ways fresh and reliable. j Send we cat stamps to cover cost of mail fne only, and ret his great, book. The People1! Common See Medical Adviser, ,bsoluUly frb& Addrea. World's Dispennanr Medical fim, Nta. ti Uin fUrect, Bu&lo. 14, Y. . was lea leu. Atlanta i3 threatened with a cake wukiogfevr. Buscuif coaipaaiei: are at war. All of them bave dough1. .The truata neeta tq be affected with aotnetninj like bo cholera. Forager Bay he'd !5 00 buav to talk as tae inipr ible occurred a: last ? and- n Te best S3 GO ehpe 'ever sold in Concord. We have this shoe in all the latest toes, which arenas folio we: The Orient, which is a ' xrety narow point, the Royalty on; Coiu, which ia one of the neatest toes ehown' this season, the Kdight Templar toe has become verv nnntilnr it ;a little wider than the -Rottr Qn is solid comfort, fits'thsrtfoot - per fectly. We have this rrtift ifr-hlnolrc, and tan, made of the bedt of Calf bsin, Vici Kid Kangaroo. i v.; ''We can furnish votfnnfr 83 50 that will eq ual ah y5 00 shoe on the market j in ' the "fditnwiniT numbers : 5i. 6. 6h and V." 'Thooo ate in. our samDla-linft' anfl nr oougnt with a jbig discount off, which enables us to nive van snph t . . ... If --rr'" V goodvalue for your money. : Our 85 00 line consists of Patent Leathers, Cordivans, French Call and Vici Kids made in all the lat est toes. We are showi ng. the best line of shoes in Concord. Give us a look. ' j : , V""-; r $2.50, 2,00, 1.75, -l.'SO. For the above figures we can "fur nish you with a first-class shoe.: for tne money. W e offer for 82 50 a genuine Goodyear Welt shoe, which we guarantee wi 1 equal any $3.00 welt in town. LADIES SHOES. We have them and thev aro known asioner Wearers. narrv them from 50 cents a pair to $3 50. Our line only want to be seen to be appreciated. I ; r ; b all line of jchildren s shoes at bottom prices. Call to see tia. " Onr shoes are madef by fine" architects ana builders : ot the footwear with few equate and no superiors, 0UID11ERCUTILE v CO. THE SHOERS OF CONCORD. iWADE IViE A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE AZJj Nervous XiseMe Failing Mem I ory, Impotency, Bleeplessnees, eto, caused uj aumw w oLiier excesses ana indis cretions, j TJiey quickly and turelu restore Ijost Vitality in old or young, ana fit.amanTnicfnl. Knot taken in time. Their use shows immediate improve ment and effects a CUIIE where all other fail In- bio upon iWTing genuine A3 ax xaoiets. xney pave cored thousands and will core yon. We give a pos itive wrlttAn ononintMi tn ciTanf o w MVA j each case or refund the money. Price wU W I Ot per package; or six pkges (full treatment) for (2JG0L By mail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular Wantsd-An Idea Who ean thl&K of some simple thlug to patent? Protect your ideasr they may bring you wealth. ---- - miiim write juh.n wfiyuattBUKM S: CO- Patent Attor oey.i.5ashingtrfl, D.-Cfor their tl.800 prise oOar ad list ox twj oundrea iiiv-- wuniAk, i . . i L0NGRESS Lace i, ' Lf ' sib. Hood's Sarsapariila TnuiBplianl in a Severe Test Ofsfresing Sore Gomplslely Goreil The testimonials in behalf of Hood's SarsaDarilla are vjorth reading because they a iew moments to read No man is more favomhlv m and about Epping, N: II., than Mr. uubepn j&toKes, the husband of the Udyref erred to. His word U as good a a UJ S. bond and eveiy statement fj-om him op his family may be most implicitly relied upon. tv Read this: 1 "V. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass - j ml Qentlemea : For fully twenty years my mother has been seriously troubled by a sore on her nose. For spine time we thought! it of a cancerous nature, and it was removed three times. A physician in Boston said the sore was not a cancer, but "A Catarrhal Sore." It discharged and was, of course, very an noying as well as painful. Sometimes it was as large as a half dollar, and it was necessary to keep it bandaged and pro tected most of the time. About two years ago the sore seemed to be spreading over er lace, and was larger than when the ostonj physician removed it. There is o question but that its of Igin was in The Scrofulous Humor ' with which my mother has always been jtroubledi Two years ago she decided to jgive Hood's Sarsapariila av faithful trial, also using, as an outward application, Hood's Olive Ointment. 1 1t was soon J no ticed,' to the joy ol the family, that the cold Dy air draggists; - Price $l Hp h H9! S T9 -Lowl? Ma A NEW LOT OF . t just'in from New York, The very; latest style. Eyery one a bargain. Come at; once and see i them. ' ..... S We want, particularly to call your attention to onr Laides and Children. -S H O E S- They are known as f "Long wearers. 7 Every one who tries them come back when in rjeed of another pair. ' Our line! of Children .Shoes can not be excelled. Try fc them a ad be conyinced. A Nice Linelor. Just Received- i We are daily adding: to onr stock in all its line. r JWill take great pleasure fin show ing our goods. Jcome to see ns Mill. I " . - - - 4 GAPES JACKETS r n r;l tell things ivorth i telling.! ' just this statement below: sore was diminishing In size and was be- -coming less troublesome?. Thi encour- agef.her to continue the use of Hood' ' Sarsapariila. She took 11 bottles and now r Her Face Is Veii. The soro has entirely disappeared, leaving r not a scar, but only a slight mairk, which we think may in time totally disappear. ; It is such a comfort to her and iuch a joy to the rest of the family that we feel in debted more than we can express, to Rood's ! Sarsapariila, that she has been cured after twenty j years of suffering." , Miss E. A. Stokes, Epping, nJ II. : From fcflr. Stokes; " I am glad to say that the cure of my wife is exactly as stated in my daughter' letter above. Joseph Stokes, Col. Bennett, Who writes the following, is a' leading " contractor and builder, liasj been on the Governor's staff, and held other of ficial positions of condencejand trust: "I know the paieJreferred to in the oughly reliable. I have known about this case for some time, and am glad this testimonial has" been sent to jc. I. Hood &Co. J. W. Bennett, Lowell, Mass. arsa par H la ?six for $5,. Prepared only by - The Best Spring Medicine,. Offers to the business public a re liable, permanent, couaervative and accomodating bankiug institution : We solicit your business with the assurance of hQorable and duo appreciation of ronage. ' .l " ;-v " If we can serve you at we shall be glad to have and see us. treatment your path any time; come. you LIBER7VL ACCOMMODATIONS . TO CCI3T0MERS; 1 GapitaIandfStirjpl$70t)00 - : D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M. ODELL, Pre3. VL'" A' O- S;33 rn i 1 ; ! ?;K' in ? SPECIflLT YIrj?'"iS tiOTV liLOOn POISHN tiprmnor,i. cured in 15 to 33 days. Yon can be treated at horse for same price tinder same guaran ty. If yon prefer to come here we wlllcon tract to pay railroad f areand hotel billsnd BO charge, if we fail to cure. If yon hare taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and rains. Mucous Patches in month. Sore Throat Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers' on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows faUln z rnt. it in thia SnflnnHoTO 1? f .OOT PnisnxJ we guarantee to enre. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and cnaUenjpe the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. 850G,COO capital behind oar nncondV Uonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed ozx application. Address COOK ' REMEDY CO. 03 Haeonio Xesaple, CHICAGO. ILLZZ The Concof ti Natiofl'a! Sank ill n I TT-7 S f m mmm'-'i sW Pa O I mi CZ rja O S 'Pi i I.. 4 r ti ' I - ii i n m V hi: w. A; If: : S i 11' -.I'i ill ill Mi J;i i ! ! (Ml 11 f I .1 i i