, - - . 1 : ; ' : : T i '" i '. T T' T. J 7Tr ' !.:" T - 1 , ; 1 ! S 3 i f ; J i . ! I i i I s1 A l ' . i . - Saily'" ' Standard. JOHN" D. BARRIER & SON. Editors and Proprietors. JAS. P. COOK, . Editorial Correspondent. OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. The Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and i it ' : ? " . 1 oeiiverea dv carriers. . '" - RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: sioo bi x months . . . ... . ... ,. . 2 00 - Three months... . 1.00 One month. ... ..... . . .35 Single copy.. . .05 w - j HI Weekly. Standard is a . ; . p' . ii:" . a. i :,' eignt-column paper. It r circulation iu Cabafrus i oilier paper. Price 81.00 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES : Term for regular advertisements joia? iiif.rt'n on application. Audits all communicators to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. U X!, JO'ftD. FEB. 25, L807. (vail or table Shoes. People who are troabled with cold take heart. In Germany liier has bete patented a contrivance de:'::iii-ad.fia,'a "nestable shoe." '1 .oVhtel is hollowed out, and in this k.dlow is receptacle for a that rapanete the wearer is walk in g,thu 3 imparting a bedded in asbes- covers, is a rubber bag which is lilled with water. ! . The heating substance in the heel keeps the water warm and it circu lates while the wearer is walking, thus imparting a pleasant warmth to the foot. A small safety aval ve is provided, so that the bag cannot buist. V j The warmth given by the sole never rises above seventy degrea Fahrenheit, and will last about ; j- eight hours. Popular Science News says that the sole is not unreasona bly thick, being only slightly thicker thai: tbs.t of the wet weather shoe.- Greensboro Record. TO CURE A COLtD IS ONE DAY T?.k9 laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let?. All druggists refund the morey if it fails to cure. 25c. A Woman Holds HerTongne, Jaeobatown, N. J. , bpasts a wo Uien who, although not'dumb, has not spoken for ten years. Her name is Lucretia Hillman and her silence is due te her vow not to speak until women were granted the right to vote. In 1886 she refused to pay her tax assessment and did not hciud over the money until threat ened with incarceration. Then she e wore to work for woman's suffrage and not utter a word until women were given the right of franchise. She has faithfully kept her oath, although she successfully conducts -a farm and is an all-round business woman. She is unmarried and poso tu3sed of more than ordinary accom plishments. She plays both violin at-d piano and is given to literature. Minniman has little to do with her neighbors, hut presfers petting har animals to human society. The Ideal Panacea James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago says: I regard Dr. King's iSew Discovery as an Ideal Panacea f or Couhs, Colds and Lune Corns plaints, having used it in my family for the last live years, to the exclu sion of physicians prescriptions or other properations. 1 Rev.fJohn Burgus,Keokuk, Iowa, wrires: I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and havfl -nnr f ound anything so beneficial, or thai gave me such speedy relief as Drf King's New Discovery. Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at Feszers Drug Store. Here is a bit of solid, horse-sense irom the Durham Sun : "There are many people who believe it the duty of an editor of a newspaper to try to punish and expose those who, in their opinion, do not con duct themselves properly. When they see the law violated, they are too cowardly, frequently, to them selves lodge the complaint before the proper legal authorities, but at once rush to the editor and demand that he shall become the judge, jury and executioner to punish misdeeds of which they complain. Then there are fellows who, when they have a grievance , or spite again 3 anybody, try to use - the editor to ventilate their ill humor nr. d pun ish their enemy. What n-posr idt l they have of an editor, when thty think he is anxious and willing to do their dirty work for them ? It if? the duty of the editor io luUich the news, champion virtue and moraliLv, and denouncing evil, im morality and wrung; but mistakes his caKing if he undertakes to be come the especial guardian and regulator of tho conduct of every individual of the community." ust ' Salesmen Wanted. To sell our high grade Nursery Stock. Mfcny new specialtiea oifered thi3 year for the first time, as well as the utaudard varieties of fruitt; asd ornamentals. The business easily levrued. . Write for terms either on salary or commission. Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas, Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, Pa. wm2G. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children, sloilo 0 it OQ mil Have to lYait. Senator Pritchard arrived in Washington; Sunday from Canton, where he had an interview with President-elect McKinley, in the Interest of Col. James E Boyd on Saturday last. He failed to secure a Cabinet appointment, but received assurances that Col. Boyd's services to the Bepnblican party would be recognized in a way that would be satisfactory to him. Whether the appointment will be as one of the assistant secretaries or asristant postmasters-general, Senator Pritch ard caEnot say. He talked to Mr. McKinley about the policy of his administration, and got the distinct impression, he says, that everything will be subordinated to the speedy enactment of a new tariff law. Major McKinley also gave Senator Pritch ard distinctly to . understand that only the more important appoint men ts, which, are indiepensibleto the successful operation of his ad ministration, will be considered un til after the passage of a tariff bill and the, adjournment of the extra session of Congrees. There are more men out of work, he said, who. need work than there are men out of office who need ' office, and they will receive the first consideration; This will be a great disappointment to hundreds of Virginia and North Carolina Republicans, who will go to Washington net month expecU ing to remain In anticipation of im mediate relief. This is personal. direct information from the - Presi dent-elect, and is a confiaaatioii of the policy already indicated. Greensboro Record. If it were not for th3 fact that the job is about over the3e fellows might all be assigned the enrolling clerk's office in Raleigh e,t $5.00 per day while the president will be too busy to give them relief. jsaM' THE RACKET. ; few ''I ,bPwtl i :i ' I . - - Berore Retiring.". . iake Aye 's Pills, and yon will jJeep better r.ncl wake in bettci condition for ih day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, an :! all liver troubles. They ar sugar-coated, ind.so perfectly prepared, that J they cure with out the annoyances experienced in the use of !so many of the pills on the markejt. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is PILL THAT WILL SCHEDULE ; i ; mmw - ii IN EFFECT JAN 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pu! lished as information, and is subs je'ct to chahge Without notice to the public : j ' TRAINS LE4VE CONCORD, N. O. 9:27 p. m. Nol 35, cUily for Atlan ta and Charlotte Air Lme division. na all points Sbuth and Southwest. Carries tlirouell Pullmftn drAwinnr room buffet sleepers between New i oik , vv asnmgtoD, Atlanta, JBirms mgham, Cialve$ton, aavannah an Jacksonville, aiso ruuman sieeotr Charlotte to Aiierusta. ' 8:18 A. M. No. 37. dailv. Washing ton and Southwestfern vflRT.ihnlArl limite i for Atlanta,! Birmingham! Jiempmv Montgomery. MobUe an New Orleans, and all points Sout and Southwest: Thmuffh Pnllmn sleener Mew York to' New Origan and New York to Memohis. Din ing car, vestibuled cDach, between Washinp'tnn nfid Atlanta. PhIItvioti tourist car for San Fiancisco, Sunl days. - 9:02 p m. Np. 9, da3y, from Rich mond. Washington. Gold shorn. Nnr folk, Selma, . Raligdj Greensbord ivuoxviue ana Asnetiue to Unar lotte, N. C. ! 10:30 a-M.Nb. 11. dailv. for At lanta and all points South. Solijl traiD, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping I car, Richmond to Greensboro, i ! 10:07 a. m. No. 3, daily, for Washington, I Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Puli man drawingroom bpffet sleepei, Galve3ton to New York ; Jackson-j ville to New York ; Bimineham to New York. Pullmanf tourist cails from San Frarcisco Thursdays. 1 9:02 r. M. No. 38, dafly, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Washington and all noints North. Through Pullman ear, Memphis to New York;! New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Also carries yertibuled coach arid dining car. i - j 7;22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Rich s mond. Ashevillfl. C!hfttferoneA Ral eish, Goldsboro and i all points .North. Carries Pullrian sleeping Connects at Greensbord with train carrying Pullman car f dr Raleigh. . 6.17 a. m, No. 10, daly, for Rich mond : COnnficts utfinfinshnrn fhr Raleigh and Norfolk ;at DanviUe for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashillft. KnnU villo and points West. ! All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Culp, WVA. Tube, Traflic "M'r. Gen'lPass. Ao'f W. H. Green, Washington. D. C. Gcn'l Superintendent, Washing ton ,-D. C. S. H, Hard wick, Ass'tGen'iP. Agt : . Atlanta, 0a W. H. Tayloe; Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, i juomsvme, jxy. Gowan DusEnbeby. Local Ag t, I Concord, N. C lanfed-An Idea Who can tbSbX of some eimpie tblUK to patent? rrotect you? Ideo-i; they may bring you wealth. t.uc cua.i & w- rwtani Alter Jet JFHSt-a. I. for their ti.iX prize 2? mna iiii. cx tw a hundred lnwtnia wuntttk imi ! " 1 : ' ; a" ! ' ! :' J''-"','...' s . i . i . i t I rs. pain coffeo pots 5c up. Extra h-oayy copper bottom at! 20c Covered buckets 5c to 12c. Open buckets 9 to 12. . Zinc tj)ucef 203. j Yer.h pannat Ccto 10 j. I i " ! uranitc WLsa pans Hoc. Dish pans 10 i,o 25c. Extra heavy dish pans 35c. AVaittrn 5 c to GO3. -Milk or baking pans 3 z to 10 'Gray granite baking pans 13 to Bluo and white baking pans 13 to Tubed cake pans 5 to 20c. 2-quart tin Btew pots IO3, 2-quart gray granite stew pots! 25c. Gray granite rice boilers 75c to 81.15 Bias and white rica boilers 95c. Sauce pans 15 to 20c. Milk strainers 10c. Soup strainers 10c. Gravey GtraiDers 5c. Tea strainers 3 and 4c. ! Bowl 5c. : Bread boxes 38 to 68c. Cake boxes 33 to 60c. Spice boxes in case 48c case. Cash boxes with lock 6O3. Zinc coal hoods 25c. Zinc slop buckets with lid 38c. Painted.tin slcp buckets 25c. ! Foot tubs 38c. Toilet sets 8125. Never-leak oil cans 25c. : Iron bread pans 10a and 15c. ! Tin muffin cards lO.to 18c. ! Tin graduated quart measures 5c. Painted toy cups 2o. 1 pt cups 20c doz. 1-2 ?al milking cups 5c. i Black handle dippers 5c. i ! Black handle granite dippers 15c v egetable graters lUo. Nutmeg graters 4c. ' Pie pans 2 for 5c. Granite pie pans 10c. Jelly pans 3c. j Granite jelly pans IPc. Flour sifters 12c. I Child's trays 25c. Stove lid lifters 3c, can openers 4c, vegetable ladles 5c. - j Cake turners 4c, sad. iron stand 4c, coffee pot stand 4c, soap stand 5c, and lots of other tinware. j .1 ..... , u Ho jaunts Silkolin'e 7c yd. Remnants of percale worth 10c at 7A-c ' SG6 yds of the finest black sateens made at 15c; regular price 25c yd. , Shirt waist silks 25c to 75c yd. WhilQ goods 5 to 22Jc yd. We have in stock and on the road about 50 bolts of nainsook, lawns, dimities, Marseiles long cloth etc, randng from 5c to 25c yd. Good gingham at 5 to 8 jl-3c. : Bargains in red or white flannel. Embroidered flannel skirt patterns of 2 yds at S1.4S per pattern. Cotton flannel at 6J to 10c yd. Counterpanes 4Sc to 82.25. Nice line of Marseilles crib counter panes at 4Sc. ' Cotton blankets 48c. 9-4 bleached sheeting at 20c. Red or light blue j cotton plush at 7JL 1 Gnenille table covers at 403v do por- tiers 82.50. . Goat rugs $2,50. Lace curtains 68c to 82 pair. Oil window shades 25 and 30c. Brass trimmed curtain poles 22Jc . Oil table cloth 18c yd. Floor oil cloth 25c yd. 1 piece straw matting at 25c yd. Baskets from 2c to 81. 24. Stationery Dep't. ... -1 Pencil tablets with 125 leaves at 2c; larger ones at 4 and 5c. j Ink tablets worth 5c at) 8c; 10c ones at 5c and 15c ones at 10c. Jobs in box paper at 10c box. Fine note paper at 18c per lb. 10-inch envelopes at 5c; per pack. Lead pencils 3c doz to '36c. Ink and mucilage 3c. ( Steel pens 4c to 10c doz. . Pap3r back novels at 5 knd 10c. Cloth bound novels 15c. - WE CAN SAVE YOU 60 PER CENT OF THE AGENTS PRICES OF STANDARD 1 j' WORKS. We sell for 84 sets that they charge 810 for. See us before buying; 'twill cost you nothing to look. Can get you almost any standard works from Encyclopedia Brittan ica at 828 down to Jnyenile works. V sti.ijio 1

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