3, 'V ArrlTal of Tpaln. it x . iCo. 37 arrives at 8.4 a m "10 40 a hi' " 9.02 pm, u 9;7p in, 9 G3 X J. it NORTHBOUND.. o. 10 arrives at 6.17 a m , ;X ioo a m, ;, '4 J2 I! u-7.2-3pin ' ; " 0.02 P m, (l.,vv o V.;i0a m '.(freight)" '-V.i ' run vni' aa3Dur Greensboro -Ki Hanville. Passencrefs for local EVT" CROP Rico AND- Light Syrup, PURE AND SWEET. -J. L. MILLEK'S, Hakry P. Deatdn, local reporter. SHORT LOCALS. One Beesion at the graded school today. : . Electric" light wires are being placed in the Savings Bank. See notice of land sale by R W Misenhaimer, trustee. Barnum'a circus will appear in Charlotte on the 12th of next May. The forecast says: Threatening and rain tonight, followed by clear ing tomorrow. The lease bill will come up in the Senate to-morrow. The public opin ion is that the bill will be defeated. For silks and other dress goods, we respectfully invite your atten tion to the advertisement of Can nons & Fetzer. , J M Loman is making a reputa tion as a gold hunter. He has un earthed some very fine speciniens of gold ore on the banks of the Three Mile branch east of the city. The Standard Oil Company have their property at the depot nicely fenced in and the house and large tank painted. Oil they want now, and the bulk of the trade is theirs. I A Western paper says the people out there have about as much faith In the Republican administration restoring prosperity as they have in the building of an electric railway to the New Jerusalem. Rev. Stubblebine, of Salisbury, -will. preach' at Bear Creek church on the second Sunday in March. On the following Monday night a lecture on Greenland, with stereop tican views, will take place. The telephone line will soon be run from here to Mt. Pleasant. It will be conducted on the independ ent system, but will probably con nect with all the lines now existing "in the city. The ticket office at the depot has been remodelled and the windows have been made burglar proof. The freight and telegraph offices have been overhauled and now present a batter appearance and gives a great deal more room. The only blood-purifier admitted on exhibition at the Chicago World's Fair, was Ayer's Sarsapa- - iila, all others being excluded as secret preparations and patent medicines. With doctors and phar macists, it has always been consider- - i a standard remedy. One day last week, afarmer went Opelika, Ala., to get a coffin for is dead baby. He got the coffin iud while on his way-out of town topped in a saloon to get a quart whiskey. He carried the coffin "ito the saloon with him. He got -o drinking and was soon in a state -f intoxication. He left the saloon -nd went home, leaving the coffin i'i the bar room. He was totally oblivious of the fact that his child as dead. Orlei Molasses, Immigrants ra agers find in g'uy' ,1 in Atlanta is RhanT Ane- ros started about the respective circulations of the Journal and the E renin. Pnn WOO to chanty if the " latter - inU m; Messrs. Cook & Foil, the leading Uon Pn3nt for tte-canettae-rn f ?Kw.room in which to conduct the,rnam9D8e besinesa tbeir present quartars being crowd went ESit8s thf caovi- mW!ar'S1-dJtaa ned Solo moti Seltzer died a few days afc-o near Stroudsbarg, Pa. One da ue ft: lU whp,a opsned directed that his grave bo dug in hia hoe pen and his body l,i bur.-1 i 1 he old man's matruciions were carried out. The cornniittee appointed to wait on the Governor Wednesday dh charged their duty and he reSeived them courteously but informed tnena that he was under some obli gations to Mr. SuLton. The Gover nor has to put on his e;o3t -enial manners though or something vill be to pay. Memory is a little treacherous now and then, and causes one te forget some things worth remem bering, unless one hasan experience like that which came to Mr. D E East MofTatt's Creek, Va., who says "1 had been suffering for years with a torpid liver and foucd no relief until I took Simmons Liver Regu lator when I was entirely relieved of my troubles. I never intend being without Simmons Liver Regulator." rOCTKEACOLDIJS OXE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. m!4 A. Train Wrecii. An express train on the Chesa peake and Ohio on last Tuesaay go ing at the rate of 40 miles an hour plunged into a washout and all the cars piled upon the engine except the two sleepers that were only de railed. Eleven persons were more or less injured. One man crawled out of the wreckjand scrambled up the bank but died before any assist ance could ? reach hini The book of woman's life is di vided into three chapters: Qirl hood, womanhood, motherhood. At the time when a young girl passe mto womanhood turning the leaf, aa we may say bet ween the first and second chapters of her existence a little care and thoughtful ties will double her chances of future ha ppiness and save many hours of suffering. Every young wo man should have an intelligent un derstanding of hex own physical make-up. Half-knowledge which is little better than pure ignorance, opens the way to an untold amount of p&u and wretchedness. . Few women realize the influence exerted on their bodily and mental well-being bv the special organism of their sex. It is ham for them to believe that the little drain which goes on from day to day is sufficient to sap away the very life forces. Yet it is so,. The weakness, exhaustion, melancholy ; tin periodical prostration and sometimes almost torture has no other cause, two-thirds of the time, than the abnormal unhealthy condi. tion of , the generative organs. Strangely enough even doctors often fail to recognize the truth, For this condition there Is no other remedy in the world so helpful and certain as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It restores health and vigor to the feminine functions and renewed vitality to the entire body. It heals inflammation, stops dis charges, strengthens the ligaments and builds up the internal tissues which cannot be reached by "local treatment.'? It is of inestimable value to young women and tt prospective mothers, greatly lessening thb ains and perils of childbirth if taken dm ng pregnancy. During" the "change-of life" it Is in valuable. Dr. Pierce's great book? " The People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser," has 1008 pages, profusely illustrated. Over 00 pages are, de voted to woman's diseases with suggestions fox home-treatment. It will be sent free by World'! Dispensary Medieal Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. "Y-, on receipt of 21 one-cent stamp to cover cost df vnuMoa only. lit. Miles' JPa in Pills are guaranteed! to ston Headache In W minutes. "One cent a dose? Is the time when you should take a Spring Medicine to purify your blood, give you good appetite, sound sleep, steady nerves and perfect digestion. That scrof ulcus taint, (that skin trou ble, that liver dif ficulty, that bilious (SEiBtiW tendency, that tired feeling, are all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Give this mcdicino- a. faiiv tifial. and you will realize its positive merit. It is not what we say, but what the people who are cured say, which proves that , lSPi mWZZ Is the Best Ir 14 Spring Medi- clne. C. I. Hood &' Co., Lbvell, Mass. Hd'c Oilier cure Liver Ills; easy to jwwm 13,.:;, easy 10 operate. Congress The best S3 00 shoe ever sold in Concord. We have this shoe in all the latest toee, which are as follows: The Orient which is a very narrow point; the Royalty on Coin, which is one of the neatest toes shown this season, the Knight Templar toe has become yeryj popular. It is a little wider than1, the Royalty and is solid comfort, fits the foot per fectly. We have this line in blacks and tan, made of the best of Calf Skin, Vici Kid Kangaroo. We can furnish youJl a flhoe ! for S3 50 that will ejqual any 85 00 shoe on the market in the following numbers : o, b, and 7 These are in our sample line and are bought with a big discount off, wnicn enaoies us 10 give you sucn good value for your money. Our $5 00 line consists of Patent Leathers, Cordivans, French Call and Vici Kids made in all the latj e8t toes. We are showing the best line of shoes in Concord. Give us look. . I $2.50, 2.00, 1.75, 1.50. For the above figures we can fu nish you with a first-class shoe for the money. We offer for 8250 a genuine Goodyear Welt shoe, which we guarantee will equal any $3.00 welt in town.;, LADIES SHOES. We have them and they are known as long wearers. We carjry them from 50 cents a pair to $3 50, Our line only want to be seen to pe appreciated. , Full line of children's shoesjat bottom prices. Call'to see us. 0ur shoes are made by fine architects and builders; of the footwear with: few equals and no superiors. OULD IBCIHIILE CO., THE SHOERS OF CONCORD. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one or my books on tnese! ais eases. Adirer3 ts. m. woolly, Atlanta,1 ua, vox f5TJ, ana one mu oe jou iree. . l i ur s&. 'jjjjj!' f and Lace. i i A" N D FORTY'INCH v. Only" 30c per yard.; New lot of Silks Sat urday. See.them. I A NEW LOT OF CAPES, JACKETS just in from New York, The very latest style. Eyery one a bargain. Come at once and see them. We want, particularly to call your, attention to . our Laides and Children. -S HOES- They are known as "Long Wearers." Every one! who tries them come back when in need of another pair. Our line of Children Shoes can not be excelled. Try them a ad be 'convinced. ' ; . i - - - , . i . ; ! A Nice Lineioi; KID QLOVES Just Received We are daily adding to our stock in all its line, i Will take great pleasure in show ing our goods. . - Come to see us mmi i genu LACK - JAGQ 11 CANNONS eiETM. i ' - mmv -liiinniMi rvi CONCORD MARKETS ' s COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling.... 100 Middlings.. ......... .......i..;.. 6 j90 Low middling 6.75 Stains .... 6.00 h PEODUCE MAuEl 7 Uorrected bv Swin 1 & White. Bacon to 75 Sugarcured nams 12to 14 . y ulk mea ts,sides . .6 to 7- Seeswax ..-I ....j.......i.;...20 Butter ., ; 10rol5 Ohickenk......... ... . . ........ ,.10to2o Jorn . . ... .............L.....J.V... 45 Eggs......... ......... ..J... 121 Lard....... ............. !.... 7 Fiour(North Carol Meal 4. 1..52.50 ... '..45 Oats ............. -i ..i.r. 4u rVillow 3io4 H 1 B. All the tildes, Was, Tallow and: Egg3 we can get. Are paving to ; Dry Flint Hides lOcts 5 " 5 " 22 " 2 " 16 Dry Salt Green 4v v Glue Wax Tallow , Eggs Only the Areigbt deduced from the above prices. Write to us. THE SHIPPERS' PRODUCE CO. s Baltimore, Md, 801 Fidelity Building. j , ' - '' d&wtn " M. L. Brown & Bro : LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLJS, j Just in; rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omni- buses meet all passenger trains!: j Outfits of all kinds furnisned promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses j and mules always oh hand for sale, i Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. - '.N - ' ' i ' tional Bank Offers to the business public a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating bank ing institution We solicit your business with the assurance of honorable: treatment and due appreciation of your pat ronage. ; If we can afrv vnn of o-ntr Uma we shall be glad to have! you come and see us. - -:i; ,. I LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS 1U UblUMhRS. . i Gapital and;SuItlus 4jQ OoS.y D. B. COLTR ANE," Cashier. J. M ODELL, Pres. CD a 3 -N mlm Ji 1 mm - a m O LTD 3 f Ml O est z f m : ad ? l.-'-' i cured in 15 to 35 davs. Yon can be treated f i home for same price nnder same gpoaran 3 ty. If you pref pr to come hero we will con cocnarge, if we fail to core. If 70a hare taken mer- cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and paina, Mucous batches in mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the Ixxiy, Hair or Eyebrows faUinsL out, it is this Secondary; BLOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge tho world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians. 850O.O0O capital behind nnr nnnmuli. tional guaranty. Absolute roofs sent sealed on implication. Address COOK REMEDY COm VV LM Jk 1 '' r At i T in g : Si . ,.?jci):,:a PI I 1 U P1 Z2 m tWA SPECIALTYS?fg 11 Ultiary JiLUOO FOISON permanent! 11 I - S i..'f -v.:H: .. . 1 -i. I! ? It. f - Hi:- m if a; ' -Of ' it -i I 9 1 1 B if li 'it V 1 . .