If t i v; 7 Opeclnl Hall road Rates. On accbunt'bf the North Carolina Fish,. Oyster, Gam and ' Industrial Fair to be held at Newborn, N. C, February 22 27, the Southern Rail way wilt sell round trip tickets, which will be on sale February 20th to 25th iuclupive, with final limit Match 2; fare for.round trip 63.20, plus 50 cents for one admission to fair grounds. The Southern Railway will sell tickets to Washington, D. C, on ac - count of the'-Presidential Inaugura tion at rate of one first-class fare for the round trip for civilians, and one cent per mile travelled for military companies in uniform, and brass bands accompanying them, twenty five, or more on one ticket. Reduced rates have been author ized for the following occasion: Presidential Inauguration ceremon ies at Washington, D. C, March 4. 1897. Tickets on Bale March 1, 2 and 3, final limit March 8th, 1897. Fare for round trip $11 05. Con tinuous passage in each direction. A Good and Valuable Book. ' - New j State Directory for North Carolina in limited edition, price sent p08tpaid. Order at. onceof i " Levi Branson, d&wapll. Raleigh, N C. Last Notice Town .' Taxcm. 1 moBthavf your taxes by the 1st of January. I will have to settje with" the town on . that date, I bdrSe alL person 8 owing the. same will call aria settle at once. I will 'be com polled to advertise ii not paid f by. I -.1 x. i t i " ' : 1 1 '.fciv.- tuab lime, x nope juu win ecinc and save costs. J. L. Bogek, ' -' Town Tax Collector. Oct. 15, tf . '. i ;." v r, iVJADE ME A IV1AN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE JLLJl. JVerrou JHseamt galling JleonJ pry,-Impotency' Slet&Bmmami ttJctwlsAdrl bf Abuse or otbr Esoaams aad, India i crsuoa8 ' ' Th mUcfeltri nO- restore ijoet YiUUltr in eld a ' . cc niaan: ror Etna, baelnnm or m& xaentnd efflsicta n CURT wherrt all othttr fall TnJ tsain Ume.t Xneir nse Khawt immedialA imnrmm. aiBt npoa harine the gentfiw AitKJXableto.1.' Thef nave cared thoasands and will care 70a. We eirm a pos itive written tenarantea taegoet a mw If A -iw sen caae or rerund tne money, irioa WW vii per t pt blx pKges (Inll treatmeutJ for IXMJL 1 Bi f pi sin wrapper, upon receiptee pi JAX REMFnV CO.: r7J4 iain wrapper, rctxra receiptd pnos. 1 lrctllar MANUFACTURERS OF Fiae GrinJiams Outino- Olotlis. Plaids, Sheeting and Sal Bas. Dealers in GENERAL ! 1 MEROHADISE o- Buvers of COUNTRY PRODUCE ot all kind and 4-foot wood always wanted- ! - best prices : for same. W. .invite ,an insec- tipn ot all ,the goods :,-.uw: Hi.- w'iO .'?.rjl Concord ;Naia taJ 1Oi Oar Ifclsiators. The 8ente and House did not agre9 toadj0urn and go to Newbern yesterday' but most of them went anyway. The business that re ceived any attention was chiefly of a private nature. In the Seoate' Mr. Moye offered a bill to rejqure a licen$8- toarry a pistol. i;-,-:-.- In. the House Mr. Ward offered a bill to reduce the pay of Legislators to $3 per, day. A bill passed to amend the charter of the company which propoeeB to develop the water jsower at the Narrows of the Yadkin. ; A bill also passed th. House to create a board to control the convicts and roads of Mecklenburg County, j Mr. Cook off3red :a bill! requiring the Constitution of th e United Stales and the Constitution of North Carolina to be read in the common schools. 4 A bill, was offered to. repeal the Cabarrus road'Uw so far as it ap plies pr tciisiii; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 1112; -Xitrii :u ,i r ! This act seems eenlewhat mysteri ous. We can offer no clear con- struction of it. J -i i TO CUBE A OLD IK ttHH DAT Tjake lative Bromb Quinine Tab Utbli A1lv:drnjistg''-rpfundi the riiotiey i U failsHo cure. 25c.1 - LAND SALE. A-' By virtue of a mortc:age trust eed executed td eqh, R. W. Misen- eimerf Trjitee, -by the; Mount leasairt Mrinfv.cturin s Com pari v. a corpojaM9ridatedthe49t. day i f ApnJj l93n(rrfegl8tered InBook M, page 109 and 110, of the Register s imctrf-uabarrus county, to ' secure he payment of four notes, viz : One lote to R. W. Misenheimer for S10S0 dajted ?A,pril . I, 193, one note to !MrBettfe Mieepheimef foR $240 HtHetL vprt 181., ippo, fOOG( UQIQ XO Ki'rKbirirpocn Tdr 5149.5o 'dated April 1st, ls9of and one note to Cook & Foir for $367 87 dated April i8trl898?rwirtTBd1l-to - tha- hiaheflt bidderior cash, at the court house door in Concord, N. C.? on Monday, the 29thrIday'of March 'next, at noon, the land and the machinery tnereon described in said deed in trust, and bounded as follows : On 'the west by Main street, in Mt. Pleasant, N. C, on the north by Horrace Black welder ri d i G; Barringer, on the. easand sbuin by IW. G. Barringer, John Shimpoch, H. Fisher- ap.,R. W. Misen- beimeV. "Begi4nsAt & stone, Shimpoch's (forrierTttfetfce iS. 56J W. 42 poles to a stone, thence W. about 8 ptestbttfc&rvorthllf 9 W 36p9lep ptont q -Hqrwie Blae,k welder.'&lirie theee E. tor ?a -stone in 'said W. G. Barringer's iinevjsai.d HArrape BUcwelder!8: ''corner,' thence Sr56lb . tbei'begin'niii cin'tainirlg 8jaifes?' 'Also'ltits Nbgi 2, 3, 4, 5 ancPtbdunod the west byjlain. street, on .the north by Horace Blicbwejderron the east by streel! from W. Gt Barri tiger's leading by the brick building and othosoutb by iR.fW Misen hei in' r, ! r-f R rWhKnRmumt Trjistee. . Thi8,eb;.;i897-? 1 - km M, I CONOQBD, IL O. !. rruci rrra teg, x capital;stock, : $50,000. i We are now jreadv for business at Our riewJBMcitfrtMPpopst bnildin. Your account is respect cartful and courteous tftteationnd4 Qvery.faciH'cofli oanKing. r Deposits from 25 cents up taken in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest paid on savings and time L deposits.-nr,-;vi5 ' rr-r '-H ; Call to see us and see our burglar proof safe with time lock. DIRECTORS : J. W. CANNON, LAWSON J. FOIL, DR. R. 8. YOUNG, C. W. SWINK, JNO. C. WADSWORTH, DR. D. W. FLOWE. D. F.CANNON, JAS, C. GIBSON, President. ' i l Cashier. ; makttobq(?:r, h. i. woodhouse Vice President; ' Teller. ' A SOUTHERN TRAIN KILLS 9. Dreadfal Accident Ter Chattanoosra -OflOPople In a Wagon, Only Oaie Escaped. . Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 24 About 4 o'clock this afternoon, on the Southern Railway, j four miles from thi 8 city, incoming; passenger train No. 7, travelingj at a high speed, struck a covered Wagon which WaVtrVmsr-T-o clear the tracks abead ... i of the train at Avondale croeamg. The wagon waa hit squareiy m the centre -and-with its ten occupants hurled hizh into the air. The oc- c a pa n ts vv ere ' M r s. " W J Jier eight children and child, rail of whom, with tiQDV'wero killed. The WoodwRrd, one grand one excep- ground icr some distance presented a gory sight. The bodies -ie gather-a up after much searching, and taken to the taorgue, where the nine mem- br$of. the same family nide a r T t .iff! " f gttiesome spectacle. jine iniam, which wbs undoubtedly shocked to dfrath, there jay like a wax figure in its mother's arms. Etery window in the paeseDger coaches was broken and'the engine s pilot! demoiis iec The engineer is absolved from blame for xifeTA accident. The father and one dihjclv remain, cf a. raniilv "of Li,, v. '.:u-- II jttvi tweivB;;. An Adrtrpss ntTne- Conrt'HOW. ; ProffR A- Caldwell, a prominen t colored man::: of Greensboto; ad dresse'dHhe Solired, peop'l' of the city attthe courtmotisei Wednesday nightTon tbej proposed; cottbn mill for thafacyBSIfe this place. His pleadinfbrtfikmfe take hold of the ente itse werotaantweu wiiu c ynsiderable aggregated abou t iBOOg peopli who Were attentive r thrbug&otitt the .... i " - bourse of his talk. Caldwell rep reeenm Borne association, and is a stockholder in the Col en, anr mill. Notice! Representing nine v of the best home and foreigrr companies Ican give the very bsstl.fire protection. Don't insure until you see me. J,.F. Hurley, Agent. Georgre Waslilngton Entertainment. The little children of Miss Emma White's room at the graded school will celebrate the birthday of George, the "Father : of His f Connjrj;," on Friday aftlr'noon, Aj little late but of just as much interest The tots are delighted with the prospects and are'boilipg over with enthusiasm. i IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. VARRATi-p. PRICE 50 cts. - V 4 ? f , r j, , galatia, ruw5.. Not. M. 1893L Paris Medicine Co., St. Lords, Mo. GOTtlemenr-TVe-ioldjlaatyear, 600 bottles oi GROVE'S TASTELESS CHELL TONIC and have bought,Uyree proas alxeadx this, yeaj. all oh penence oi 14 years, tne-arug business Uav never feOld'an article that: Rave sucb.tmlTersal satis- never Qiq an arucie tnacgave sacn,tmiTersa Iactio aa your Tbic; Yours truly,. J h v., , , y h . SABSBT, CABS iaa' your Tonic-5 L, ours truly;.- ' i For sale and guaranteedv bail j r druggists. 7" " O A Pf ache and Rheumatism reHevefl C54 fcihy Dr. ilUes Nerve Plasters. f ;TABfii5Slt f ij i '.. . mmmmmmmm mm j . 1 cgetablcPrcrrstlonfcrAs slinilating HieToodcindllegula tlrS the Stcmchs andBowels of PrnT!intes Distion.Cheeirul- ndssardRest.Contains r.eithor OpiuuxMorphinc nor Minerals. NbT Narcotic. Jae vfCIdZr&MUn. PITCHER Pumpkin Sad" 4lx. Senna Iloc&elle Salts -Anise Seed ' RjipeTmmt - Jfarm Seed -Clarifed Sugar- Anrrfert Remedv f or Consflna tipn, Sodr Stomach.DiaiThocS, Worms ,CpnvulsiORS Jevcnsftf ncss andlOSSOF StEER , . ! . -' . Tac Sinlile Signature of . NEW "YORK. k EXACT COPT OP WRAPPER. - DAILY & Democraict in principle, CONCORD. STANDARD Newsy bntnot sensationaL Deyoted to the r teres t of unity, hrriiony andprogress. Its effects and s to addt9 ; th& joys, of the,: home circle, the elevation 'of (. the ambitions and aspirations It would gladly fill the mind thoughts, making life's bnrdens; lighter, itdnjes dearer o pportunities more apparent. 1 DO YOU. TAKE IT? i If not! please try? it - an3;if yoUqn't 6aywtha,t. THE STANDARD is worth many JD. t 1-. i i f .1 1 lADSlINISTRATOR'S NOTICE : Having duly qualified as admin?: istrator on the estate of Moses Bost deceased, I hereby notify all pewdnr owing saia esiaieio eetiio januuuuuj and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti ed to present them in legal form on or before the 1st day of March, 198, or . this notice will be plead m bar of their recovery. C. M.GOOODMAN, . ' .... I ' '' Ad,min'stratorv. ThiP, February 25,1897. . ' " ' BARRIER THAT THE FAC-SIMII-E IS ON THE OF EVERY ; OMiorla if pnlnp in one-slxe bottles ,1 not sold in bijlki Don't allow anyone to sell j yjO"tt anything efsa'on the'plea orromigo ttat it ik ''Jnat at rood" andJtTrill" answer every pirr- fpoM-'a-See that yon get C-A-S-T-9-R-I-A.. IhlfM- i slmild THE - conservative in methods. of its readers. .with pleasant and profitably times its cost-td yon.' cli t3: f i 7 ..-.. t i For5Gifates and Stoves, af .25' per;ton: td jAntbractite coal in three grades. m l. "craven,' Corner Demtran&Snring etreeta ; : - of . I WRAPPER I WEEKLY Coal Goal COAL $4 I

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