Vol. XV. No. 45 CON COU1), N. C. :MO DAY, MARCH 8, 1897. THE - SHERIFF'S"' PLUNDER. Dayld Ramsanr Popnlarln Florida. 1 1 David Ramsaur, the popular little fellow who spent , several winters here with Mr. and Mrs. W G Bos. Kich Hnndred Dollars Worth' of -Goods Seized, Supposed to Bo J. !' " .a,npr's-Rlnir Claims the Staff. The story of the failure of J L hamer, has received honors in mili. Gasper, of Winston, is now familiar tarv Clrclea at hIa home afc Palatka to cur readers, but another chapter Fla- The Palatka Dai,v Advertiser ' added to the break todav, by the 8878 : JC;,rfi of about $800 worth of goods Monday evening the Guards had found in the possession of J A RU a Tei7 important and interesting m: a small retail merchant of this bn8ineB8 meetin,i f ms TJ iVinn.n fnnnl-rrnA o4-oV" The pHOte attr&CtlOh W&3 tlQ bhsriff Buchanan received attach- , . t ua election of a first lieutenant, to fall .oonf naiiprfl at noon and Mas snen- ' , f4 y,aLu aajb vacancy caused by the resignation the afternoon in haulingr eopds from . J J & Uiiner's stcre to his office in the court house. The plunder consists of. tobacco, (about 1,500 pounds) coffee, soap, soda, etc. The goods, Mr. Rimer says, belong to bira, he haviug purchased same of Lieut. Sherman O Fowler. Three candidates were announced for the position 2d Lieut. Burtz, 7 P House?; and J E Lucas, the vote bv ballot resulting as follows : Burtz 29 ; House 14 ; Lucas, 8. The pro- commissioned officer in the State I I mnt.iftn nf Tiion f Rn rt v. nna rrrorla rem Casper about the 15th of IFeb- " " """" - ruary, and received them alont; the ,e" a Tacony aa Becond teaai 20ih. ; I ! Tn Rnpftkiriff to a Standard Ire sorter Mr. Rimer stated that the is an evidence of the popularity of ..tnoubt of tobacco seized bv Ihe tn13 worthy young man. Lieut theriff.wM about S60 worth and Ramsanr probably the youngest th.t he held Casper's receipts for ssmc and has no fear but that v he r00P3 ' . . I mm Xlll TCCOVer his goods. Gone! Gone! Gone! Casper spent Sunday night in the Two Convicts escaped the guards city and took the noon train for on the chaingang Saturday night Charlotte. about 8 o'clock. It is now belieyed that future de It happened on this wise: Mr, reveal some very Charles Bin me was on duty and The matter is turned to get a drink of water when : - . ' L -.OF; -! i :! i : PERSONAL-POINTERS. Dr. the city j M Holden epent Sunday in Mr.1 Jay Sims has returned from Washington; iurs. UT, ttegl8ier. 01 UnarlOtte, Snm Ha unH "RnVIfl at Rnnb 11 HmnllSnftrf of flin flrtcf a1Vn o vioinug uw oioier, mra. j x iunny, ior evervbDay out ourselves, i j v ' . ,1 ;. I 'I hie rrrrsA r orH TiOTT nroo lr tho loaf, f.wft tvooba ftf V.Torvnorir HtirM ti xMiSS Addle Alexander hac re- with this dav. Tuesday 'January 19th. we will crive 1 onr i t uatomera a. turned from a Vlflit tn WflsViintrtnn I natrnna fho AVionro tf bnv ontT rt fVio fnllowirKy i. i I I " " " www WW wW I www w w VUUUV w WW W wW . .y W W AW W WW w and Baltimore. 1 1 I t About 50 boys' coats at 35 cents, j The lining , and! thYead and button ' , i . would noAt Ahniif. fhftt much. ' I ' ." ' Messrs. jonn ; van N ess and 1 nUif in.Va AAafo f tk -Lta Tffl rrtT-fK Wf rvi a. ttf 1 , a , . a, "it. , I i 4-i...vsuu iu uinu o vivwvo tu im wuuoi . aw a i ui u u Mini) ,muvu i vs uiuab ' vv rtiier dcuu, 01, uanoue, were m them if somebody gave you the cloth. ! r ; the city yesterday, j About 100 pairs of Men's pants at cents. This is less thanhalf M PvnnV TUVrMiAn -i a price. ' ' : !.!!' i4-- j a a iuouujuu waiii '1' a u i uvi vuuc u; uuicw ui uuubtv wain- uay iu i ii-e wijr. aou reiumea tO . or Anfa. Xhlo Bm-t SI ftK- Nnf.f'n ha TiAA7Ar1 fit irhnnf. uwff 1 " . 1 "I w- VMI W w W w wV 1 V v W w' w WW 4 W - W W I . -W w W fb. M A f auBuufjf iu wummg, gnnned at without teeth. day irTMt: plemnTanrturned A SMALL LOT OF LADIES FINE SHOESI to the citv this morning.- at ou cents. JNot a taira;or tne.ar rage.cost. Messrs. R BtPhifer, W A Cald well, J W Watson and J L Boger have returned ffiom Washington and Baltimore. Mr. Cyrus Moore, who was Mr. and Mrs. R B McLaughlin, velopments will startling facts. watched with interest. I w ! CASTOR! A 2 " For Infants and Childreiu And He Didn't Move the Tree. "George, I wish you would carry the oleander tree' into the cellar to night." r , "Tub and all ?" "Of course, tub and all." "Mayoe von tninK you mar ried a derrick." the Iwo. Pink Sherrill and Ed. Brad8hawt haviDg previously bucn ceeded in breaking their chains near the shackles, made a dash in the dark, Mr. Blume fired at them but did not succeed in 'stopping them. The mystery is how they suc ceeded in breaking the chains u&ob served. I j On searching a piece of pointed iron about 15 inches Ion?, used at the hlackemilh outfit was found at their bed. How it got there is the first part of the mystery. About 100 pairs ofladies fine shoes in button and lac of IZ r st eeds and Pad an Brothers make, to co at 75 cents, not ovtx vu) ihint f tbe Average cot. ' ; - Mr. Also a small line of Easterns-made fine shoes at 75 cents; u !r. he lot but cost over 81. Donfc miss this lot. Thov! won't be her man? yisning Mr. M L Moore, his brother, days. ! i returned .to his? home at Rockv A small lot of men's Heavy English ,tis, and hijsrh -.cut, . iirogarn. I L H M I. .. I 1 i A A- A- 1L l w' riil. . I rs wut&iug 8noes at ouqi a oeuer lot at; 700. JLnese ar retruiar i.z; fehoes. Boys work shoes at 50 and 65 cents. A small lot Of men's Eui! s. crood and servicable. but i not sruiuanteed who wpre visiting Mr. and Mrs. (all wool at $2. Plenty places where they will ask you $2.50 for a single Frank Robbing, ihava returned to coat not any better. M l " : -:' i Statesville their home I To close our boys knee pants suits, in fine goods, we 3ive you chcice ' ' 1 4 s-x inn r m, - - i. . l -J .11 1 .1 .1. 1. .t Mr. aDd Mrs. I James Shevhn, Vll tho loresroine stuff is in favor of the buyer. FUN FOR TSQYX who nave been spending the winter BUT DEATH TO FROGS ! You arejthe boys, we are the frogs. at the St. Cloud hotel, left Sunday xtAttt t-i t- a T-m-rxr rnTTTMf night for their home at Brooklyn, NOW FOR "A FEW THINGS N Y i - ! i" . 1 . - i ) "..! I---.-- ' ; 1 J l -Mies Hattie Goodman will UN ' FK-tliSrl LrUUU. spend several days with her cousin, Now don't swoon!away, but just remember tnat it gives us as much Miss' Minnie Black welder, before (Pleasure to be able to sell these t nines chean as it eives a hunsrrv man returnincr to schdol at Mont Amrpnn I saiisfaction to eat. We bought them for less than value and we se ll Mill lllllrV ' ' I W W W J y W 1 I M w . : .1 1 U VJM4 fy V. 1 T . J U U. U Jt MlS8 AddiePatter80a Will spend heavy oil crain Encrlish Ties and Creoles at SI: You nevr saw for several weeks in the city before re- less than $125. You can't buy them now in lots of 1,000 pairs from any lurniDR io flioni AlflCeDa seminary, iiacwjr.y ior ich iuau qi.iu. juuies giove raiu jace an" ouiiou sonBR, She will assist in the Reformation solid jleather all through except counters; at 60c rh'ldren's oil grim . i. m r m. . . m. r - j i yrn . a i ii in k n.u aii pun t h ' nnTH inn cr nan r n n i n nnro uu rYT n i ; enieriainmeni. Be Convinced. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed ol tne most popular uatarrn and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream George, what is the matter with Balm) sufficient to demonstrate its great merits, r uii size ou cis. - ELY BROTHERS, ! 56 Warren St., New York City. Catarrh caused difficulty in speak ing and to a great extent loss of hearing. By the use of Ely 8 Cream Balm dropping of mucus has ceased, you ? Have you been drinking ?" "What do you take me for, a cy clone?" "A cyclone ?" "Yes ; cyclones move tress." "All I've asked vou to do is to voice and hearing have greatly in take the oleander down the cellar Prfve?-rJ W Davidson, Att'y at Ti , . , iaw, Monmoutn, in. Hiaira. it sureiy cant i weiga more than a few hundred pounda. What iB the matter with you ? Tm juBt thinking." "Thinking of what?" "Thinking it would be well to get Mary Ann out of the kitchen on some, pretense, She's a good girl as cirls go, and I would not want to She Is Well Known Here.' ; Some one writing to the Oharlott News frcm Harrisburg, says : "Mrs. Sallie Southall Cotten, whose paper at the congress of Mothers was re ceived so enthusiastically by the Northern women, nd complimented by the Northern papers, was, in '64, sroyerness in the family of Gen. Pave her figuring in tt e courts as an Means, near Concord. Mrs. M G accessory to a homicide." ; Grier. of Harrisburg, was a pupil of "George, yov'e got a fever. You hers and cherishes the warmest ap- muet go right to bed, and Til get preciation of her old teacher. Mrs jou some hot whiEkey and quinine." Grier has received a kind letter "That's the ticket But sav. Mil. from Mrs. Cotten, renewing oid . JW . ... ... acqaintance, She is mterestea in the "Woman's Exposition," and it is hoped she will visit Charlotte on the occasion of the exposition." Mrs. Cotten is well remembered by many of onr citizens. j ' - Cnre For neadhen. As a ramedv for all forms of Headacnr Electric Bitters has proved to oe tne very pest, it enects a permanent cure and the most dread ed habitual sick I headaches yield to is mnuence. we urge ail wno are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitbal constipation Eleo trio Bitters cures by eriviner the needed tone to the bowles, and few case long resist j the use of this medicine. Try it once, Fifty cents and 81.00 at Eetzer's Drug Store. polkas 40 cents. Boys' long pants 50 centsjworth $1. FOR FU1 lITliiiE IS AT; DRY WADSWORTHS General Manager Here, Mr. George M Clarke, of give Rhode line We carry the largest and! most complete line ever shown in Concord. We bny in large lots and at low figures and we onr customers the benefit of the low prices, Now our of Rockers can't be excelled; We have them for Lad Llsland. ceneral manager of the pro!168 from $1.00 '; to; $12.50. j Gentlemen's Large Chairs from - s r 1 Of of 'a. - dut n r r i f n 1 1 j i . posed Moore connty and Western 1at' 10 ,1D,lJ!u ! wnr aining cnairs are peneci Deanpes ana. railroftd. i in tne citv. for th nnr- eap, too. w e wisa to say juai nere, wnen yon want any- . tliinfe the pose pi loosing over me grounas and making preliminary arrange ments for the road survey between Come and see us. We are sure we can save Jyou money on 01 the following articles : here and Aberdeen. Mr. Clarke is' highly pleased with any the disposition of people in regard to J ED ROOM SUITS,1 building' the roadi Mr. Clark expressed himself as. having spent a most pleasant Sab bath in the city and isreally in love with pur town, climate and citizens.' LOUNGES, COUCHES, SPRING MATTRESSES J COTTON MATTRESSES, . HAIR MATTRESSES, SHOCK MATTRESSES, A Bold Bobbery in Salisbury. ' i ' ... .'' : I ' ' ' The World says that Smoot Bros. . i ' . -r i I & Rodger's store in Salisbury was broken into on Saturday morning about 4 or 5 o'clock and goods to the i - in "Well, what?" Vever mind the quinine."! Cleveland Plain Dealer. J fist try a 10c. box of : Cascarets, finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. 1 ' C CURE A V01.D IN OSEMY Ttke laxative Bromo Quinine Talj lets. All druggists refund ) the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Acquitted. Lieutenant-Governor Reynolds has also been acquitted of the crime charged by Swineon of lock break ihg. Mi. Swinsonwill have to pay the costs. n in n n f sf ll'l ?H of laaaf (nana fnlratt au uuuii ui oivv w icaov niio wcu Among, tne iuius missing weru seyeral .pairs or f tronrers, several hats, a $15 macintosh and an over coat. Twenty-five dollars reward is offered and the: case is being pn shed with some clues, j y The burglars took advantage of the rain to break a large plate lass nd entered through it. Mr! J Frank Miller, a salesman wag sleeping in a room upstairs but to be disturbed wa the less liable .- m m . . . - on account or tne pattering raia the roof. There's little doubt but that the j. - iii priies will be nabbed. CENTER DINING? TABLES, TABLES, WINDOW POLES, WINDOW SHADES, EXTENSION TABLES, " LADIES DESKS J j SIDE BOARDS CHINA CLOSETS BOOK CASES. ; HALL RACKS, I MIRRORS, PICTURES, ! ! MOULDINGS, PARLOUR SUITS, ! BABY UAKKIAQES.. Of sail kindsland TDrices to siiit bo tlx riclx and noor. i These are only a few of the many things we offer jcu. Space will not admit of mentioning more, j Mattings ! j- Mattings ! I A Big Jlotpf IStraw MattiDgsfjusl in. Don' t lail to see as ls ; i -: j ' f ; '.r ! ! r ;- : !.'' -..'. ... : ' : i- ! : ! ' :-:-. J "v::- -4 ll

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