v j Arrival or. Trains. following change of schedule took d after 1 p.m. Nov. 15, 1896 . SOUTHBOUND. Vn 37 arrives at 8.4 a m, y io.40 am, I o " " 9.02 p m, '.. 35 - " 9.7pm, . 63 44 " 5-15 P m, .(lreu?n. . NORTHBOUND. Mn 10 arrives. at 6.17 am, 12 " " 7.22 pm, 38 " 9.02 pm, . "11.15 a m, (freight) No 35 36, 37 and 38 stop onlyat Chai 'iotte Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro iA 'ranville. Pasaeneers for local PERSONAL POIN TEKS. . Mr. M L Ritcb, of Salisbury, is in the city. Mrs. John W Wadsworth re turned to Charlotte to-day. ' Dr. PA Barrier, of Mt. Pleas ant, was in tb& city to-day. - Mrs. J B Sberrill and little eon William, have gone to Charlotte on a short visit. ! Rev. Timothy Moser was in the city this morning,; on his way to Mt.Hoiiy. y .- . r;-: r: i intTbetween " these stations will haye to r?f- 7"UU "V STiSeSSS trains. i burg is isittng her cousin, Miss rearm iuornson. Mr. D A Troutman, who lives at Nu8sman8, is preparing to move tQ ijrola Mill, in Kowan county. Dr. Ri J Caldwell, a prominent ciuzen oi mooresviiie, spent yester a ay ana last mgnt in tne city. i Messrs. P B Fetzer and W W Stuart, who have been in the Northern markets for several weeks purchasing goods, ; returned yester day FEED : OATS. That man who unavailiogly wants an offi je-O'in't properly sympathize with the fellow holding it because he?s unable to put Himself , in his place. ; . ; v ..'. It the time when you should take a Spring Medicine to purify your blood, giye you good appetite, Bound sleep, steady nerves and' perfect digestion. That scrofulous taint, that skin trou ble, that liver dif ; ficulty, that bilious CMOS g FETZBR. Esn Big lot of Bi lot of Big lot of I V IT V mm mm n -. direct from manufacturers Gowns for 6octs. tenaency, tna, . ly Trimmed all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Give V ; FuU Width. this medicine a fair trial and you will j tioc3T?rn realize its positive merit.. ! It is not OUxCpJli X what we say, but what the people, who are cured say, which proves that : t CONCORD, N. a : CAPITAL STOCK, - - $50,000f We are now readv for business at our new banking office in the Propst , building. : Your account is respect . fully solicited, and Ve -promise you careful and courteous attention and every facility consistent with son ml banking, jf iSc?.. Deposits from 25 cents up -taken SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest paid on savings and timtt deposits. - .s - Call to see us and see our burglar- - proof safe with time lojk. - DIRECTORS! . J, W. CANNON, LA.WSON J. FOIL, DR. R. 8, YOUNG C ,W. SWINK, iJNO. C. WADSWOKTH. , DR D. 'W. FLO V J& J L. Miller i Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. Fresh fish and oysters to-night ana to-morrow mgnt at iioger fc jonn8on7s. - SHORT LOCALS. The last days of March are very tblustery. J Have you a wheel ? If not, you are "not in it." . "Cate,'? our Nussman corresDon- dent, eays that there is some talk of thfi RAnhnnr mina m "M 1 Sparks' circus is due here tomor- township, starting up again. Par- wrr I A ! L . - . - wea are now prospecting. Mr. J ohn A Cline entertained at dinner to-day the lady clerks of the firm of Cannon, Fetzer & Co. The list is composed of Misses Shelby Harris, ii.tta roarr, Hate Nicholson Eight inches of snow fell in Chi-land Cornnne Harris. Mnrn WprlnfiflHnv t.hA 94kh. " I ' i 6 "- r . Xne following rate has been rrosi,ii mero wiw nay ijb inuru- ntuonzea on account meeting ing, did very little damage. Mecklenburg' Presbytery at Gas- It Beems ihat there is an unusual tonia, N. O, April I H, 1897. Tickets -city of butter just at thU time. SgjftS 1897. 'conUnS It'i8 said that blockaders are do- ous passage in each direction and ing a flourishing business in the I fare for round trip $2.25. nnnor aootinn- nf thin onnntv. I ! Sarsaparilla cine. C I. Is the Best Spring MedU , Hood & Co., Iwell, Mass. HOOu S FlllS take,easy to operate, 250. Grand :: Opening OF COVERS, ' CHEMISE, '-ETC. . .. ; v Spring Goods with and without . suspenders rom I ? 15 to 50fjcents. 1 d A PRETTY LINE OF t India Sills from,33Jlcts to ;$1 per yard. Don't miss seeinioiir Laces and Embroideries. A BARGAIN FEAST . . I HAS BEGUN. The forecast says : Fair and young men postponed the meeting rrk1o roith liorhf fmat. tn.niorVif. frk. I nf t.VlO Anna ff fnnforlorQ to Vorovona morrow fair with slowly rising tern- that was to have been held at the it OO WITIIJLS court nouse last night. Announce monf. tBill ha m ona lotav a f what fimo f.vATT will moat We offer 45 inch Jacquards, worth i , ' . 85-ctofbrS0'n.tS3bi W ait IOr OUT Onrmg arid prettiest; etylesv olothinff which will arrive next week. At:o Cents GANNONS m D. T. CANNON, JA.S; C. GIBSON, ' President. - iTasnler. MARTIN BOGER, H. I. WOOD HOUSE. Vice President, Teller. , CONCORD MARKETS COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannous & Fetznr Good middling. 715 MiddlinffS..n.,..;....M...:.....7 0v) . low middling'.. ........ ......6.85 Stains ................... tJ.25 ' - I PRODUCE MAiijCKX . - ' tiorrected bv 'Swins- & Wnite. Bacon. ....... to fa 3ngar-cured nams...... ...... 12 to 1 Bulk meat3,8ide3 6 to 7 Beeswax...... ......... ...... ...... ....20 Butter 10tol5 Ohickena......... .10to20 Oorn ..W....50 Eggs:........ 10 Urd ....... ... .......... . 7. Plour(North OaroUnJ. ...i..'.;.$2.5 Meal....;........... .................45 Oats .............. .... .............. . 40 l?allow .............. ..... to4 peratura. - $1.50 childs' suits worth from $4 to $6, just received, to go for next ten days at $1.50 first choice. jl5 Cannons, Fetzer & Co. Now ' is Your Time The discussion in the House on the tariff thus far is Raid to be rathfir fnmft ltwill HItaW worm up before it gets through the Senate. The Goid8boro Argus save that P7?J.? n"?!.? i . i xi. i ii nnn .in mi iiHniH w i t f u i;nu tia trank Baker, a loud-mouthed and 1 ,17 4 iicn rtana iTnitao,q -rk PUff loff fao offensive negro politician of Dud- 1 - V j . lev. Wavne countv. wai gomery county. They wiU be gone P? mL .,hls last Saturday M 2 GCIIUtS, several days. - uigui, wmw wuug uu uuovuuioxo. . 1 TTa wan Hhnt. finm nntjirlA thn fttnro. Mr. Thomafl Wftllar. of No. 4 RaW Kflfl t.hA tnwn inrnrnnrfttAd We offer the appreciative buying township, says that farmers are con- by the late Legislature, against the publio 38 inch Jacquards, worth 50 siaerablv behind with their work, wishes of a maiontv of the neonle. cents lor cenis. out will make things hump before and this is believed to have led im- tbe soil hardens. mediately to his killing. New window sash haye been placed in the waiting room at the depot and the ones through which tne robbers entered several times have been removed. TO GET A 1RAI !ll FURU1TUR L At 1 12 Simpson's Percales at 6 cents. Serges, , Sicilians, Mohairshd Spring Shades of wool goods from 15 cents to 75 cents. "A fuil:line of Silks from 25 cents to $1.00. Self-denial is the one thing most rv iiii 1 i. a aimouu 10 inouicaie ana always We offer a 44 inch all Wool lJSFS y-!? Serse in bloe and Alack, worth 65 rS.arBuK elfl nts, the thing for; bicycle skirts. M 1 necessary n you take mmmons BLACK mm -m . . ' I I I NTHNKH, f A II Villi H. n 11 llllllllllin Liver KuUtor. jpron.tes At 12 12 CentS tfined with typhoid pneumonia, is l!? Sr aDd 8 m,dl(ta?B will prevent any discomfort. It's the ' 4WW De8t good-night toddy. The State commissioners of the We oBfer a line ofCycling Tweeds, the very thing for the Bike; colored race will meet in Raleigh tnext Monday, the 29th, in the in terest of the exhibit to be made by that race at the Tennessee Centen nial Exposition. You are too young, no matter what your age, to lose your hair. iSave it by the use of Ayer's Hair v igor. it removes dandruff, pre sents baldness, restores gray and f ded hair to its original color, and Uiakes it soft, glossy and abundant. No toilet is complete without it. Last Tuesday night while the southbound vestibule train was passing High Point, some miscreant threw a rock through a car window. The missile struck a lady, Mrs. D J Sully, of Providence. R. I., in the breast, causing her to faint and to experience great pain. Mrs. Sully was tafcen to Charlotte and treated, and is,now quite over the shock. FOR SALE. Cabbage Plants, Egg Perrer Tomato " QUESTT Ej SMITH. 6i GRAWF0RD5 At in Ceets . ; : We offer Shepherds'tPlaids, tho thing for waists. w a hnvfl received, tne laiesi things in Dimities, Lawns, Cham- Ktav nordova welts. Tambourette, Ducks and Percales all will be sold at less money than ever before oner- ed. Now is your time. SATIN the $1.25 quality for 85 cts, the $1.00 quality for 75 cts. SHOES ! SHOES 1 for Children, Ladies, Boys and Men, KNOW;N AS LONG WEARERS . Call and see them. We have now in stock an nptodate line of and all grades of fnrnitnre of ail the latest styles. - A big lot of hall and fire screens, hall and towel racks, also a big lot of book shelves and curtain poles going at low prices. One 75 ,00 parlor suit, ii pieces, going at $40.00. Three large firs tnclass bed lounges- going at, half price. . One lot of single lounges from $3.50 to"' $26.00. Come . elary and ayoid the rush ,- J. T. Bespectfully. POUNDS Have more in equipment than lots of wheels for '97 season. Did you know we could get v it in different weights from 221 , . pounds up and a choice of tires. Why pay more for something MILD - . .i- CO. THE BARGAIN HOUSE. vmo oiouiBuuj wuiuu nature re-1 ;f " nnA mvwaf u- 1. inot quite so eoou. i- aoo, iu uittjio luol uair neauuiuii , w i r. unA 1 j a i. .1 r ii . V Ayer's Hair Vigor; This prepara tion keeps the scalp free from dan druff, prevents the hair from becom ing dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. IDEALS. J. H I L L, Am I H J. W. CRAWFORDS iiorapiiii tiary BLOOD FOISOII pennanenOj cured in 16 to E5 days. Yon can be treated at home forBame price under same purao" fir. if Tnnnrefftr to come here we will con tract to payrallroadfareandhotelblllSAal oocharsre, it wo fail to cure. II yon hare taxen mer cott. iodide potash, sod still hare aches and twins. Mncons ratchea in month, SoreThroat, "1 J a. A M 1 IAAM mpies, popper Vfi mm any oat, guarantee to cure, w e boucm uiuiuiM" cagewecannoicarvt unia oiBease hob baffled the skill of the most eminent phyal- KID GLOVES, the very best gloves to jbe had for the money.J . - - Batterick(Pattern8 for sale all! the time. Fashion .sheets free. a T- in w () v -T- NT - 1 r 7 -i en w HI & I IPW PTitV. AbsotntA nroofn sent sealed OS fcSSMS 030C3QOOOOOOOC' "rnw rn 2 I S r J-j