Vol. XV.-No. 69 CON COKl), i N. 0.,! MONDAY APRIL 5, 1897. Whole NO. 1-684 Bond Issue flection Recalled. I flood Citizen Departed. Mr. Jesse. W Miller, of Mt TJllar- The election called to take place ttowan county, died last .Friday j at on Monday, the 19th day of April 11 nVIock at his home. for the issne of bonds, has' been The deceased has been a sufferer cancelled on account of a change in for niaoy years from Kidney dis-j the general election laws jot the ease and the fatal period was ex- State as enacted by the last legisla temled beyond the period feared by ture.1 1 A copy of the election law many of his cioeest menas. was noi ooiamaoie unm mis morn- Mr. Miller has been for many log, when npon a close perusal it years' a leading citizen in Kowan was discovered that; the ' procedure of county, a pillar in the church to the board of town commissioners which he was so devoted, J and an was' contrary to certain provisions of earnest advocate of educational in- the law, thereby making the election terests. His zeal for the literary ia to be held on that date void,: -Htntinns at Mt.-Pleasant was most An election for the issue of bonds C'.l"" .1 ., marked, and rarely did he ever fail is not considered .a town election, to be present to. discharge his duties and the power, of appointing regis and impart his counsels' as member wars and judges for holding said of the board of directors oj, -North5 bond election is left to the' Superior Carolina College which , has lost in Court; Register of Deeds ' and the him a moet valuable advocate and Chairman of the f board 'of county supporter. Commissioners, instead of being left Mr. Miller's first marriage was to to the town commissioners as under the daughter ot Mr. Jerne Barrin- the old. law.. get, by whom he has two surviving m The matter will be straightened ! amis, ilia second marnaee was to oat lmmeaiaieiy,, ana it is " v - - . i m r t i . PERSONAL POINTERS. the daughter of Mr. Alexander 1 probable that the election will be the widow of Rev. Jacob W held in June. Barrier, who was at the time v of his There was a called meeting of tne death, in 1868, pastor of the Enoch- board of town commissioners this vilie charge. Mr. Miller was bereft morning when the town Clerk was of his second wife about 6 years instructed to notify the registrars ago. Two eons and" two daughters and jadSe8 Previously appointed mourned her loss and now join the that tney would not need furthsr to senior two in , the bereavement of proceed with the preliminaries to their vnfratpd father " - tne said election and haye accord We extend to the bereaved family inSj been called off duty. onr sincere sympathy while we feel that we have in a pecular sense lost in him a brother. Mr.t W: D ' Meacham,- of Salis bury, spent Sunday in the city. r-Mr. and Mrs. J M Odell have returned from New York. . Samuel Lefler. of Ritchfield, is visiting friends in the city. - Ed. Misenheimer is spendir g the day in Salisbury.' ? V Sam P Harmon, of Asheville, spent last night in) the city --r- Marshall Crowell -has gone to New London to spend several days. .. Mr. D P Cannon is spending the evening in .Charlotte, iv : .-Mr.; Dick Smith; ofc Salisbury, Bpent Sunday, in the city with 'his sitter, Mrs. M I Brown. DrK A W Moose and M A Foil and Mr. L J Foil; of Mt. Pleasant, were in the city today.' ' - -E G Buchanan, of Charlotte, spent yesterday in the.city with his brother, Sheriff Buchanan. - Capt. and Mrs. S E White, of Fort Mills, S. C, are visiting rela tives in. the city. ; 'J C Cook and Jasper Stone, of vel7 j Forest . Hill, spen t "Sunday in Salis- Arm Badly sprained. ; DeWitt' Black welder, son of A J Blackwelder, of this city, was pain fully hurt this (Monday) afternoon by falling from a wagon, while . on h is way to town from the planta tion. No bones were broken, bat the arcV was badly 'sprained. Dr. L j M Archey attended & the' suffering man. ; '" : ' ' ' '-: 1 ' .. TORI A TO CURE A COJLO 1H Olffi DAt Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it failB to cure. 25c CAS Pot Infants and Children. SalU , sftfj i Will Stay Till Wednesday. - Dr. Gardener, the new manager of the RootvTeaNa Concert Com pany now here, received a letter yes terday from a personal friend in A Oarer Quartet. The quartet, Messrs. La Rue, Stouf f er, Warner and Laurenr, of the Root. Tea Na Hedicin Company, Salisbury asking him not to come who are as clever and aa accomma with his free concerts for today and dating a get of musicians as ever tomorrow as it might Interfere -with fisited our city, haye won com- the interest in the "Story of the pletely the hearts of our people Reformation" to be elucidated i by with their splendid musi They MrtMonroe. The doctor baa gen-1 have not only responded to requests erously acceded to the request and to. and repeat upon the streets. will remain here till Wednesday at PQ- have visited many homes in our least city and entertained their hosts and We commend the doctor's mag- fnsnds in the! most superb style canimity and are glad to' have that And again, on Sunday morning the thrillinz music with us loncrer. men assisted the choir at the First . 1 Presbyterian church . In th at- I t.MAAn lit n aani af A tl CtMfa' Writes that he hzA a batata ffinvrr" iuuu.r " trouble for manv Tears, with severe Jomea cnoir n. 0Teh am pains in his back and also that his Methodist church. Our people will iuaaaer was affected. . He tried 1 rpcret Terr much to see them leave . any so called, kidney cures but They 4n& go to Salisbury Wednes witnout any good result About a day: jear ago ne bagan :use of Electnc -ccib ana iouna renei at once. I rhatt Fir E ectnc BitterB is especial,y adap . Chattanooga had a destructive fire Jd.tocure all , Kidney and Liver . T. . a j trouble ad rtf :w-E.i E5 Saturday mornme. It was sterted . 0 V a,, wo MU1VOU Ai ' - w nt relief. One trial will will prove by an explosion in the boiler room StFteeUB M.00 of 0De of the bmldiBg,. Eicbard- son block was totally destroyed. i ne floods in the Mississippi have m nf Ka mnt drlorahf Ina ii rnnC-.J ... . - . w w r Z-i - . unaDaMB1y in booka and records of railroads, uiuor oi Dreacnes nate oeen made tn UriW . . I 4U8M4HUW VWUf'"' x -w. vUUUb ue rapairea im tne nooa BUDfilrloa ' fPl J - . -v wo. i i h ii xmniTa in ri a Hr .... y vvrien bilious or cosuve, eai a 18 verv little vet hnt fm!s much loss is. inevitable, anteed. 10c 25c bury. Mr. John A Sims, of tho Audi tor's office at Raleigh, is at home for a few days. .v , Dallas Pitts has gone to Salis bury. He will probably be absent for a week. ; ! Mral D A Caldwell; has gone I to Greensboro, where she will visit Mrs. F V Snell. Rev. FH Meyers, of Salisbury, returned home this morning, i after a short stay in the city. Frank Brumley has gone to Columbia, C; where he will be Mr. F V SnelKv ofiUreensboro, who has been spending several days in the citv. ' returned to that place this morning. qirn : v :- Miss 3 Befiaie Misenhoimer re turned to Mt- Pleasant Cthis after noopi after -: spending tevdral' days with Mrs. Bnxhanan; Mr. INivigv brother o Superin tendent J,KDaviSt ofthe Cabarrus mills, aruvcu from Charleston Sat- urdaynighfaid spent 'Sundlay in tnecity. :;.! : r . Mr. and Mrs. JasiP Coot and ev. C B Miller went: Up to Salis bury today tor Attends the Story of theRefortaatibtt, itrhicli ill be held there to-night, - j Miw Mtgie IBeent, who is teaching ; at Salem Female Aca demy returned thir morning. She was called here by the death ot Mrs. Either Pearson. Ervirt M . . . Tlie. IdeaL Panacea ' 2 James L. Francis; Alderman, Chicago says : I regard Ir. Kind's Hew-Discovery as an Ideal Faimcea for Coughs,- Colds and ' Lunc Corn plaints,' havirig used it in my family foVthe last:fiye years',' to; the exclu sion - of physicians's preecriptionB or other preparations, , ; ;j i v Rev.fj6bnBurfrus,Kep3nilrt Irwa, wrires: I have' been iiiluisii- of the Methodist Eoiocopal' church for 50 years or morK and have never Spring Humors, eruptions, "hives, TfOund anything so beneficial, or that boils, pimples sores, ; are perfect! y And permanently currd -by Hood h Sarsaparilla, the best; Spring Medi cine and One True blood Purifier. gave me such speedy relief as JDr, King's JN ew JO icc.yery; , :UTry.. this Ideal Cough Remedy , now. Trial Bottles free at Feszer's Drug Store. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver bowels. Cure sick headache. , - f - ; can' tWn. Biropi thing to patent1 Want8!-An.id6a: ?rne.ct vomt til ens:' tev mar brine you wealth. Write JOHN WKUDEK RN CO.. Patent Attor er, "WaBhlnfrton, D. C,, for their $1300 prize offer i lisf, or txvo hundred lnTention wanteo-t Wanted. ,v Bicycle, riders to pen d for. circular of "Neverleak" tire fluid. Heals punctures before any air can ticcnpe. Presei ves the tire, Savejs repairs. Endorsed by tire m re. j A :u- g A. H. Masters M'fgs JAgent. : -v : - " ' Amitvl. C. This is Your ance GIVE US YOUR ATTENTION i r ill at bne-lialf their actual m mi, m and value. .'5 Our Immense Lineof SPRIMG if TYLE 18 arriving daily and the bargains we offer in 'Quality, - and - fit, will simply "stun" you. jMEN'S WEAR.; For $5.00 we offer suits worth 7.00 to 9 00. For 6 00 yon get equally as good a bargain. -, From $7.50 tc $10.00 we sell yon a suit good enough for a Prince. , We haye never before shown such a ivr agtxib 'XQUBitTT like Have the only complete stock of PANCYOBOCEMES in town that is.posltlvelt IXUXT; T2XBSH. CLEAN AJTBCHUAP. Our ad vertisement in this paper will in the future always appear'directly under the column of : PEBSONAL POINTEBQ and we invite you to watch this apace closer ' for some special barpalna that wewlll offer in both FAirCX Aim STAPLE GBOCEBIES. ; Ervin & Smith. are riinninrr in Via tuiKmnmnl Parts 1 r":r st Notice-Town Taxes, been found. rkiAfi I will advertise all property where AJr: let day of April, 1897. Now take Tilitw i warning and save cost. Am the waters subside many of . JLBogbr, ncn bottoms will be in no mn. I Town Tax Col. llon for crops any more this year. March 12, '97. Frank Xelsler TXllI f Although the trill has not been probated, a Standard reporter was reliably informed that Mr. Frank Neisler, whose death was announced last week, left all of hia property to bis cropper and benefactor, Mr. Cul Penninger; The property consists of a valuable tract of Jarming land beRides a good borne and some -I- money. and the prices are so much lower than you expect, you will :re turn home with a broad smile. CALL AIIO SEE FOD YOURSELVES. We offer 500 Dozen Men's and Children's Sample Cars Medium and Fine Straw Hats at HALF PRICE. See these. Ml! 10 CANNONS & Furniture FMiraiitiuire ? HOOD'G Sarsaparilla has over and over ttgain proved by its cures, when all oilier pre pa rations failed, that it is the One True BLOOD Purifier. BELL HARRIS & Go carryjthe largest and most complete line ever shown in.Concord. We buy In. large lota and at I6w figures, and give our cus tomers the henefit of the low prices.. We have Ladies' Rockers from $1.00 to $12.50, You cm get a bargain in dining chairs. When you want anything in the furniture line call and see us. "Wc can save you money in the following articles :: Bed Boom Suits. . ; Tasala rUntor anrl Tlininff Tfthfp.1. f ounges, Couches, adies' Desks, -V-air, Cotton and Shuch Mattresses, "packs for halls, Mouldings, ' Dockers, V I n aide Shades. I ide Boards, &Baby Carriages. Matting, m uiua VlUSCtO ! and-de8criptions. EI j. TT AEBIS ,& CO. Oar undertaking department Is completeand will be nnder the care? of Mr Bell. All calls are ptomptly met, day or nignt.

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