Arrtv"1 oft Train. 11 rflnr change of schedule took .fFflCt arier .x Y ttt f SOUTHBUUND. -v arrives at 8.4 a m, so. 3 arn t & 11 4 (t "9.02 pm, p m, 515 p m, (lieini 9 KOHTHBOUND. 10 arrives at 6.17 a m, "10 07 am, 2o I! ?o - " 7.22 p m, ... J5 u . 9.02 pm, tl KJ. . : , X- V6 37 and 38 stop only at Char n I "n.ioa m. ureitrnii lotte 1 j v-i . ar 'fnts between these stations willhaye to ' other trains. . . . t I J a r - rvAa T I St n I ' I U wAnA T?fTTMT A TNI 1 SODA rUUlNlAllN : TlT K tTT T KT A QT li T U ULi JJiiAo I ! All of the latest and most Delicious Iced drinks are tprvpd at our fountain. Comb now, be cooled and refreshed. u l. Marsh & -Chi ISL. wW Cocoa Cola the year round. MONOPOLB ' AND ' ;CttNCO CIGARS linest in the world at J L. Miller's. Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. SHORT LOCALS. Always remember that J T Pounds can give you special prices on furniture. . . 7 . . .tf William Jennings Bryan passed through this city Sunday night on his return from a brief trip to Honda. .1 ; : . . . . . The Cabarrus Light Infantry will drill by moonlight to-night. Cap- iain aiuweu is geiung nis men in good shape for drilling. ! .Appropriate Easter services are being arranged for at the various churches of the city for Sunday next. The forecast says : Increasing cloudiness with showers tonight. loliowed by clearing and fair to morrow ; warmer tbnignt, cooler tomorrow, ... i . , An additional office is being Duutinthe postomce for the pri vate use of Postmaster J B Sherrill. it will be finished and furnished in handsome style. r The Phifer store room recently vacated by Mr. Bert Bennett has been rented by Mr. D P Davvault, who will occupy it about the lstfof May. He will fill the room with dry goods and clothing, i .-! One might as well try to stem the rapids of Niagara, as to expect perfect health while a Scrofulous taint exists in the blood. Through its alterative and purifying .proper ties, Ayer's Sarsaparilla removes every vestige of S 3fulous poison irom the blood.' . .f . i . Mr. R A Brown has closed, a con tract for the construction of a hand some brick church for the congrega tion of Trinity Evangelical Lutb- eran church in No. 4 township. Work on the building will beg& next week or week after. : i Dr. D D Johnson snant Monday at Hickory. The occasion of his visit there was the celebration M 3 30th birthday of his mother. a11 of the surviying members of the mny were present and the event was a great surprise and a day) kf feieai pleasure lor the aged mother. , people suffer so much from Physical disabilU.ifia oa fWnao'4rKaA OUeine83 reouirfiS HttlA nr nn mna. calar exertion. The lack, of exer- cjse causes the liyer .to become -gi3h and the result is constant constipation, Indigestion, Bilioiis cees and Sick Headache. To nre- ;eat this, take Simmons1 Liver regulator; it keeps the liver active makes one's condition as corn suable as those who have much Naturally fair be the rale rather than, the excep. tlonas nnfbrtunatelr it'is - at -'pres ent, if the' ladies would wholly abandon-cosmetics, and more gen erally keep the blood pure and vig orous : hy; the use of Ay'erV-iSarsapa-rilla, the only reliable blood purifier, ii . -i '" -- '.. - 1 Announcement has been made in the CnarloiW papeT'Tbt the mar riage of Mi-s Minuie Da!, of : that city, to Mr. :W ;KHaywood, of Ghattanooga, Tenn.,;to take plade April 22 oil at;th borne of htie bride's Luottir. . Miss DaU is popu- ' , , . . t -Advice now are to the effect that T I TT VT Tit f . V il . hVAMA the floods in; the upper Mississippi ana its tributAriegareeubsidingand will rapidly recede even, it iahooed. 10 l,metomakea fair crop yet in the bottoms now submerged. The flood are wonderfully enrichine to the soil and but for the destruction of life would be far from an unmixed evil. Salisbury World: "An unusual sight on the streets of Salisbury -i i . r ; was a arunnen wnite woman ,nt is" r.eli?& streets woman's lamily was at one time a prominent one in Salisbury, but has gradually declined until it has come to this. . It is a sad condi tion of things--this human deprav Hy. : " FOR SALE. Cabbage Plants, Pepper Tomato" QUINT E. SMITH. Sort of Oil for Bicy- :-' cles. ' '; DON'T . GUM. WE SELL IT! Also Graphite r For Chains, 1 . . - . . . ... And everything else pertaining to Bioy :;; cles. i W.i J. Hill. Caton's Hall THREE 3 3 NIG-HTS COMMENCING Thursday, April 15, i d c 17 MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2:30. The Attraction: y 1 . CnUiane's 'Comedians AND- Clever Clementina St. Felix, At Popular Prices, 25, .35 and 50 Cents. All "New Plays, Songs ijances. ; ! SPECIAL FEATURE 44 IT Magnificent. ' Illustrated Songs.: SSrSeata on sale at Gibson's Drag Store. - . i Miss Clementina St; Felix is re cognized as one of the very best singing and dancing eoubrettes :in the profession, and is thie younger Of the famous trio of "The Stf Fe iix Sisters." MrCulhane has few equals aa a comedian, He created the part of "Solomon Lazarus" in "Under the .ifpiar, . Star,' at the Academy ot Music, New York City; last summer, and on Thursday of ' . i mi i . T ' .' '. ni r next wees: wniDe eeeu as "Moses Le?i" in "Bess, the Waif.'? RIGHT Panicope According: to Dan &; Co.'s Be- P9f5r.ifesiM!nr.8--,(P? the jBrBt qaar. 4.031..foreoorre8pniiigf period of :Ust year : the liabilities were $48007,911 sgaiDst. $5 7,525,135 for the first threa months ofjast year. The failure m , manufactories werer fewer in number and smaller in lia bilities, and the ; trading" failures were fewer i number but larger in liabilities. Judging from this the manufactarera seem - not have 8uff ered much from that awful breeder of ruin, the Wilson tariff. Wilmington Star. J Is the season for new life in nature, new vigor in our physical systems.; As the fresh sap carries' life into the , trees, so our blood should give, us renewed strength and vigor. In its impure state it cannot do this, and the aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla is imperatively needed. It will purify , vitalize and enrich the blood, and with this solid, correct foundation, it will build up good health create a good appetite, tone your stomach and digestive organs, strengthen I your nerves and over come or prevent that tired feeling. This has been the experience of thou sands. It will be yours if you take run Sarsaparilla cine and Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1. - OSli cTenausea. Indigestion, biliousness. 25 cents. We offer a line of wash dress goods at prices that will interest you. Below we giye you a few prices. You can find what you want at our store: 10 pieces Etomine Ray and Scotch lappets in! all the new spring colorings and designs, wortn 25c, our price 15c. 10 36-inch pieces of Novelty Press Goods. The latest style and colors, worth anywhere 25c, our price 15c. 40 pieces Fine) French Or gandy, Sheer and Dainty, worth 20 and 25c , our price 10' and 15c. Dainty French Dimities, the 15c quality for 10c. ,-l.pase of 404nch Victoria Lawn worth 25c. We Met it gaio'15c.,';y,' 10 rpieces of Silk Finish Welts in. lovely imported des signs ? worth f :18c We Will sell tnenwor iuo, ana many other hew Dress Goods, ee us: 1 We hay e l the best stock pi gooas iort less money iuu.ii any !house in Concord. ,. . H 9 9 T I 7 I 1 Hill r i i i ! : ' i ' the bargain;house. C. B. Corsets WORTH$i.oo i J '. CNE THOUSAND WHITE VICTORIA worth 10 cents for 7 1-2 cents'- VICTOEIA Forty inches wide worth 15 ANOTHEIl Fiae -Figure! -Mohair M. i $1 00 to $3.75, worth -0 ANOTHER BLACK FIGURED SILL3 Monday. So stylish for Skirts; First Cannons & Gilisoii & Simpson's Percales at 6J cents. Serges, Sicilians, W Mohairs and Spring Shades of wool goods from 15 cents w A full line of Silks from 25 cents to 1 00. SATIN- -e, , - ,. ; I I - the $1.25 quality for 85 cts, , W the Sl.OOquality for 75 cts. nrTnn i nTTrrrM I for Children, Ladies, Boys v i KNOWN; AS - " LONG WEARER 3. Call and see them. KID GLO YE S, 1 1 he very U test gloves lito J ibej had for Q w cne money. w Q Batterick Patterns for sale ail the time. ' Fashion .; -r-fcSheetsfree. j----." ; 3 -'U.J' I Anninnn w :Sents. ANYWHERE v. v; jf YA,RBS OP- - cents tor 8 cents- LOT OF ' - V r-K: V;- $1.75 and $5.00. LqT OF AND QRENADINES lot gone, ; Prices tell. , See themg: - n't m -c w . - r 0;rj n (ft CO r -? v-.r LAWIM ''''v'i''fXvf?.c ,-v- Fetzer. . . - j CAPITAL OTOCViV'ISdWf We are now readv for business atJJi our new banking onice in thePropstj building. Your account'isrepecfcv iuiij Huiiuneu, auu we promise you careful and courteous attention tend every facility consistent' withsound" banking. r -" v:' : lim&y Deposits from 25 cents ur Jtalceri? in our 4" , ; . :.. ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENTS" Interest paid on .savings and time, Call to see us and see our burglarfv( proof safe with time Jock, v ; WlKECTORS r& illPi? X. W. CANftON, ; tAWSON JPOOii' DR. R. 8. YOUNG, C. W. 3WINK, - ' - " : DR. D. W. FLOWEt, - D. P. CANNON, JAS.O. GIBSO, . xrresiueat. v;asnier. - --z-. MARTIN BOGTER,. I. WOODHOU3B VIceiPresideht, i&S j HSireUer;-' -f .. iVA & 7 - ' '. ''V - ..; :-tfi'vAr.;i 5. ?. T "I