JEiectrlc Bitters. . r Electric "Bitten is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps moie generally needed, when the livguid exhausted feeling" - prevails, w n the liver is torpid' and sluggish- and the need of a tonic and i terative is felt A prompt use of tnis medicine has often- averted long an ' perhaps fatal bilious fevers N medicine will act paore surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malaria' poison. Headache indigestion, constipation, dizziness yields to Electric Bitters. 50o and per bottle at Fetzer Drug Store. : ' " - Eisenlohr CIGARS. 5c fill1 IwUm k, MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Grino-lianis i Outin Cloths. Plaids, Slieetmo' and Sal Bas. :L -Dealers-. in! GENERAL ; : : MEECHADISE Buvers'tof . lo r j COUNTRYi . p ! PRODUCE : ot all kind,- an!d 4-foot wood alwayslwanted- best prices for same. ,e invite an insec- tion ot all 'the goods yre manufacture. ODELIi MFG-. Co., Concord N. c. Offers Jto the business public a re )iabl permanent, conservative and accomodating banning institution Wo Bblicit your business with tht aesatahce of honorable treatment and-due appreciation of your pat to" age. I ; If we can serve you at fany time, weshall be gladjto have jou couie Yfttid'seeua. Liberal accommodations TO CUSTOMERS. I Capital and Sujplus $70 000. D. B. COJiTRANE, Cashier. J. M. ODELL, Pres.1 : Notice. I , Notice is hereby given j that the i -election called by the commissioners for the town of Concord and ordered to be held on Monday April 19, 1897, on the question of issuing . bonds by said Commissioners to the amount of $40,000 for purposes , specified, has: been called i m " and 4 . j x . O- - the election law by the recent legis- lUure with which said Board cannot comply and hold the election at the ' time us advertised. - All J edges and Registrars previous : uuoiuvucu uo HcuuuDt or cnanpft in said election . and also for Mayor's election are hereby discharged. . - By order of Board. j jApril 5, 1897. , j a16 I want every man and woman in the United states interested in the Opinm and Whisky t' iS?-Ave my books on these dis- i dd,res3 ,vWoolley Atlanta, GaL SOX CBZ. and OT19 Will hA cent 7 J VI cc Kit. Pleasant Hews. Passion week is being observed by special services in Holy Trinity. Last Wednefday Jthe preliminary contest for the , declaimer's medal was held. Tbe sacceesful jonng gentlemen who will contest for the medal at Commencement are : Mar vin Wiley, Ed L Ritchie, Charlie Ple88, D Luke Johnson, Hoyle Mc Eachearn and I) Luther Goodman. ! The Luther League at this place have1 arranged a program for a pub lic literary meeting to be held May 8tb (Saturday). The exercises will consist of a debate. Resolved, That Tennyson was a greater . poet than Longfellow. Defended by B M Setzler, A BlacVwelder and Miss Mabel Barrier, on behalf of the affirmative, and D Berry Fisher, l Wilhelm and Miss Julia Hem z on behalf cf the negative, also read ings, essays, recitations and extern- poraneous remarks by different members of the League, concerning the lives and works of these distin guished poets. This 18 a thoroughly live organization and ho doubt this new departure will result in much good, in more ways than one. ! Mart Dry, a convict on tbe chain gang, decided to visit homefolks last Saturday, and without giving Supt Black welder or the guards any formal notice of his intention, proceeded to wend his way through brier thickets and creek bottoms until he reached his destination. His yisit, however, was cuf short by the arrival of a guard, .who brought the fugitive back to the camp, where a second initiatory perform ance was administered; Ikcognito Mt. Pleasant, April 12. fneklen's Arnica Bairc. I" . . The Best tiaive in the world for Outs, Bruises;; Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever. SSores, Tetterd Ohappe rJands, . Umlblaine, ..Corns and all Skin Eruptions, agd positively cures Piles or no pay requi -ed. It is guaranteed, to give outisf action or monev refunded. . JBribe 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store, Hon. W J Bryan's C lose Call. On last Thursday night Hon. Wm. J Bryan addressed a large and enthusiastic meeting at St. Augos tine, Fla. He stood upon the piazza of San Marco hotel, i At the close of the address the people flocked about him and crowd ed the piazza !whenr a large section gave way and about 400 people feel a di8tanpe of about 20 feet Mr. Brjau was taken up unconscious ibnt soon survived ' aod was bnt slightly hurt. There were no seri ous casualties with all the imminent danger. - ! TOCVSEACOLD IN ONE DAY : . - i Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Ail druggists refund the money if ails to cure. 25c rescent 9 Sicclcs 4 .. y FU Everybody la the complete Crescent fine there is bicycle for everyone old oryoimg, Urge or small, fceavy or light, rich or poor. Crescents are bailt with con sideration for everybody's wants, and those who huy With consideration bay the Crescent. - No bicycle finer than the Crescent none stronger or more serviceable $75, v. .WESTERN WHEEL WORKS Chicago New York Catalogue free. Agents everywhere To Straighten the Muddle. ' Gov. Koseell has taken legal ac tion to restrain Auditor Ayer from issuing the tax list as framed by the late erratic legislature. The constin tution requires the tax on the poll to be jn8t three time3 the tax on $100 worth of property. ' That proportion was ignored by levying a tax of 46 cents oh tbe 100 worth of property and $1.29 on the poll. 1381 which poll -tax or Three fimes 46 equals should have been the one third-of 129, which t is 43 should have ben the tax on $100 worth of property. The Supreme Court will have to straighten out tbe muddle. - WONDERFUL are the ".cures. by Hood?s parsaparilla, and yet they, are simple and natural.' Hood's Sarsa parilla makes PURE BLOOD. Dr. Paul Barrlnser, 01 the Cnlver- sltyof TJrsinia, Kecommentlctl Mrs. Grier's Real Hair Restorer. A perfect remedy for -dandruff and falling hair. Mr. F B INeil, of Davidson Col lege, writes : In 1886 my. little daughter suddenly and unaccounta bly lost all ber hair. From .the crown down and from ear to ear was as baldg asltho palm of the 'hand. MoDtba and months patsed and the frightful paldnf ss remained. My paysician, Ur.' Paul Ijgrringer, re commended Mrs. Grier'a R al Hair RjTtorer ; Determined to give it a fa r trial I bought a half d zm bottles.' Three bottles of it faithfully used, produced' no visible- effect,but ooe morning, soon after beginning the fourth bottle, to our surprise ad delight, a . new growth of hair appeared and eo rapid and complete was the restoration that only one more bottle r was needed. Ten vears have elapsed and no one has a finer suit of hair. . ' '"' Less than one bottle Ms often ef fectual . in checking falling hair. Read interestipg history of R. H; R. Mb8. M G Grief; s27 Harrisburg, N, C. i IT , A FakePartly. That train robuery story turns oat to be a j very tame iffnir. Sifted do n it amoont8; to this: Two tramps were stealing a;ride on the front of the car next to the engine. The fireman saw them and chunked - ' if ' l - ' ' : . them with coal until they could not stand it ; then they jumped oyer the tender after him with their knives The engineer was likely badly feared. up, for it is said he did not kiiow they were near the train until he saw them coming oyer the rear of the tender. The fireman did. however, but he" never said much about it. It's all wrong for people to steal rides ; it is also wrong for a fireman or others to chunk them with coal when they are unable to get off. Greensboro Kecord. A TO CFRE COLD IS OBE 1J& Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Ail I druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. $5c bolicitors wanted ffr tr. Tal mage's uTKe Earth Gifdled or Iris famons tour around the world, a mnumg story ot safage and bar barons lands. JFour mage's books sold, atd "The Earth Girdled" isj-his latent and grandest. Demand enormous. Everybody wants this ifamonsjbook ; only $3.50. Big book, big commissioners. A gold mine; for Workers. Credit given, .breieht naid. OntfitA ft. Drop all trash ?.nd sell the king of dooks anaf make 5300 a month. Address for tufit and territory, The ominion.uompany, Star Building, L'T. ! HARTSELL ' ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, IGONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to akl oasiDees. umce in aiorris ouiming opposite court house. mHMMi.iimHMiiiiittlllllllllil'llimillltlUlllllilHUuiim;i. egetablcPxcparatloiifor As similating theTood andRegjula ting the Stokachs andBowels of Promotes Digestton,CheerfLd ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine "nor IinraL Not Narcotic. KeeofemJk-SmVELEITCEEa Pumpkin Seetl" ' 4lX.Senna flot&dle Site- jhute. Seed. . Jbppermint '- JftCartonateSodat fifanSeed-: Clarified Sugar Wutieryrwrt' Fkzvan ' r Aocrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, AYorms .Convulsions .teverisn ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. ; ' facsimile Signature of TEW YORK. , EXACT C0PV OF WRAPPER. L SALE OF TOWN LOTS FOR TAXES. As tax collector of the town of Concord, N. O , and by order of the board of commissioners of said town delivered to- me on the 13th day: of October, 1896, and by authority of section 30 and 51 of laws North Carolina, 18Q5, Chapter, 119, I will eell at tbe court hoase door in Con cord,; N. C, on Monday, the 3rd day of May, A. D., 1897,. the following town- lots in said town of Concord lor the tax-s due, thereon, viz: - : WARD NO. 1. Furr Jas. B 1 lot on Spring street Poindexter Peter 1 lot near colored Baptist church WARD 2. Barnhardt: J A lot in Wine coif town V Lisk J Ml lot Wads worth lot " WARD 3.. Fitzgerald Dr. J Y Corbon street Moore John T 3 mile branch 39 5.23 1.33 3.58 5.70 315 WARD 4. Brnner Joseph llot in Love town . 2.64 . " "' " - .99 Freeman Allen 1 lot in Cole burg Gibson Joe 1 lot ofiFenix street 1.96 Grier Joseph' 1 lot on B street .91 Ingram. Saliie L lot in Col e burg .69 Mbteomery Calvin -1 lot in Montgomery" J L 1 lot in Colehnrir 2.64 Montgomery G V 1 lotadioin- incr Mrs. Scott 3.16 Pless Jordan 1 lot in Love Town 2.74 Rogers Agnes 1 lot near Pounds' shoD " .99 Alexander Sallie 1 lot in Colebnrcr .50 Green Mae 1 lot in Love Town .35 Harris Wm. 01 lot in Love Town 2.68 Johnston John 1 lot In Love Town 5.19 White J W l lot on B street .35 To the Sheriff of Cabarrus County : The above is a -true list of delin quent property of the town of Con cord, presented as in accordance with law you to advertise under execution for sale for taxes, J. L. BOGER, i : Town tax collector. M. L. Buchanan, v Sheriff of Cabarrus County. April 5, 1897. ; 4wd. Waoted-In idea I Who can thlnr some slm pit Prrtoct vonr Ideas; ttey niay -bring yoa wealth. thing to patent Writ- JOHN VfLltDJZtbiljLiii futanz irpr WFS their ti.8or, priae oflsr Ou iiiii oil wo liuilrcJ la fCiiiou:. wanted. " v u'ulUIIUMIIltllMIIIIIMM i r THAT f HE FAC-SIMILE JRE OF IS ON THE OF EYEEY BOTTLT2 OF Castorla ia put up in one-size tottleS only, it is Dot sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to. sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur pose." 3-See that yon get C-A-S-T-9-E-I-A. simile fir S ll w cf ' vripje?. H. ' W.VFryling. Our vulcanizer is in running order and can vulcanize on short notice- either casings or inner tubes and all kinds of rubber goods that are torn. Oar enamelling oven is ready for use at any time enamel baked on cycles or other articles in all colors. Lettering and flower ing in gilt and colors. ' H. W. Fryling Opposite Court House CONCORD MARKETS I- COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling..... ...7.25 Middlings........... .7.10 tow middling ....V...... ......7.00 Stains ... 6 35 PRODUCE MAxtKEI Corrected bv JSwmJc & White. Bacon........ to 75 ugarcured nams... 12Ho 14 Bulk meats,8ides 6 to 7 Beeswax...... Butter ..lOtoW unicxezLs xw w Corn..... ......L 50 Eggs......... .... ......... W Lard Flour(North Carolina). .........$2.50 Meal...... .. Oats............ .......... TftHnw . . ' ... 3W4- HOED POISON D 0 n BPECiaiTYSSSlS'- 1 cured in 15 to 25 dy. You can be treated it home for same price under same guarao f tract topayrailroadfareandbotelbillMM Pimples. Copper Colored 8pots, Clceri on any part of the body, Hair or w5,oisnQ outTlt is this Secondary BLOOD PQJ?tg we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obiti Date cases and c ha Hence the world for oase we cannot cure. This disease has baffled the skill of the most eminent ph ys" dans. 8500,000 capital behind our uneonaj tionalsnaranty. Absolute prooftwnt sealed on ppllcatton. Addreaa COOfi REMEDY SO? BfasTrfiT Temnv CHICAGO. ILL WIADE ME AJMAN AJAX TABLETS POSITlVi orr.Impotency. SleepleasneHS, etc. caawa by AbTor other Exoeeaes bd a cretion. They , f f,L?nl restoriLost Vitality in old or ?9. fitamanforstudr, bnine3 or roarru mentand effect a CUBE where all MlA Zb7 slat upon baring the genuine we zie I have cored thousands and willcureyou. ve zi in itire written guarantee to effect a cure HJ 1 J per each case or refund the money, n &n E7 package; or six pkges (full treatment) for. r- ,s maiXin plain wrapper, upon receipt of C".;rbora su f?AJAX REMEDY CO., t9m, For sale in Concord by J P- GlD son and D D Job nsonrnggist " . . T ic-cJ tr gfrtl j B2gLfiS ffiut Xtoe cent a O ZXecifWCW?"1 ... WRAPP urn Docnarse, it we tail to cure, it you nave w. cury, iodide potash, and etlll hare whM

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