A " it . vol. XV.-No. 83 . , CONCOUD1f:N.v,6.Tttt?R8m I J. Wholb NO. 1,698 YORE-RQGERS, the church the bridal nartv re' Dalred to , thft ttiacrnifip.ftnt. Vioma f o;&ZX thideV father, ad in the South .rsjiost prominent Tonne Parlor. in the cire'e of (the larpe "jpic iniifn- . . J . .. - .i bayiudpwifttrsnd Mrs.: Yorke re. a mnst keauliful aJd impressive ceived the hearty congratnlations of was solemnited : All their many friends. Th18 Farlor T- Z jimecopal chnroh Wednet was. aUo festooned with elaborate $TlBiog at ftSOoIkV te-fc dewrations of, the choicest flowers Tr Stiii bei'ng Misa Frqee nd ,pot plaols The beantifql ? Priwrs the charmtn dangnter, of delicate decdratipns and the fragrant Mr ani Mrs. B F Kogers, and:Mr - bjossoms were; perfectly bewildering. TnhnP1 Yorke, the popnlar jeweler, jhe decorations in the spacious ..us. dining hall were of pare white-- hnth of this city. 1 . .-, . .1 All Saints' church . isa qoainV Mm i 4fr. Tey. jonquils, Wcture of the modert. degn ahd WPfiS blossomsi white roses and - e intwior arou.d,. the beautiful dainty white ribbon and silnr L el was profusely- . decorated: candlelbr.j. ,:tThe,brilliancy of this .".k n white flowers and ever- featnre of tbe eyent was indeed liens and presented to the eye a lovely to beholdj the.prett, brides L. f perfect lovelineU. The ma,ds the5r jwn" escorts and chancel was hIghly ; emblematic t.Wj':. dre88' addin2 r J'm. .; ' lieht of all, to sat nothing of the ClotH. i-Ilo ttioto niou bjjicbu 1 . " covering of the same: in PEESONAL: POIM TEK8, THIS IS .. :Mr.S T lid we" is spendroe the ; afternoon in Charlotte. -Lir f Mr. J L HartBeir iff soending t?everal days at Wilmington. -Capt , A : W Prbp8t I has gone South on a brie( business trip. x Mr. C A Littles left this morn-: ing for Catawba, tria" wheel route. He will be absent a week. - --Prof. II L KeeBler returned to Salisbury .this irorning, aftr at- 1 nfl tendipg the.yorke-Rogers wedding. j H Hi ; ittT anaJMrs- JJ i -liostian nave returped from a'Visitto Montgomery and Stanly counties. ; J v'; -rMjrs: P - A, iiosQley, o Charlotte, ik the guest of r Mr: ' and Mrsv,H I Wobdnouee, on Georgia f avenue. Mr. 'John Boet arrived from Saiisbixry this- morning and -went out tpjhis farm in No. 9 township. i -r-MisSiMarJorie .Stratford left this morning tor? RaDdlemn, where she will spend 86mimew'9latiyel8. ( , rr-MrV J P Strone, fafrrier editor of the Charlotte Democrat, spent a , , r" . , . . ... - . GIVE US TOUR ATTENTION Fine Cliig; Ms,; at one-half their actual cost and yaliie. lOxa Immense'Lme;oi th n.hers for, the bridal (tic S0i:Wa8 Pented with a fhort while in the city j this morn- ii .Vi itYiiii 8mall white wedding cake box bear- in8 . . ' tr x' r uTn IVul tZ ing the .nUiaJs ! : . BllftalUr returned altar. The altar in rear of the chan 1 t J . . - to':thdlseajinary 5al:Mt. Pleafean. eel bore thirty-five fliciceripg.cand.les ! The ; groom presented to each of; iftfer hd Several f days at her -i.. th nnrA while' illiesoon; tbe, bridesmaid souvenir gold home in this city. .. J- ,. oails, dogwood blossom., etc., about r!n2' 86 1 w.,feJ?ld8 ftDd Pear1?' ;5 MrsVrMari Barrier and sori,' them the scene made- ond think lafrw&m. ."IW" xr) SPRUNG - GLOTHIN&. is arriving daUy and the bargains we offer in . . , ; ' ....--'.;.."......--. TY, AND r FIT, will simply "stun" you. QUAtI OMEN'S WEAR. V V - : .. r. For $5.00 we: offer suits worth 7,00 to 9.00, For 16 OO voia gei eaaally as sqod a barginj - .... : ' 1 . .1 ; , From $7.00 cc we seu you a suit gooa enonga ior kDOtted ficirfiDins; ' r through thcih, morning itronel? of realms beyond where all QMeatfica,ns. , ,i t fvv- Pr nfift. , , 1 , , , - , , i iapectneasandbea ; , ,It;cana,d that thU pepniar ; ,We bbwn sndK'W ' ' Promptly at 80 'the conPlerhaTC evrythmg need-, Rev. Dr. Bowman., .p-. j K;. i-. met strains of the favorite Men. M -XillxJaj delssohn wedding marchU under1 de onsehold effects and table ware. rpouncement of ,B X, Kluttz paces' are 'sou lowerihan t'ou expect; you will annprh tonch of Prof. R Ii Keeiler 1 xIai IT J 5 0 r ?T?rrlMt i?'Dnc)? f : ' ; rexurn iiome wim n proau amue. : s-iSSlSlli: Dl ASK KOUJO CiaailDSEE FOB YOURSELVES. h little JVliaaesifi len Qibsonyancl - . ' j f " Ola Brown, who! were dressed v in .t ji.V v-i V. J ; . .OUR StDCK! OF pink and cariisd .baskets ofriosee. PV88 Bore.silverwareK, vTJPl r;i ,J Lw, MlAwd bV the LliSt itf-fendsome maJ,oony case-Mr. and NEWiOREEANS uBhers, Messrs. : Q R Montgomery "Wl i a rVKIMvKlML and James Wadsworthof UharltfCtei inptpree.nandjltaco.dii ; MOLASSES The Httendants were;Mjsa JIaj&aret " lu? UAr J We offer &00 Dozen Men;s and Children's -Sample Caps Medium and Fine Straw Hata at fflL TPKlCE. ; See ' these. G A W W O IS! S fe : FHFZ E R . -AND BMPIRB SYRUP "'is the best you can find. 1 Q RO'C.ElRSl Military, Benefit. M,K,p1,v. of '8.nn"r;: and . Miia I York, Meserifed tohe-bride a very Mattfe.Pbarr;.MiM Bsnkm and Miss Bessie, Henderson;1 "Autumn.',' The. bride received of Salisbury MlaJ Eva' Ti of Clin. twelv ,ar8e , Pic?nr6s 'erware of ton, and Miss Elizabeth Gibso every description, Havilin fihtoa. . P.h nf .thB hMHSi'rt. hpinir formture, l9mps,,cut . glass, etc., too attired in pure white orahdie even- W610118 ft tlonv The displaj in? dresses, weann? large picture wa8" dimply grand. . Prominent hat8 and carrjing white bridal among, the. many Jovely things.- was roge3 : a beautiful ivory bound prayer-book, " '" " "4" - V" , frnin V i1r Vi t.Vi'p ' nnnnla woro mar- Immediately preceding the bride , aoeA A .f The .Virginia . Projecto scope Com. the dame of honor, Mrs Grace, Bob- D- jr0 jsT.g " psny will give a fine performance bins .dressed in a gown of pink or- . ilr. and. Mrs. Yorke left this for the bent fit of. the Cabarrus Light gandieaad carry.ng m her hand a morning or a tour through the Infantry ; three, nigllts this week, largebonqnet .oT la France , roses,i Dorth and will visit Niagara, Falls, commencihk tonight.! All our citi- jrmj P.;"--. New York and other points for ten zens who have an interest in bus- alone, takicg her. position at the left J - . , . . - . . I 1 : r . of the chancel ; day8 when they will return v and Uimng a ; military . organization . V Vu i make this city, their future home. - n oar midst ought to lend assis- At thia juncture the groom en -v - "JL" - " v : 6 1 tprp frr,r ro.t i v,B . "tti ;., - - . . tut ance to theae entertainments by teredfrom the vestry eacqrted .by Ttu. Dlscovery Waved ntsxifo '-''v- nV'L." u h' "":v bis brother. Mr A J Yorke. who . ... - coming out to Oaton s Hall each was stationed to the right of. the Beaverville; 111., says: To Dr; Kmg4s night-. All the leading daily pipers chancel: then came the bride upon N&w -Jiactovjry I owemr life. Was in each city wbere the entertain- , ;s taken with La Grippe and t tried all . :; ' tne arm of her father, wh,ord the the physicians, for miles aboqt, but ment has been given pronounce it generous act .ot!' presenimgr his of no availand was-' giveh Jup, and one- e -most .magnificent e?er danfovf u ml 1 told Icould not live. Havings Dr. .y : v . ! ' , uaugtiterto the groom. . .The .bride Trine'a New Discovery in my store 1 exhibited m their towns. J The Tfore a FURNITURE !; FURNITURE n BELL HARRIS & 06 ,?carryjthe largest and most complete lfiiO eyershown in COncordi Webby In large, lots and at low figures,, and give ourxs tomers the benefit of the low prices. We have Ladiesr Rockers from $1.00 to $12.50. You cm get a bargain in dining chairs. " When you want anything in the furniture line call and see us. We can save you money in the following articles Bed Room Suits. - I t - Lounges, Couches, - air, Uotton add Shucji Mattresses, A' rt Novelties; Baskets,; pickets', Rack 8 for halls, Mouldings, . OoQkerse . - i v npide- Shades; Cide'B 4 Y7hln a Closets, i v..i.i. ff all kinds and descriptions. (, ... , , ji. j . -O. . , ,(.;'- ELI, HI-IlIS & i OCX ' ' Oar undeitaking department is complete,: and will be"nnderthe Care of Mr Bell. All calls are promptly met,Vday or night. . " , " gown of ivory satin ehtrajn; Beht; for a bottle and begahlts" use gnjaladmissioo of id and 25 cents . . -m - - n a n tw i. r i f iw u w vucruTi i 1 f i tae waist being elaborately-trimmed watr charged. Performance at 8:30 with chiffon, and carried iK her ltttieswa3 Urand about aam.!1! o'clock. to vv vsa, vu avu " c - wonffc keep" store or house without Surely if'tlie ' word; JtEGUlfpR is not on d-package it is not ixzix hand .. bunch of Mardhalneil roses; .T.i?JS2? -iSLSiZX her head was bedecked withla Jovely it. Get a - free trial at Fetzer's JlnZ rtArtn .vp - , y W-Jiaf . - . - SpfingHtmoxs, eruptions, rnves, VtJU, Orange Ol0S80mS anU 4U r ; . Ul. nimnlpa finrpfl rA r,Arfpntlv Qiaraonds, and she was indeed j a orid ib waiting, pop-eyed and permanently cured by Hood's liNotftin&else is itie satnet tf cknndi he arid 'never ti'ak put up oy ajiy one except. queen of beauty. andvhreathlessf to ee republican ev. Dr. J On Davis ..read the! allecid statesmanship hftoa" beg- beautiful Episcopal ceremony that gared country and people-.into ;th,.. happy ...conp gffiis nounced them husband and , wif Wher the' feat is 5. accomplished, and placed the marriage ring upejn any gentleman cah: : 'Ji(t: himself the bride'a finger, r- and ,Mrp. over the fenceor across .a , river, or iorke'a pathway from thealte to beyond the mountains, by his own church door; was strewn wl& boot-atraps.r-Burhum San., , , yoseg, the pretty little floweri girts' ' fb?vlQg carelessly deposited - them tocubb AcowggfTjj.: ong the aisle, which feature was TakelaxativQPrpftaminf.tTab. unique and, very striking. lets. All druggists refund the At the close of the ceremonies money if it fail? to cure. 25c. . , 13. Rarsanarillai the best Soriner Medi- cine and One True Blood Purifier. pluu n can oe t easily loiu uy ilieirJ RADB MARK- Hood'a -PiUa act easily and promptly. on the liver bowels. Cure sick headache. r i A Weddiaar day b for the wedding of - Mr. Bclgar twol Q SftTl8bury' af--popular joa3g people Salisbury Sun ; Thel Charlotte New& tella of a man 92 years old that professed faithajidljdined the Baptist church last Sunday. tj . , is-s (itzit TO fTlT BE A CQJLprH pBCNDAX: Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets.! J All druggists refund the money if ails to cure. 25c Fire Insurance. ? )Bepzesenting an - agency of Strong and Reliable Companies If cot-place large lines of insur ance at a living rate. ; - J. F. Hurley, Agent. H -!! v .' t l.t :-:h II r i! li!