The millenium is coming, 8ena tor Tillman has walled on the Presi dent and baa giTen evidence that his heirt is softening down, and he pro poses to be con tro' led more and more by Senatorial.dignity and statesman-ship- He expressed generous friendliness to the President, bat still 8 ho wed hioiself a novice in the new sphere of conservatism, for be almost; lost grace at the mention of Mr, McKin ley's immediate prede cessor. He seems to be somewhat growing in grace though and may 1)38 the ugly growth in him that has obscured the better parts, if he has them. Cresc ent Bicycles 1 Enthusiastic 'Riders. Mm t 1! (' J I "J I j j The enthusiasm of Crescent riders is what causes the enormous sales of Crescent Bicycles 70,000 Crescents sold in 1896. Crescents are the handsom est bicycles made, with tested improvements, that make them the strongest, swiftest, simplest, and most durable Crescent prices are right r not a ' dollar added for thej reputation that assures their quaKty and these, prices are the same, to everyone , WESTERN WHEEL WORKS : CHICAGO, NEW YORK, Catalogue free. Agents Everywhere. Jft. Miles' Pain Pills are guaranteed ta start lZeaIacIiein20 minutes. "One cent a dose? if MANUFACTURERS OF Outino-Cloths. Plaids Sheeting CHURCH DIRECTORY.- St. Andrews Lutheran church Cannonville Rey.H. A.McCullough pastor. Sunday School at 9.30 a. m,; every Sunday. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 a. m., and regular service every Sunday night, at 7:00 o'clock, excepting the first Sunday in each month. First Presbyterian "church Rev. W C. (Alexander, Pastor. Preach ing:every Sunday at 11 a. m.j and 7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday night at 7:00 j r ; v ' All Saints Episcopal church --kev J. C. Dayis, rector horning service at 11 a. nr. and 7:00 f . Sunday school at lOta. m; Prayers Wednes day at 5 p. m- (j 7 Baptist ChurcL Rev. J J. Pay seur, pastor, services every Sunday at 11 o'clock', a. m. and 7:00 p. m. pi ay ermeeting every Saturday at 7 00 p. m.; Sunday School every unday at 9:45 a. m. Public cordially il - vited. Trinity Reformed church Rev. B Frank Davis, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a.m. Sunday school at10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7:00 p. m. All are cordially inyited. St. James Lutheran Church, Main street Rev. Che s. B. Miller, pastor, seryices at 11 a. inland 7:30 p. m., Sunday School 3 p. m., Luther League 1st and 3rdSundays 4 p. m. Wednesday evening Sprayer 7:00 All are cordially .invited. Trinity ZRefornied Chapel West Corbin street, Hev. B Frank Davis pastor. Sunday school atl!3 p. m Preaching at 4 p. m. All . are cor dially.invited to attend.! Forest HilfBT. E. church, South Rev. J.D. Arnold, pastor. Preach ing at 11 a. na. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. in. Prayer meeting every Saturday at 7:00 p. m. The public cordially invited Ep worth League meeting at 6 p. m. Bay's Chapel, Methodist Church- Rev. W. B. McGehee, pastor. S-r vices at 11a.m. and TkOOp. m. Sun day school at 9:30 a. m. Central ''Methodist' Church Rev. J. E.Thompson, pastor. Services at 11 a, 'in. and 7:00 p m Sunday school at 3:00 oclock. p , m. Ep worth League meeting at 6 30 p. m. I Miss Carrie,1 trie little 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C M Sqineri who has been suffering from tonsilitis for several days was somewhat better this morning, we are glad to note. 1 Mr, William Thompson, of An son county, spent last night with Mr! I H Waddell, at tbisjplace. 1 Baseball this afternoon at the Forest Hill grounds, between the first and second nines. A good game is expected. ! Mri. O C Russell, of Gaffney, S. C, who is visiting her father, Mr. J H Kizzah, on North Main street, received news from her husband, who is working with Contractor A H Propst, of this city, at Gaffney, that Mr. Russell had got painfully hurt by falling. The fleshy part of his arm caught on a hook and, held his weightJ ; Mr J W Walter's new store build- ing is about closed in and the car- t ! andESal Bh?s Dealers -in ' GENERAL penters will soon have the inside finished ready for ;businees. Mr. Kiuttz, the photographer, will oc cupy the second floor, while the first v ill be used as drug store. . i . The services at the Forest Hill Methodist church are well attended i . and much good lis being accom plisbed by the earnest work- of the pastor, Rev. J D Arnold. " . Mr. Milas W Johnston, who was stricken with paralysis some three years ago. suffered another Btroke Friday and is quite low. 1 : . Miss Lizzie Ridenboar is visiting her sister, Mrs. iW A Morris, of Salisbury, this week. Mr. O T Troy, who has been suf fering with throat trouble for several dys, is somewha better. TO CURElt'OLD lJiOSE DAT Take laxative Bromp. Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25a Now is the. Time to purify your blood, and Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine "for the purpoee. Thoqeaiidaof grea' cnrea prove that it is the One-True. Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills f are the favorite family cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. ! ' T " 8TATE SEWS. Notice Notice is hereby giy en that an election authorzd bv an act of the legislature of ;1897, entitled,' "An act authoriDg (ion cord to issue bonds if a msjorityl of registered voters vote iu favor of bonds" has been called and ordered to be, held on Tuesday, the 22nd day ot June, MERCHADISEi1897' for the PurP?ee of submitting, to me voters or saict town tne qaes- o- Biivers' of COUNTRY; PRODUCE oi an Kina, ana 4ioot wood always -wanted-best 1 prices for same. We invite an insec tion ot all :the goods W6 marmfantiirp J KJ XUIjJli XVII? Ct. UO. ConcordJN. c. tion of iFsuing bonds to the amount of $40,'000 for the pui pose, and as piovided for in the act referred to aboye. A new registration has been duly! authorized. Se? notice of County Election Board; The following" recistrars and in- 5- . u w . 8pector8 or judges have been api pointed for Ward 1, registrars ; J B Cald well, W F A Propst, D A Caldwell ; Judges, P C Earnhardt, J h White, J F Hurley. Ward 2, registrar s : J N Brown P M Dry, P (5 Oook; judges, George Winecoff, F A Archibald, Alley E Walter. Ward 3, registrars: J R Pattern son, John S Hill, W S Sapp; judges. Geo. W Brown, W F Dry, G W Patterson. Ward 4, registrars: George M Lore, On A Cook, George M Walter; judges, JSUm King; J M Alexander, A J i51aelcwelder. The registration books will be open from 9 a. m., till 4 p. m., on 4 Saturday', May 15, 22, 29 and June 5 and on June 15 from 9 a. m., till 12 o'clock' noon, when registrar tion books will i be closed. ; Chal lenges will' be heard and ? decided as provmed in section 11 and 12, of re yisd election Jaw. J By order of Board - J L Hartsell, Mr. j J M Beaty has sold the Sirithfield Herald to Messrs: Thoi J Lassiter and Stephen S Holt. Ex-Jndge A 0 Avery has formed a partnership with'Chas. A Webb. Efq., of the A8heville bar, and will spend a part of his time there. Mr. Julius H Mahler, formerly of Raleigh . was I "married - in .Trinity Methodist church, Durham, last Wednesday morning,1 to Miss 'Annie Laura Link, daughter of the late Cap. I N Link a former mayor of Durham, v j - - ., The Saliebury Sun says the rail road eating house at Balsam,, on the Murphy branch - of the , Western North Carolina Railroad, which be longed to Col. j A B Andrews, of Raleigh, and the estate of the late S H Wiley, of Salisbury, was burned Thursday morning, together with nearly all the contents. The commencement invitations to be sent out by Oak Ridge Institute, this year, are very handsome. They were designed by one of the Japanese students now attending that institu tion. Hon. W W Kitchin, member of Congress from the fifth Con gressional district, will be the orator this year. Tbj commencement ex ercises occur May 23, .24 and 25 "BpdM Moore Hit a Man. r i A H Moore,': eon of Mr. Daniel Moore, of near this city, became in volved in an affray with FA Lee in Charlotte Thursday afternoon, and, it is eaid, put np a bloody fight, having struck Lee on the head and almost scalped him. A difference in politics was the cause of the HtllllMilltHtlIIIIIIMII1lllMlimill1IIIMIIIIIIIIlllllltimHmiil7 .i.iiiiHiii'itiNiHiiiiiiiiniii'iiiiiiiiMiiiiiii'luiiniiiiiiiiiKiMUiiiil'uiinMUl ).iiiinni'inMHiiiliiiniii'iiiiiiiiMliii;ii'iiiiniiiiiiliiulMUiliil'uiiniu i Vegetable Prep arationfor As similating theTood andReg ulk ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promote s DigestioaChceTrul-nessandRest-Contoins neither OpmrxT,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic. JPumpkui SeeJm Mx.Senna Seed- ' JUppermuit Hi CartanattSaia JiermSeed Cltrrifud Sugar . Apcrf eel Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour StomachiDiarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh mess and LOSS OF SLEEP. . i Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. - f . . A THAT THE FAC-SIMILE JRE OF I V IS . ON THE WRAPPER i OF EYEET BOTTLE OF M1TH I ' u - '1, , Oastoria la put Tip in one-size bottles wly. It nni mnA in ttiTlrJ Tinii't ollrtw anvnn. roll you anything else on the' plea or promise that it is 'just as good" and "will answer every ptr poae." Bee that you get O-A-S-T-0-R-I-JL. poae." Bee that you get Thtfw : simile sigasture : ef is ea- eTery vrsppei. L Dr, Paul fiarrlnrer, oi tti PnlTer- sdtyof . Virginia, ; Recommended Mrs.'Grier's Beal;Hair Restorer. - A perfect; remedy . for ! dandrnS and falling hair; Mr. F B Neil, of Davidson Col lege, writes : In "jl 886 my little daughter suddenly and unaccounta bly lost all ber hair. -From 'the crown .down and from ear to ear was as bald as tho palm of .the band. Months and months, passed and the frightful baldness r. remained, , My physician Dr. aul , Barrinsjer, re commended Mrs. Grier's Real Hair Restorer. . Determined . to give it a fair trial I .bought, a half dozen bottles. Three bottles of it faithfully used, . produced no visible effect,but one inorning, eoon after begioning the fourth bottle, to our surprise and delight, a new growth of hair appeared and so rapid and complete was the restoration that onlv, one more bottle was needed. Ten years hare; elapsed and no one has a finer suit of hair. j Less than oLe bottle is often ef fectual in checking falling hair. Read interesting history of R. H. R. i Mrs. M G Grief. ; f a28 , Hrtrrisburg, O. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Mayor and respectfully ask the support of citizens of ' all parties, believing that in such cases mn aad mea3ures should determine the re3ult. S. L. Kltjttz. A enmiAl TV Primary. 8eo O M yrfililMfail ondaryorTep ?tiary 15L001 POISON permanently J cttredinl5to35 days. You can be treated at x I home for same price under some guaran ty, it you prefer to come here we willcon tract to tav railroad f areand hotel billa-anrf docharcre, i t we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potash; and still have aches and pains. Mucous Patches in mouth. Sore Throat Pimples, Copper Colored Spots Ulcers on any part of the Dody, Hair ortEyebrows falling out. it la this Secondary BlOOD POISON we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a i&se we cannot cure. This disease has always oaffled the skill of the most eminent physi clans. 8500,000 capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed 09 application. Address COOK REMEDY CO $03 Masonic OCenr-' CHICAGO. ILL. 7 MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE JLLZ, Nervoua Disease Failias llem ory, Im potency, Sleeplessneea. etev eaoaed by Abase or other Excesses and India cretions. They quickly and. tttrely restore Lost Vitality in old or ron-asr. ,nd fit a man f ortudy, bneiness or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Gonetunvtion if en in time. Their nse shows immediate imDror. raent and effects a CUBE where all other fail ' In sist upon haTing the genuine Ajax Tablets. They nave eared thousands and will cure you. We frfve a pos itive written guarantee to effect a core Cf fTQ in each ease or refund the money. Price W Ulvi per package; or six pkges (foil treatment) for flEQ. By mail. In plain wrapper, npon receipt of price. Ciivolar AJAX REMEDY CO., ?cEKn For safe in Concord by J P. Gib ALE OF TOWJS I.OIS FOR TAXES. As tax collector of the town of Concord, N. O , and by order of the board'of commissioners of said towD delivered to me on the 13th day of October, 1896, and by authority of section 30 and 51 J of laws North Carolina, 1895, Chapter, 119, 1 will cell at the conrt hqnse door in'Con cord, N. C, on Monday, the 3rd day of May, A. D., 1897, the following town lota in said town of Concord for the taxes due thereon, viz : WARD NO. 1. Poindexter Peter 1 lot. near colored Baptist church , 1 WARD 2. Lisk J Ml lot Wads worth iot ' : ( WARD 3. Fitzgerald Dr. J Y Corbon street ' Moore John T 3 mile branch I ward 4. Brnner Joseph 1 lot in Love town Freeman Allen 1 lot in Cole burg Gibson Joe 1 lot on fenix street Grier Joseph 1 lot on B street Ingram Sallie I lot in Cole ! barff Motgomery Calvin 1 lot in Colebnrg Montgomery J L 1 lot in Colebnrg ; Montgomery G V 1 lot adjoin ing Mrs. cott Pless Jordon 1 lot in Love Town Rogers Agnes 1 lot near Pounds' shop i Alexander Sallie 1 lot in Coleburg Green Mag 1 lot in Love Town "'i'. Harris Wm. 0 1 lot in Loye Town Johnston John 1 lot in Love Town White J W1 lot on B street To the Sheriff of Cabarrus Countj: The above is a true list of delin quent property of the town o? Con cord, presented as in accordance with law you to advertise under execution for sale for taxes, J L. Bog-er, Town tax collector. M. L. Buchanan, Sheriff of Cabarrus County. April'5,1897. 4wd. 5 23 3.5 S; 5.7,0 3.15- 2X4 0 ts 1M. M i -1 .60 " .80 2.641 3.1 0 2.74 .99' .50 .35 2M 5.19 .35- IVanted-An Idea Who can thtej of some simpit Protect your Ideax; trey n.ay bring you JOT. Write J6HN WKDDEK LbN . CO.. offet neTS, Washington. D. C. fur tbeir tuTP9 ttil Utt of two hundred iatitv- vantea ) . ; - . Clerk. ', ' -. -'C. 'i f. racket. - - son and D D J Jhnson jDraggfst.