86 CON CO W, N. C, MONDAY 5 APRIL 26, 1897. Vol Whole NO. 1,701 . XV.-No. MORE WHISKER ,f,,ndrel nd Eleten aLlon? Seized i Sunday Morning; a. uooa m,uem IU1B utiODaayj mom t fPt,,retl By wfflcwl Mean9 ing f rom a second stroke of paraly , nnii H11- sis at noted in The Standard last Sunday morning officers George 8aturday. . W Means, of the revenue depart- it has been evident for pome time mentand Deputy John 8 Hill, re- that tHe end was nearing and Mr. ceived notification that a blockader Johnston had set his boose in order was doing flourishing business in arid was awaiting the summons of Ko a township, and acting upon departure. t this announcement a search was in- lt is but natural and riht that as . .tedand the outfit was captured tribute to his memory we within less 'time than two hoars. Mr Dm Krimminger came to a. at an early hoar and reported; town- hp matter, stating that ther man had tnemauci.D been in ms Hciguuuiuwu Messrs. Means and Hill found the man with his team while crossing Celd Water creek near V Litaker's and commanded him to: throw' up hia hands. 1 The' outfit consisted of a team of two good mules and a wagon, and three barrells contain.- jDg in gallons of - whiskey, in charge of one1 Tneopbilus" Combs, a Wilkes county Moonshiner. Combs nf hontflt brought to town, Jie 1 taking his coaree in another direction -Combs is about 25 years of age and seems to be well known to a' number of people throughouc Ihe county . It is said that "there rare o there? operating in, the county; This seizure, witbT1 tne one made Saturday, is somewhat of a record in a county where there is notVstltl or an open bar room. wmVwm" Misses Aoaie Aiexanaer ana Belle "Moser, teachers of 'the1 fifth;! 81 ivtVi onrl oonontK nrarlfls k rrr all 1 ..fit s 1 eiuu oaiuruay, ma&iug moxr yiay ground arid spread in ihe beautiful grove near White Hall.' f After spending the day in thef pleasures that an outing brings, the wagoners returned latft in thn Arftnincr anfl fta 4 u 7 j . j I ,u' ""lo uueB amveu ab tue graueu school building to disperse, they gave the veil as follows! "Rub-a dub-dub r Ka-Ra-Ree. a I "Sixth grade, seventh grade, 4 Oh, do seel" Mies Laura Leslie, of the eighth ftnf1 tK , , .. ., and ninth grades, with her pupils and several friends, spent the day ai rnarr's mill on Rocky River. Notice to Cfatinantil' : . Seized at and near Concord, lOi., on the 24th and250f ofApnf,l87, for violating the laws of the United States, the following preperty i 1 oiacK nprse wagon and hameBS, the property of Isaac- Barbeer: : Two mulW, wagon 'and harness, cookino- n ffinoi 1 .'jl t-y 1 frm S ted t? Svint1!? 2 umcui, or me same wiu De declared forfeited to the gotern yji. lue uni tea otates. ' ; p 7. 1 Sam; l; Rogers. aT R S Hbbib, D. C, 5th Dis - trist of North Carolina. APril 26th, 1897. ' i coiiD us okc dat lets a n lvl?ro? Quinine ah- tv,.: f.11 druggiste refund the uev " ails to cure. 25c. t 7 -;r ' ' ' "; th,uA 7 a 10c. box of Cascarets I;! fines) ver and bowel regulator eer made. 6 An Aged Citizen Dead. Mr. Milas W JoBnston rASRPd j.t. rr . should review to some degree the noble life now ended on earth. When, from a Southern point of via air nVf rmriarn 'Hmnnriori nrnmrlt: i ',f .. . 4. r and vigorous organization, he was ftMflnflr tne tortsoond and was o . ; r . ch6sen Second Lieutenant in Cflxxu pany F, First North Carolina Oar ajry0f which Rufus Barringer was Captain. He left Concord with the company on the 3rd of July, 1861. " Attaining' camp 'at Rideway, in Warren sountyi Mr." Johnson found that his comrades had chosen him to an office from the love and esteem in which be was held rather than from any military turn in himself. He therefore resrgired an office uncon genial to mm ana returneu to ms home. Later however, in Septem ber 1864 he rejoined the same com rades and' served till the end of the war; Mr. Johnstdn held a most conspic nous position In'tbe First Presbyte rian'efiurch'fdr lonf yars of faith fQl devotion, and nis' memory will be heldwith -kidnreftOB by-hls co woricers in Jtfiengom bfv grace to whose fruition he has been called. Mr. Johnstdn "attairied the good ripe age of 76 years and now leaves ft tbr 80Q(i and three daught era to'mourn his loss and cherish 'l v.L" j a life well worth 7, T , i t . Thef funeral rites will be held at the homestead 'Tuesday " morning at 9 o'clock when the remains will be interred' at the city cemetery. TT I R E D MOTHERS find heln y fn Ho6ds Sarsaparilla, which gives them pure blood, a good appetite and new and nefeded STRENGTH. This is the name of a picture that will be on exhibition at Char- iptte in. May that, is insured for $50,000 dollars. Ifcisaloan to the .bat the insurance bill together with the packing; etc., will cost about $450. NoRTIi C ABOLt N A, " .1" 14th '97. CarJarrus' County, At a meeting of the Cotlnty Board oFJEiectiotTsrat the Clerk's offifce5 in Concord; North CarblinVP April Ai? AOi7,""1. . , jr UPOQ JPPS? fJin-: a j rea80n Bh?wW 1B. HSK1 there be a. new. registration pfall 11897, under the act of the Generd era vote in fa vor of bonds." W. H. ILLUME, Ch'm'n'B'd of Co.' Corn's. Jas. C; GibsonV': , , Clerk Superior Court. W; M. WEDDINGTOjf, Registef of 'Deeds. XTnTTfTR. Th notice of registration in' this i88Ue by County Board of Election kn kot annlv to the election for Mayor bufbnly to the .election to be had on the question : of issiifng bonds. , JL. HSELV. Clerk B'd. Corn's, for Concord. April 14, 1897. tf PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. J C Leslie, of 'Charlotte, spent the morning in the city: Miss Margeret Fisher of Mt. Pleasantt spent the' day in the city. Mr. Hope M Barrier spent Sun day at Mt. Pleasant. J MrV Charles S 8tone, of Char lotte, waa in the city last night. Mr. A J Yorke in spending the afternoon in Charlotte. : Prof PE Wright, Principal of NewelPa high school, spent Sunday in the city. ; -:v J '; : " . t .Agent Gown Dusenbury left tuismornipy for a brief trip up the Soqthern .road: ' j ' J&sshTR E Ribhle nd W A Goodman; the projectbscope vmen, left Iat night for Rock Hill, S. C. MrvEtf. H DeCampy editor of the GaffQey City News, spent Sat urdayfiight in the city; . DrvW C Houston; bag returned to the1 cilv, after spending several days at Wilmington and Monroe. V . -'.-,.1 ,. -.!)-- Mr. Willie Quantz, vwho has been in the employ of the Southern at Salisbury, has returned home. - ; Mr; and Mrs. 1) A Caldwell and ! daughter, Misr? Ruthf Caldwe It spent Sunday at Back creek. Misaf :Faunie Strieker spent Sunday with friends at Mt,' Pleas ant aud returned this morning; 1 ReyIjG O Scherer, President of 'iKbrth' Carolina College spent thedayi;in thcity: j i : MrsVF S TBtarrette and little son, df vMooreSville, . spent Sunday lrrtoe city 6X Capt. J M Alexan- rrMe?W H.-E Shalenberget and C Balihaneief Sklishtiriryr were guests of th Morris house yester dayr Mr Polk! Miller ; arrivedJn the city this tnorjaing- froha Charlotte, and is thegnet of Mr and Mrs R E Gibson, i' ! j Mr, Bruce Adams, a student of Agricultural And Mechanical Vol lege! rif Raleigh, is Visiting his brother-intlawDr W C Houston. Mrs. D R Hoover returned from Lincolnton Saturday - night, accom nanied by. her sister. Miss Laura Ramseur. A N D Syrups OURSTOCK.OF MPW tiiUl PANS A PORTO RICO MOLASSES"" , N D ANDu-i' EMPIRE SYRUP j is the best yon catf find. .Erviini'-SmJtlhi. GROCERS. Mik tl llleTonUh. - -1 . No, visitor comes to Conaortl' weN cdfherwJttf'mbVi-; deWaV tharj-ii Polk MilHn1 j'-He t-iimonff as now arfdiilptvjdfirhduBe tomghtpdsitDlyXdr,thV Jmstf time. H is imitations 6f thi ol detune darkey are inimitable, and it j is useless to undertake "to describe it, for " our people know him. j His work in every particular is highly enjoyed Let htm ; be1, -greetea by -a large audience tonight. Admission 35 cents, children 25 cents. Keserved seats 50 cents. BneMleifs Araie isaire. The Beat Salve in the world for Outs, ' BruiBes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt RheunvFever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands,4 Chilblains, pom's and all Skim Eruptiori8,!and positively cures Piles or no pay i reoui-ed. It is leuarrfriteed -fto? ffiveatatisfaction or 1 " , 'J. j .Til?; . monev reiunuea. rrice zo cents per box For sale at P B siore,4 Fetzer's Drug - ii mm i THIS xIVE ITS your And TJ' c r Wea at one-half their actual cost and value. !Our Immense Line oii SPRING is arriving daily and the TYLE, QUALITY, AND - i will simply MEN'S For $5.00 we offer suits worth 7.00?to9.00; For 1 6 00 yqu get equally as goodst" bargain. From $7,50 cc $1D.00 we sell vouSTjit ffodfr ennno-h fnt- a Prince. Wehaye never before shdwn such h ' and the prices are so much lower than you- expecrV vcm 'will .iOKuiuiiuiuo'wuu IflO TO Mil 1110 11 - We offer 6C0 Dozen Men's and Chil'drirfs Sampie' Oars Medinm and Fine Straw Hats at HALF PRICE Spa thead GAM FURNITURE r ret buuvyu in wawra. t,Tf v uuy ui large iow ana at low figures and e-ivp nnr nn ms the benefit joJ the low prices. ; We have Ladies Rockers f rdm $l!oo to 1 2 50 line call and see us. i We can save you money in, the following articles : uu era ire a uunrtuu in uminir cnairsr geu rwuuui ouidB. 1 Ca8els Center and Dining Tables "I ounges, Couches, Hair' Uotton aQd Shuch Mattresses, 1 1 A rt Noyel ties. Baskets, Pickets, Oookers, IrlRide t Cide BELI t 11 Oat undeitiiiig department Is complete. andill)eunder;the . caill of. Mr Bell.- All calls are promptly met, day orj night. cafeI 9 A fioasehold Treasure. 1 D. W; Fuller, of CanfloHarie. N. Y., says that be. always keens Dr. King's NeV Disco very in the house and his fatfiily'ha'ftlwftyrfohnd the very beet results-follo dts mse : that he would Dot be without it, if procurabfe. G. A. DykemaB, Drug gBt, CatkilL N; T' sayg that. Dr. Kins New Discovery is" un doubt edit tho 1 best cough remedy : that he haauised; ititthisfftinilyfor eieht 1 years, -and it hair never f ailea ta 'do ajtquu claimed' for it. Why no' try a remedy. bo. long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at Fet zerSs Df store Regular size 50o and 8L00. - I MS F . mm irtMijj..""! vnp !uTeaial5to35 dart. YovcattDfetresUdat Ihoaeforsaine price jmatruimiXAnuf Jty W jnoaprelprtoeopiebetft.weWtlfjcoQ. ire?; it ird f aU to coxeu If jron hrp tateaxaer , Iodide potsh, and BtOl baVe sctieraatf wrg carautw to'ctxter-We lcittlieinoatt) LU- aiseae Jua iaioy it eminent olural- oameatbe diaiioitnemefl O300, 0,Oi)O Capital , t behind -ewr nnoond1 tioial fftfaraxfu. Absohite vtootg ifenrgeated da DDlicatlon. AddTeu COOK REMEDY COl 09 IJnonlo Temple. r.mCAQQ. JLUJm 111 aeons rAtebeffinmetitti. yargxnroat. rfeaCoppeeC616redJ5potft'tJier9 oa V IS- attention TJ MS, lit . bargains we offer in FIT, (-- "stun" you. WEAR. ..'.-,0 a oroaa smile. . M , FOB ; IIIBOTS. FURNITURE 11 w hAn unn nroit .v! i Shades. Boards, ' :Bftby Carriages. Matting, ; . v Ch,na Closets , Otal? inJfl and descriptions, ' . it J. Pirc Iiisurance. ... , Representing'-an agency of Strong and Reliable Companies I can place, large Jines of insur ance' at & Jiving rate. J.-;F,' Hurley Agent. . f. lAtsusi 3 FUSITTVEIjY ctjbb fTwM! Anate iraUinaMear , .by Abnae or othar Excewm and Indla restore Ltwt Vitality in oldoryonBcud gtsman for study, boeicwor marriage, rrarent InMtrifv anil 1 fhiUiiTti'j F 5"M- Plfl Wrapper. poa receipt of tHceTHrcnlr- LFor sale in Concord by J P. Gib son and D D Jphnson,Draggist.v MORitlSOIT H. CALD WEL 1 CONCORD, NO Office in:M6rri8buHding,cpposite court House; iing, CLOTHING Uke 1 r1 ! : i 5 1 ft -1 : j 1 :! ? t I 3 ' J I

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