Daily Standard. hia wamest friends are being alien ated from him. I 7 : .. : 1 CAinK - WIKD5 JOHN D. BARRIER & SON, e Editorand Proprietoiau OFFICE i IN 'The" Standard is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year. .............. Six months. .... ........ 200 Three months.. ......... 1.00 One month . . . .35 . Single copy.. .05 The Weekly Standard Is a fourpage, eight-column paperl It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. " ADVERTISING RATES : Terma for regular advertisements made known on application. ' Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. GoTernor if ,fce shodfafdil to make ialfpiroatrpMny ltberalroads democratic; ticket. FOR MAYOR: J. L. .Ckowell: FOR TOWN COMMISSIONERS: Ward No. The Cr of all the Bus liamitfea J t&Govnfr ha attempted to do but it reminds tis "of the"fable of the TiehlhaVfrled to lay an egg as large as that of la goose, with the result that Bhe only injured herself and brokvthe egg. Sbe la 'a Llvi Wire. I Georgia has another electrical wonder in the person of Miss Fanmie Hester, of Oconee county. She is a human dynamo of remarkable pow ers. By running her hands through her hair she can produce a enoer of electric sparks, and in tne dark the tracks of her shoes can be seen sparkling aa if in flames Miss Fannie is young and pretty, and is a splecdid attrun for some young man who thinks en handle a live wire without getting hurt, Rome (Gi)Trihus)M ! V Hi 1 L. D. Duval and L. D COLTKANE. Ward No. 2 W. A. Wilkinson and R. F. Coble. . , rTTSaTedTwo. War a iNo. 6 it a 15rown ana j ; . Patterson. Ward Np. 4-A JB Young and G T Crowell . rClREACOL IX OSE DAY Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All . drugtfi- refund the money if U' fails t u re. 25c. ml4 FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN Ward No.lW R Odell. Ward No- 2 D B Ooltrane , n: Ward No. 3 JnG. A Cline. Ward No. 4 D B Morrison. f : ' B M CONCORD, APRIL 26 1897. THOSE FACT? AND FIGURES. We are glad to present to our readers today some interesting faoti and figures from the Baltimore Sun placing the first administration of President Cleveland and that5 of nis succeE s ir, President Harrison, in the true statistical lipht, from which, the Hoa. Ki Gadger and his kind who manipulate ; and - manufacture statistics toift it emergencies, - as he did about his CrajufeerrjeJaininf to vn, had obscured them, with such bold assertions as to cause thought ful men to atop and , wonder if they had been political dupes ; , 1 ;: Political tricksters may down facts in the minds of the uninformed but they won't.stay down. We were led to bplieve and do be lieve-that statistics will prove the first administration of Cleveland to b a model of retrenchment, eoono- j my and wise financiering, t His second administration was en Tironed, not by him but in spite of him, by such anomalies that, stand ing atf we do,in the midst of the con flict iti8tead of a more distant vantage ground our opinions clash. Thev From the Stanly Eoterprise we learn that but for the prompt and gallant action of Mr Oates, a drug gist at Albemarle, Misses Daisy Presson and' Florence Spinks, of Albemarle, would have been drowned in the Yadkin river at the ' Easter Monday picnic. ' One fell in, t it seems, and in the . excitement the other went in too and both were in great danger of Jbeing drifted "into the deep 'water. Mr. Cates has the proud satisfaction of having rescued them both. " f Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms o slim Lose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms to spare jj . ? ' - who wears youth's coronal heautiiml hair. Preserve Your Hair and you S preserve your youth, "A "wornan is as old as she looks," says the "world. No woman looks as old as she is If her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from f ailing" out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of 1 Ayer's Hair Vigor, U For Over Fifty fears Afrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been , used for , over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. " It soothes the child, softens tne gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic arid is 'the best remedy for DiarfhoSft? s It will relieve ih'e poor liUlfetuflerer immediately. Sold by druggists in every-partof the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be" sure ana ass xor -mrs. - winsiows Dootn iifr Syrup', and take no other kind lifts pat-1: ' interested in , the ycle track - and show themselves rash, eccentric, in4!)all r0UDd wiI1 be Present- Meet- Will Orgranlz'e To-Nlfrbt. Bicycle and base-ball enthusiasts will meet to-night,T not at the Court House as "stated, -but ' atstke Fire men's ti all in rear of the Mayor's omce, when ail" association will be organized. " An effort was made to secure the court house, but failing there and at the Mayor's omce, the gallant firemen came to their rescue and kindly consented for the boys to occupy their neatly equipped room. It is hoped that every one competent judges who would have us believes that his second adminis tration was a moiel of unwisdom, incongruity and perfidy, Injudicious and absurd criticisms reflect more severely on the author than they do on the subj.ct. -XHJE GOVERNOR MAY FAIL. J udge Mcl ver rendered a decision recently that the abominable legisla tion that has caused so much trouble 1 in Wilmington is unconstitutional. ;.' The case is to be carried, to , the Supreme Gourt and is to be heard ) today. If the judgment of the lower court is sustained the Governor will fail to make pie out of Wilmington's mayoralty ana the Democratic municipal government will stand; ; The Governor seems to be destined to some bad luck anyhow. Many of mg at 8 o'clock. New York's Gala Day. Today there is in New York one of the grandest gatherings ever held in the fijreat metropolis. It is the occasion of tne formal dedication of the new and massive tomb of Gen eral Grant. It was formally tumed over to the city of New York and will be not only a charge but a fea ture of interest and attraction to t he great city. - jProbably every civilized nation with - which we have diplomatic re latioitriB-rejireseatfed irTthe gather ins. ix part lor tne- programme is a' review, by the President, of the naval parade and the firing of salutes hlsrhonor. The ceremonies may t -for must of the week. ; ii I - i.j i.. itri i i i IS JUST ACCORD FOR ADULTS. WAR RAWTCD- PRICE 50its ' raris Meaicine uoM rsi. IjOQIs. mo. , - G imtlcmen WQ olA Jasfc -jear COO-bottles A OBOVE'8 TASTELESS CIHLX.vTONIC nd .have bought thiea rtobs alreadr IhlB year. In all or ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, hare never sold an articlethat ffave such bnlrersai satis facUoa aa your Tome . Xpurs truly, ' ' ABKXY, CABS A CO t For sale arid guaranteed by al drugffiRfs. Offers to the; business public a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating' banking institution. We solicit your business with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your pat rooage. j If we can serve you at 'any time, weshall be glad to have you come and see us. j LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. Gapital and Sulplus $70 000. D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. 5 cents. D ecorated Glass Eggs 5 and 25 cents Itvrgv line of Ladies Embrdlderied bandkerchiefs from 10 to 37i cents. JNew. l t of Ladies Umbrellas and Paasols 45 cents to S3. 1 Percale Sun Bonnets at 25 cents Childrens Parasols at 20 cents Straw Hats 4 cents upland mens 8 cents up. 1 Twelve dozen Corsets 20 cents np. C B, Corsets worth $1 at 85 cents. Summer Corsets 45 cents to. 60 60cts Tne best 50 cent corset in town. Mikes Corsets 35 cents. , Cbildrens Waisis 18 cents. See onr Kid Grloyes at 85, 90 and 98 cents. ew Patterns of Hamburgs. Lace Curtains 68 cents up. Boys' ' White Shirts j 35 and 45 cents. ' Men' Laundened Colored Shirts 23 cents up. Toil De Nord Windsor Ties at 5 cts. These ties will wash likej a i hander chief. 1 Club Ties 5 to 12 cents "n Crochet Cotton 5 cents per ball, 5 cent Skeins Wash Embroidery Silk 3c. ' : Gold - Embroidery - Silk 3 cents. Satety Pins 2c pr dozen. Mourning pins 1 cent per box. Shirt Buttons 2 cents per gross. Good needles at 1 cent per paper. JNot trash. White Tape 1 cent per roll. J". BOSTIAK LcWB i i 31 The People's Trading Place. ; There is an everyday onward 'march in the CHEAP STORE One success serves simply to stimulate us to furtier efforts. This week we have much in store for 'you that will, prove of vital interestNew Prices, ; 1' I It will pay you to; watch our ads. It "will pay you better to come to our store. READY TO WEAR HATS. Dont imagine that our millinery show is any less attract tive because the Easter season1 Has passed on the, contrary you may look! for eyen better and' brighter things than ever Just arrived this week our second sbipment, whicH is larger than our hrst and the styles are more attractive ana the price much lower tnen ever. Straw Hats ; The biggest assortment of Mens' and boys Stray Hats to be found in in the city. : 75 cent hats for 50. 50 u " 40 40 " i! u 25 Parasols Wte have all that yon could expect to find in this line from 45c to $1 50 Fans --Ye; have bought largely dnd ttiey will arrive the last of this wVek.v We hve the "style and the price -to Boxt:M n D RCC n nn nQ . ln rooi, Cotton and Wool Mixed ia UUUUJ-a ;band8ome,?array of styles. We make the price so that all wilt like it ; -Wash GbodBna better assort ment in the citv. We commence oarj Lawns at about 5c and have a fall line at 7$i 10, 12J and 16 cts. Ever number is a trade and winner. All Waste Goods In Linen 'Effect , . , ' is remarkably good for this seasom. We have the most attractive things in that line8 Jto 16c per yd. Linen with Purple Polka Dot. J. Mj ODELL, Pres. H. W. Fryling. Bring la JHE ONLY True BlOod Pupifler prominently-in the public eye to r is Hood's Sarsaparillai Therefore ; Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S. me your repair '. i'j.' work. All work " done f promptly and satisfaction guaranteed Duck White, Black and Blue" 10 and 12 Linen Crash . 13c. Boys and Childrens Suits 6 to .15 years old 90 j to 3.50 All of our Mens' Pants at Net Cost. Dotted Curtain Swiss Reduced to 10c. Just half pride, j Boys Shirts with Collar and Cuffs 45. ! Mens' Colored Shirts with Collar and Cuffs 25c. - OTT.R FURNITURE - nnnnt.fmaTf ia fT-rrTxrinop -pn-nirllv Wa o.arrv a nice line and with" oufsmall expense we 'are winning trade. We dont claim to be a biff furniture house, but what we have no one can sell it to you for any less money, H. W. Pry ling. SIDE BOARDS We have three good numbers at $12 50, 17100 and 25 00. LOUNGES $4 00, 6 00, 10 00 and 12 50, all good , values. CHAIRS From a cheap Split Bottom at 50c to about $6 00, BED ROOM SUITS From i $15 00 to 35 00 oak. ; BED SPRINGS $2 00 to 2 50. LAMPS 95, 1 00 and 1 25. WARDROBES - Solid quar tered qak, high polish $7o0, 10 00 and 12 50. Round and Square Tables, Oak and1 Poplar Wash Stands, Poplar Bread Safes, Kitchen Tables, l AJATTRESS All Cotton, Lot ton and Shuck and Straw. TOILET SETS 9 Pieces for $4 00 , . ; VVe can tit up your house in very good shape on easy terma. ; LOWE & Diurv. J "

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