Dr.' Paul Bnrrlneer, 01 the ICniTer- jrfrs. 'Oner's BealillHir.'Bestorer. A perfect remedy for dandruff and falling hair, Mr. FB Nei), of Davidson Col lege, writes In 18S6 my little daughter suddenly and nn accounta bly lost all ber hair. From the crowo down and from ear to ear was a- bald as the palm of the hand. Months and montbs passed and the tngntinin flaianres Kmaiucu, my physician Dr.a Paul Bar ringer, re commended Mrs. Grier's Real Hair l ts 1 III r I i r- tjw ui m u . v w fair trial I bought a half dczen bottles, i hree bottles of it faithfully used, prodcct-d no visible iffect,but one mornirg, soon after begiuning the fourth bottle, to our surprise and delight, a new growth of hair appeared pnd so raj id and complete was the restoration that only one more bottle was needed. Ten vrs lJfive e lapsed and noone has a finer suit of hair. Lees than ote bottle is of; en ef fectual in checking falling hair. Read interesting bis'ory of R. H. K Mrs M G Grief. ! a28 Harrisburg, N. C. In the Bcnool Boom 48 Tears. A the controversy having arisen over oldest! teacher in the South, Prof. Gray, instruction Superintendent of public of this county tells the News that the oldest teacher in con tinuous service m the State, and probably the oldest in the 8outh, is Mr. G W Martin, of Cabarrus coun ty, who has been continuously in the work for forty-eight years. This is by several-years a longer term than the oldest teacher in Georgia has served, Charlotte News. A Honsetaold Treasure. P.! W. Fuller, of CansioUarie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's hi ew Discovery in the house and bis family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would t ot be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, Drug gist,1 Catskill, N. Y.t says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubt edlys the best cough rdmedy ; that he hasmsed it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do J all t'at is claimed for it. Why no'c try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles Ire at Fet zers Di store. Regular bize 50c and SI. 00. 6 fixed Quality, fixed prices There is no variation in Crescent quality. The Crescent you buy has the same beauty, strength and ease of running as the Crescent your neighbor rides. The ex perience of both will be the same In rare cycling pleasure. And the enjoyment of neither will be marred by learning that one, bought his Crescent cheaper than, the other. Fixed quality means fixed prices. Crescent prices are right for high - est quality CATALOGUE FKBS AGENTS .1 EVERYWHERE. Qlcstcm Ibccl dorks Chicago :: New York i . MANtJFAOTURERS OF J Fiie Ginghams ; . Outin 'Cloths, I S Plaidsl Slieetiiio- and Sal Bas Dealers anD GENERAL' MERCHADISE Items from Faith. j Charles Moore has gone to mould brick at the new brick ;yard which started op at the Salisbury Cottoo Mill Monday morning, April 26ib, by Joe Wiley and Wm. Coit,of Salisbury. , D A Wiley, of Fitb, is building' several residences at Spencer, bj contract . Mr. Jerry Bassinger is perhaps the oldest granite-cutter dow liring on the Granite Belt. J T Wyatt shipped a 3 foot mill stone to Lattimore, N. 0., Saturday. Peeler Brothers. whoow,n the rol ler mill here, have just bought a car load of corn from the West. Try 7 o- Did Ton JEVer your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and et relief This medicine has j been lound to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving Btrength and tone to the organs. If you have Joss-of appetite, conatipa-s tion, headache, fainting Bpells, or are nervous', sleepless, excitable, melancholyor troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. JBealth and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Fetzer's Drug Store, j ' i - : .Notice. lotice is hereby given that an election authorized by an act of the legislature of 1897, entitled, ''An act authoring Concord io issue oonB if a j majority of registered voters vote in lavor of bonda" has been called and ordered to be heid on Tuesday, the 22nd day or June, 1897, for the purpose of submitting, to the voters of said town the ques tion of issuing bonds to the amount of $40,000 for the purpose, and as providtd for in the act referred to aboye. A new registration has teen duly authorized. Sea ' notice of County Election Board. The following registrars and in spectors or judges have been an pointed lor Polk Sillier With Vu. I ! The renowned Polk Miller held his audience in the court home last night in complete absorption. All hung upon his wit and humor, his pathos and his versatility, un willing that a tone should escape the ear or a movement so expressive should be uncaught by the eye. . He possesses rare gifts in his special line, and those gifts are evidenfy cultivated in conformity with the demands of refiaed taste ft and the most effective methods. His manner of describing the quaint expaessions, the original conclusion, thefsimple fidelity, the unshaken faith! and tne constitu tional jollity of the ySlavetime ne gro is pleasing j to those who, like himself, hold the virtues of the ' mam ny darkey j with ' tender re gard. The character of the negro of that day is free from the pag Dticity eo conspicuous now that spoils so much of their own plet-s ur at public gatherings. ' Polk's songs and recitations pic ture thenegro without these mod em ways, f We were especially impressed withthe music:. The banjo touch wasunique and the vocal tones were ofthe nigheafc culture and were pleasing to a degree rarely equalled We would be gjad to know that we should again enjoy the le era of this genius to our town. TO CURE A. HOLD in OAE DAT Take leiative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. ; All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The Eastern war is responsible for the withdrawal of $1,000,000 of gold from the United States Treas ury recently. J CASfTOR I A '(' :' ' "For Infants and phildren. Til fij- ilputuri If ST? 1C 01 I Buvers: 'of COUNTRY; 'RODTJCE at all kind, and 4-foot wood, alwaysiwanted best prices for same. We invite an insec- ion ot all -the goods we manufacture. OBELLMFG. Co., ConpordjN cl Ward 1, registrars: J B Cald well. W F A Props t, D A Caldwell : Judges, PC Earnhardt, J h White. J F Hurley. Ward 2, registrars : J N Brown D M Dry, P C Cook; judges, George Winecoff, F A Archibald, Allev E Walter. Ward 3, registrkw: J R PatterK son, John S Hill, W S Sapp; judges, Geo. W Brown, W F Dry, G W ratterson. Ward 4, registrars: George M Liore, O A Cook, George M Walter; judges, Elam King, J M Alexander, A J Black welder. The registration books will be open from 9 a. m., till 4 p. m., on 4 Saturday's, May 15, 22, 29 and June 5 and on June 15 from 9 a. m., till 12 o'clock noon, when registra tion books will be closed. Chal lenges will be heard and decided as provided in section 11 and 12 of re vised election law. By order of Board J L Hartsell, j- -SraS Clerk. Calllnfc for the Wblpplne Post. In the Criminal court in Halifax last week a boy 12 years old was brought Defore Judge Sutton, charged with stealing money from Mess. Hale Brothers' money darwer. When he was asked if he took the money, he said he did.. Judge Sutton said he was too young to send to be placed to the penitentiary in association with hardened criminals, and solicitor t i Daniel agreed with him. So, after seyerely reprimanding the boy and warning him of the certainty of an ill fate if he continues long as he has started, he allowed him go free. There was (no punishment he could put upon him except send him to jail or the penitentiary and he was too young for that. The Commonwealth believes that we need a whipping post for such cases. If that boy had been whipped severely under sentence of the Court, it :would have done him good. And not only would the whipping postbe effective In check ing youthful (criminals, but older ones as well. iMany a rascal is sent to jail for three, six or twelve months, and comes out sleek and fat, and claps his hands in glee that he is free again, has been boarded for so long at the county's expense, has had a long (rest, and is tone the worse for it alii t For such characters the whipping post would be a much more effectu al mean 8 of reform than the jail or even the penitentiary. Let us have the whipping post. Barbarism, is it? Well, if it is, it is the most successful way of check ing certain kinds of criminals. Scotland NecklCommonwealtb. II ; J SEP MliMniUfMIMIIHMIUMMTMUItMllUlIIMIHlnMMIOMUIUnillllUtlll')tM'lt I Not exactly right is the way thousands of people feel. It is be cause their blcjpd is poor. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, will promptly set them right f Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All drnggiBtsJ ill !;iii.iiniiiiiiiitni him i'.iii in u'i-iiiniiiiiiiiii,iiihiiilii'Hl'iii;i Aege table Prcparationfor As similating theToodandReguta ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes DigesUon,Cheeiful ness andRest.Contains heither Opium,Moq)hine norlfneraL Not Narc oticL J2eap? of OldUrSAMDELEHmER Pumpkin Seed" Jtlx.Senna JtocktUe Salts jttnise. Seed. Hjppemunt -Jh Carianalt SoIat Ji arm Seed -Clarified Sugar . hiaeetymtjv rtanm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish siess and LOSS OF SLEEP. PacSiniilc Signature of NEW YORK. If EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. L-:xv-v ' ' - ,,.; THAT THE FAC-SIMILE OF IRE IS ON THE AVRAPPBR- OP EVERT ... Castorla Is put up in one-size bottles cnlr. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise ttat it is "just as good" and "will answer every prr pose." 3See that you get !-A-S-T-3-R-I-'A. Thi fie- W7 m 2 IS CI cf I i - x - . ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby annonnee myself a can didate for Mayor jand respectfully ask the support of citizens of all parties, believing that in such cases men and measureslshould determine the result. , 1 S. L. Kluttz. Notice to Claimants. Seized a i and near Concord, N. C, on the 24th and 25th of April, 1897, for violating the laws of the United States, the following preperty : 1 black horse, wagon and harness, the property of Isaac Earbee. Two mules, wagon and harness, cooking utensils, 2 empty kegs. and pestor, the property cf Combs and Snider. 1 Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested to give notice in the form and manner prescribed by ltw to the undersigned at his office in Asheville, N. C, within 30 days from date hereof, or the same will be declared forfeited to the govern ment of the United States. Sam. L. Rogers. Bj K S HR3is, D. C , 5th Dis trist of Nortn Carolina. April 26tb, 1897. M. L. Brown &'Bro; LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLjCS, Just in rear oi t. Cloud HoteL Omni--buses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnisned promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. Fire Insurance, Representing an agency of Strong and Reliable Companies I can place large lines of insur ance at a living rate. J. F. Hurl-ey, Agent. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned haying duly qualified aa . executor of the last will and testament of Jo seph Cook deceased, late of Cabar rus county, all persona having claims against the estate of said Jo seph Cook deceased are hereby noti fied I to present them to me duly verified on or before.April 30,1898, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persont in debted r to said" estate ar notified that prompt paymer t is expected. V JOHN A. FINK, Executor Joseph Ccok, dec'cL Mobbisoh Caldwell, Att'y. April 29, 1897. SALE OF TOWJS L.OTS FOR TAXES. As tax collector of the town pi Concord, N. C, and by order of the board of commissioners of said town delivered to me on the 13th day of October, 1896, and by authority of section 30 and 51 of laws North Carolina, J1895, Chapter, 119, I will cell at the court house door in Con cord, N. C, on Monday, the 3rd day of May, A. DM 1897, the following town lots in said town of Concord for the taxes due thereou, viz: WARD no. 1. Poindexter Peter 1 lot near colored Baptist church ward 2. Lisk J M 1 lot- Wads worth lot ward 3. Fitzgerald Dr. J Y Corbon street Moore John T 3 mile branch ward 4. Bruner Joseph 1 lot in Love town Freeman Allen 1 lot in Cole burg Gibson Joe 1 lot on Fenix stieet Ingram Sallie I lot in Cole burg ' Motgomery Calvin 1 lot in Coleburg j Montgomery J L 1 lot; in Coleburg J Montgomery G V 1 lot adjoin ing Mrs. cott : Green Mag 1 lot in Love. Town Harris Wm. O 1 lot in Love Town Johnston John 1 lot in Love Town White JW1 lot on B street To the Sheriff of Cabarrus Count?: The above is a true list of delin quent property of the town of Con cord, presented as in accordance with law you to advertise under execution for sale for taxes, J L. BOGER, Town tax collector. M. L. Buchanan, Sheriff of Cabarrusi County. Arr?l H. 1R97. 4wd. r - . - 23 3.5S 5.T0 315 2. a .90 .0 .80 2 01 .35 2.6 5.19 .35 mm M cured In 15 to 35 days. Yon can be treated ai homeforsame price nnder same ff0"?" a. m m or a will C03 . . . m w.y ft Von nier nocnarKv, n wo ian io core, ii yon flYC r.ni cury, iodide potash, and still have aches ana pains. Mucous Vatches in month, SoreThro Pimples. Copper Colored Spots, Occrs oa any part of theWy, Hair or Eyebro ws f anin , out, U to this Secondary vLoonVOISO we emmrantee to cure. We solicit the most ofiiu te cases and chaUenpe the world ior se we cannot cure. Tbla dlseaee haJ Oaffled the skill of the most eminent pnysi dans. 8500,000 capital behind onr nnconaj tkmal guaranty. Absolute proof a Ben A application. Address COOK KEMTED rZ, 1 &01 naeooio Temnlc. CHICAGO. "