99 COKCOIUV, N. C.t TUESDAY MAY 11, 1897. Whole NO-1,?16 Vol . XV.-No. MONDAY'S FXERCISE3. I f tHlresos; Sweet songs and K,0?uitinil norm Tributes to the Ca bar.riK VeieraiiM. Qmriz tbe ba( conditioQ of tbe rourt-houte it was adie3 of tire Memorial Association that. Caton's Hall would be more ' ;rlfi fo- the exercises of Memorial ),v hence a great throng gathered there in response to the call, de gpite fbe downpour of rain, and at a few minutes after 4 o'clock the hall wa8. packed to oyernowmg ana we Droaram was begun r . r-v r "The Old North iState," when Mr. Coltrane announced that the flowers would be placed around tbft Con federate Monument, the procession being led by the eleven lady ushers; who wore dresses of pure white, with red and white streamers, each I. wearing white sailor hats. The severe storm defeated the pur pose to strew flowers cn the graves of both Confederate and Federal dead, but the Monument in the court house yard stands as-" a con spicuous and towering representation PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. P C Page spent yesterday in Salisbury. praypr. of all Cabirras county's veterans t- - i. ; j i j ? i i Mr D uoitrane was in toe aeaa ana living, ana me moona chair, and announced the first song, around was made the recepracle of mprica4" which was rendered with the rich profusion of flowers exquisite melody by a largo cboros gathered for the occasion. upon the stage, after which Rev. W The ladies of the Association wish 0 Alexander made a most fervent to express through The Standard a sincere vote of thanks to Messrs The old and pathetic war song, Barrow and Barrier and to the Tenting Tonight On the Old Camp chorus for assisting with the musie. Ground," was then sung by Mr. A Lentz, assisted in the chorus by uMfc- ebo N. P., April 21, 1897- ' TT . j ah c- I have been a great snnerer with Misses Kose Harris and Alice bims. glck headache8, but since taring Mr. D B Coltrane, who presided Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's through the inability of Eequire R Pills I am entirely cured, and I do w Allison to fill the nlace. said in not forget to recommend this preliminary remarks that he had medicine to my friends. Lucinda shared in the conflict Though from another county," he testified to the Hood's Pills cure all liver ifls-25c. soldierly qualities of Cabarrus Vet- : erans and expressed his pleasure at CHIEF BOGER RETAINED. the honor of presiding over ths " " .. , c The New Board of Commissioners Met meeting in eulogy of a county 8 - .. B J Monday Night. Elected a Aew Mem- noble dead. He introduced the first bcp and Two Pollccmcn. speaker, Mr. Holland Thompson, The new board of, town' commis. Commander of the Cabarrus Camp gioQer8 met at 8 o'clock -Monday of Sons of Confederate Veterans. night The first business before the Mr, Thompson touched upon his board waa the election of a com father's connection with Stonewall missioner to succeed Mr. John K. Jackson's brilliant career m the Patterson, resigned. Two names valley of Virginia, then dived deeply were put in nomination, they be into ar.cient history and contrasted jng Mr. C M Sappenfield and Rev. favorably the highest merits of N I Bakka. Messrs. Walter, Youngi Southern soldierly with the contests Strieker and Woodbouse cast their of European struggles. Thespeaker Ivotes for Mr. " Sappenfield, while was strongly applauded in a number Mcssri. Coble, Wilfcinson and Pat. of touches of eloquence, tersm voted for Rev. Bakka. Mr. Mies Cora Lentz, whose fair face Sappenfield was declared elected and charming graces, a true type of and ushered in. After being duly Southern beauty, dressed in a gown 'sworn, he was seated, cf pure white, trimmed in ribbons The next question to be decided of red, white and blue, ncited "The was the election of wha.t is known Oorquered Banner." as the "down town" police. The Next followed Mr. Walter R applications of eight men were Thompson, whesa vain was of the read, but only; two voted on tender and sympathetic. His address Messrs. J L Boger ancl S L Kluttz was well received. - Mr. Boger received five and Mr. Mr. Luther T Hartsell eloquently Kluttz three votes. Mr. Boger was and moat learnedly defended the declared elected. the Southern view of secession, made Next came applications for po to apology for Southern action, but liceman at, Forest Hill. Mr. S C Dr. M Holden has! returned to Gastonia. I -Miss Cora Smoot, of Salisbury, is visiting her brother,! Dr. Smoot. Mr. Robert L McAllister, of Mt. Pleasant, was in the city today. " it-1' Capt. Jonas Cook Jnd Rev. Proi C L T Fieher, of Mt, Pleasant, were inthe city to day. j Mrs. Sarah' McDowell and Mrs. A B Young have gone to Salisbury to visit Mrs. Kerr Craig. Dr. W C Houston has returned from Monroe, where lie was called Saturday on account of the illness of his faiher. He left his lather very much improved. I i i f Mr. Luke Johnston, a student of North Carolina College, passed through the city this morning on his way to his home io Mecklen burg county, f Mies Mamie Culpj of New Lon don, who has been visiting at Mr. JohnTroutman's for several weeks, left this morning for Charlotte to viit her sister, Mrs. Ketchie. Mr. John D Barrier, of The Standard, has gone to Charlotte to be present at the opening of the Woman's Exposition of the Caro- linas and to "see the animals" with Barnum and Bailey's big circus. He will return tomorrow night. -THIS IS- GIVE US YOUR ATTENTION Maize Nutrine Hulled Corn IS GOOD 10 Beat the j Band. Just try it vith some of onr Choice Sugar Cured Hams and Fancy Patent Flour. ''Erviri; & SmStlhi, ' Q RO G ERS. And lea r IH Glotfiing, ats, TJ .5 at one-half their actual cost and value. ;Ouf Immense Line oil On a Visit to Sis Brother. Rev. Clarence Irvin, a Baptist divine of South Carolina, who has been attending the Southern Baptist convention in "Wilmington, is spend ing several days in the city with his brother, Mr. James R Irvin. Rev Irvin visited this city years ago. SPRING - CLOTHING. - is arriving daily and the bargains we offer in HFYLE, ' QUALITY AND FIT will simply "stun" you. MEN'S WEAR. rur cy.uu wts oner suita wui ill t.w iv v.yj. For i 6 00 you get equally as good a bargain. From $7.60 cc $10.00 we sell you a suit good enough for a Prince. We haye never before shown uch a ivr a o-jsrizosiisra: Xiiisri and the prices are so much lower than you expect, you will return home with a broad smile. WF Mir Jim th Till I mm m MMMvmt We offer 500 Dozen Men's and Children's Sample Caps Medium and Fine; Straw Hats at HALF PRICE. See these! CANNONS & t. TZ HEADS OR ILS ? about twenty with loyal submission eulogizad the ceroism of the patrons of the "lost cause?' . Mr. John M Cook dwelt upon patriotic glory of SDuthern arras and Southern fidelity and tonching ly referred o Nbrth Carolina's man; ?f men, Zebulon B Vance, as the; emblem of Southern greatness and Southern Jchivalry. ' Dr. H C Herring was happy in the hcnor of standing before an audience and of upholding a cause o dear to every Southern heart. . M.f.. J D Barrier then followed,! .touching: more, especially upon the otions, filling the hearts of com! batahtB and non-combatants in those arli days, closing with an appeal to citizenship In that high degree that J;la? avert similar calamities to the Prent and future generations. J Simpson was called for an4 responded in a few touching 0r3, relating some oE his own . ex Pienee in the conflict, while the artnle3a aleeve added elcquenoe to his words. . TQ5 vast assembly then sang,1 Fisher received two votes, Dr. R S Youngone, and Mr. John W Cook foiir. Mr, Cook was declared elected. The matter of increasing the po lice force was dicussed, but the mat ter was deferred until the next meeting. Mayor Crowell asked far power to go ahead and have street work pushed along, to be paid for in script, but that power was denied him. H9 was author ized to repair any bridge needing immediate attention, and to repair any dangerous washout that might have been caused by the heavy rains. Mr. John Miller, who succeeds Mr. J L Hartsell as clerk ami treas urer, presented his bonds, amount ing to S10.000, which were accepted. The election of an attorney was then di?cussed. The matter was deferred until next meeting. The board then adjourned to meet again next Monday night. JIOOD'S Sarsapaiiite has over and n over again proved by its cures, TOr,ATi all other reparations failed, that A "Coo-Pipe" Factory; Talked of. ! Parties in this city are negotiat ing with parties at Columbus, Ohio, for the establish men t pf a "cob-pipe'' factory here. The capacity of the proposed industry is 5,500 pipes per day. Capital required for the enterprise is not enormous, but the business is claimed t6 be very profit able. The matter is ation. under consid- Thi8 is the day of, anti this, atd anti-thHt, but what people need most nowadavs is, the anti-bilious medi cine, Simmons Liver Regulator, the King of Liver Medicinep, and bettar man Pills. "I ha ef used no other anti-bilions remedy for s:x years and kcow from experience that for ladies of a. constipated habit nothing equals it." Laura V. Orais:, EUenbury, Like throwing up a penny and taking, chances, is the Indiscriminate selection of FURNITURE for the season. It presents the latest ideas in style and finish and is the result of study, experience and the perfect acquaintance with the popu- ar demand. Our Furniture commands admiration by the beauty of finish and: elegance of design. We carry as complete a line as any Furniture Store in the State. We guarantee our goods as repjresented-' and prices as LOW as the LOWEST. Oed Room buits. i-'w-oolo P.anfdr and Dinina Tab! pp. - ounges, Couches, l adies' Desks, l-air. Cotton and Shuch Mattresses,. Art Novelties. Baskets, Pickets," -TanUfl fnr hftllp. Monldinors. " J B Oocker8, ide Boards, Baby Carriages. Matting, V hlna Closets if all kinds and descriptions. BESHiX., ss:i?,dris &c GO, Oar undertaking department is complete, ani will be under the care of Mr Bell. All calls are promptly met, day or night. x Tne widest canal m tne wjrla is said to be the Chenab Irrigation Ca nal in" the northwest province of India. It is 110 feet broad and will be 200 feet when finished. The main canal will be 450 feet long. The principal branches will have an j KEEP: YOUR EYES OPEPi! Surely if the word REGULA TOR is not on a package - " - " it is not ' f5 If! w SO i m aggregate length of the village branches 1,000 miles, and of 4,000 miles; 250,000 acres aie already irrigated. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never ha been put up by any one except .' - - ' :Ji-Hs';ZEiill-;ll'IKI::'&. And it can be easily told by their Trade-Mark- v THE it is the One True BLOOD Purifier., )

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