VoL.XII.-No. 13 CONUOUT,N. C, TUESDAY MAY 25, 1897. Whole NO. 1,728 THB FOURTFFNTH'SifiSSION. of tbe 5orth Carolina Teachers' A i,mbiy W1U B Held 'in Mreliea cltT jnne 15th to 20tn. - This enterprise that had. received stunning Iblowt i through eome management seems tb-DCagairi on the road to that high stage of usefulness for which it was original. y designed. It received nW im petus "from the present eflicierit secretary, Mr. Charles T Parker, who is a' -tireless worker in the edncaonal'field, -" ' f ' AJorehead City is a favorite sea side resort and the , accomodations re ampl e. 8 pecial rates wil 1 be secured and an nnusally fin assem blj of the leading educators will be present. The .programme will' be most complete and it embraces the yery topics that a progiessive teach, er would lice to hear discussed. We herewith append it for the benefit of those who will attend and we snggest that they keep a copy and carry it with them: Technical Grammar. Mental Arithmetic the founda tion of Mathematics. - The Eincitionil Value of Geo graphy. The German Schools. What Should the Schools do about Cigarette smoking. Helen Keller and the - Education cf the blind. Special Work of the Academy in oar Educational Systemi - Care cf the Eves, x , , " Sanitation. X-Rye, Experimetal Approach to their Discovery. (Full M'of-'Ap piratus.) ' :. :-- The Past and Present of our Sea shore, (Illustrated with 8tereop- ticon.) J .; i , : , the New School Laws :' (1) The County Supervisor. (2) The Township. ystao. (3) The Local Taxation Featnre. The Mutual Relations and Duties of the State and the School.' The Child and the State. The Personal Equation of Ed oca tion. . The Esthetic in Education. relation of the Parent to the -School. Christian Education. Economy of time in Teaching nd Consequent Enrichment of the school. -Course. fiction in SchooKManagemenl Educed to a Minimum. Co-Education. fit Schools for Working opie. i :.ri - - " ri ; 1 dncated1;Electcrate. ?; ' The Educational (iiesion of "Odrnaiism. Ths Object of theTeaiherV wd the Place it Should uccuPy m our Educational System. Ind08rial Education. ? v? v r Pablio School and imkeidfl. Benefit to be1 Derived Jmrope: Visitation in the Pnblin School.. What Means can b uWd ctO in the Public School mertd broaden his Culture ? 7-v cuesauj OI unirormws e of Examinations for Teachers. v Frqnency( .'Torpose: f and I . . Conducting - Teachers A c ICit- I0eBBonB Improvement of low:ihe Work?;' of the Superln ndfinfrftan be Made Most Effective. Wnat the uitv jfuoiic Bcnooi can i What the City Public Scools can do to' Promote Patriotism and igood Citizenship. How Beat to Keep the Mass of the People - in IHarmony with the Growth f EduiotidnaCideaF. Are our Colleges Just in their Treatment of our Preparatory Schools? f Or The High School Course .as a Preparation for life. . The True Mission of the Aoademy to North Carolina today, f i The Interdependence of the Pub io School, the Academy and the College. 1 The High ' School ' Student as Ai Public Teacher. There is "nothing -that causes women greater discomfort and juio- ery than the constantly, recurring headache. -Men . soffer. - less with headache. My wife's health was very indifferent, haying headache; continually and just two packages of Si m m o n 8 Ltv er Regu later re 1 lev ed her from all headache and gave tone and vigor to her: whole, system. I have never reerptted its use." M B UeBord, Mt. Vermon, Ky. Sir. Correll's Employe Dead. Mr. E iward .Fasnach, ;a promi nent ieweler, of Kaleigh, died feud denly t 12 o'clock.'He was aSweede and came to this country twenty seven years ago. Mr. A B Correll, of tbia city, was in the employ of Mr. Fasnack, and may continue with the e8tibli8hment. Marvelona Results. , Jronva letter written by -Rev. J," Gnnderman. of Diamdndale, Michi. we are permittea to make tnis ex tract: 1 have no nesitation in reh cornmending Dr. King's New Diq coyery, aB the results were almost marvelouR in the casa of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church-at Rives Junction she was brought downv with pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms or cougmug -woujq last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could pot survive them. A-friend recommended Dr. Kings New Discouery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store Regular size 50cand$l,0Q. At tlie G6'stel Tent, j The meeting last night was fairly well attended and the earnestness and enthusiasm was inspiring. The singing is especially well calculated to make "one like to be there, and regardless of the difference of cus toms and modea of presenting the glad tidings of redemption to fallen man, eyery Christian heart longs for the brekln 6f the bonds of vice and alienation of those possessed of eviUnfluences and a coming to congregation, so radically different fr; Wehe ia tha one teoet on baptism may be built up in numbers and strengthened in faith and -the knowledge 6f Hrhrfidie Wiilateialid Iwhose. benign 'WW eirca weiailx nope to enjoy 'aen IHsd divisions shall be no more. The meetings are continuous every night; : - Electric Bitters. xtlectro -Bitter a ns:a j - medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, -when the nguia:exhftUBfed feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and slug- gish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often s averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers No medicine will act. more surely in counteracting nd freeing the system from the malarial poison; Headachy indigestion, constipation", djzzinesa yields to Electric Bitters. 50c and .St.00 per bottle at Fetzer' Drug and Should do for tbe Child, , buab uuyi ftuuwiCHjjo uioi aio-ano rmajrers.ij oimicwjijyerjegutoior eternali H J'v U V ft 711 t. A ir- r' . i v - rJt i buying f aidibngsqpe nidicaej ela It.is lo be hoped that our "erjaSjftte, believing it to Store. - ' PERSONAL POlJMTEKS. CI-Esqxjire W "J Hill is spending tbe day in Charlotte. 2 'Mr. M Freeman went up to Sahsbury this morning Miss Mar v DeVane, of 'Wil- mingtoo, is visiting 4Miea Fannie Hill. : ' ' . -4R P Benson hai returned from sv Week'f visit to bis brother, Mr. J C Bencon, at Wilmington. : 4-8klisburj WorldVj ; H ' T :Cran ford:formerl v of this ity, but now a resident of Concord, was in the city yesterday. He) returned to Concord ibis morning. ; Mr. Charles Prppst hau gone to China Grore today (Ha ig prepar ing to begin nork on tbe bouses Capt. Prbpts is to build for the Pat: tereoir Manofaiqturipg Company'' CRACKERS ' JUST -RECEIVED AT i s GROCERS. Rev. J. R. Peterson Dead. The. Lincoln Journal chronicles the death of Rev. Jease R Peterson. He p issed -away 't . his home i n Gaston comity on & Saturday, the fllb; andwae -buried "t Stanley Creek church on the lethi R-vPetes-in had bteo io the min; a 'erial worlc for 65y ears in that yenerablev branch of , the , .church knowhits the LTennedaeeSynodv - '. -HitasA life if toble Christian service, runadorned by Houch . of auh t pbn t (meek Dess;and; si m pi ici ty anhlhis death marics thieCnisfcanhefo. the fll of a Gharipjte. had just vone too many iftUring; jspiajaeft in hr gala veek. It is tie - Bad i story of one RpvB'I?Btnith, 6f;0atawba,' who arnvedvintrie citytbjik . a room' at the'boMdy wth;en;"roceeded-tto ' the )T;f$QtaBtf$a noon", dmnk and j)e came; tbe victim ; otv robbery to the eie( pepitentfary? black bird by r tbe itimof Fregch, ill Jprobably be cdtfviclKdA6f theTobberyi if the rev erindiatqIe le makes his ar)pear auce cgaidBthim at tbevconrt. , iM ri.n.h i. nnif H(i We wish to caution all risers of Simmons Liver Regulator "on 'Viubject of the deepest mterestrij?pS5Ce-ltotlieir health iver .Regulator.. .We , warn QS5StaSAifflgSSSg J Liver Regulator." " Jjfo bae else -niales, 6r fyer to r SimmonsXii ver: Reitdafor,or invthifl" called . SimccSs- Liver iUuktcr. jiver gumor, no medicine-made d-toetpecithey jthferrhiedicinw represented kot:help-yis)ypu are led - to'eipect they mlUr.Be&f thifactwell m iiund, if you have ben i-tSL0 habit cf taing medicine which : you suppcsdto be Eiriacns liver Regula tor, bepauia. the tname was somewhat .like it, a iagi9 "'did not have the wprd Rgulatcrv6a it you haye.beeu t impojed apotf-iaa nite i not tea 5tiking Siminoni avertorlitilLUJ pefitbrjbly ?known fbr many ye' and ill who it' know how iiecetsary It Is Tat Peverand AvBiliotia Peter, Const3pa4 aqn, HeadheDppeia.jand all disorder msmgfiroWajLiseasL . i We ask you; to look fori yourselves, and lee that Simmons Liyer Regulator, which fou .can iaday' cfingrmVby the Red Z 311 TPPpdiby our tame, is the only Ifc4v-v. vucu wiiiuncms liiver lieguiator. V - ' J H. ZETJLTfi & CO. i - p? Jf . ' SNOW FLAK E 1 II be Simmons L 'r w rsx:xr en Gaoooo QUANTITY, . . QUALITY, 18 COLOR; BLACK 'O 1 YLE -SQUARE OUT SACKS. Cutaways- PRICE, wo. , PROOF, CALL AND SEEITHEM. II r 0 1 ..'I JUS 1 7 r& - . Like ttrowinr up 'a pew thtCtodlscrlmhiate selection " PtlKIOTtJHk for the season.. It presentsCihe latest ideas In style and!fini,b' and is the result of study, experience :i and tiieperfect acquaintance with the popu lar demand. Or Purniturovcoinmands admiration by the beauty of fiish and e!egance of design., i We carry as- complete aine as any Furniture Store in f the State., . We guarantee awr foods' as represented and prices ,LOW as th LOWEST, v - 1 ' ' ' ' w r " . . - TDed4R6om."Bnit8.T - paseisC6nter and Dining Tables. - ' - ocrbges Cbuebes, v , V J Ml izdix? Desks, i iHairUotton afidShnch.MattreBses, A?t?rPTeJties..BasketsPickel8, I .lRM8 fPf hlFMourdings, l 1 ijtti"ide Shades., x . ifdr i -t i -1 -- 1 l v TjiTtb liiJN -6 i1 1 I My, 1 ' ''h'"!N? 'V : I totdpfly met. day,or .lit, ; , ; ; v ' " -j ' J1lTfTrfl 'r f - , . : ' H.V. Filling:. Bring ;; All me 6ne your ; repair promptly and' ir eati8facttext nsranleed; if. m MOtlKlBON H. ; CALDWELL - ATT0BK1T AT XJLW, 1 CONCORD, N 0 Office in il orris building, eppes it ourt Hoasa. hryj Fetter ' Co, 2oo suits.; . . . ; - ,. .... ... .. oz. CLAY WORSTED- 7 Boards, ?&$BabT Carriage.8. Matting, rYThfna-Closets 4 .t - viB w vuppoDjw; ro- , r taccoaodating.Jbaniiine institutiok - -J ,We soJicityotir Jbusinesswith trm. aBsuraUce t' bf honorable treatnt and due appreciation of your pat ronage.. f . : . ; "' --v; ' " If we can serve you at any time, we shall be glad to have .you come -and see jus. , :4 ' -.' - LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital andSulpIus$70 000. D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. . J.M OPEHL, Pres.