Hot ee - Notice ia hereby given that an e'ecsion authorized by sad act of tEe legislature of 1897. entitled, An act authoriug Uoncord o issue bonds if a maj riy of registered voters vote in taYor of bonda" has ben called and ordered to be bed on Tuesday, the 22nd day k June, 18D7, for the purpose of submitting, to the voters of ai'i town the ques tion of issuing bonds to the amouut of $40,000 for trie pupabe, and as nrjvidd for in the act referred to above. A new registration has te- duly amnorized. tie? notica of Co my ElectioD Bo.ird. ' Tne following: registrars and in epjofor or jadges hjve been ap pointed for ; " Ward 1, reHtrars: J B, Cald well, W F A Props r, 0 A Oal dwell ; Judges, PC Earuhardt, J h White, J F Hurley. Ward 2, legirais: J N Brown P VI Dr? P U Cook; judgew, Utorge W recoff, F A Archioald, Alley E W.ittr. Ward 3, registrar: J R Patter foi. John S H.ll, W S Saip; jndgs.J Gio W Brown. W F Di, G W i otteison v Ward 4, registrars: George M i or. 0 A Cook, George M Walter; j .dt( s, Elni King, J M Alexander, A J Black welder. The registration bcoks will bf open from 9 a m.. till 4 r. m., on 4 .Saturday's, Mny 15 22. 29 arid Jute 5 and "on June 15 fiom 9 a m. till 12 o'clo.k noon, when registra tion books will be closed. Cbal lenges will be bard and decided at provided in section 11 and 12 of re Ti8ed election law. s- J L Hartsell, i22. ' Clerk. Ihe Strength of a Corporation Lies i. in r.hfl wisfinm or itsr r Management. iVliaUI V 11 glU A 11 V - 11U 1111V V i s Richmond, V sr, of New York. " - , j fjfie, of Manchester n t ' IL h British, of Loifdon, ' ! ('Atlanta Home, erf Atlanta i. Carolina Fire, of Wilmiffgtoa, Equitable, of Charleston- tin- Millions of dollars and Surplus. ted "3oncod txv r J F. Hurley, life and accident Iusurance. MANUFACTURERS ; OF Fiie Grinhams Outin Cloths , Plaids Sheetmo1 and Sal Ba-s Dealers in q-ENERAL MERHADISE , O Buvers of COUNTRY EPRODUCE 01 all kind, and 4-foot wood alwayslwanted best prices for same. We i nvite an! inspec tion ot all the goods e manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co.r Concord N. c it Q dell 60.. Is the time when you should take a Spring Medicine to purify your blood, give you good appetite, sound sleep, steady nerves and perfect digestion. That scrofulous taint, that skin trou i ble, that liver dif CTja n ficulty,tlmt bilious MSIKCS tcn.lei.ey, that : urea, ieeiing, uro ; . 1 M i all. cured by Hood's SarsaparUla. G'ilU ibration8 the :ady concluded : this, medicine f ah; rial and you will , ihHt mU8t hay been aQ earth realize its positive merit. It is not . . .. v.,... quake, but she still entertains a dis wnat we say, DuxwiiaL uio p-upiu viiv are cured'say, winch proves that .Cine. C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. j - rS11 cure iiivcr. mi casj w T 1 Til. . A-n. nUUU o take, easy to operate. ; 250. Rednel llallroad Bates. lijuna trip rates, for folio wing ccabicns J Account Universify 'Comnienre ment, Chapel Hill, N. C, May 29 o June 5, 97 Tickets on altf May 28 to June 3 final limit June 4. Continuous passage each direc tion. Fare lor roiiDd trip $4.70, On account Meeting Grand Lodge I. 0. of G. S. aLd D. of P., Wius onalem, June 8 and 10, '97. Tickets on BHioJune 6, 7 aud 8, Final limit Juce 14, '97. Oontinn mis pssge each wa. Ftre for rjand trip $4 85. Rates for Tennepsee Oentpnninl and Interr. uio'ini xpomion, Nash ville,Teun., May lat to October 30th, 1897. Tickets ob eale from April 28th to October 15tb, with final liinic Ijovembrr 7U), 1897. Fare for round trip, 24 60, Alao from April 2pth to October 15tb, 1897, nuh final limit 20 days f ronr date of sale. Fare for round trip $18.05. On Tuesdays and Thnrsnays cf each week, begin nine April 29th and nn til : October 26th, 1897 a ra e of 1$12 9o for round ti p with final uujib v uayg iroui uaie i sa e. For regular military companies and bra8a bands, 25 persons or more on one ticke a rate of $10.90 is of fered for each person, with 10 days final limit. For stLdents end teachers, 25 or more on solid ticket, with written application for same from Principals of ollegee, Ucivergites or schools will be sold daily, commenciDg May 15tb to June 7tb, 1897 and Sptem er 15th to October 25th, 1897. In cfnsivp final liudt of tickets 10 days in;adcitio to date of p1p. Fare for ronnd u ., (each person) $10 90. For other lr formation call on - Dtjsenbury, Agent. IlHkeil Her Grandchild. Seima, Ala., May 27. Oue of the most horrible crimes ever chronicled in Dallas county occurred four miles from Selma ysierdty. Early in the forenoon a four-y earmold child of Bill Griffin, colored, went over to the borne of its grandmother, Millie Griffin, and seeing a hoecake on a gridiron helped itselt to a pit-ce without the knowledge or coneent of the grandmother. ? , , This furiously enraged the old woman, who promised if it was the last act on earth, to punish t he child for its rudeness. 8he procured an empty oat sack and putting 'the child into it tied up the tack and hung it on a pair of pot hooka up in the chimney, - The old woman, who is 70 years Old, then gave positive instruction that the child should not be released by other haLda than her own and then went to the field to work. About two hours later an uncle of the child heard groans in the .cabin and went in to inyeatigate, To Jhis surprise he found thai te Rack had caught fire and the child had been literally roasted alive. v - The neeroes in the immediate neighborhood - gathered and it was with difficulty that thty were pre yented from mobbing , jhe perpetra tor of this terrible crioie Thought the Does Caused It. . A certain laay of i be cny, v ho is the owner of several very die dogs, lay down upon ber bed Monday afterm oj '.-to- ei py' the Bleep that she had been deprived of the night before, bn t as saddenly awa KeDed by the thakiog up caused ty the eartl quake, and thinking that the do 8 had got undeineah7 her bed, she gathered the broom and, punched , right ami. left, but no dog hollered. Snmet;.ue afttr lne fchock bad cead like tor the "purpe." Wilmington n Firebus: Viclim. ; Wilmington has teei the victin of the firebug again.' ;This time it ia a gool large" chcol building worth U . After the sound J of: explosion at 1:50 o'clock Sunday - morning ' the ilatnes shot form and iu.a fev nouis the building was a ruin. ' . Two of the city's best fire com panics have.disbbnded on account rf inadquate sur pjrt and this greavy hampered the efforts 'to deV. ti e fire. - ; ' - ' 4 Who can fail' to tn keiidvHntage of this tffer. KencT 10 cents 'o us for a generous trial Mze or ask yonr drug ulsr. t Ask tor Ely's Crtain Ualn , the rrodt positive tat irrah cure. Fail size 80 cents. ELY PROS., 56 Warren bL. K.'Y. Jity. I suffered from catarrah of the worst kind ever eince a boy, and I ' ver hoped for cure, but Ely's O earn Balm seems to do even thaf. ii any accquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Oi trum, 45 Warren Ave.," Chicago, 111. Forest Hill Kewi, The teachers' meetihjg at the Forest Hill Sun day j School, which is conducted by Revi J: ' D Arnold, has been- changed s from Monday night to Friday night afrer this week. : Mr, and Mrs. Martin cf Anton county, who have been Tisit ng- A5r9. E'la Gaddy on Churchy street, hve returned hbme.accbmpanied by Mrs. Gaddy,f who will spend sometime visiting relatives in Atfsbn and ad joining counties, i Mrs. J M Mabery; ha9 returned from McAdentyille.' Miss Beesie Gainey - has . gone to Foieatville, near Rtleigh, 1 attend the marriage of one j of her- school mates, Mi sa Pearl Carver. Mrs. R E Lisk, o'Statesville, is visiting her father, Mr. RufusTrcut- mac, at this place. (11 E RVO U S Troubles are due tu iJ impoverished blood. 5 Hood's Sar saparilla is the 1 Oner True Blood Purifier and NERVE TONIC. ' llellffir Aiotes. . J Rey. J M L Lyerlyof Faith, was visiting at Aunt Jarle Fisher's last Vednesday; night. Myrtie Ruth, the Jinfant child o I Mrv John Foil, died; of cholera in fantum last Wednesday night atd was buried at. Lower, Stone Thurs day evening, Rev. McNa;ry conduct . - . ing the funeral. T Rev. McNairy went over to his old charge last Sunday to preach a funeral. -1 Mr. A M Corl is sick at this writing. ! Wheat and oatf jure ripening in this locality. t Sotne ;oat have been cut. . i . 1 Solomon. Dncklen'a Arnica Bairv. The Best Saive in jthe world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, fUhiibiains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give otatisf action or monev ref dnded. Price. 25 cents per box; JTor sale at P B Fetzer's Drug stqre V STAMPS THE UNION - CR AC A JACK AN HONEST WHEEL. rough, from the SPECIA L ; teert'anrl R O A DS T B Rl pounds. A machine mechanically perfect, hz?'mT: ful in appearance and est touch on the steering bar. THEN COMES THE CRACAJ AC K. Which is last years model-not last seasons wheel, rememberthey carried none over, but as there was no cost to make the im provements that you see on the Specials, we are enabled to give you this price. We would like for some one to find a single fault with - " ..." ' u. s. u. s. The Discovery Raved Hls Xifto .. Mr. G. Cailloutte, Druggisi. at Beayerville,- 111,, says: ToDr.Kings New xiisxsovery I owe my life Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Having Dr. Kinefs New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from -the first dose began to et better, and after using three bottles wa- ud and about again. It iy worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or hoase without it. Get a free trial at Fetzer's Drugstore. Listing taxes are now in order. Books are open for your returns.. U)N CORD MARKETS COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling.... ..... . .1...... 8.00 Middlings ..... 7 80 i low middling ................. 7.60 tainfl ... 625 PRODUCE MAnKET ' Uorrected bv JSwinK & Wmte. i3acon. to 7 3n gar -cared nams. ........... 12Jtol4 Bulk meats,sides. .6 to7 Beeswax .7. 20 Butter .lOtoie Ohickend.. .10to20 Oorn .v .55 Egg9... ......... l Lard ; . 7 Flour(North CaroliM). ........ .$2.5Q Meal.... . 60J Oats .............v 35 (allow ... .... 3to4 (Eg) I k . I' OS) 4 i I 1 fltl ;:rf foe?) B V J 59 g S r) S-5 a. I ; gsfi it, r 1 Sg'S - '5 a 3 . r. mm Is built for the road, for the regular use it will ..receive general public guaran nnlv xx,ii.s- 1 "5 " J "8ig 23 and 24 sensitive to the slight 100.00. in. U. 3. U. J. HILL. s. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURB ALL Nervous Ji8eaae Failing Mem ory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, etc., canted by Abuse or other Excesses and Indir cretions. Ilicy quickly and tunl restore Lost Vitality in old or young, and a uuu iui Btuuf , uasiaess or marriage FrSTent InfianitT and PinanmnHnn i time. Their mentand effects a CURE where all other fail In sist upon having the gennine ,Ajax Tablets. They nave cored thousands and vri 1 1 cure yon. We eive a pos. ltire written gnarantee to effect a cure Cfi fTO in each case or refund the money. Prico O J U I Oi per packasei or aix pkges (fnll treatment) for $160. By mail, in plain wrapper. nron receipt of price. (Ircaler Xr(- AJAX REMEDY GO., For sale in Concord by J P. Gib son and D D Johnpon,Drnggist. lODOR A 5PECIALTY?S tiary 15LOOL POISON permanently cured in 15 to 35 days. You can be treated at home for same price ander sa:i:e ?uar;;a ty. If you prefer to come here wewiiicon tract to pay railroad f arcand hotel bil'.? ' r.i tocharge. If we fail to cure. If you hac taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches and pain. Mucous Patches in mouth, Sore Throat. Pimplefr, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers oa any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows fallirtr oat, it Is this Secondary BLOOD TOISON we fruarantee to cure. We solicit the n?t ob?ti nate cases and challenge the worl.i lor a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skill of the most eminent phys!' Cians. 8500,000 capital behind our uncoudi Uonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed oa ftpplication. Address COOK IJKMEDY C'O TASTELESS IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts. GALATIA, ILLS., NOT. 16, 18. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. . ol rbavhn TARTKL.ESS CHILL TONIC ' 4Doupnt tnree rtobs aireuu, V"Tnft hare perience of .14 years, in the drug J0?'. wti, that crave such univerflai K,,; tt ireadT this year, m an perience oi u yers, m U1 neTer sold an article that gave such faction as your Tonic For sale and guaranteed by all ; : druggists. . DON'T BE A FOOL "Use Goosse Grease for Caked Bre, Sore ij pies, Coughs, Colds Croup. Kheumatism and all aches and pains Use;plentiful. Nono takan in fQl mi ,.'1 . T BMBEl

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