arbyncles 1 Appeared Uich Season Until Blood f , Was Purified. With Hood's Sarsa f y parilla An Indolent Ulcer. i y "For several years.Iwas troubled with carbuncles on my left side and my- back. Tvtey would -disappear in winter and re turn the next summer. I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and have never had any carbuncles since. My little son had ; ' a fever and an indolent ulcer appeared on his left limb and spread, half way around it. Our physician recommended a blood purifier and I gave the boy Hood's Carsaparilla with gratifying results? A. G. B. James, Polkville, Miss. " I have been a great sufferer from mus- 'cular rheumatism and in October begaSi s taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. I continued its use until Janup ry when I could go about as well as any one and I have had no acute pains since." I. W. Minnick, Grand Isle, Louisiana. EHIpod's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Price $1; six for $5. u j, rit are the only Pills to take vllOOa S FlllS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. . SCHEDULE BQOTBEBH - RAILWAY. IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. v j Tb scoaoij -d schedule is pub. HsJb das iuforomtioD, and is subs jeer. t' change without notice to the v t ublic : " ; TRAINS LE4.VE COS C ORD, N, 03 Y 9:27 p. m. Nu. i5, daily lor Atlan ta abd Charlotte Air Line division, -na all rcoints South and Southwest. CarriPs trcueh Pullman drawings York. Wanhinefcon. Atlanta. Birmv jii i i j. ' ' " i naiD, uraivesion, oavannan ana v J finjssonville. Also Jt'uiknan sleeoer1 . . Cfarlotte to Augusta: 8:48 a. m. No. 37, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibjiled lmite for Atlanta, Birmingham, r. Memphis, Montgomery. Mobile and Nf-w Orleans, and all points South - hti Southwest. . Thiough Pullman s i-eper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din iaer car, vestituled coach, between Washington and Atlant, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun da vs. - . . , ' 9:02 p. m. No. 9t daily, from Bicho mond, WashinRton, Goidsboro,Nor folk, Selma, Baligu, Greensboro, Knoxville and Asheville to Char- ' lotte, N. O. Atellwl'h con tinukl warn.crSthen-: lanta and all points South. Soiid . traiff; Bicbninnd tip Atmnta ; BulU " man sleeping car, Kichmond to t Greensboro. i , 10:07 a. m. No. 36, daily, for .. .Wa3hington, Kichmond, Baleigh " and all points Isortb. Carries Pullw man drawingrooin buffet sleeper, Go Ives ton to New Yoi k ; Jackson vdle to New Yoik ; Birmingham to N e.w York. - PulJman tourist . cars i oin San'FraT cipoo I hursdays- ! v 9:02 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton 1 an .Southwestern ve"stibuled, hmitedivfor Washington and all points North. Tbrou ghPullms n car" It-mphis to New York; New Orleans 'to New York ; Tain pa to New York, - Also carries vertibuied coach anc . dining car. . ( 7.22 p. in. No. 12, daily, for Bichh fmond A shevilJe, ' Chattanooga, BaK r eigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries .Pullman ' sleeping ; cr from Greensboro to Bjchmond. Connects at Greensboro with train cai rying.Pullman-car for Baieieh. : ? 6.17 a. m.--No. 10, daily, for Bich- m ohd cOnn ects at Greensb or6, 1 or Baleigh and Notfo k ; at Danville for Washington -and points North ; - at Salisbury for Asbville, Knox, 'ville and points West. t , - AIJ freight trains earry'pasen'gers. John M. Culp, W. A. Tube, M&inte:8 D-G i "WftfiViinotnTi -.TV n. S. H.BtARDwicK,.A8s't Gen'iP. Ag't : 51 AtlantaPQa. ' " V.H. Tatloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, , : .. ' Louisville, Ky. Gowan Dusenbeby, Local Ag't, . 7 Concord, N, G. ; :,M; L. : Brown & Bro .LIVERY, FEED AND SALE irfl;: : iSTABLjIS, :-; , Just in rear 61 bt. Uloud Hotel. Omni buses meet all passenger trains. Outfits : .of all kind3 furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and ' mules alv ays on hand for sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. " The Strength' of a Corporation Lies - :f ; in the 'Wisdom of its v Management. - Tne Old Reliable Virginia Fire . an T Marine. - " " Richmond Hanover," of New York.: . . i ; Palatine, of Manchester . ; . I Worth British, of Loudon, i . - Atlanta Home, of Atlanta V . ,Garolma Fire,. of Wilmington, ' . 'J Equjtable;of Charleston Representing Millions of dollars and Surpkis Represented in Concod by ' , ' J. F. Hnrlpv.; ' Also life and J accident Iuaarat c I Nhootlngr at Srorebead. The Newbern Journal of Jane 26th says : , There - was a shooting affiir at ; the Atlaqic Hotel at Morehead on Thursday morning, be tween a young man named Wooten, of La Grange, and a friend namfd Slocumb, of Greensboro, .in which" one of the shots fired by Wooton , at SlQcnmb took effect in the calf of the lee of a by slander named Merritt, ; - J:W-"-- -" vi;-$-";;:::; - r The difi&calty occurred in the bar of the hotel and arose over a disputed, note from a lady 'friend in the po8j5sjion -d one of the merf and claimed by the other. From the statements of witnesses it appears that both of the men were ucder tbe influence of liquor. , Wootoo Tfired two sbot8. The first passed juit above tne shoulder of Slocumb, going through his coat and vest The second, shot lodged j in by stander'a leg oausiDg him, it is Siidt to bedome quite angry. Wooteh was arrested and .released on bail. ' - Slocumb passed throagtf Nwbern yesterday and stopped off - ' loa? enough for a drink. He took the matter quie coolly and1 remarked that if. the first bullet had- goae a few inches lower be would have been carried lome in a box BaeKien . Am,eW,T. The Best Salve in the world for Outs. Bruisesi Sores, Ulcers,, Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Cnappr Handsf Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions,' and positively cures Piles or- no pav : reqni-ed. It h guaranteed to give otatisf action 'r monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetze.-'a Wrug atore.v 1 ' - .... .' Continued Warmer Weather. The mercury is way; up in the nineties and indications are not iav. orablefor cooler weatner soon. The forca8t for the next 24 hours sas ; Partlv nlondv tnriiirht atir! fnmnrrnw The continued hot pell is telling on some our citizens, ; Several carpenters working on the tops of buildings had to suspend Voik on account of the broiling heat of the sun. j .5- j; For. Over Flfvr Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sjrup has been used for over, fifty years by toil lion a of mothers for their childr renvwile teething, ynh perfect soc. cefis. Ir soothes the. cdild, softens tbe RH. allays all pain, cures:wind colic, Wand .i I the bedt remedv for Diarrhoea. Ip will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Bold by druggists in, fvery part of the world, Twtnty-fiyents a bottle. Be sure aad.ask for vMrs- Winslows Sooth lLg Syrup," and take 00 other kind Fourth of July-Rates, j V . First class round-trip; ticketswill be on salet td7 all points eat of Miss issippi an d Son th of 0 bio and ,Poto mac Rivers! rfexcent to nointn Norfolk and W.'E" R from : R,.W m; ;f of 1 J fare for 3 and 4. Final limit July 7th, '971 The Most ul Northern AND Eastern ; Summer Resorts Old Domminion lime 'I , ? AnA Rai1 Connections Always Cool on the, Ocean Fast hansome steamships leave Nor toik, ya., daily, including Sunday, at 7:30 p. m for New York direct affordiLg opportuuitv fnr imu LriUiIJS VirZrn tT' uia rplnt Pomf ort and Virgina Beach en route. ; irst class tickets includes meals and stateroom accommodations. - - nrv0J; tick9 and - general information apply to railroad ticker agents or to H B CrOWell. Ae-GTlt. "Nrnrfnlb- V0 . T ti r Agent, 1212 Main St.Rlchmo ; . Vice Pres & Traf . Mgr.! " ' Delishtf Route Murdoch tne Iarvelus. What a unique record is that of he Bev. F J M urdoch, of Salisbury, N. U.. an ex-cadet at the South Carolina Military academy, whom your correspondent knew as a most excellent young cadet, true to . duty and eminentiy conscientious Mur doch, meritorious Murdoch is presi dent of one bank, three cotton mills, secretary and treasurer of two others at Greensboro, ,N. 0., and to cap the climax, co cron it all with' the crown eternal, preaches four ser mons , each Sunday, and n further, upoh'a recrtlt meeting of the North Carolina diocesan council, came within one vote of election lal bishop ! Columbia State. j ! " t i Honor for N. C. Boy." Fred h Carr, who led his class at the University for four years and graduated samma :um laudem class of '95, spent last jear pursuing post graduate studies at a Northern IJni versit?. a He h-ld tbe position of Tutor in Latin of ihe Universitv of North Carolina for one j year. He was prepared for College at . tbe Horner School, of Oxford, N. C. -j John B CJarr, of Durham, ",N. C. was announced at the commence' ment at the University, the best man in Sop.hcmore Clasi '97. Ee was prepared at the Hornor School of fOxforif, n ( f ! Jjarius Eitman and Burton Craig graduated magna cum lande in the class of '97 of the University. They have been leaders of their clas for" four years, s Both were prepared at the Horner School; Oxford, . C. ' i -! ' 1 A IJonsenolrt Ifecesslfy. ! Cascaret8 Candy Cathartic, the moat wonderful ; medical diecovery of' the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently apd positive lyjon he kidneys, liver) and bowels; cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual coo8tipatioD and biliousness. Please buy and' try a box of C. C. C. to-day 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaran teed to cure by all druggists. jl A Ghastl Vlha. A ruan's finger in the stomach of f large catfish was what John Vin cent, a', colored fisherman, found several days ago while preparing his string of fish for. supper. John's appetite had been whetted up to a considerable extent at the thoughts of criep, brown fish on his table for supper, and his mouth; fairly; wa tered as he busily cleaned his fisb. The finding ofthe fioer, however, destroyed his appetite, j and the en tire lot of fish were thrown away The finger, while lacerate seemed to be well preserved, wjth the nail and all intact. .The catfish in which ine nnger was found wasf a larse one and was caught on the South Caro lina side,, several miles down the river, the fish evidently got hold of the body of some man who wa drowned and nibbled" off one of his fingers. This makes the second time tne nnger of a person has been found vin a. fish's belly. Several years ago it will be" remembered; a child's finger was discovered undr Birnilar circumstances! -- Augusta 0rd.) News. --;v-7 ... : . . ; r ; ;: v The ideal panacea dames Li. Francis,! AJc Onicaero sa va 1 T r era a t i. erman, Wew Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, -Colds and !Lunff Com plamts, having used it in my family for the last five years, to the exclu sion of physicians's prescriptions or other preparation s. f Rev. John Burgus,Keokuk, Iowa, 7J1T1 h??Q -e?n a $ minis tex: of tne JMetnoaist'Emacnnal vVi King's 50 years or :more,4and have never found anything so beneficial, or that gave me such peedy relief . as 'Dr, Kmer s JNew v Discovery. Try this deal Coueh Remedy nowU Trial Bottles free at Feszer's: Drug ; Store. ; Poes any body know of. any old scythes lying in eome city lumber house, useoV in former! days, that a fellow cou d borrow and "whickety. hack, whickety-whack;' the rust on of, and mow his way along tha side-walks to get to town highland dry on a damp morning. ? J The Union People Cater to the wants of v . Racing Men ' ; And can siipplyiail demands , f But they Specially Provide Wheels. for evef i..,v t - ' ." . x.-- - . , ' v " : . - . ; Business Rider. If You Will Looh Into i i ; ' r f . Our wheels closelyr . ; , v - .and compare them ' . !- , " Union Specials Union Cracajacks $75.00, n llM 7 Teachers, ; 413 Students (Summer ls School 158). Total 549. Board $8 a month; 3 Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, Law and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy, Graduate' Courses o pen to women, Summer School for Teachers, Scholarships and loans fr.r the needy. Address r PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, : jy 6.) Chapel Hill, N. O. . GREENSBORO ' nun uimi; ' ' !;' North Carolina. the Fifty-Second Session of this WEDWESDAg SEPT. ; 8, A&97 . Ad van tages of Col lege v-and ConserN vatory ottered at moderate cost. A FAeULTtJ;0F SPECIALISTS I - j Ample Equipment t A Pleasant Home; Catalogue oil application'. ", DRED PEACOCK,' President. : - ' , Right Prices V You-can pay more mooy for a bicycle, but you Can not secure a machine of higher graihaa the Crsj cm, or one that will please you better. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS " Chicago New Yo8k . f Catalogue ttf DON'T BE A POOL qnYieTS00f 6 Geas6 for Ca' breast oore Nitt1pq nrtnrv. Rheumatism and all achfts u ? se;plentiful. No cure no pqy.- . DIVERSITY D PHI y "1 : - -. v v . : I NO'- . rr -. . S i' . with other makes you j3an readily see why " they - are the Highest Price - - $ioo.op iell Maaictiriar Gi. MANUFACTURERS OF Fiie G-ino-hams; Outin Cloths.7" Plaids; Sheetiho .. and Sal Bao-s. i Dealers- inti GENERAL ... MERfiAD IS'E Buvers of; COUNTRY , . ; PRODTJCK oi all kind, and 4foot wood alwayslwanted- best Prices for same. We invite an insec tion ol : aU the goods; we manufacture. OTJELL MFG-. Co,, . Concord N. a 7-zZxEr CURB wtor lost Kiit? f am 6 Pmi t..W busmesa or rnarrinp. . ment and effects a rTiirpsnclW3 immediatQ fmprovs sist upon hava h jTher a11 fail 1 have nnr ? XtJi19 e?nuine Ajax Tablefa. . rL :en in ti 7n -rC- U51iI1.1 -ana . ConBumntiftnTi Fqr sale in Concorrl W t nnju v JJ v ohnson. on and D D John86n,bruggisU r

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