Was -Growing Worse Liver and! Stomach Troubles Too Woak to Work Now Able to Do Ail Her Housework. u I 7as under the care of a physician for two years and he was treating me for ttomach akd liver troubles and female difficultieslbut I only grew worse under liis treatment. I was so weak I could do hardly any worfc. I was at last induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills and these medicines have done me fcrood that I now weigh 112 "pounds and am able to do all my house work. I fi,rmly believe J should have been in my grave today if it had not been for Hood's Sarsaparilla. My little girl was afflicted with phthisic. ; I gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla and it has relieved her." Mrs, R. 1 S. Habper, 701 University Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. SPw. Sarsa- parilla Is the best-tin fact the One True Blood Purifier At all druggists. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood's Pills eaSr cure liver ills, easy to take, CHEDULk - E j N EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. ' b8 condensed schedule is , ub lib d as information, and is sub, jf c o change without notice tb thr 1 ublic : ' TKA.NS LEA.VE C05C0BD, N, C. 9:27 P. M. No. 35, daily for Atlan. la biid Charlotte Air Lme division, Hua all points South and Southwest. Cmif B through Pullman drawing- i o m Dunet sieepers oetween iNew oik, Washington, Atlanta, Birm in --ham, Galveston, Savannah and Ja keonville. Also tullman sifeeofcr j?rlotte to Augusta. 8:48 a. m. No- 37, daily, Washings on and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmiugham, JUemphi, MorttgorLery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South end Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper Mew York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing oar, vestit uled coach, between Aasbington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun d ;ysY y;u2 p. m. "r. 9, daily, from.Rich ju( nd, "Washington, GoidsborcNor flk, Selma, BaliD, Greensboro oxville and Aebevilie to Char lotte, N.C. : i -' 100 a- m. No. 11, daily, for I At lanta and all points Suth. Solid train," Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. m. No, 36, " daily, for Washington, i Richmond, Raleigh una all points North. ' Carries Pull man drawing-room buffet sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jacksonj Villo to New York Birmingham to Nw' York. Pullman tourist cars i rnui San FraT cisco '1 hursdays. 9:02 p. m. No. 38, daily, -Washington and Southwestern vestibuled, putted, for Washington and all lomts North. Through Pullman car .it mphis to New Yoik; Nw Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Iso carries vertibuled coach ann d' ing car. 7;22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Rich, niond, Ashevil! , Chattanooga, RaN fcigh, Goldsboio and - nil points North. arris Pullman sleeping er from Greensboro to Richmond, ('onnects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for, Raleieh. 6.17 a. m.-No. 10, daily, for Rich- ond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Norfo.k ; at Danville for Washington and points NortB ; t Salisbury for A9nville, Knox ville and points West. All freight trains carry passf-ngrers. John M. Culp W-A. Tube, Traffic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. Ae't. W. H. Geeen, Washington, D. C. ) Gen 1 bupenntenaent, Washington,-D.C. S. H.Hardwick, Ass't Gen'i P. Ag't - Atlanta, Ga . . H. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Go wan Dusenbeby, Local Agt, Concord. N. C. M. L. JbROWN LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABL-SS, Just m" reaT or Jot.loud-Hotel.f fOmni- buses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnisned promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules air ays on band for sale. Breeders of noroai?aDrea jro'-nij vviuaa xiogs. he trength of a Corporation Lies in the Wisdom of its Management. .i ' " ' The Old Reliable Virginia Fire and Marine. .Richmond Hanover, of New York. Palatine, of Manchester . North British, of London, , Atlanta Home, of Atlajta . Carolina Fire, of Wilmington, Equitable, of Charleston Representing Millions of dollars and Surplus. Represented in Concod by . J. F. Hurley. A'eo life and accident Insurance. nlobd ITEM SEES THE PUN. Our Correspondent Witnesses the W. C. Senatorial Contest The Weather Hot But the Campaign Hotter Hir cycles and Pretty Girls Catches the Writer's Eye Ice a Comfortable Seat Disnensary Patriotic. , I have often heard of a regulation South Carolina campaign, and 1 have wan ed to see a sample. vhh, Mr. Editor, was gratfiied here today. The U. S. Senatorial primary be gan here. It opened with three races, with probably two more be fore midnight, after then, the pri mary law shut off all others Stae Senator May field, of Aiken, U . S. Secator McLaurin, of Marlboro county and Ex IT. S. Serator J LiM Iroj, of Laurens (Oapt. J W Clark's ton), are now in the race; the first named was not present today. j In all my life I have never seen o hot in bo short a time and the affair was even opened with prayer, but tbe preacher prayed as if be;didn't expect Providence j to be much in evidence. I cenator aurin has an open facemakes me think of Theo. Kiuttz, of Salisbury; but Mr. Irby loois like Congressman Linney, of N. p. They favor as mucn as any two cow-peas I eyer saw, except Irby is taller than the "Bull of the Brush ies" ' McLaurin defended his cotton tariff speech, Irby beat the bush and jumped on McLaurin with tbe epithet of a "ringed-streaked dis honest politician and kin kj "headed 10c cent lawyer," , and gradual ;y warmed up The crow4 was with McLaurin. By and by, Air. Irby'a remarkB pricked Senator McLaurin to the quick, and the latter rushed up to the former white with rage and ready to mak6 a job for and under taker I kept an eye on each fellow' gun pocket. The crowd whooped and screamed as if nothing but a bull fight was being pulled off, 'while level heads rushed up and scotched what ernd every minute to be' a saw-mill, " This is the first appointment mark you ! They do say the cam paign warms np as it proceeds ! While l imagine what the rend may be, I can not resist recalling the letter Senator Vance said an illiter ave but emphatic mountaineer had him to write. The mountaineer dictated; and after writing the date Senator Vince inqaired of his client what ne should say. The mountaineer cooly replied : "Call him a d n in fernal scoundrel and thief, and grad ually warm up from that poiat.gow ernor." , T Rnnnppt- tbio Ronafm-ioi oJ. 1 suspect this Senatorial cam paign wui ne similar; ptrrnaps some medical college can get a ssmple for dissecting purposes in 4 a week or so.- f .. .;" i ' :l All -the candidates are reform democrats, but Mr. McLaurin is not so reform as is Irby. After every sentence in Irby's speech the crowd 'hurrahed" for McLaurin theH the former railed on the audience and swore he was no "Jersey Bull," nor 'he didn't have feathers on his legs" and such expressions as these. The crowd lhat howled at him are the ones who howled for him when he ran against Senator Hampton some years ago. I have seen a sample of a South Carolina campaign I am not hank ering for any more. I am not ex actly afraid to go within two miles of one; of these mills again, but frankly, Mr. Editor, I had rather be a living coward than a dead hero, or words to thatfffect. Near Wedgefield, Sumter county this morning I saw 20 ploughs do iag service in a 2000-acre field of cotton, which ia as high as the little donkey; Master Fred Oiell used to drive. The field is as level as the court house yard.- Corn hsre is out in silks, and crop prospects are fine and oicycles and awfully pretty girls are numerous in Sumter. This place has three ce factories all doing well, too." Competition, however, has caused . the price to come dowa to 4 pounds for a cent or 100 poamis for 20 cents. It is so cheap here that the draymen use a 200 p and 'cake fpf a; Pat, rather than a cracker box. The coolest- looking set of colored people I ever saw. ; - ' -V-'- Hut with all this ice, the, ther here today; caused by mometer registered 102 but this may have, been Senatorial speaking today. Tne dispensiary observed today for the Fourth of July. The dis pensary i patriotic, in addition to tn nthPT thincs. . i.. w,-- - ; Samter,:S. C, July 5th, J97. Honor for ra N. C. Boy. Frank Fasham and S R Buxton at Wake Foreflt as head i of class of '95 ; the cne being vale dictorian 4abd the other aalutatorian. Both were prepared t the Hornfr School; Oxford, N. C. j Mr. Park ham is now Professor of Greek in a college in Mississippi. 1 F P Hobgood., Jr., Professor in Columbia college, Washington, I). C, graduated valedictorian of his cla8 at Wake Forest ? College alter being therje only two years. He was prepared at the i Hornor J school, Ox ford, N. C. v Friends and patrons of Wake For est and Trinity who wish their boys to win first distinction at these col leges are solicited to sehd their sons to thV Horner School, Oxford, N. 0. J Crawford Biggs ledhis class at the University, graduating with the highest average attained by any graduate since the war. He was prepared at the Horner School, Ox ford, N. 0. , V ' lectrlc Bitters. - . j Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally . needed,! when the languid exhausted feeling vrevails. when the liver is ' torpid and slug gi)Bh and the 7 need of a tonic and alterative is felL . A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long an'3 perhaps fatal bilious fevers No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison Headache indigestion, constipation, dizziness yields to Electric Bitters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Fetzer Drug Store. . . ! Mr. Levi Rample Deaa. j Mr. Levi Rumple, of No. 4 town ship, dield this (Thursday) morning. The remains will be j buried at Bethpage churcn Friday at 10 o'clock. The deceased has been afflicted for several months with dropsy, probably. He was in his ninetieth year of age. The only surviving members of his immediate family are a son, John, a man of a family, and his maiden daughter, Miss Mary Anne Rumple, who has lived with and cared for him in his de clining years. ; 1 The deceased was a brother of Dr. Rumple, of Salisbury, and was a good and exemplary citizen. For Over Fifty Yf arB Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue. cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allayB all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, . Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winsldws Sooth ing Syrup." and take nolotber kino Another Side Track The Standard" has learned from a reliable source that the Southern will place another side track at the depot, next to the Cabarrus cotton factory, just as soon as the .line to the proposed Coleman mill is com plete. The side track is very much heeded in fact, there are many things needed at the depot here. ' " We are not DIAMOND JUBILEE Union Union Special W. W w W W W W The Most Delightful Route NEW YORK AND . Northern AND Eastern Summer Resorts ISVIATHE Old Domminion Line And Ball Connections. - Always Cool on the Ocean ,-f ...... Fast hansome steamshina leave N'nr- folk, Va., daily, including Sunday, at 7:3d p. m., for New York direct, affordiLg opportunity for through passengers tropi the South, Southwest and West to visit.Richmoud, Old Point Comfort and Virgina Beach en route. First class tickets includes mealsr and stateroom accommodations. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents or to M B Crowell, Accent, Norfolk, Va.; JF Mayer, Agent, 1212 Main St., Richmond, Va. LW. l. guillaudeu, Vice Pres. & Traf. Mgr., jrEWTORH,N.l North Carolina College OF Agriculture AND riechanic Arts, T WILD OPEN SEPT. 9th, 1897 Thorough academic, scientific and technical courses. Experienced Specialists in every department. , Expenses per session, Including Board : ' Fort'onntry Students H 93.00 For all Other Students ; 123.00 Apply for Catalogue to ! ALEXANDER Q. H0LLADAY, LL.D., Raie,stt,w.r. President, A6tn Our 1897 . wheels are stronger handsomer easier running than ever before the prices are 1 right WESTERN WHEEL WORKS CHICACO-HEW YORK f havii ga Juat vet awhile, but what is worth ..a great deal more to you, there is still) another chance to purchase a $75f for $100.00 W J W J J H H I L L HHH I L It H HILL MANUFACTURERS OF Fiie Qino-hams, Outin Cloths, Plaids Sheetm Dealers-inD GENERAL MERHADISE; 1 o Buvers of COUNTRY . t I PRODUCE; oi all kind, and 4-foot, wood always.wanted best prices for same. W.e invite an insee tion of all the goods- we manufacture. OTDELL MFG. Co , Ooncord N. c TBI 47 Rh?rS;J13 Students (Summer $8 a month; 3 Brief Courses, 3 n Sohnn?8 MedlCal Schools d PRE8IDENT A ill iMsiir Jy6 Ohspel Hill. N. O: .