' .i',. r V . i - " '" : '- . . . - . . 1 . V . Vol. XII. No. CONCOllLV N. C, SATURDAY. JULY-101897 ' ' ' " ' "" r "" . i " 1 - . , ; Whole SO 1,771 PERSONAL POINTEKS. offfor-AKUeyiiic. I ThcSlckin OurMidst. At the early hour of 4" o'clcok Ernest Greene, whose home ' is this morning you could eee persons with Mr. D B Castor at Cannonville, Hon. Samuel J Pemberton. of pnesiDg on the streets wending their who has been sick with typhoid Albemarle, spent yesterday in the way to the depot or to some neigh, fever for styeral weeks and who was Clty on gal business. boriner house to iom their nrtv to 80 critical, is very much better. He Little Misses Ollie and Marv tWniti nF A,h.viilp T-s. om A able to sit up. Cliue are visiting Rev. and Mrs,. nnfl mtm with a vprrr atmnrr tjn f Mias DAisyj Wilkinson, of East km Km - w m-m w m w u v A-J c l 'M w - . , . . r - . r I rtAnAf!rfAA. ,u i. ' u.... r . 1 Mr. P C PflPfi. whn ia in tV t i : . . i Jur uu y o iii r:r; t- n iiii iihm iisiian nnn 11 nan ;.. ; . m . . w . . .. w longs was neara on tne streets at , 1 " ' . UUUUU6U emnW nf th flaliahn WnriH a weex or to, i8 reported no spent the night iinTelatives in better this moaning. this city. n.u -Mr. John Sloan, of Columbia, ! very low with; fever is somewhat s a flnfint laAt mVht. in th it.r 1 better. . with friends, and left this morning Mrs. W T Fisher is not critically on a trip north. jr. ! ill, but is confined with chilJp. Mr. P M Misenheimer, who has We are sorry to learn the Mr. been very unwell for several days, xeit last nignt lor Wilmington, where he will spend a week. I . - " . i : t-lnkerton Jletectlve at Lexington.: Misa ArUm Wa11pa will rrn fn Forest Hill abcut the hour of 1 ' o'clock going to almost all the houses waking them up least they would fail to get ready. The train was to leave at 5 o'clock, but owiag to some - diaadvantagep. the train failed to arrived at Con cord before about that time, and ILacy Dick is no better. . after doing some sbifting at the de poc, it puuett up on the side . track We learn from the balisbury Salisbury this evening;; where she tintil nearW in rear cf the Odell I World that a Pinkerton detefttivfl will BDend the remainder of the - Just Received atj NNON i. FETZER s- ON A OA of the Jactory, where a large crowd stood from Philadelphia has. arrived at snmmer with Wends and relatives. waitiDe for its anival. There was Lexington and will ase every means Mrs. Dr. Stephens, who has also a We crowd some distance possible to unravel the evidence for .spendiDR several days at Famous 1 Roller tray TRUNKS ! from the mills at what is known as Slippery Rock. After the usual time wea spent in getting the people in the cars, it the conviction of the assassin of r"A" tuT . Yrc0UBUyro' re" Mrs.-A A SDrmsrs. Mr. Snnngs i ; Qftema nntmntinpdtn air a nn hnn Rev. and Mrs. HN Miller, who . : . r , r- have lust moved to Mt. Pleasant. tnat tne scoundrel will be found. It spent ihe day in the city, stopping is certainly hoped that by the aid of at the home of Dr. M lV StAnhfins. . .i .a? 1 I - I "" - - T """X 1 pniiea aown to tne stauon, wnere 0Qe 0f these detectives, they will on W est Depot street. Bunauorurua, "-R- succeea m nnamg tne right man. Miss Catherine Jordan, who at last all was made reaay ana tney hs been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. j:. ., U The Madstone Failed. ft J Lnw fnr twn Wtfl nflet. o. t,:. Gilbert Trapp, a negro boy of 13 turned to her home in Charlotte oigaur xuiz ib iuuuiuK we id- years, was bitten on the hip and today iresomenc car, nayiog an iue iub i oacit pare or ine tnign in Hershaw, Travelin B ags and Valises Prints noorlorl lb. L.. OU JUnfi 7th DV a door thftfe It Ex.noliceman Jno W Cook had wa8 feared had rabies. He was essemer uny, amvea tne cny policeman J no. w iooK naa r . nhflplnttft whprA f, last evening and accompanied the on his blue uniform again and ao; 8t0De was applied. It was claimed Asheville excursionists on their companud the excursion crowa, that tbe fitone 8tock t0 hQh wounda J ourney t iough there is no probaDinty that ant? both healed nicely. In 21 days Miss Addie Boger passed he will be needed, but it is well however he developed a well defined through the city today Ion her way in ha him in oa flnmpfhinir wnnW c bies and died Friday amid to Charlotte, where she will spend u tt i . . I spasms. several days with Mrs. Treloar, of affain. and sas that he feels EO. I Salisbury Bicyci Races Mr. and Mrs. S J Durham, of CAN NO N & FETZER GO. that city. Messrs. F E Jones and E J last of the trip in Monday's paper. HEADS QR TAILS ? Like throwing up a penny anf takingchances, is the indiscriminate selection o FURNITURE for the season. It presents the latest'Icleas in' rIvIp nd is the result tf study, experience and the perfect acquaintance with the popu - T-rrc-n.T. -v-f,--1 From the? Saiisburv World we ina ecui o , . Brown, of High Point spent wn.u tuo ezuureiuuiaiH, uuu wiii . - I niorht in the cifev. Thev accomw please our readers with a writesup Salisbury were treated to on the njed the baseball team io Aaheviile Fzaley race track at that place this morning. inursaay tneocn.. ne cnampion- Mr8. Albert Gillon. who has A Concord Meed. I ahin wna wnn hv Mr OA Ranoh imo f tho lar demand. Our Furniture commandsiadmiration bvthp hen Mr.. R Lee Kerr, of Rock Hill, S. coming out victor in the half mile, home of her father-in-law, Mr. M M eegance cf design. We carry as complete a line as any Furniture Stora the u., uQouici ui iue uauug uaua m i quarier mne anq aiao in ine mue j , - f .rr t t TTTncirri 0- -- M-ai. , . . . . , , . . v . m ... ton, ienn., wnere sne win join '.ner juwwxiox,..? . vua Vivj t uuu tt uu tto iu vm vivj luuauiiuuouj iiibCi jlu auu tu 1 hUSband nmu Hava, arm nnm Viaoori a Knrsp I mprri mpn t nf thfl iiffias.ion. the races I - rom Mr. 11 J Corl the horse once were concluded by . race between owned by Mr. Billy Swink. The wr. w u J?raieya iroiung noree, witbher sister, Mrs. Luther Saun- horse was taken to Charlotte Friday UTim SherriU, and a darkey, the ders, of this city, returned to her ur. i u nf, TrJhoree haviner won the orizs. home this morning with the jolly trYcuiug. ifoicoiu tuow uxi. aw - ATrnrsinn crowd i . nartnpr in a lflrcrfl liverv After the races came the presen- excursion crowa. .... .l. TTT- ' ,i taHnn nf mizes. which was 'verv -Mrs. E J Sears, who has been ovbuid .um iuwu v ? . . sDnndinff a. month in the city ot to know that he is favorably im- graceruny penormeu uy uu Ufahin" wlth - hJr daughter. Uuiiouui j rf11"" Miss Jessie bears, spent last nignt ladies, Miss Bessie Henderson, by with Mr. and Mrs. M L Buchanan, B ed Room Suits. pasels, Center and Dining Tables, "IT ounges, Couches, 1U( orl f-Iair, Uotion and Shuch Mattresses, Art Novelties, Baskets, Pickets, Oacks for halls, Mouldings, V)ocker8, f pressed with our equine advantages. murder Wear Old Fort. At noon today Sheriff Nichols re ceived a telegram f rem Old Fort telling him of another crime' com mitted near Sugar Hill, in that county. L E Mario w and W C request of the managers. Fie tit at the brick Yard. Eulas Melchor, a worthless 15-year-old negro boy who lies around the depot and smokes cigarettes, is in trouble and wears his head in a Hogan had a quarrel about some sling. Friday afternoon he went to whiskey, and Marlow hit Hogan on Mr. R A Brown's brick yard, just the head with a rock, which frac beyond the depot, and "picked" a turea his skull and caused his death quarrel with one Charley Greeley, a few hours later. Marlow made, who was at work attending to Mr. his escaped is thought to be hid- XSw- tired of Melchor's tilts, picked up a piece of brick and let it fly at his antagonist, striking Melchor behind the ear. The lies was asevere one, going on to her bonie ant today. at Mt. Pleas ing in the mountains near by. The nierit of Hoocrs Sarsaparilla Is literally written in blood. Jt is traced in the vital fluid Of millions of the human race, Its positive medicinal merit And curative power is written Upon the hearts, and gray en upon The minds of thousands Of people whom it has cured And given good health When there seemed nothing before But darkness and despair. It cures all diseases arising From or promoted by impure Blood by its intrinsic merit as The One. TrueBlood Purifier. and it was thought for a little while that the Melchor negro was going to pass in hie checks. The brick hit at the wrong place to have that effect. BacKIen'fl I Arnica Baire, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,' Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give otatisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store FRESH SUPPLY I ASSORTED Cahes, Ginger AND i Soda Crackers JUST RECEIVED 3naps, ! 1 Ervin & Smith's GROCERS- npide Shades. L : -v 1 Cide Boards, St Bfthy Carriages. Matting, , rh!na Closets f all kitds and deecriptions, BULX , , HAEipSt & CO: Oar undertaking department is complete, and will bejjimder the care of Mr Bell. All calls are promptly met, day or night. ; , Fiye Blown toAtoms.f f In LexmgtOD, Ky.,Friday, a group of hands were doing pome excavat ing on the streets when one man struck what he thought to be an old pipe, but which proyei to be a dy namite. Five men were blown to aiom3 and another was-mortally hs T There will be a picnic at Miss Flora McEachren's, near Flowe's, next week. A great; time- is anti cipated for the people in that com munity. J MOORE & KYLE WHOLESALE and RETAIL QUEENS WARE. . . Charlotte, N. 0. Our wholesale department contains the leading linesin C. C. and White Granite. Hotel ware a specialty. In our retail department we shov an elegant line of dinner and tea sets im ported by us from the leading manufac turers of Europe, Haviland, Carlsbad, Royal Dresden, Delft, etc. Refrigerators, Freezers, Granite ware and almost every thing in house furnishing at prices that defy competition. Call on us or send your orders by mail. We will do our best to please you. DON'T BE A FOOL Use Goosse Grease for Caked Breast Sore Nil pies, Coughs, Colds, Croup Rheumatism and all aches and pahs, se plentiful. No cure no py. D.D.Johnson. Dfotfce to Customers; John Plunket is no longer in my service or in any way connected with my business. With thanks for past favors I respectfully solicit a continuation of your patronage in the future. : Richard H. Jefferson. Offe the business public a re liable, permanent, conservave and accomodating banking institution. We solicit your business with th assurance of honorable treatmenti nd due appreciation of your pnt ronage. f If we can serve you at any time weshall be glad to have you como and eee lis, i- LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS! -Gapital and Sulplus $70 000 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier; " J. M.1 QPELL. Pres. AJAX TAP LETS PCSITTVELY CUBH A-ULNtswoua JHseaaea Failing Meci ory, Impottacy, Sleeplessness, etc., can 07 Abuse or other Excesses and India . cretions. Thev quickly and en-reTi restore iJOt italitv in nl1nrTntiT -a fit a man for study, business or" marriag . IrTevent lasanitr- ttn Onn err r ,i in i . Lenin time. Their htr jmmAHiata mnn. mentand effects, a CURE where nil other fail la. eist upon having the tr u'-iisa Ajax Tablets. They nave cured thousands and wil 1 cure you. Wo pve a pos itive written guarantee to eCect a cure pe fTv5 i a each caso or refund the money. Price wif Uli pfr package; or six pkgas (full trectraentt for f20. By mail, in Plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular AJAX REMEDY CO., Jri! For sale byfr P Gibson and D D tai J ohnson, Druggists. - .1