41 i i h Arrival or, Trains. The following change of schedule took effect July 4, 1897, 12 o'clock. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 6 OS a m. i 36 " "1007 am, 12 ' 7-22 p m , 38 " fQ.02 p m, (P) SOUTHBOUND. No. 37 arrives at 8.T fi m. tv " U " V 10 25 a m " 7 T.02 p m 35 9.27 pm, GO 5.05 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char, lotte, . Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro und Danville. Passengers" for local points between these stations will haye to use lue oiaer irains. s - Hoi and Cold. When you want a nice Bath for 10 cents call at the only public Badt iri town over Marsh's drug v store. -Eyery thing is . ; in first clasofderr ) v Tickets at MARSH'S DRUG StOE. SOMETHING NEW 50 BICYCLE BALL-BEARING. sewing iviacnmes to r . ir -i , arrive m a lew OaVS. Tliey run lighter tnail a COlmim Bl wyuiu J T TilT 11 I JLJ JLYJLIiXX fcj JL I Harry P. Deaton, local reporter. Mr.s John Creech, of Cannon vilie, is quite sick; . j - - Found. A J:7. Call at tl stesl folding door Cii.C3 Cacaieu stimulato liver, kidney, iiud bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. : Mr. II G Moni, who has been visiting relatives at Forest Hill, re- t u rnld tc Charlotte today. When bilious 0i: corstiVe, eat a Cas aret, candy artic, cure guar anteou. 10;3 25a. Ashcviiie wrxnls series of three P.3IQ88 Ol.b&li with Concord, to be - placed el Clarlotte next week. A tree; I i rear of, Mt. Gilead chu-cii. w struck by lightning last Friday tnU. sat on fire. It is burning.' - yet C M Safipanndid brought in sev eral watermelons from his planta- traa today. He is a hustling farm- treat W6 . '- ; , Forests re beiDC beared and the rurr: '.rc KrtrI CV" ni.." ST 'n I Will 1 1 H 111 LIIM I'.ILV 1 . .X lou'd beln to lay their sup- in iics now. ir:m:- -nr:.- mrs. v liiJiJiia v lueuuu, vruu uac been critically ill for a long timr, is reported. . as' beibc: considerably jportea as Deing vorse, and ihat there is little of her recovery. ' ; orougai us a cotton, boll last. Sat- Lh6 first one w6 hkv urday. It is the G83U. Protect yourself against sickness and suffering by keeping your blood rich and pure with Hoods Sarsapa rilla. Weak, thin, impure blood ii sure to result in disease. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion and bil 1 io us n ess. 25 c. Mrs. J H Mason was terribly frightened last evening, when a caudle fly entered her ear.,It caused her considerable pain, but a great -deal more excitement. Dr; Yoiing fwa3 called ih and soon Relieved her of the uh welcome visitor. . Mrs. Mason is one who doubtless knows 3&ih John Harrington, one of The I Standard's parishioners and a good M is.to bepubhahed by 'a.cdmplhy -R r CitirvVn ffftS old colored man living on Dr. Lil- called "Telegraph Publishing Comi - $8 ?and Iv'e Tlihtstich west of the citv-. oanV7 of which C G Wright is ure , a If you want a good melon call at A L Sappenfields. v .The forecast says : Showers to mgnt; fair and cooler tomorrow TKhpmc H 6 arranged lor lhursay night at the home 6f Mies b lora McEichern,, in No. 9 township. ; tSl,n1?e1 modern science fata frilly established the germ theory of dis ease, the value of Ay er's SarsapariiM as a purifier of the blood has been moe appreciated than ever. N6t only germB, bacilli and microbes, bUt poisons Of all lrinrfa OM polled by this powerful medicine. Mr. Geo. E Fisher, our town mail carrier, says that for the first1 time since he has been on that beat, there was not a singie letter or postal card in the letter box at Odell's Satur 1 The Jare. crowd on the dxcur siorr to Ashevilre accotmfe for this. Begonias, 5c to 50c. Ferns J 10c. to 25c Geraniums 5c to 25c Palms . 75 c to 3.00 QUINT E. SMITH. The attention of a good many of our people was called Saturday to the.little girl, Hattie Belle McCur dy, of No. 10 township, who is six teen years old and measures only three feet and three inches high. Many a poor sufferer who sub mits to the surgeon's knife, in con- saquence of malignant sores and scrofulous swellings, might be cured without an operation by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This remedy expels from the blood all the im- Durities bv whinh HisAasft is opn- . . " ' e rated. A runaway, creatine consider- ae excitement, occurred on W est the horse to Cook"o won The animal became frightened at a WJ9e,elDarrow ran, trat waB stopped before any damaW waB uuao eiceiH u Kevere cuw on me horse's hand leg. Richard Cook was in the wagon, but held fast Co' th reins; R LJ IB JbsLfcLlJbtS for ! ; glass r jars at Lippards & Barrier Jfotice. . v . There will be a regular com- No. 32 A. F. & A. M.. this evening at 8 o'clock. i All members ar& earnestly re quested to be presen't. K A BRowERj JO Fink, SecTy". W. M. Senator IIrris Obseqnies. Funeral obsiquiea were held in the Senate Chamber, Saturday, over the remain of Senator Isham G Harris. The President and Cab inet membeia of the Supreme nrttlrt momu.Q nf Pnnnr aA diplomats attended; The services were not elaborate but the decara-1 tlon8 and drapings Were imtireBsivei The body was takh; from' the Senate Chamber at 10 o'clock for the Senators hume in Me rjrf pais, lenneebee. . . . . . Auotiier baiiy ir'o r?ft reensboro. 9 uuuie ui ue vY uaiiv lu first of August next. dent, C P 8a)p, Secretary and Ja8i J Stone manager and treasure. mm vve v keep every thing In sfock pertMhihg: Ato the requisites Of a bicycle rider. 1 ne best thing- for your ; chain is Dixons Pure Flike Graphite, absolutely purer No adulteration. Cheapest, xleanest and easiest applied. coo . H ; H - You can do sif vott will call at oiir Store and purchase some of onr sheer goods. &5c. Linen Crash for 156; 156; 10C. m. 10 7c. . 8i6 fttc. India Linen 'f 20 ; " " 253. Organdy 'f 206. " M 15c. Sheer and Dainty Lawns 12ic; " " " 12jc, Ckarnbutgs jfor 12c. ' LinoD, colored Lawns id rem nants for 5c. 7c. Lwns for . 3g. Ladies b le ached Vests WORTH l2ic-, we sell them for h . 5c. Ladies Gauge Vests worth 15c. . ati 10c. i" " 20c. for 12 Jc. r ' . " .25c. for 15c. 1" " 35c. for 20c. Gents' Underwear. Mens' Balbrigan Suits for $1.00 worth 81.50. ( Men's Gauze IShirts worth 50c. for 25 and 35ct - given in all SUM ('MMR goods We have w h a t you want and at pHccs that please. Are sif owing "this, week several Handsome suits of Furniture that Have just come in from the 5 t best Western Manufacti 1, urers thai they will sell to cash buyers for $35, b40 and $00. New bideboards. $12 50, 17 50 and 25 00, TTTn vr hoc V v 10 00. j feocllillfit GliairS - &i of $1 00 to 5 00, fiO to .12 00. FmUiHeS LOiSKitclien Safes veryf cheap. : I F - k LflltiOIGK i - -t LOIIOICIL HOT WEATHi aurf he prices. M wlU J?!Y YOU.- ) Quite a good thing in 'Towels, too. AND THERE ARE.OT.HERS- LADIES' GOWKS; and COESETIO They are going at a price. Perhapi yon had better see what it 22 i bMmqm.IMits. vt? u .J2 Gannon & W&tzev Go. CONCORD, N.C. CAPITAL STOCK,; V . $50,000. We are now ready for business at our new banking office in thePropst building. Your account is re3pect fully solicited, and we promise you careful and courteous attention and every facility consistent with son ad banking. Deposits from 25 cents op taken in our - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest piid on sayings and time .deposits. Call to see us and see our burglar proof safe with; timiock. J. Wi UatJNiNUiN, UA.VYttUjN J. b'Uili dr. r. s. young, Cr w. SWIN IJNO.C. WADSWORTH, . . . 0i0mtZ2 dr. d. w. floWB d. f. cannon, JA9. c. gibson, Pffisident. Teller. mi A fnA U U 01 MUO i liable, permanent, cDnBeryauve ana accomoaatmg oanKing inBtituiion. We solicit your business with the assurance of honorable treatment end due appreciation of your pate ronacre. If we can serve you at any time, - - . . .. weShall be sua to nave you come and see us. LIBERAL TVeeOYIMODMIOflS TO CUSTOMERS! Gatital and Sulplus $70 000, p. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M. OPELL, Pres. W1ADE RUE A AJAX TABLETS POSITIVKLX U UKJ! . w.t. Vmmwmu IMMoiM Fail ins Mem ory. Impotency, Sleeplessnesa, etc., caased k a hncii nr othflr Exctaesea and India cretions. TKv quickly and ittrritj restore Lost Vitality in old or young, and p.n: TntanltT and Consumption i ?ifit npon fcavin? the genu ? Tabtete 1W lUve written guarantee to effect a cure Eft gTft lu each ease or refund the Money. n Sl SoT siv nkees (full treatment) for $2xQ. By aalo X P Gibson and D D seen lour thin ODS CHEMISE, 13. WARRANTED. PHICJE SO cite. ; oalatia, iris., ifofi ic, iss3. ;3.ns Medicitti C6:; Bt. Louis, Me. . . f a?rtloment-4W.e.6old last yejir; 6W) 'bottles at IGROVE'S TASTELESS C1I ILL TONIC and have !bouglit three ef(J?3 already this year. In all our ex pertence 1 yeArt. in .the drug business, have nT6r fold an article that give such universal feati pooa a your Tonic -2CARa&Ct' For - skle add guaranteed by all drbs&iats. HjKew gecret Bemed AlBtiy IJnitn.wntu iTOfeseion. PermBient OwMi ih 15 to dJV 'f and meney if ws do he(t fetrt: Tbu can- treated aC i lame for the same vrice SS and the same fmr vdth tb56e who prefer to ftbeere w r.iJcontrt to ure Ihem or pAy fetlf.f ,nd hotel PktWi efii si n O ' e fail to Us-AuX . till have fccx-fi ftfej EAJtS fains. Mucouft I fcs 1 u . M , Attorney at Law, Concord N C. SI E61AL ATI LbTION GIVhN 1 0 'COLLECTIONS, Office upstairs in King bail(Jin DRAWERS rt moutn. Pare Tr?t. rrrn ' ceendalT TifV f-T. ft.1 .Mi -J. 4 .41 i i i 4he seriousness of a Mbug in the X OUiV Johnson, Druggists. ffl J HILL,