( W . v - . ' ' ' -v ; , V A ';-' v. 1 ' ' l ' " : i ' " ' FOREST HILL NEWS. I AN APPRAT. Sl.. .!L-. ' i S Whol K 01.752 !' . v- . ", . . ' . McujNAL POINTERS. I ' " 1 tioocls Skipped to Oron-Mr. Miller Celebrales-other Items' of Interest. Mrs. L C Cook is visiting rela." tivea at Mooresville for a few days. Rev. Mrs. J D Arnold hasAtnr.,i fiom Raleigh, after an abeence of A. I ' 1 ... . Firemen Want Fund, and Ask the Citi.ens to lend Ala at He Lawn farty To.Morrow jriKnt-I.aaie. of the Town will Slanare rjr MUy nnonld Go. The finances of the city are in au aoeeace or ; nuances 01 tne city are in thrift VPPAlra nri Vi km. . iV I oti.U . . .. - -r "i. oiuit momer. uuuuiuon mat the firemen can Mrst ArnoId reports her1 mother a.0 ask the city father fnr much improved. propriation, therefore ; the ladies of ihe bleachery shipped a car load , Cliy naTe Tery generously or gooas to Portland, OregOD, last ri ltu ever7mg necssary for a nAfll. . j ' I lawn rtarfw r .:n . hcca uuu uas anoiner one most ' -r v v wm prepare ice 4 -w . W cream, sherbets, a lemonade cake vr ?ainter ' Richmond, Va.. is in in a n fir k ."j TT T 6iou x1, Aouer, 0t Alt. 4VMOtt4 o m me city today. . . ' 1 T TT ' x rui. nenry Fisher, of Mt. x aoaut, speni tne day in the city. "-arles F Ritchie has re- T..Ii.i: ":" tu a8 oia nome at xviiuuueiu, otanly county. " Miss Rosa TTq-;,, , uer nome in thio :r aiter .uuiUK verai weeks at Misen- uwauaox ucuix o springs. week and hag another one ready for the sama HirnHnn Misses Ida and Nealie BuweU ttful w .t 7h ent to China Grove toda to .tt.n t?,.a at the grade school --.cf their con8iD( 7. f, W i-ame Tajlor to Mr.Olarence Eocera Uru i 7' i mZJX. i " " u n,on both of Ohina Grove 8eM . i fi"men a ely in nee'd of chch in Rovran county. Mr. Herbert fWv v.L j,!! ".beh??8 'ery citizen -Mr. H&cNam.,, i,.. w IIUU UBH IIHHI1 I LI I 1 VI THrPfir n 1 IM Halt 1 . .11 ". "MO iOlUllini qnite sick for eeverai days. i. Z them "ST ' "L trip oe.ut .jgain, w, are giad to note. little money, 0 Mrs. Tate of Charlotte is visitinR liberal patronage and encWe ' w Mrs.JMOdPll. -Mm. W F Goodman and . , MVM4 it uiii lur liim inmiata k i a ..h.. J r . - The family of SuDerintenrf-nt. firemen, and hearken to their Vnni son Hu?h. h0 -1B a flialop, of the Buffalo mill, who f?r neIP. you know not at what ,Pe' wnere ih7 were visiting been Tisiting relatives at Low honr 1 may call them tp rescue p a J ' , .. , t S"V A McCalloujsh and Mr. J D Barrier left this morning to at I r Y.nieience at Union Lbtheran Mr. HMcNamara has returned MADRjSCLOTH. oolest Shirt on earth. hot weather. v NEW LOT JUST " "; I I " 1 -- , - SOETBOSOM. Made tor comfort in D. (RECEIVE 4tuh me Donaio mill, who juu. jlhow noi at what i Tt: have been Tisiting relatives at Low- nonr you may call them to rescue ' ell "W n m t vonr hnn rnn -Vj i v., auu Luinnev nnflfc i r , r Mvuoar huu vnnr . -rvir 11 bn f M M . t . , , . - :i .. " I . . -V : vouuuu ana son. Mas. j . , irom. me ravages of the W Archey, who have been at 'AUe. destructive flamM lebanevSnnnM Ta your hone, your property and your lAUiiiv j irom tj destructive flames. ageacj for a boek entitle wn.J f 9 nremen "qnest The Stand nan Legacy." R.,ph Z b. Wh h'W 'nb- '-" ' ' plendid success in taking orders bed ttJ,1' K8, , gelatine, fruits, -Miss Callie Lipe spent last Mr Rfn TT.m? 5 V t, 8nfr vnd fl'oriB to have same htin the , cUrith'Woia Mr. Kafns i Hathcock. of Bier readv hv S aVImV . - " Hamilton, and left : thl. Lick, is viaitin his brother, Mr. T A I ing, in order that the ladi p f010 church,. Rowan! county?' u.fiu .i a. , 1 - ' . ioe aaies can I to attend th a T.wfii-; :TZ:--jr' ui. idii piace. prepare it there in APMfniT r -"- f?nc expected home this m-.. t.s. a. . . ucbixucuvb namer iKuauevonrinira fVfnn noter Aaipn uaen nas the I mi - v- r ?r;wu uuuu- --w-.vWu icucofc i he oTAND-1 tn Ka i:4 t 1 iuraea to ask all thoM who hare nh. " ltta' """MW LINEN NEW LOT OF eRASii S UIIS Prioe.$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50: nacnCOClT. Of thll niftna. nmnaM U Mr. BNH Miller celebrated hi. I The grounds will h i1!nm?4 : uiai i u.&uMkwa 4fim hirfViAow nnt.J . I With plrf r?nf tr x. i - ...mumj ycoicruaj, anaiaatl " -.-v...vV OUu uxeu up in evening me members of his Snndflr tohool class called at his home and BaUTTT gave mm many presents, s&me Mrs P ? R.U.. j , . lneejviigsij.zne of which were erv - haJ. o-ly of Mrs, Canaon. fninAj a At. i r.--i : I"'44 -logaiuonntain, had a I Mupic added to. the. pleasures of thV tfirininnAr . I 3 -d -emed toenjo, T'SSJ themselves. night last. A man had entered tnl Mr. R E Sergeant, of Greenshnrn. room in which ehA . - -- . . i "'ug auu is visiting his danghter, Mrs. W R with an axe, tried to I prize open a Odell. bnrean d I , -v., Mmwu awnrirjueu IQQ Remembered tne Editor. there in session LMr. and Mm A r t-.s-i- T ui" r. , 414 iiei8, 01 jjikue.ua, are spenamg several days r t 6 ut iur. ana nee rMiss Lizzie Bost, is the Bister " .- - : - . i I ;. . t: s . . ' COMP'NY l Fresh lady. She spoke as if to her hns band, and at the sound of her voice wietch se:zed and choked her 1 life Wa8 all hnf. trnnn fiV, Mr. J A Li taker, the one arm ; r tne vau, nuu uwns ore Ot thft hpat farms, vineyard and orchards in j lfe Was 8,1 bnt Zoa?- -She No. 11 township, kindly remembered " i6 ffficient noi". however, to the editor of Thb Standard in a aro1ee her dan8bters. who ooenpied practical way. He brought in a r?om ln tbe Kcond story. The quantity of eloquent erapes and JT ,ad'efKaTe an a,arm. but be. luscious peaches, placing them on the T M oon,d."ach the scene, desk for that' particular person to t midIeht maurader had fled. enjoy, and the writer is confident J S ?,X'M f00t of tne Pro' that the editor 6uld have enjoyed tra!f woman 8 bed. Mrs. Baker soon the treat equally as well as himself "" '8 DOt thonht to be Shrimp, SELECTED Queen OLIVES - a vr Fancy Lemons ORtEAILS ? AT Ervin & Smith's GROCERS. CAME MEAK DKOffNllNG. Fell from a foot Lor Into Buffalo treeK-Kcscued by His Brother. Jay. the 7-vearold son nf --Ron' . . - I flprinnalv hn. ql. . ... I .. line writer) had he been at hom , . J was terribly niisenheimer, who lives on Mr Jim ...... - I TrinhfansH V 11 ' . . I - . . " . in his abser.ee we return thanks. J norrioie awanlt, Deaton's place in No. 4 township I o FCfc UUllt WrHK. i . III flffrtWIW Oarta Vari H r-nrr,. ... ITT .1 OUe William Smarr, colored, is r'""?" wl under arrest on circumH., dal . He was orossin8 the oreek. waiiting.afooWog,.when he slijp'd Like throwing up a penny an J takinchances is the iAdis6rimiiiate selectfon PURNITUKE for the season. It presents the latest Ideaslinuu-.nfi. nd is the result of study, experience and the perfect; acquaintance with the po?t lar demand. Our Furniture commandsIadmiration'bvKhe-hamitrVfifi lr . ij - ' " ... 'J -"JuuiOU AU; QfeogttnCe or desIgn- .We carry aa rPloto a le as -'anylFurnitaro Sforo . tu LOWEST6 SUarantee our Soods as represented and prices as LO ' Oed Room Suits. : .1 ; "pasels, Center and Dining Tables. ' 1 ; uuugea, voucnes, f i : - Hair, Cotton and Shuch Mattresses, 1 A rt Noveltit8, Baskets, iPickets, Oacks for halls, Mouldings, 1 ujI Aw f c Baby Carriages. Matting," rhfna'Closeta .' - Chopped Bis Toe With a flat!, r. bam HeDrya carnenter. emL 'i' ... . ore0 18 Ployed by Capt, H Props t ex- ! u C,rcamstailti perienced a painful zJT' bnce, which ,s very strong. The nesdaw afternoon whil. .Jli " . &re lnd,aat and Reeling v .-- .-'rr"6 Msirong. Petzer avenne, Hofi, 4 - omarr is ine man, tne n hatchet in trimmini? a short nitWnf . I , 1 L nlanlr n.. a "iprc piece;of in. such cases may follow, pianjf, when tde hatchet aWno,r si . Qf 'all kinds and descriptiona off into the raging stream. His 13 yearold brother.was with" him, and Odr Undertfl.kluP' rlfinart.mPTlt ia pnmnlntn or1 rtill Ttt, -Vm. r li-', th ... ; " wpvn,, win ueii auer me care of TiV Bell. All calls are promptly met, day or night! . , OI " xic wuriUDg ai strong. ; yearoia orotner.was with him, and s of Dr. J E 8moot on If the people become satisfied that 8eein fc, e perilous situation of his mm W!8 ?S1D Smafr is the man, the nsual resnlt llttle brther plunged headlong into ming a Short piece;0f in Stich HA fllm thA flrrpmanr1 raonA til.1 CONCORD MARKETsa j COTTON" MARKET.- Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer X B . wmvwu Si iuuy I , the stream and rescued him. Thi. Good middling cne Btream and rescued him. The ooa micldling........ ........... 8 35 pntsserzsi SVi severing a toe from hi. W- W: Mont Amosna Seminary, at Mount d0"n the stream, which was swo'len stains .... r rs omcot dressed the wound, Cim 1!" l0?aZ- - . -MV4uauuo, aau 18 one stitch 6 "w i UiU "u wip inrougn South wia tnat uae suicn. Carolina, where ha ha Ko I. A Keicro Woman as Pnitn... A special to the Atlanta Consti- M i cinMn'. "lilt r .ut.ua dbjo . -mary union, a negro woman, has received notice from Washington that she had been ap pointed postmaster for Tar Heel, uiauen coo nty, North Carolina. Mrs. T B Robinson, a white widow, uu o ueea accepraDjy nlling this position, : v&8 turned . down for the negro wonwnr uhe psople of .Tar Beel are highly inkignani at; the humiliation to which they are sub, jected." C r .v miF KUAuuu ooum iu luui uu u nocoeen tor the Carolina. wnarA ha h a k ..;a I ..... enccessfal in cnrintud:U 1.?' 01 "e' -a ;both boys his school. He will make anotW won,tt-naTe wen crowned. f r PBODUOB MAkKBT Corrected bv Swin & Whi te. 11 . izr r a1 -a - w a. CO f 6) CO 1 n Bacon..... visit to tha PftlrrtAtfYv QfoA , .iiL! I . T.B I Sucar-cnred nAmn xl. ' v.Mw,wuuin, won xooacco wpit aha Smoke Yoar oYi V vuouexi iew weets. School begins 1 LireAwR7. Duijc.meats,siaes. on Deptemoer v th. n CO Examination of Applicants for Ad Applicants for admission to the North Carolina Aerricnltnrai ir cnamcfli nniiAoro win kq j . r na An4 I. l . 1. . ' . vuo tuuib iiuuHf tin inn in.ar. atni. the 31stof this. Jnl. tf o Jl X nose who contemplate attending the A. & M. Col foe ah enton that day. H r - HTJLtjdwig, ' w2&?2 Examiner. If von want t.rt nnit ing easily . and forever, be made well, Btrong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take Ko-To-Bac, the wonder-worker that makes 1 weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.- .Over- 400,000 cured. Buy NorTo-Bac from your own druggist, ;who will guarantee a cure. Booklet, and r sample mailed V free. Arfr)iia4 fitatinV PatMAlM . ' ..uutvea wwitiug uioujr VO : Vyni i - - - - - , -. . - Dr. UllesJtf n MUsn guaranteed totttZ ..I..- 7 - ...... ...... Uvv Beeswax on - - - - unit WV Duiier ...... ............. iotol5 Om'ckena.;........ I...:....:.... 8 Jtn2n Corn. ...... ... ............. ........ ...57 ra . eggs..;...... ... ...... 8J1 Liara. ........... . 7 Flour(North Carolina) . ...... ..$2.40 j Uats.... ......3. 3 1 allov .... .... .... . .. 4to5 fPECFCCT and permanent are the - vura oy nooa-s sarsapanila, be- v-BBw.wmaKB jjutc, iiuu, xieaiinv. Ufa anil UIAU M 'A a J 1 V M PrJ PI I 2S IS-1! I 3j piiQfljP? PI j .v uu IICiMUl-glVlJlg J hvvti i 1.