Vol. XII. No. 59 CONCOlllX N. C. TUESDAY JULY 27, 1897 Whole NO!,787f 'V The school taw, Mr Editor: A few words in re gard to the New School Law. '.The Jaw makes the township the unit. Each township is, therefore, a school clistrict and has one committee of five It may be necessary in some cases to change the township lines to make it more convenient for the schools. It does not necessarily follow that the present township lines shall not be changed so as to give better shape to the school districts. No doubt that in some instances the line of a township can be changed bo as not to necessitate the moving of a school house. The Committee and Board of Education are expected to do the best for the schools, and will, no doubt, move in the matter of changes of location with due caution. The law does not contemplate the moving of school houses except in case3 where a new location will be more favora ble for the attandance of the child ren. Soma school houses will doubt less have to be moved. xneotoer parts or tne law ! elate to the duties of those entrusted with the care of the schools. They do not differ essentially from laws in force heretofore, and consequently need not be repeated here. THE SCHOOL TAX On the tenth of August an elec ; tion will be held on the question of local taxation for schools. The election is not intended to ascertain either the favor or the opposition of the people to the school law. The school law remains no matter what .may be the result oa the 10th of August. The simple proposition, before the people is, ?Do they fayor local taxation for schools?" The school law as adopted by the legisla ture will be in force whether the j - - people fayor local taxation or not, The importance of the question of local taxation for school purposes, it will be conceded by every one, is very great. The tax to be levied is a light one, it being ten cents on the hundred dollars worth of property and thirty cents on the poll. Ten cents on the hundred dollars is one dollar on the thousand, which is an insignificant earn when the cause for which it is levied is considered. It is a tax which is intended to be paid for the benefit of the children of the school district .or township. The tax goes to the people who pay it. The results of the payment will be seen in the improvement of the schools and the better education of the rising, generation. Better schools with longer terms win aaa in many ways .to - tne gen eral prosperity of the people. They will make the county a more desira ble place for people to live in. Better school facilities In the, county will tend to promote greater interest in farm life. Better schools' iri the county will render it unnecessary for farmers to moye to town in order to educate their children. There ought to be a good school in easy reach of every boy and girl in , the county. VV t . ' Q The simple proposition, then," is made us to levy a tax for the better education of the children of the county. Lt us not turn our backs on the little children who are to succeed us in the management of church and State; The struggle for for a living will become harder for each generation as -population ' in creases. The ' lives,, liberty and property of the people will be more likely to be protected by the ballots of intelligent voters than by the votes of those whose education has been neglected. The proposition to vote the tax is a step i forward. Like the stock law of some years ago, its advantages may not be seen at the beginning, but bing in the line of progress it will ultimately J be . adopted. The J . , r . .. procession is moving, shall we fall in at the head or wait later? I A mority of the qualified voters of the township is necessary to the aaopuon oi ine tax. i a quaiinea voter does not vote he is counted as against local taxation. If a qualK fied voter favors the tax he must vote, otherwise he will be counted as opposed to the tax. The qtiali- fied voters are those who are prop- erly',regisfered. H. T. J. Ludwiq. For Over Flfly Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup . naS been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child' ren while teething, with perfect sue- .na ' It ooLtiffi ine child, softens f iP rrs.-ns alUvs all nain n.nr wind colic,! and is" the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor ittlei sufferer immediately. Soldby druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure aaa ask for "Mrs, Wmslows Dooth-lthe iLg Syrup," and take no other kind i , i To Old Yir&rmla. I The Berrvhill excursion, which t i I passed through the city this (Tues day) morning at 8 o'clock bound for Norfolk, Va., was fairly well loaded uy ynariobieaos. jluo 1UiIUWXU& party juiuou iuc cJLuutoiuuioto ucic. Mr. and Mrs. D J Bostian, Tom Johnson, Dr. J E Smoot, Mies Adah n.J .nra.M smnAf a;n Rn,ra D M Furr, Mr. Lentz, of near Or- ffan church: George Elliott, of Mill- ingsport; Mr. and Mrs. A W Moose, Mr, and Mrs. W H Fisher and Miss Lena Bar ringer, of Mt. Pleasant. "Concord a Good, Moral Town," A gentleman well known in al most eyery to wn and county in the State and who is a familiar figure at all the courts, said to a Standard reporter : "Concord is a good, moral town and I loe to come here. Tne people are hospitable, and it is so seldom that a drunk man is seen on the streets, that he is regarded as a curiosity. "And to think that there is not enough deiilment going on to keep the one policeman busy IS Simply wonderful for a town of nearly 7,000 Another centlemau. who has llTed in a large city" for many years said J v J J - cnat wnen ne waiKea aiong our flAfa Tin nnnlrf nnt hn f. thinlr that VW ww... he Was in a City parK, bo mveiy are nnr ahA trPM hfiftutiful lawns and -l: - - a. . residences. ne warn Bireei oi our town, he said, is a scene or granauer i li and a sight never seen m cities, where shade trees are considered an abomination. Jfree Pills Send TOUT addreSS tO Jl Hj t5UCK sample box of Dr. Kine's New Life Pills. A trial will conyince you of their merits. These pills are easy of action and are particularly effec tive in the ' cure of Constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly vegetable.' They do not weaken by their action but by giving, tone to the stomach and boweis , greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box-, Bold at Fetzer's Drug Store. PERSONAL POINTERS. ' Mr. and Mrs. J P Allison are spending the day in Salisbury. -MissCallie Line has returned from conference at Union church. in Rowan county. Mr. George W Fisher is vibitine Wn cou V i m ... . ! . 7mi? J,a"- AVAerD18 V1U1?S ner siBter, Mrs. Geo. P Barnhardt, on South Main street. ' ... ... ' i-ffi"1 E? H Payseur, for several weeks, returned to ner nome at uastoma. Mrs Will HaII nrt rMMrn Zue, Murr and Mildred, of Rocky Mount, are spending several weeks lu tne cli7 wltn relatlvea- Mrs. George .W Brown and daughter, Miss badie Bencini, have gone to Salisbury to spend some time with mends and relatives. Mrs. Barrow,, who has been spending several weeks with her VC XT VT ir morning for her home at Louis- burg. Miss Ethel Norriey who has been Y181ting Her Sister, Mrs. S L 0QlS?,er anii' her, fiends, the 1BUHC? mgumcry, im Ior rai- r"' t '"b Misses Beulah and Mary Bern hardt, of Salisbury, passed through city this morning on their way to Gastonia, where they will visit until Monday next. . Mr- MSaF B Shernll, who has hppn nn u. viBIt to hm naronts ir Lincoln county, is in the city with his brotner, Mr. J B Sherrill. and w? spend severalv days , here. He I here. i , , . employed in the railroad business at Raleigh, has resigned his postion lad will engage in business for him I Dull l l r-l in iiii k vikii. i.i i m iiiri ivi in t and his many friends here are glad to see hjm. Fresh Shrimp. SELECTED Queen OLI VES AMU'-. ; Fancy Lemons An Ervin & Smith's GROCERS. We wisa Lo ca.utiii all users otism interegt and imoortice to their health- hierhapa their iiws. The ,o pfnpnHtorE 1 buying and taking (somei medicine of a mikr appearance d taste belief it to be Simmons Liver Regulator. We warn i you that unless the porcl Kegulator is on the package or bottlehat it is not Simmons Tl; , . , TVU Oloo r,olr UVer has made Simmchs Liver Regulator, oi Unythinc called Simtiorti Liver Regulator, but J. H. ZeilinAOo. and nowdicine made b mone elstJ ;3 thdBame..9 We alone can put it up, and we ca: not responsiDie, u I Dther medicines reprtsented as tne same do , oa ita1 , art th ill. Bear this fact teUm mind, if you have Deen in the habit of isinc a medicine which you supposed to be Stnmons Liver Regula tor, because the name was! somewhat like it, and the "package id not have the word 1. J?- orl Uaxra nt lWn tMncr Rimmnns Liver Regulator at aJ(. The Regulator has been favorably known for many years, and dl who use it know low necessary it is for Fever, and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa tion, Headache, Dyirepsia, and aU disorder irising from a Biseasfed Liver. : -A : , i We ask you to . lock :for yourselves, and lee that Simmons ' iiver'Regulator, which fou: can, readily disinguish by the Red Z on wrapper, and by our name, is the only medicine called Simnons Liver Regulator. f . h ZEUjy a co. ; 'Qimtnon diitr ttcaruZator THE "C-SOIDIEr SSIHO? MADRAS CLOTH. Coolest Shirt on earth. hot weather. NEW LOT JUST R NEW L E CRASj; aiirs; Price $2.50r$3.00 CA NNON & FBTZ& BAD s OR Like throwing up a penny and takirigchancesjis the indiscriminatejselection o FURNTTURE f or theseason. It presents thre latestldeas in style and fiaih nd is the result of study, experience and the perlect acquaintance with the popu -lar demand. Our Furniture commands admiration by the beauty of finishaand elegance of design. We carry as complete a liqe as any rurnuure Stord the State. We guarantee our goous as LOWEST. I Oed Room Suits. f pasels, Center and Dining Tables, H otinges, Couches,? j adies' Desks, -1 air, Cotton and Shuch Mattresses, A rt Novelties, iBaskets,jPickets, iranVa fnr Viollo f nnlfl in rr Oockers, v Inside JZU EXjX. . ttEZMT& &o CO.. . ' -m m. t . Den. jxu cans are yrumpwy uici, uaj ui CONCORD MARKETS COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer, Good middling.... 8 35 8.10; Middlings ... low miaaung 8.00 Stains 6 65 PEODUOB MAllKEx Corrected bv Swini White. Bacon........ .....J.....r..J.... j 7 Bugar-cnred hams. ... .. ...... 1 2Jtol4 Bulk meats,sides. .... ...... ....I. 6fo5 Beeswax..... ....... Vj20 Butter 10tol5 Ohickena 8ito20 Oorn.i.... :....';.57 Eggs.l..... ...... .. ......... M Lard..V....... 17 Flour(Norlh Carolina) . ...... ...$2.40 Meal......-.....;... . 60 Oats .......... ...r............ V Tallow ...... 4to5 PE R F ECT and permanent are the . cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, .healthy, life and health-giving DLOOD. Oar unaertRKing aepartment is complete, anu wiu De nnaer me, care or iklv T- 1 1- 11 11 ln 1 Ar.-rmi f vtlrrVti - i ! - SOFT BOSOM. Made tor comfort in. :ceiv.ed LOT OF and; $3.50. ff 7 rep resemea ana prices as LU j .. Shadep 1 Baby Carriages, Matting, 0f all kinds and descriptiona a ' 3 ill 1 . .i wguw O m 50 2: n 7 H 53 CO C v AJU i -- LJ c ( Ul 2 o A 1 Jl i3 1 lad s5o, I':g r CD 5f rl U I 1 wm 41 mi

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