. .J ' i4 -Trains. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at fiiom l o 63 Ho (4 C C4 9.02 p m, (F) 11 20 a m (treiuni SOUTHBOUND. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (F) 11 " "loss m ' 10 23 am. J u " 9.03 p m, 35 9.27 pm, v . u-wa iu, vireignt) t 2?36' 37 and 38 8tP rty at ChaS If i t you want a fine Roast or a good Steak tomorrow leave an order with me. Some thing elegant For a roast for the veterans. . FREE delivery in all - parts of the city, Respectfully, Geo. Ury. . umuUe or costive, eat a ccacandv cathartic, cure guar anteed, 10c, 25c. ' : 8 No less than four hundred chick ens were killed in this city Tues day. Chickens were so scarce that eggs were in demand. Lost At or near the Presbyte rian church, three gold buttons, on Cham, Finder will be suitably re warded. See W L Bell ; .'. :s; L Mr J. M. Sims went to Cabarrus rvCsiT "aiiauui reensDoro Lyesieraay toeeehismnthfir ' twu tSS ha i W goeso Concord to aTtedtfieola use the othcr traius. vxunayeto 80ldiers' reunion. Charlotte Ob- server. Mr. D J R rwst? flrk fol 1 f- U : ui cycle several d severely bruised his hand. He was lurtunaie enougn not to break an arm. Ladies who have fin - - m . ... - - - ww VJl X WWW ration DUrDOSGfl.'tn hft nao of VA court house, will, please Bend them iu uuH morning. A committee win oe tnere to receive them. 5 fUJ OOD'O Sarsap arilla has over ana over acain nrnwd W its onraa When all cther preparations failed, thai ti !. v I- m . - L - - u uie une x rue HLCOD Murine The smallnnx' mora ir . Ptrm5r.fr g- , . u j- i lug bam. Ala., is not ranrAaAntad t.n ho r wwv wv ao uau aa ib reauy:is. mere are a few cases in Montgomery and other towns m mat atate now. In connection with nno fr tiV. ets via- Rnnt folk,t-Richmond and W.ashington; iiuu rovura -Auguav-io ana 14; which are li w WVWIMAM JLUT days from date of sale, tickets limj wu du iou uajrs lur roiuru Can Dp 1 V M WW A purcnasea irom wasnington to New York at 810.00. to Philadfilnhm $R and Baltimore 82 00. These tickets are good on vestibule trams, and persons leaving Concord 9:02p. m.L reach New York 12:52 p. m. the neixt day, only one night on the BASE BALL TODAY CONCORD vs. iimiLLL 2:30 ' ., r B Ball He a d p ti a tiers place. ai our CONCORD V8, H UNTEKS VILLE, ForiestSiU Park, 2:30 o'clbck rpkd; ; snarp. Admisslob to tlie 10 cents. Everybody GOES, , i Mc Dusebbury, the bbiinng grounds Kent at tbe Southern derjotyAspcxl that the water in the- cooler :At-thA ticket office is changed twice Tor oftener, each day, and we take pleasure in announcing the fact.. ; BEGONIAS 5c to 50. PERNE 10c: to ftb. GERANIUMS 5c. to 25c. PALMS 75c. to fcS.OO QOINT E SMITH. Tickets for the ball crame this afternoon can be obtained ;atvMil les,; Marsh's , drug-store, andi jai , tmmmmmmmma ? I , PrHffrapliecI,'i-eiicilednd:Properly nuoM.oaiijr vu avutu uu vwu. auo Harry P. Deaton, local r reporter. SHORT ITEMS. c inoord; it AEsi&xa, , GQTTOtf HABKST. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer. Placed llere. The town is now rigged up in gala attire to beat the band. Uanal uraver-meetine services will be helcLat all the churches to night. J ust' trv a 10c. ' box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. All the business houses, eCe game will be a tight one, as the vis-1 &pmiddling....... ...... ...... 8 60 iting team has the reputation j)f Muu" v "" tains ' 7 00 PRODUCE HAtt&El. Corrected bv i Swmit & White. Bacon, L... - 12itol4 besng a strong one. MAGIC YEAST at . . ; Li-n-nar ds & Barrier . v i , i I Su?arcured hams. son of,0 A, Bobbins of n Charlotte, o---- 20 . .-iiw '. nAiskvAi beeswax.. .............. ...............u All the business nouses, except Butter 10tol5 the drug stores, will close from 10 to Tuesday vemng, while:bahln&in olii(Skena... . ..........8ito20 4 o'clock. j y ; . the ' surfV The ;etf wa umisualW g7... ..................55 - ? - 4 heavy, and a big breaker tore -the -t l t:..Jntn lln. Viiinair li Iiiil.'h.v. l J I rj-v !7B ...... . . . ......... 43 Ajascareis auuiuww wuoj, DOy away irom ioe liio-iine ; aim r a and bowels. Never sicken, weaken BWeptvhim outwardeforft., ihp eya Sa,;VT'V-n4V;;r' or gripe. 10c. of his mother. The child's body flour(North Carols) . ...... ...$2. . If 1 I Solid silver shirt-waist sets 50pts. ...... ........ 1 AT -I m.Alfan I . . 11 it ' 1 . I ATfl ...1 ........ im .... ....... ..'.- ' -1 .40 :..60 E30I1Q Biiver BuitivftiD dvw vwyw, . . iuai.... Ladies' leather belts, for a song, at V 4 ; , Tallow - 4to5 Yorke'e jewelry store. - Protect yourself gainst sickness . and Bufiferine by keenine your blood HuntersviUe and uoncora win &nd - witfa Hoodfl Sar8apa. play ball at the park this afternoon riUa wak thin im blood - O n'nlnnb- -fiflfl Mil flr'fl ftd. . ' JI - n. j -.i.vw.. iw-ww - - i anrA in Tflflnii in niseaHB. FflfH nd the -Iansr' with a box Mood's mis are easy iqiaKe, easy - ri .if. C7 Vll r-rlZS of those elegantly flaVofed Cinco ci- to operate. Cure indigestion and UllllUUOUDDOi asukj. gars- . A dance will be given at the hall tonight by. the German Club, comi plimentary to the young ladies and visitors. - 1 Thflre will be no extra : charge, for grand-stand tickets at the ball game fKiio aftftrnnnn. UAme lO Do caiieu at 2 o'clock, promptly. : , Tr T M Hendrix and ohildreh left this morning for Walhalla, S. C. where they will spend some time with the family of ; Mr. Hendrix's Either. ;, ; 3 - The Standard returns its sin: cere thanks to. Mr. Joe Blackwel A nf 4 township, for a: quan zrl fiiptrntlv flavored, old-time pjache?, of abtuV twice the ora:r ;flfu Ri7.fl, His crop is a good one, and we are glad to have been re- W. J HILL We will open prompt ly at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Have re ceiied another supply of MasoQ8 Fruit J ari - '. .; . - - ' '. .;- ' ; - - and quart Tin Km f fl rt .Tsii -e . P5ri 3C V V t D) H s u E 2 40 INCH Wits l c tori a L a w Worth 10c -ard : Going to let it o-o at 5c. ard. fiCannon & Fetzer Go. : J REMEMBER will The fall season be on soon, and you will need some Fire In . surance. , Remember I represent a number of strong and ' rallable Companies, and can serve you at any time! . . J. FJ HURLECJ, INSURANCE AGENT, r ' . ,.rr;.v..xi;-.::. 5 Si . . - . . i. A ... . .9 CONCORD, N.C.1I CAPITAL STOCK," - ? $50,000. We are now read v for business at 1 oar new banking office in tne Props t :1 building.: Your. account is .respecU fully solicited and we promise you, narfnt Atid finnrtenna attention and every facility consistent wih sound banking. , - a ; . ; , iv Deposits from 25 cento ap taken in our t-- ' . 5 --.:-Vi" ' v ... SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, i: Interest paid on savings and time: depbeits. . , . ,r r -; -, ' -, ; f Call to see us and see oar burglar proof safe with time lock. . . 5 5- IliEOTQES j j.iwcANNrdk; Liw3ds(j;Frri; DR R, S. YOUNG, C. W. 8WINK, JNO. C. WADSWORTEiV ' ' f DR J. W. FLOWSL X. k: D. F. CANNON, J AS, 0. GIBSON, : President." - '"J - Cashier - M AHTIN BOGER, lx. ft WO0DHOUSE Vice President - : ..Teller r rui ,. m n : n n H Is Iffj l If tii . r. - ! Offer the" business 5 public1 a re liable, permeii. conservative and accomodating banking institution.; We solicit your business with'; the assurance of honorable treatment nd due appreQiation of your ' pat ronageV A ..:. "J ,:Y!v;Vr If we can serve you; a& any timra wesbal b e ftlad to have you come and so8 us " ' LIBERAL AeeOVIMODMIONS TO CUSTOMERS ft .uifiT AfiCOOD FOR ADULTS. fixi.ATlA-Nor. 1C. 1893. rrlsMedic&Co., St-IioutS,Mo. " ' n,nmon-'nfn hld lat Tear. 600 bottles Oi. nnrvvwic m A BTTi'T.WSa .CCTIXJ. TONIC and haTf I lougbtlire gross Already -this year. In all or ov4 GapiUl and SulpJis$tQ 0Q0 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier. J. M. ODELL. Pres. ? oerlenoe oi u yedrs, m oa utuk duuukim, u vt never Bold an article that gave Bueh universal srxia For sale and JJguaran teed by all druggists- $1,000. Wp. will civa the above amount to th W w w a nerson who will send us the beat list o L J J --. . fifty questions answereu in -.uiciionary ofTJnited State3 History." Write for, a rtlcuiars with stamp. PURITAN PUBLISHING CO 3d BromfleldStretBoflton Mass 1 1 li.inr ""i1 ret Ana money xi wtr mxs KWm raa.raiw toem or pay expense cr Ed (eesf vrltH thoe wfc. eomin?, and botel ftlake o ft fail to you have taiten. w Id mouth, Pore TbroeW Eyebrows IWUnjc ont, railroad WXIYtf m V.- tjrjr, lolI4e petawi ana It Id UU rriwar.' ! gyerow fMUnJE JU ft-flf i-VKiH, ! 'tte$: f" juarante to cure. a fe;- - worM fwilcw; euaoi rare, xuw u . !'m nn.nv wan W llAVe treating this dlsestfe arafcia- 9 iroaTantee.rWrtte X.. J v Tr,T iTT niiilr Trnrr- 1 BICB,W mm .5 Mi .. . - ..J : , " " HI-- - " f 1 '-'J' : E : ' '4 '-if-. 4': i'4 -t r . -. - ."I ' i - ' J. Edward Hill. 917 "97. rn mbered by him.