Mi i! 1 i i i i s t i 1 Li i ' A 1 i hi f : ! 1 J? I1 -f I - r ' I ' ' 'a -a LP.. 1 if,' r Or i 1 I i Right Prices " You can p.y trtarr monry for bicycle, but yoti car ivyt secure a machine bl trighrr grad thao the crnt. ur on that wtU please WHSThRN WHHFl WORKS C MU.AIi NFW V(MK SV1ADE ME A IV! AM AJAX TA3LITTS POSITIVELY CTTRT A.LJL ITeiTvM luteutiee Failing Mem ory.Im potency, Sleeptfewnoss, etc- cause- oy ADC3t or ovoor Jtiot-acoe and indu cretions. They quick iff and ure& restore Lobt Vitality ia old or yoang. an nt a riaa f jr study, business or marnag Prevent Insanity and Coitsumptlon l on in time. Their use eiiowa l.nmodiate imDroTt xaent and effects a CUK12 whero nil other fail In cist npon haring the penuine Aiax Tablets. The-; have cured thoosands and wilUmro yoi. We Rive a pot itiv6 written guarant- to effect a care E PTC : each case or refund tl2 money. Price wv Wlvi per package; or six pku;o (fail troetcient) tor ?2i0. B: mail. In plain wrap;er. cTHn receipt of price. Circale? AJAX -REMEDY CO.t HJSSTii For sale by J P Gibson, Druggists SCHEDULE mi - IN EFFECT JAN. 18, 1897. Tb s oondensed schedule is pub lisb d as information, and is sub ject to change without notice to the public : TRAINS LEA.VE COX CORD, N. C. 9:27 p. m. No. S5, daily for A.tlan ta and Charlotte Air Line division, and all points South atid Southwest . -Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet Bleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birm iagham, Gaheston, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeper' Obarlotte to Augusta. 8:48 a. m. No- 37, daily, Washings ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and Nw Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis . Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Sun days. 9:02 p m. o. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Gold sboro, Nor folk, Selma, Ralign, Greensborol Knoxville and Asheville to Char otte..N. . - 1050 a- m.No llt daily, for' At lanta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man Bleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10:07 a. M, No. 36, daily, for .Washington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawing-room buffet sleeper, Galveston to New York ; Jackson ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar cieco Thursdays, v 9:02 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, pmited, for Washington and all iioints North. Through Pullman car Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuled coach and xdining qar. 7; 22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Richs mood, Asheville, Chattanooga, RaK eigh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping car from Greensboro to Richmond. Connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raleigh. 6.17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Rich mond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Norfolk ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for Ashville, Knox ville and points West. All freight trains carry passengers John M. Culp, W- A. Turk, Traffic Mgr. Gen'IPass. As't, W. H. Gjieev, - Washington, D.C. ' Gen'l Superintender.t, Washinston.-D. C. . 5. H.HariTwick, Ass't Gen'i P. Agt Atlanta, Ga . H. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. &s Louisville, Ky. Gowan Ddcenbbby, Local Ag'fc, ' Concord. N, C. NOTICE." Good clean Seed Rye for sale at Fenix Flour Mill. Also highest cash price paid for milling wheat. See me before you sell. G T Crowell. Dr. Miles' Pain Mills are guaranteed to stop I XZeofacftln20 minutes. "One cent a doae?' i taki With Hood's Sarsapa riUa, " Sales Talk," and show that this medi cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. This is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any ether. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the6tory. All advertisements of Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Sarsaparilla i Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try it Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. "71 TI . f - are the only pills to take HOOU S FlllS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Most Delightful Route TO NEW YORK Au Northern AND Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE Old Domiriinion" Line And Rail Connections. Always Cool on the Ocean Fast hansome steamships ieve Nor folk, VaM daily, including Sunday, at 7:30 p. m., for New York direct, affording opportunity for through passengers trom the South, Southwest and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort and Virgin a Beach en route. First class tickets includes meals and stateroom accommodations. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents or to M B Orowell, Agent, Norfolk, Va.; J F Mayer, Agent, 1212 Main St., Richmond, Va. W. L. GUILLAUDEU, Vice Pres. & Traf. Mgr., MANUFACTURERS OF Fme Ginghams Outino- Cloths Plaids Sheeting andSaVBao-s Dealers in GENERAL MERCHADISE o Bnvers of COUNTRY PRODUCE ol all kind, and 4-toot wood always wanted best prices for same. We invite an inspec tion ot all the goods we manufacture. ODELL MFG. Co., Concord N. c k. Official Programme lor, Snndny School CouventloB. The Cabarrus county Sunday Schoob conyention will mcit at Bethel church, No. 10 township, Tuesday, August 19, The follow ing is the official programme. Bible Reading and Deyotional Exercises by the President at 9 30. Enrolling Delegates. Song. . At 10.15 Address by Rev. J 1 Arnold, Sub)ectlTlie Pxoyince of the Sunday School in the Tempei ance Work," Song, Open Conference, -Song. At 11.15 Address by , Snbj-ct "Home Prep aration of Sunday School Lissbods. ?ong. Open Conference. Intermission. AFTERNOON SESSION. At 1.30 Song Services Addrets bv Rev. Homer Barn herdt. Subject "Modern Habits that Hinder Touthful Spiritual De velopment. Song. ' Election of Officers for ensuing yeB- and other business. Adjournment. D. B. OOLTRANE 1 S. W. WlNECOFF J. D. B ) Ex. Committee. It Stay Do as Macb for Yon Mi . Fred Miller, of Irvine:, 111. , writes that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures but without any good result. About a yeir ago he bagan use of Electric fitters ana zouna renei at once. Electric Bitters is especial,y adapt1 ed to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost in-? aut relief. One trial will will proye our statement. Price 50c and 81.00 at Petzer's Drug Stoie. Vllmlngton Tomorrow. Excursionists will leave at an early hour for the coast several hundred from this city. The firBt excursion that has eer run from this city to Wilmington will leave tomorrow (Tn'ursday) morning at 5 30 o'clock, under the management of Messrs, R F Coble and F L Robbins, who will accom pany the tram and see to the pleas ures and comforts of these taking passage with them. Mr, Robbins tells a Standard reporter that about 250 people will go from Forest Hill and quite a large number from down town; The train will leave the passenger depot promptly at the time adver tised. Returning the excursion train will leave Wilmington at 6 o'clock Friday evening, arriving here on its return at 4 o'clock Saturday morn ing. - r lve coaches and a refreshment car will make up the tralnl The fare for the round trip is only $2 50. and all those who haye never seen the ocean, now's your chance. August 12th, 13th and 14th, the Southern railway will sell excur eiori tickets to Washington, D. C.f Richmond, Va., and Norfolk, Va and return (from Concord) at rate of one first class fare for round-trip. iicKeis iron-ciaa ana gooa ntteen days from date of sale. This will bean excellent opportunity for our merchants to go: JNorth and buy their goods or the fall trade, as well as for those desirous of visiting the above cities for pleasure or other wise. -' : ' ' Tbe Ideal Panacea' James L. Francis, AJderman, Chicago says : I regard Dr. King's Mew Discoverv as an Ideal Panacf a for Coughs, Colds and Lung Com plaints, having used it in my family for the last'five years, to - the exciu sion of physicians's prescriptions or other prtperation Rev. John Burgus,Keokuk, Jowa, wrires: I have been a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for 50 years or more, and have never tound anything so beneficial, or that grave me such speedy relief as Dr. .KirtffV New Discovery. Try this deal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at Feszer's Drug Store. fill fei - ' '' m 20th Centtiry Bicycle . Sc 20th Century Bicycle Lamp to the rider of the prettiest decorated wheel in the parade to day. .frize will be award ed by judges who will be announced later- Mil ID There is i oihing that is as essential to the hap pinees of the family as the local newspapr. If you are not yet a sub scriber send us your name at once, and let . u THE STANDARD ! start at once. You can - not do without it, neither can the family. (mfWH4JRllltll'tltil(H4tltlllhlHttlll When, in n.eed of JOB WORK. of different descriptions, j you vill do well to call on us, as we can save yon j money. Prices on different i kinds of JOB WORK given j on application at this office, i m'TTn nrn !. h li b 1 A M D AKD. GREEXSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE, NORTH CAROLINA. The fifty-second session of thip Colleee begins WEDNESDAY, September 8, 1807. Advantages of College and Conservatory offered at 'moderate coat. A FACUALTY OF SPECIALISTS. Ample equipment. A pleasant home Catalogue on application. DRED PEACOCK. President Xhe State Normal a AND s I ndustrial Colege, GREENSBORO Kf. r. Offers the young women of the Stat tw u Orofessin'nal Mtaran', 1 ',.. .- .,,s 1 j ' -"".4i, cienimc, and in dustrial education. Annual expenses oo tn T SSSi&SS , -.Lh- regula-r . , - -"- v.wi iu pupus ior teacher More than 1,200 matriculates representing eve ountv in the- ctfitA .1 u"s every invited from ."""Pdence teachers. TeWZS H,aJned , tuition aoriiratmn mcf C ZZ,. Cri ""ree- 1st. For ratatnmic -,r,4 c august 1 MM Tt 0 m . auul CSS, r'w.' vnaries u mclver. STANDARD. llufMltwtlHHHlH!It!H:.;illll1llIlll:. Advertisers will find no better means to reach the people than throuch the columns of THE STANDARD. If you want the patron . age of the people, make your wants known through this medium. Our local advertisements are worth five rents per line for first insertion, and reductions given on successive insertions. All olher rates given on app ication. When yon wish clubbing rates on any kind of news j paper or periodical with j THE STANDARD j you will save money ty call j ing on us, though all orders 1 must invariably be paid in j cash. a tittn a t- t-v Academy and College, for Girls and Young Women. Best home care to gether with fall College instructions. Specialists in Music, Art, Elocu tion, Languages, Commercial and Industrial studies. Institution found ed m 1802. The register shows 3 -U last year. New term begins Thurs day, Sept. 2, 1897. Send for Cata logue to- REV. J. H. CLE WIS LL, Prinninal 87t gSalem, N. 0. M.-L. Brown & BRa LIVERY, PEED AND SALE STABLi)S, ?,r Bt Woud HoteL..' Omni- "' n?!5i 2 ?a l Passenger trains. Outfits SL.wdB t Promptly and a Prices. Horses and mules alv ays on hand for sale. Breeders of noroushbred Pol9xld China u SALEM 1 I 1 r

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