AM ! I si t i I! ! J i - i Ik I;. ii i ;( 31 JOHN DABgtE$c $$N jt - i f , c Editors an3 Propriqtorql OFFICE IN BRICK ROW. The Standard" is r "published eVery day I (Sunday excepted) and delivered by carriers. rates op subscription: One year. . . . . . ... ..... .$4.00 Six months ... ..... 2 00 Three months.. ! 0 One month. ; Single copy. . .05 ' The Weekly Standard is a four page, eight-column paper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum, in advance. advertising rates : Terma for regular advertisements made known on application ... Address all communicationa to, j THE STANDARD, h Concord, N. C. CONCORD. "AUG. 14 1897.- ; - - - - TOE OliD HtX DKFEJTDED, - - -- ., 5 " i It is not our pu rpoae-j to : weary those who differ wi:h ua onrthe. ojd man on whom Democracy h s split and the abnie of whom-seemed to ,- . t ft .i v- give impetus to drifts that no "one would hare suspected were Demo- cratic acmi years ago. Jiut one years ago, can hardly read of a coriYenton" or large poll' ical githering ;n, which the Ei President ia cot branded as a character far below that which has ever nseu to the position of presi dent of the Uaited States. Let it D3 remembered that no really bad man nor man-devoid of some real greatnes has ever become president of the United States, The following ia the result of an interview reported in the Charlotte Observer by J0 Troj: 'Groyer Oleyeiand'has ,been ,and u now a eubjec' cf so much abuse by the igDorant, - J the pn j i diced, and .nnaens.ble, that I, au old man of neirly 84 years of age, feel; it a duty I owe to my poster it j and country to ? make him a truthful defence, aa . best I can. I will not go into de tails in general, .but lea veil thatC ,to 'the hiatoriah. He; restored confu- "ti Jii-into law. and order in the t State of Illinois. He knew what .to r'&6, an'd, like Andrew' Jackson, , did fit. X will not say .whether he4 was ' fcor rect or not on the gold standardi' 'f or I do not presume to know.'1 It t seems to me that he has had no' par allel since Jackson, who was at one time one of the most unpopular Presidents. . I-remember :hpw fhis popularity returned., (He f Ipsf his popularity by vetoing the .'old Na tional Bank. Cleveland,' . like. 'JabksoD, lo3t bis by dding right: His popularity, like Jackson's, will return. I believe Groyer Cleveland and n William E Gladstone to be ,two; of rthe greatest statesmen in the world. Cino'nhatus of Borne might : oe their co equal. :f. WELL ESOCGH SAID. It must not be inferred that the people of this State are opposed to public schools because they voted against the special tax, last Tuesday, although the ballots' read "for spools against schools " instead o f -Mf or the sp ecial tax' "against the special tax," as they should have read jf "they had;beei truthfully and honestly worded. The wording adopted was a trick, to which', we called attentioh seme time ago? to influence voters who might not lke j Ito bejput . in po3ition as opposed to , i eohools. The trick didn't work. .But there were good and sufficient rtasona why the friends of the schools should i i tar, for the taxes though not as 'Btatesare hlgh-in .proportion tothe 5 ability of the people to bear in these 1 .. 'i i.- serin gent times, aa thejclfilinqaent tax lista amplyteatify, peo pie t? iselj ideolined ta: tak& npon themselves additional and unneces- eary burdens." " That was one-reason and another very pood one was that the taxpayers of this State "are not gatiefied with the administration of our public affairs and had their doubts as to the use that would be made of this special tax, if voted. And many were influenced by the compulsory character of the law, which seemed to be framed to worry the people into voting for or against it whether they wanted to or not When the time comes, and the ques tion is presented i a proper way, the people of this State will very oheerf uliy jvote -for additional school tax if jt should be necessary,--Morn mg Star. 0 1 ) L t , M ,'1 i A 'V. , J aly afew days- since we read a jscieut it ifio anala8ysis ,of horse meatsas , in which theif8cien"tist Vlaimed w -r ."s t. food .that via. boiling the mee't a very. poisonous i so urn yises to the top. We need only to glance at another item of news to see that the French are wanting more hrsemeat than can' be"8upplied. Is the French stomach poison proof oris the scientist off ? :.. ;I ,am. g ad . I . am a calamity bowler. Christ was a calamity howler o siid the money-changers that he kicked out of the temple." Marion Butler at Wadesboro August 12. When will vile traducers that peryert all that is noble in man, not cease to lay dirty hanis on sacred things ? ."It was cowardly and false fcr men to bring up the nero question and the question of beicg jiiled for not paying your tax by September to help',.rr-Kiirion Bat let at. Wadeahoro., What do our Pupuliat; brethreni thiakof ?-tnat ? The "hegro question, so'far "as wwe' heard: -it waaf the sorest part with the Populists. ; - - r . . Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been . used , for, .oyer, fifty years by millions of mothers Jf or their;child ren while teething, with perfect sue cess. It 4 5 Soothes; the child, ''soften the gums,1 allays 'all pain,' cures wind colic,-' and 'is the best remedy for; Diarrhoea, It iwill relieve the poor little sufferer immiediately. Sold by druggistsdn I every part of the world; T wtn ty-fiye cents ; a bQ t tie,. I Be s u re and ask; for Mrs , Winslo ws Soothe kg Syrup." and take no Other kind Bryan to Study Mexican Finances. f Cheyenne,1 Wyo., Aug, 12.7-Con-gressman Osborne has been invited to accompany Wm. J Bryan this fall on a trip through Mexico to study : the industrial conditions of that country and to look into the silver question as related to .mone tary affairs in the United Statep. Congressman Osborne will proba bly accept if the trip can. be made The widow of jthe 8pani8h premier is to havethe title ' orDuchess atd the sum of $6,000 confered upon her by the goyernment. ' Arthur 8 Melcher, of Auburn, M4'SmiMw- MHadJey nee; Miss DiBgleyvnteoe of Congressman Dingley, for $25,000 for .breach of promise-While he wasv fixing a ood,J8nug neat for his bird she flew to another. 5 T 1 ' " fv BncMlen a Arnica aiv, The Best Saive inthe ' world '?oV Outs, Bruises, . JSores, Ulcers, Salt' ivueum, reyer isores, Uletterd ChaoDe . giye fltatisfaction or monev refunded. Price J25 cents, per. box For sale at P B Fetzes Drug store,. - ?t ?.-: onstipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. ; It retains the digested food too long In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lndk gestion, haul taste, .coated tongue, sick headache, in- 8omnia, etc." Hood's Pills" cureeonstlpatloh and all Its 513s results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood &,Ck., . Lowell, Mass Tha uly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparillav PLiZflBETIl COLLEGE. ; ; : noiEOR ; W O MEN, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Colleges for men with every feature of a, liigh grade Collece for: . women auueu - A FACULTY OF 15 UPltCULISTS From Qhoola of international r repu-A station, as Tale, Johns Hopkins, Am-1 i '1T . , tt: -n n I jjersi, university oi v irgiiiia xbiiiii, V- Wew; England (Jonseruatory, . Parisi : etc... TIIKFK COIRSI S Leading to degrees, ' ' With -eieclives. ' 1 ; - MUSlOtOHSEttVATORY" i ' , With course leadini? to diploma, Pipe Oran, 1M an o, Violin, Guitar, : Banjo, Mandolin, Vocal,' A RIP tONSERVAIORY Full course to diploma aU varieties FULL COMMEUCIAL v Courbe Teacher from Eastman A REFINED II091 w With every modern convenience CL.IMA.TK Similar to that of Ahseville. CULLKGE liUILDINO 176 ft frontage,' 143 ft deep, 4 stoiies hih, built of pressed brick, lire proof, with; every modern ap pliance. Catalogue sent free on application. Address, , REV. C. 11. KIAG. President. Cnurlotte. Jl. C. 1VJORTH CAROLINA QOLLEQE MT. PLEASANT, N. C. ' !- ; The Next Session ;Begins t LISEPTEM.BE.R .1897. -r Expenses Moderate. for Catalogueatldresa REV. M. G. G. SCHERER.7 a21. President.' y GREEXBBURO ' r h. FEMALEXCOLLEGE 1; NORTH CAROLINA. f :'1 fTiie;fity-e5poiJa session of $htsGoik?e tegms - .1 4 v ' WEWlDAVfse&nfrerr 8197 f Advantages of College and Conservatory offered at moderate cost. A FACUALT.Y QP SPECIALISTS Ample equipment. a pleasant home Catalogue on application. . 'V - r DRED "PEACOCK. 'President yhe 5tat Normal AND I ndustrial C olege, GREENSBORO, N- C- ;f Offers the youhg women of the State thorough professional, literaVy. classical,; scientific, and in dustrial education.. Annual expenses 90 to 130. Faculty of 25 members. - More than 400 regular students Practice sqhool 126 pupils for teachers. More than 1,200 matriculates representing every ounty in the State exdept three. Correspondence inyited from those desiring . competent trained teachers. To secure board in dormitories all free tuitiqn applications must be made before August 1st. For catalogue and information address, Pres. Charley D Mclver. oonoord;mar COTTON MABKEI5 Corrected by Cannons & ietzer. uooa miaaung... ....... ......... 8 60 Middlings...., 8 bow middling i cti us ....-..... n . .... ... , .Uore8wmr & White. BacoB ;;....... Butter, W...Uiiv.'.-s.i...10tol5 .ahickena.?....v.;.;?;.;.-..;.8ifco20 1 - -ta Id5 oov Flour(North CaroDna) ...$2.40 Meal...iA.j..i.;vi-V....vv60 Oats ..;:;'- s 1 --' -35 ;Wl6w.;;5 the 3tlll!ll!l!lt: ROYAL TALliUM POWDER worth 25 c. at i .?. 8 oz. WITCBL w- HAZEL i WED, DING I .-JJ 'v PAPK pcrl&f 1 PLAlN-OR- RUliED:- , , .v.,. .y. 1 " " ' ' " " ' 'Vi-:?.H." ."tn LADIES :GUFPf:;:iuAlte; COLLARS 10 cents. LADIES' GAUZE : t . VESTS loo- i it ' NARROW VELVET RIBBON assorted) and colors j BLACK JSICE -ASSORTMENT of TAFPERTY RIBBON; . !r Jf f I & p t $! ft A- r ) t "Xi ' ' -: ; -: v -n r s :DF,PAUPMENT OF.OUR HOUSE f MO HE BARGAINS AND LARGER ONES THAN EVElC. ' We, can do you good ifjrouwill come and see us Just think 10, 12 i AND 15c. SUMMER GOODS TO CLOSE AT 5c YD. The Jheapest Line of Umbrellas and - Parasals in the city . PRICES FROM 46 CENUS TO 1150, Great values in Gentlemaus' . Shirts, , Oar ! Colored Negligee 'Sbirts at 45 cents are the Best Values in town. . V ,: , MEFS' FUR HATS hat we will sell at half price. fast.' :.'f ":".':-i,:hE .TOWLS -c! HANDKERCHIEFS 1 . ,; ; ; r:-1 ' I .,;:J; COLLAR BUTTONS 1 Various and Sunday, articles , at the; right kind of prices, 1 -1 STORE. ENPHTSnTGa Wrr. SHIRTS 25o. YOUTHS'lXplJJ-rr GENTS' " CUFFS Six pairs for :3 GBN.T8' 10 IN. 4THBEAD . , IMPERIAL" LISLE SOX Worth 50 c . .! C JT It, "NIGHT u SxIIRTS 7 . M'USQUITO NET (White or -(Colored per jard. GENTS' BOSTON GARTERS Worth 25 c. SEE SEE OUR OUR SOX. Di Bostian. 5 - t i J a lot of . ... .... i , . - . ;,-- i t f y . '- . . - BIG . LOT OF SAMPLES will, go " , i 1 HAIR PINS - - , - - 7-"qHFP -BUTTONS ' .r-1 G G i J -r I . .-' - i 1 . . . . . . i . ; 1

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