'".'j ' ' ' v"' 77 Vol, XII. No. CONCORD, tf, Q., TUESD AT AUGUST 17, 1897 Whole HO. 1,805 ON THE DIAMOND. 4m III r Jess A AGENT MILAN CAPTURED Here and the Challenge Greensboro Team Ha- Tlie ReidsTlll Te flRme in Proffr - ffom the tlonal reaurne Games Monday In norriatown, Tennessee-Short in u aocouis to the Amount of 91,444.44. John L Milan. thft aVkSAAViinrr Th BeidsTilie W ball team' KI0i et , . ... .. 8rriTed in the city this morning and Line office y Qhatlotte, and who intensely interesting game ii now v.. v j v.-...- "... , . . " " uimujj ror a weex or in progress at me owe d.u ra. hag been Quite a large orowa . preseni ana TenneM . ' 1 t .1 . . J I .! ' the game win no aouot oe w oe , Ui)aQ ,eft Charlotte Q0 th a that has been p.ajea M mis, P' Wek .go, bnyin ticket for Lex. Mr. R Q Gladstone u managtr of at 8ji.bnrv.nj di.! nl tjt. m . T; Axilla foam . Th nnpifi I fSM r an fnllnws ; IU6WU " vu fcU0 snowing mom- VU. tue I IS J . . . otor n- -K-Aatfcp ManrWr - ih. appear at me omce as jl uuuv. i x-; J . j j "SI - - - . , - , . j I tiBTial inn than i. Komma VMAnm Rknna- 2b: xloaCD, iJtK OlOaD. rftlH:T r "J wva0 "nu Hopkins, cf; Dal ton, If; Fitz, a a. tHat te hftd disappeared. Hia short Gladstone, flubatitate, . W in toto amoants to $1,444.44. Mr. H P Deaton is manager for I Milan, it seems, had and acoomplic, the Concord team. Their positions j'Bud Hilton, of Morristown, who has on the field are as follows : Ibeen arrested and is now in iail in IUed, c; Weddmgton, p; Van Pelt A Momstown. It, is saU that the lb; Misenheimer, 2b; Fisher,3b;Oaldi J American Banking and Trnst Com- well, s e; Brnmley, rf ; Rogers, cf; panT of BaltimoreMilan's snreties Urylf. Mills and Hunter, subs. Lwill make an examDle of Milar. uaiuncu s - rhi8 i8 tne aame company that had from the Greensboro ' cldb to ,!, n "perunce w,tl1 Jte Mjera and . " I A. I ISC 1 i 1 . 1 two games in this city any date that lIie omcers minx tnai Milan win ne our bojs suggest. The Concord sent up for not less th?n three years. team- win prooaoiy accppt tne I - challenge and the game will cornel Attempt.on the Kaizers i.ire. eg just as soon as the date can bel n accident occurred Monday on arranged. ,1 the Hamburg express that is believed National League games played to have been cause bv a consmratv monaaj resuiieu as ioiiowB : New York 7, Philadelphia 2. Baltimore 14, Brooklyn 5, Pittsburg 3, Louisville 2. Boston 5, Washington 2. EASTERN JLEjSLGUE. Radinp 6. Newark 9. ' Lancaster 7, Richmond 2, Norfolk 3 Hartford 5. SOUTHERN, WAR SONGS. I Dr. Herring; Deceives a Letter from the Author of Southern War Honrs. Dr. H 0 Herring has in his pos sesion a copy of Southern War Songs, Camp-Fire, Patnotio and Sentimental. Prtyions to the re-nnion Dr. Herring wrote the anthDr, W L Fagan, who was formerly Capdan Go; K., 8th Alabama Regiment,rde S'ring to procure copies for the Con federate Tettrana. and in reply among other things , Oapt Fagan says : 1 "Thirty-one years ago. I lay down near your depot, sick and sorrowful jl ff bo uuwo r Biu , UUU21U lxUOi IXJ14 pimattoz. 0. H. The retreat from Richmond was a long painful march without food, I staggered along the road and finally lay down at OoDCord, N. 0., waiting for a train, and when ! got on one I was arrested by President Dayis' order." The book referred to is a compila tion of all Confederate songs, but it seems that Capt. Fagan's efforts have not been properly appreciated. PERSONAL POINTERS. SO MADRAS CLOTH; BOSOM. Coolest Shirt on earth. Made lor comfortTim hot weather. NEW LOT JUST; RECEIVED. ; . NEW LOT OF to kill the Kaizer of the German empire, but the royal, family had passed over a few: hours previously. Reeding Help. We learn that one Mre. Mary Fisher, a widow living at the Ca barvus Mill, on what is called Short Row, house No. 25, has met with 1 - - " -1 i i.ftt 'Km i n onnn. I an uiiabuai course ox BicttTiejJd in oer Monday night a young man by I family and is in need of charity. the name of Dunn was escorting a We hope this matter will receive young lady home from the services I prompt attention. The distress is at the Gospel t?nt when a young! due entirely to sickness end is re man passed and said, (Eat 'em npl ported through the proper channel, Dnnn." Mr. Dunn applied to I the Chief of Police. for the young man who had thus I From a letter written by Rev. J, snnlrpn tn nim hn m . ToHn0 1 Gunderman. of Diamondale, Mich.. VMH VMw vuaKtwvi :i.4. j i. i . ii . . . I we are peruiibwju iu iuio c.- vvB uucuoc nao tuu niYwuuo i tract: I nave no nesitauon in re inatifv a warrant fnr his atrpat. I commending Dr. Kings New Dis and no papers were issued. rnkrvlonfl in. the casa of mv wife. "WViJla T tvaa naafftr nf tliA T?nrfinf. Of Interest to Teachers. JAV"S i-- f:!-: -CT: xottuuoio win uo pioaeeu io xcaru i hrouffht down witn pneumonia that the DeDartment of Perlfttrnryv At. Isucceedinff La Grippe. Terrible the Univereity of Nottli..CMpalffrapn win oner courses Dy correspondence seemed as if she could not survive during the coming session, The &em! friS?.d recommended, Dr. . . . . , .. . Eines New Discouery; it was Quick instruction win moiuae all depart- in its work and highly satisfactory ments of school work and a sylla-1 in results. Trial bottles free at bus ot the course of lectures will be tfSi 0rSn 6 furnished teachers applying to C I W Toms, Professor of Pedagogy, ! Our Senator seems somewhat fa Chapel Hill, N. C. - Imiliar with the lower regions, as he Students of the Universitv will ba I sDeaks of hearts "as black as the cr 2. iL. l iIl: : r.ull uutjreu uuuijbtto m me msiory ana uiuca ui uou. philosophy of education; educa? Hon. R L Smith, of Norwood was in the city, today. Lawyer' Cro well and brother, Marshall Crowellf have returned from a trip to Wilmington. Miss Lottie Caldwell, of States- ville. who has been, spending son e time with her friend, Miss Marc arot Cannon, returned home today. . Misses : Selene -Hutchinson', Frances, Marie and Alice Jones, all of Charlotte, who have been attend ing the home party of. Miss Marga reVCannon, have returned to their Inme. , LINEl CRAS H. ITS. Price 2.50, $3-00 and $3.50. CANNON FB TZB J? COM P'NY Hi Fresh. Yeast,! Stick Candy i . AND M : If Fancy Lemonsg AT g tional psychology, general princi pies underlying methods, principles of teaching applied to the various subjects to be taught, school super- vision, aaministrauon and man- agement, the study of childhood in - Marion made it a jolly day yes terday. We haven't heard of an angry man yet on account of -what he said or did. And why should there be any: anger? Didt he get to the United States Senate just transforming modern methods of way?. And doesn't he want to e.uuiug nuu tCauuiUg eauuaviuuui jstay in his $5 0(X) berth? buiouuo. j.uv uuurse wjii prepare young men to fill the position of teacher, principal or superinten dent. linemen's Arnica Baiye. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores; Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Ohappe Hands, Chilblains, Corns and' all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay requi-ed. It is guaranteed to give otatisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Kieetric Bitters. ' Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed, when the languid exhausted; feelinjg prevails, when the liver is torpid and slug gish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt A prompt use of this medicine has t. often, averted long an3 perhaps; fatal bilious fevers No medicine will act. more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache indigestion, constipation, dizziness yields to Electric Bitters. 50c anJ l,po per bottle at Fetzer Drug Ervin & Smith GEOGERS. Hit .We wish to caation all risers of Simmon Liver Regulator on a, subject of the depes? interest and importance, to. their health perhaps their lives. The . sole proprietors and mat era of. Simmcias, Liver Regulator learn that ccifoniers', are often deceived by buying anL .'a&hg ' sotne medicine of a similar appearance, or taste, believing it to be Simmons Li vet Regulator. We warn you that unless1 the word Regulator is on the package or bottle that it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. No - one1- else makes, or aver has made Simmona Liver. Regulator, oi anything called Simmons Liver Regulator out J. IL Zeilin & Co and no medicine made by anyone eWU the?aame. ;Wealqne can put it up, and,wd cannot -be. responsible, h 5ther medicines, represented as the. same do aot,help,youTaa, you)reIed to expect they wiilX Bear this i fact well in mind, ifyou have ta$a in the habit , of using a ine4icine, which vou supposed to be Simmon Liver Regula tor, beca use the name was . somewhat like t, andr the package did not have the word Xgulfior. on it, you E,aye hen . imposed apou and haWhbibeen takmg- Simmons Liver Regulator at all The Regulator has oeenjavoraoiy Kupwapr many years, ana lU .whci use it feaowi awt necessary it is for fever? andr AgRaiSilious r tr ever, Constipa dbn. Headache, Dyspepsia, and all disorden' We ion p bices win mmi Dingley Bill with the McKinley attachment to the con trary notwithstanding. have lengthened our cords and strengthened our stakes, and, we are better tn-pnnrArt.fA' serve the FURNITtJRE needing public than ever. Buying in car loads for spot dah gives.us a long lead over small buyers. We haye on our floor and in wareroom 50 Bedroom Suits in Mahogany - Bird's Eye Maple Curlv Beach, Walnut and Oak. LISTEN AT THERR ICES Don't faint 1 19.00, 12,50, 15,00 30.00, , 40.00, 50.005,00, 100 00 oiiuw y u ur iiaiiu. anu. lane your cnoice. 1 n t- . . . . . . : fi ti r -ww m i v cri -a -n mm -w h 1 a -w . i x cim.ul ouua xii iJU.yii.ivu, ohk, riU8D, 000, 5 00 35.00 and 50,00. No better values to be found. 1 K Hat Racks to the Queen's taste from $10,00 to 5 00 Ward Robes $5.00, 8.50, 12.50, 16.00 20.00, 25 00' Extension Tables $3.75, 500, 7.10, 10.00, 15 00 Parlor Tables in great variety 75c: to $10.00. A thiug of beauty is a joy foreyer. Kitchen Tables $1 1.50, 1,25, 2.00. You have to have it, y Yours veryrespectfully, ! Bell, Harris & Co. P. S. The Undertaking Department is under the care and management of Mr. W L Bell. Calls promptly attended, to day or night. Yours respectfully. Bell, Harris k fin Any One Wanting to Make any kind of a trade FOR A gfcyrTie SHOUtD CALL ON US We haye Wheels for boys and girjsV ;,; We will have ; another lot o thoseWestfielql's in a few days. The demand is so great that we can not keep them in stock all One time. Remember the price of these wheels. hus been reduced to . ; trising from a Diseasea Liver. (DOU.UlJ TO; N4-ln I JI 1 ; W ask ypu;: tpnlook; for-yonrselves, ana ' r " 3e -ibztl SimmonSjltiyerl'SeCTilaior, which j fc Wa i0; :'i0tttr.' : , m can readilv distmiXnv the Red 7, We alSO glVeiryOU yOUT preference as tO handle hnr .wrapperajid by our nameis the oiiiy I saddle and pedals.- Now isyour opi)oftunitv!if vou want a toecinfe caUed:Simmo " l J J; m 2LETLIN & CO. Yorkei Wadswb rth & Co. store,' SuS.fi Store.

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