4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .' i ' i Yoi XII. No. 92 CONCORD, N. CM FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1897 Whole NO.1,86 A WATERLOO. Cutting Scrape. ' Last Saturday evening a difficulty Forest mil Wewi. I Considerable excitement prevailed here at 10:30 o'clock today by the was pat to workiand in two minutes stream ot water IDC ,v." OfiP.lirrPd hotnroon Tim Ms ltl oi NonttiNlde Pnrfc xnnrsaay i JiUlf u) tuu jtrnu. . . . - . - - Afternoon. The concord . Team mcBierbonna at tne close of a ung. fire alarm being given. It was dia Hows, iis Fiimou. r.-.UB j at th Methodiat chnrfth 4tSf k T 0 . score i9io3. u , cowrw inai nouae io. o, on ? orest SAliabnr sent down her baseball ruw- xoin oi tne ooya usea Knives Rni flfpppf a nnA AnA n uft,f otrtrir team Thursday morning iuy con- oywoiji fran,e gtractore jaBt behind Mill No. fident tnat mej wuu.u -ouu I ;a U. wan on fire .bat the fir pnrnno t k 11 II hAV an a ffa i anorl KAnwA TIT T" I r lanrp (J. hnt SUCH WttU DOS due I ww 1"1qus-u wcuia tf , jt mu ri.l faom arda aimnlv I r Ye. ijjfiQ.. ailU bound Over to ftOnrf:. Cage. -si-iitS UUUV.UIU vMua nnuBiutjHj - ' ' w f hpm uonraa gave bond, but Murphy was - " lUUUiuiuiv. . . - , . - - . 1U fl. u The game opened at 3 o'clock in 8ent to j ail, but bas also given bond 4U u" kUB-u"" lk WM.D' the presence "of a Urge and interest since. Dome weens,ago. uonraa sola uu""ti4C wwu,,is"AaB ed crowd of spectators eager to wit- P"j razor on a erean ana on "su W1. mo mc io uutoown. . i Hess the gamt, as it nau oeen re-iv"1B wooiu" uuuucu mm iur me ui a huuuh uu me bcuuuu nnrted that Salisbury would interest money, ana tbis was the cause of floor. , on fAom TO;fk 1 the difficult?. Newton "RntprnrioA -" ' . . . our dovb iuuic4-u.au ouj cam i - - r - xvi T8. j j oatner. wno was tnousnt which they had crossed bats this .Dia You Bver to be improTing; is again quite sick. I nn. t?ii: t:j.i. . t I , i . Jear- . . iX'TXXX1???? "ZUS - Bill collectors are quite numerous. The Salisbury team is comp - One of slow navenorts finding five of' the following gentlemanly young has been "found .to be peculiarly sitting on his front steps when he nH nlaxed as follows : adapted to therelief and cure of all . uicii . r j fam.ia i: . i wcub fa Qinnflr VFHiprfiav. . T 1 I ivujqiq VUUllJJtUUtB, CJLOIblUK U VVUIlB I rf' Dausuau, i , x m - uenui airecii mnuence in giving Mr: J n Wttor m.n county. who has been Attention : Young Men, our first shipment of FALL NECKWEAR has arrived. We show a brilliant .v ' ..... Line of Imperials, Dauguau, i, x ciuiovc, v, o , aeriui airecc mnuence in giving Mr J 0 Walter Henderson, lb: Busby, 2 b: Milstead. strength and tone to the organs. If , , Z. V m- of wah'.a vou haye-loBB of appetite, conetipa from Norwcod Stanly 3b; Rufty, rf; Vlickey, cf, Woodson, tioDt headache, fainting spells, or Mr B fl fT MilW , lf are nervous, sleepless, ' excitable, M f ii Miller, ' . . . W'A melancholy or troubled with dizzy sick for sereral days, is much Concord played as follows : Wed- spells, Electric Bitters; is the medi- improved dincrtnn. n: Keed. c: Uaiuweii. 8 f : cine you neea. ueaitn ana strenetn 1 r ' ' I i J u m?il U 1 r T TT,l j ni ,t . Ti l. .-, u nu. ttic guiuuieeu uj jib use. riliy aicain. iw xiumyu uuu XLiU iUl- van jreif.. xu, xcuuC4. , cents and S1.00 at Fetzer's Dr u.:.. ..t.. ..i , waiters etocn oi goous ana win jailea For SteMlinsr BldM. I u-. t a. Th tff.fB nf iHa Rftlinhnrv team . . . WIIUT uwb fc vuc "J I Last Sundav n ht thre coined -a u. .ur-U . I ,t I . O ! UiU SMUU V I i MHlVUi 10 pui up iiuuu unit wwo cciiaiuij bova Btoip nnt a unraft flnj0(,. nn(i . uppreciateu ly the full grand stand rode them to Liberty Hill church, a Gone to Bck;ceek, and other spectators, but interest Uew miles beyond Olaremont John Todav is a red-letter dav at Hank fell, when in the sixth mning the aic,e anquariana iwmnarat stole creek, the occasion being the closing fl maf,Q . wrp Ranahan tw0 from e stable of Judge Mc- of Prof. R J Oochrane's school at y:8itora made a score. Haugnan, Corkle and Noah Rankina Rtole the .mmtk kuiA v, w , . . , ... j r I i iunv pmwc j uiuiw u uajc uaii bahdbury's swift pitcher,made a fine 0ne he rode from the livery stable are the features rot the dav. start but during the game succeeded of Corpc-ing Bros. They were ar- 'The following Oonoord people in striking out onlv two men, while raignea oeiore a u csnuiora, Hiq., have gone : Mr. and Mrs, VV F i ma j . j . i - . i Billv Weddington. the pitcher for oaua7 roorniDS imeairo mBsen Myrtle .and Annie 3ut 21 men Lf ,7 Tecks Band B ows, Shild Bows. THE ne fioraWilleford. Jeske Dea of bond they were tent to jail. ton, Vallie Brown and Messrs. H P Newton Enterprise. Deaton and Y C Caldwell . A HonseliolU Treasure. - i - D. "W. Fuller, of (Janaiofcarie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr Kirg's New Discovery in the house PERSONAL POIiSTEK the home team, struck on oat of 27. The score by innings was as fol lows : oi;DKr.i.iTn n n a n i n n 9 3 ,000 Kn-.ff's Npw DiRcoverv in the house Mr- c M Thompson, of Lexing UOnCOrU U U X O O U Ai7, I 5 i7 " ii L f tnn a in nnf Pitir tnHatr , . . , iana ms iamuy hub always iouuu me fc"i Mr. Y (i nftiriwell umnired tne I AQnna fniinm 0 . J - , a. ftWTnmtlil-Tn. V.o urifnnnf. if if Ml88 BettlO ' FlShef. Ot No. 4 game ana ma iair ana impartial ue- r- v 1;vrrV' " fnTOnflhi, nAnt tho Har in th nitv ; 1 jji. utiUiauiOa vji . x.. J-'jr i i J 1 cisiona gave perfect satisfaction. gist, Catskill, N. "S., Bays that Dr. Master Walter Fink arrived in Concord has plajed six games &XZ&tZX?8& f?e city tpday, f from n extended with ocposine teams during the he has used it in his family for eieht v'811 10 lrlenu8 m eaaon, scoring 82 runs in the six pears, and it has never failecrto do Mr. Uolpn Leniz came m last ... . . . lalltaat is claimed for it. Why not nicrht from a trm "on the road. ' games while the opposing teams try & remedy so long tried and onH will remain at. hnm Rnvm1 have scored only 12, Concord testea. xnai ootties iree at rei- k in several cases not playing the last and 81 oo. r Mrs. R E Howell, who has been visiting relatives at Cannonville, Change m Business. hftfl returned to her home at China inning. Concord has not lost a game dur ing the season and has the reputa tion of being one among the best teame, if not the best, in the State. - mm ' Dick Harris Transferred. Deputy Collector R 8 Harris, of this city, haa been transferred . by Collector Harkins to Aahe, . Alle ghaney, Watauga and. Mitchell counties. - Mr. Horton (. has been appointed to succeed Mr. Harris at this place. Mr. Harris' headquari ters will be at Boone, Watauga county. . Music Pupils Wanted. Having, just finished a special course in piano musicj harmony, theory and sight reading, I will teach a few pupils at my home this winter, and will be glad to see any one comtemplating a course in any of theae branches. Prices reasona Lucy Lore. Mr. Chas. A Dry has bought a Grove. half interest m the store of Mr Miss Ella Shirey, one of the Jno. L Miller. The firm will be teachers in the graded-echool, after mu an absence of some time, has re- Known as iry (s Miner, s uey wiu turnfid to.the city. close out their present stock of -Rer, H A McCullough has re- goods and will, in a short time, turned from Prosperity,S. C, where open and caTry a full stock of shoep. A Donkey lor Kale. j Anyone wishiDA to bu a! donkey, would do well to call ou mV at once. She ib gentle and suitable for small children. Will sell on reasonable terms. Respectfully, ld. Arthur Odell. For Sale. A .valuable tract of land, 70 acres, situated oneshalf mile north cf Concord. Apply to f. J. A.jKlMMONS Q2 wl. or W. M. Smith. Kew Furniture Store. , Messrs. Craven Brothers Laye opened a stock of furniture in the store room next door to DP Day vault. They wiU carry a full line Of furniture and undertakers' goods. The Messrs. Craven are hustling young men, and we bespeak for them a good trade. . ' . Caucrnt an Eagle. Mr. Jonas M Hurlocker and Miss Maggie 0 Eigic, daughter of Mr. John Eagle, of . Mt. Pleasant, were married Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S D Steffey at the parsonage at St. John's. ! ' ; For if ver Flftv Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth lLg Syrup," and take no other kind he has been spending a two-week's vacation. ; We were pleased to have a call from G W ,Powe, of South Car olina. He will have something to show us in a few days for culinary convenience. Roley Harris, Joseph Fisher Frank Bruinley and Douglass Hart man. ; have gone to Charlotte to witness r the ; Matthews-Mountain Islane baBebali game to be played this afternoon. VERY LATEST AND STYLISH COLORS- MOST 200 Shild Bows to sell 3 for 5o cts.about one-third their real value. Cannon & Fetzer Co. Furniture and Horses. Soma horses can be bought for $5 others will cost $100, any difference. So withFnrniture. Oars is the Standard, We get more for our goods. Why? It costs more to make them, they are better, they last, they give satisfaction, insuring comfort- Customers see these points and are willing to buy a good horse. We have just bought two car loads of Furniture, each weighing from 12,000 to 15,000 pounds. )oes this mean anything ? Why of conrse, when freight rates on small shipmen ts are as high as $2.49 per hundred pounds. We wish to please oar cus tomers, therefore we carry all grades of furniture. Hat raeks from 10c. to 5 00, 7 00, 8 00 to 25 00. Rockers frcm 40c. 75c, 1 00, 1 25, 2 00, to '10 00 Parlor suits Silk and Plush from 15 00,20 00, 25 00 35 00 to 50 00. Ward Robes k5 00, 7 00, 8 00, 10 00 to 80 00. We have over 100 bed room suits from 8 50, 12, ;0, 18,00 20 00, 25.00, 65 K) to 100, Oyer 2000 chairs from 40c. 50c. 75c, 1.00 to 10.00, 12,00. Extension tables 8.00, 5,00. 7.00, 8.00 to 25S W do not say we will sell you goods as cheap, but less. Why V Because we have the inside track, though we are not as swift as star if ointer, who paces a mile in 1.59i, but we mean business, i. e to sell goods and a "heap of 'em." We do our own work, therefore we dis count all bills, Store open from 6.30 a. m, to8.3(.' p. m. : Yours respectfully, P. S. : The Undertaking Department is under the care and management of Mr. W L ell. Calls promptly attended to day or nie;ht. Yours respectfully. Bell, Harris i:Gipj, Any One Wantin French Candies Received Today Fresh 5tock Assorted Fancy Candies , at - i Ervin & Smith GROCERS. ade Make anv kind of a tr FOR A Rjycl SHOULDiCAmONLUS Wehaye Wheelsf orjboys and girls. "-- 5 We will have another J-lot of those Westfield's in a few days. The demand isso;greatJthat we can not keep, them in stock all tfhe time. & Remember the" price of j these wheels has been reduced to f $60.00 to $45:00 We also give'Jyou your preference as to handle bars, saddle and pedals. Now is your opportunity ifa?you jiwant a wheel at a low price. Yorke. Wadsworth & Co- n Vv' - v. f - "f