Arrival of. Trains The following change of schedule took effect July 4, 1897, 12 o'clock. NOKTHBOUND. ' "No. 8 arrives at 6.0S a m, 36 " " 10.07 am, , 13 7-22 pm, 38 " " 9.02 pm, (F) - 62 " " 11.20 a m (liein SOUTHBOUND. :No. 37 arrives at 8 49 am, (F) u n "1028am, 7 " 9.02 p m, ' 35 " 9.27pm, - 60 " " 5.05 a m, (freight) INo. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char "lotte, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville. Passengers for local points between these stations will haye to use the other trains. S otice. Oar new gin iH begin opera tions at the Cabarrua Roller Mills next Tuesday. Special inducements offered. Call and see us. LIPPARD3 & BABRlERl 7 Miss Flora McEachern; of Flowed, spent the day in the city: ' . '). woolJereey and heavy-ribbed Sweaters boys' and meuN choice in our show windows for $1 00. Cannon & Fetzer Co. VA young lady was seen to ;get a mouthful of chewing gum from the bark of a hickory-nut tree Friday. wuiio iu iuo country. Mr.. J W Gibbs, engineer at the Cabarrus Mills, and wife have gone to Charlotte, where he has accepted a position with the D A Tompkins Company. We regret to see them leave, as they have made many friends during their tay here since last March. His wife did not stop in Charlotte, but will go on to Asheville for a visit of a week or two. The editor of the Stanly Enter prise, in writing up a good time at Mr. Monroe Dry's, adds: "By the Wy. we must not neelect to state Harry P. Deaton, local- reporter. lDat Stanly county has a genius in me person ot Mr. JFrank Osborne, Leave your orders with me for fresh fish. I will also have beef and mutton. Geo. Ury. Stanly VS Concord i. Treat game. Every body sqsu Id see i t . , They should also see our line of UOODSl SHORT ITEMS. rHraeraphedeenciled and Properly Placed Here. -My! the dust! "Cotton pickers are in demand. wno is an exnert orcran hnilrW While at Mr. Dry's we listened to the music of one of his build and we could not teli anv difference had it been put up in Boston." before they buy. We are in a position to save all purchasers money. We - haye bought our stock be fore the advance in prices, and no house in the State can touch our prices. There has never been such a sharp advance in everything in our line. We knew what was coming and bought all our k-s A. ONE LOT OF LACK p IGURED T)r1sS- frOODS, J a , i 5 To clpejoutat 25c. per yard. Worth 4Cc. yard. Grand - Opportunity- Right NOW DRESS GOODS . , & . . . Cannon fc Fetzer Co. Farmers are making hay in great abundance. early in the summer and will play bail with any competitors. We will pitch prices that they PlCMlc at Back Creek. Several hundred people gathered in the large grove at Back Creek church in Mecklenburg county Fri- Baron Cook has a position with day, the occasion beiner the eloainir Bell, Harris & Co. of Mr R J fWhiW..- 0nV.v . Leave your orders with J F Dav-1 picnic and a baseball game. vault for fresh sausage today. At 11 o'clock a short programme There will be the usual services lof exercises was rendered in the at the First Presbyterian church to- church, Dr. Gray, o Huntersville, j morrow morning. ' addressing the Andienr-nn PdnnMinn. We are sorry to learn that Rev. Following the exeroiees came the A E Wiley, of Mt. Pleasant, is auite di oner, which war Anrna.H nnnn n. sick, probably of grip of severe form long table erected for the purpose. 1 he depot at Ruffin. nine miles After dinner the Back Creek and "from Reidsville, was struck by Rock v River baseball a.pbtmng and burned Tuesday bat8 re8ulting in a viotoryfor River. The Woman's Foreign Mission- Tbe dav was one full of events ary Society of the First Presbyterian and creatl Aninvnd hv nil thnRD S.frtaJftRB present, there beinK ,n,te a number The Leaders of Low Prices Harris. irom tnis city. can't touch, three strikes count out but we will give them many more and still they will be out of it, Watch out for prices. We will begin in a few days to TIT vvh are r now DreDanner our nine special piayers that will challenge the State. Vtfatch, for they are heavy hitters, OULD MERCANTILE An Owl's Face IS NO PLAINER THAN THE FACT THAT THERE IS A Rev. I N McLaughlin, the Dastor. I n Appendicitis. "began the regular yearly meeting at His numerous friends will be eor Root- onlr A T "D -.1 U T: J I niVht Thft m ti i -V f y ry to learn that Mr. Williamson Mor- niSQt. Ine mflfitinc will onntinna I ' through next week. ris is down with appendicitis. While a . , . '. At in town Monday last he was taken secure one or more games with the to the home of Mr. W A Smith, in "Mountain Island and Concord clubs, quite a feeble condition. He has to be played here next week, proba- been there since confioed to his bed. Ul T 3 1 ITT 1 ana weanesaay. He it reported as resting easier to The Concord High School hat is day. much in evidence nowadays. The colors of the school are crimson and Masonic xoiicc. navy blue, and the blue hat with A 8tokes Lodge, No. 32, A. F. the crimson band is seen every- h6Y& A. M. Regular communis where. V cation Monday, 8 o'clock p. m. .J, Sentember 6th. M. Ms. take due tlAflnotoa nao wOB;iia k notice. Ja8. O Fink, W, M. Bav wnnlrl hvn fillo olfK.T,o1 RA BEOWEB, 8eC y. One had 14 rattles: thin Other waa larcer. hnt ?tH rattlAa hA . KAn TTIRED MOTHERS find hel broken nf Trnv Tmin 11 in Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives Udell nii'ttw Eo., While the steeple at St. James' Lutheran church is undergoing re pairs the bell cannot be rung. At tendants on the services will be governed by the town clock. Bee time of services in church directory column. Wise men know it is folly to build on a poor foundation. Relief ob tained by deadening symptoms is snort. Hood's barsapanlm cures, auu gives lasting neaitn. them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH MANUFACTURERS, OF Fine Ginghams. j . Outiar Cloths, z 'iPlaids Slieetiiior and Sal Bao-s DDeaiers mi - GENERAL MEROHADISE New Furniture Store EST CONCORD. Our goodds are arriving daily New, fresh clear, pretty, bright goods. We will soon be ready to furnish you with mi iiiiiDsj nmu u i In connection we handle UiNDEttTAKEKS' SUPPLIES, - BURIAL CASKETS, COFFINS. ROBES, ETC, We solicit your patronage. a FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS Q Buvers of Tbe OoBcord National 8aiiA Offer the business publio a re liable, permanent, conservative and accomodating banking institution We solicit your business with the assurance of honorable treatment Bnd due appreciation of your pat ronage. If we can serve you at any time, wesbal b e'glad to have you come and see us LIBERAL' ACCOMMODATIONS - TOICUSTOMERS IGapital and Sulplus$70 000 D. B. COLTRkNE, Cashier J. M. OPELL, Pres. COUNTRY; zzzzzz:! PRODUCE oi all kind, and 4-toot TT Ji Tmi xiuou S riilS CUre nausea, SICK- Apply into the nostrils. It laqnickly absorbed. 60 . - - : . eadache, indigestion, biliousness. centsatDniKgistsorbT;sampiioabym WOOd always WanteCL- Jldruifits 9. . KLY BROTHERS, MWrm St.. New York Cit , . sick- I BI.YS CBXAM BAT.M is a positive core. All druggists. 25c. BEGONIAS FERNE GERANIUMS PALMS 6c. to so. . tooWt A best prices for same. IOC. tO 2 C. I home for the same price KiSV??! anutlie same guaran- J orpayexyo; Me mvite an liisec- D QUINT E SMITH 6c. to 26c. 76c. to $3.00 tees; vitii tiiose who will contract to cure coming, and hotel ftlaice no ire fail to you have taen mer still aches and In mouth, Sore Threat, Snots. Ulcer ou tuy Syeorows ruilnje vt Secondary O Tertiary narantee to cure. Vve ate aes and eh alien jce j WANTED-Upright and faithful gentlemen or ladies to travel for re Muuaioie, esianiisnea house m r. ,. ,, . . i ate ases ana en aiien ce North Carolina. Monthly $65.00 ssMWpiu,S',2W8 j J vw I the skill of the most UU GXnftriRAB- Mnoifinri otaaHv I Vor many Tears we have O nr r -rZ . ww , J! treating this disease witr OlfFUIupus ana w Reference. EncloseBelf.addreesedU;;la 2? fiamped envelope. The Dominion I wr.TAddress cookbbmkdy ,2?ji.O. bills, and Chorse,it cure. It cury, imliUe potash and nains, Mucous Fatchet Plmple,Copper-Color. pf.rtoi tbe body,llalror is js vn.s primary SyrfcHls that wa -ocik cne most obsth the world for a case we t se hw. always bafled AmlnDt ihThician rnide a enecl<T of x CYPUXLENE and we 4 - tion ot all the goods we manufacture ODELL MFG. Co.. Joncord'N. C OONOOBD MARKBTa COTTON MABKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer Good middling.. ......... ........ 8.50 Middlings 8.25 low middling ................... 8.10 tains .. 6 85 PEODUCB HAfe&EX Corrected bv Swink & Wnite. .-. i r v.v.v:,vv ! v it Bacon ......... ...... ...... ? Sugarcured nams...... ...... 12itol4 Bulk meata,sides. .... ...... ...... 7 Beeswax..... .......2 Butter ....10tol5 Ohickena. .........8lto20 Corn .......55 Eggs......... .......... 10 Lard....... 1 Flour (North CaroUaa). $2.60 Meal................ ..60 Oata.............. 35 Fftlfow ... ...4to5 TASTELESS a IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 cts Galatta, Ills. Nor. 16, 1893. Paris Medicine Co.. St. Louis, Mo. , Ofcrntiftmen: We sold last year, COO bottles oi GROVE'S TA8TELKS3 CHILL TONIC and hav hmicrh'- irA irross aireaaT una year. ia wui umr perience of 14 years, in the drug business, bayc ccver sold an article that gare such uniTersal satis, tactiou as your Tonic w-gjgf For sale and guaranteed by all druggists. Dr. Mlles'fkifM nUm are guaranteed torj TTi&rtclia In 20 mlnotea. "Qna cent alm Company,-DepC H, Chicago. f25. 1