Vol. XII. No. 103 CONCOlttV N. C THUKSSDAY SEPTEMBER 16. 1897 Whole N 0.1. 98 IN EXTRA. SESSION. PERILOUS EXPERIENCE. The Board of Town Commissioners Granted a Privilege ' ana "Will Pay Interest on Script for One Year. The town commissioners were in extra session , Wednesday night, a foil board bdng present. Among the important business transacted was the granting toi the Concord Telephone Company rights aod privileges to put up and operate a system in the city. The tax books have been com pleted and turned oyer to Collector John K Patterson, with instructions to py the- interest on all butstahds ing script for one year, as taxes from the general fund. A resolution was passed by the PERSONAL POINTERS. I Mr. 8 J Lowe is spending the afternoon in Charlotte. A Horse Fell: Into a Well sixty Feet leep and Whh Taken lid tTlVe. Joe Bisreers. of No. 10 townahin' is the owner of a very fine dapple- nTr 01 nocn- J unpl"0 ville, was in the city today, gray horse, of which he is justly .ir T ' . ., proijd, and from a report from that QZA!o&. section -this morning, we learn of a w . TT . ' w Capt, A H Propst is at Gaffney, very perilous experience of the S.C., having gone down last night. handsome steed. One night recent 'r L Jr , . r i u , . f . , . fessrs. W-R Kmdley and A W ly Mr. Biggers horse got out of its Moose, tQf Mt. Pleasant, were in. the stable and while wandering around city today." : the place, fell into the well, which Editor O N Brown, rof the Sal- is sixty feet deep. He fell about isbury San, left Tuesday morning fifty feet and1 lodged on the rock for tne Na8hville centennial. wall. It remained in that fix uutil. Mr. R C Puryear spent last the next morning, when Mr. Biggers Pight in the city and left this or.r, nnT t I morning for; Yadkin, accompanied went to draw water. In effoijs Xo by Mrsames CfQibson. free itself from the r.ramned ttfWTtinn ... r I ir- ir t t a hnard not to nav out more than $500 the horse feirfrnm it Indoin intn "Tr1188 aggie mown nas gone to j - 0 t , bali8bury to spend several . weeks. on me ropoaeu Kruuiug ui oouin i ma water peneam. She will be the guest of Mrs. T P Main street. Mr. Biggers did not know until Johnston and Miss Carrie Rich- The meeting was a harmonious that time his horse was in the well. wine. one, and the outlook for the town's The alarm was sent out through the Miss Vilma Correll, who has best interests is more encouraging: neighborhood and with heroic work been ependiDg sevpral week? with than for several years past. by a large force of hands and' the hergrandTparents, Mr. and Mrs. N tv,7r- 1 Mtw of . combustion pa.Ie, UaKc., thrSo Ephraim Tucfcer and others yes- ana roPe lDe animai was arawn out, Latest Fall Shape DUJSLAP STYLE, s TIFF - H A T. Received To-day. terday seined the pond at Boat's aomewhat mutilated, but alive. -The mill, on Rjcky Kiver, in No. 9 town- nor8e 'living and is paid to be days for medical treatment und?r ship, catching 100 pounds of carp I doing well and 60 pounds of cat fish and suck- Dr. W H Lilly, returned to his home todav verv much lmnroved. Has a Calling. " " era. rnia is a true nsn storv, ana The Sihsbarv World savs. edi- mrs. uiarence r imery, wno Das oeen visiting ner motner, Mrs. day. ' Cannon 4 Fetzer Company, so much encouraged by their former Jtorially : "The snake liar is not in it at alii several weeks past, left this morn- this year. The Charlotte .0 bier ver's Uogior. herthonae atliynchburg, Vs. cure for Typhoid rever. Concord corresDOQ dent in otes that a Rev. G L T Fisher, of Charlotte. Furniture and Horses. - Some horses can be bought for $5 others will cost $ 100, any difference. S Anyone suffering with typheid Mr Suther, of Concord, killed forty, spent last night in the. city. He x t :l 1 war 1-iArn in t.h inlorout. nf "RliTaheth V K p "" nine birds at one shpt Saturday f0neee whicn will onen October witbFhrniture. Ours Is the Standard, We get more for our goods. Why ? It costs ; afternoon. That correspondent has 12th. Several young ladies of th;s own, maue oi roots ana neros. j. ' ... city will attend school there. can furnish testimonials. Anyone The Standard noted the killing V needing my services, call on or adPf the birda b7 Mr- Suther and will IM llfinll IV S Oot.15 lmod&w. Concord, N. O. obserye's correspondent. When Forest Jlill News; yon See jt in THE STANDARD, it's 80. The -Forest Hill branch of the MrSuther is a man" of nrlques graded school opened with a good tionable veracity, and it was from attendance. his Qwn Hpg thftt we Wfire gi?eQ tie ISfuniiallv'S lure, xj xx ouorea, wx.u iihs ueouipuiuus. quite aick, is much improved. Candy more to make them, they are better, they last, they give satisfaction, insuring comfort, customers see these points and are willing to buy a good horse. Wq have just bought two car loads of urniture, each weighing from 12,000 to 15,000 pounds. X)oes this mean anything ? Why of conrse, when freight rates on small shipmen ts are a3 high as $2.49 per hundred pounds. We wish to please oar cus tomers, therefore we carry all grades of furniture. Hat racks from 10c. to 5 00, We have JUSt received 7 00, 8 00 to 25 OO. Rockers frcm 40c. 75c, 1 00, 1 25, 2 00, to 10 00. Parlor suits by Express some Of Silk and Plush from 15 00, 20 00, 25 00, 35 00 to 50 00. Ward Robes 5 00, 7 00, 8 00, 10 00 to 80 00. We have oyer 100 bed room suits from q Kf 10 . f :i q nn on nn o n fif u tn i on n-crov onnn- Ti'niia nmAr from 40or50c."?5c; 1.00 to 10.00, 12,60. -Extension tables Vfcmuj 3.00, 6,6pr7l00, 8;0tf io'2 -which is the best and goods as cheap, but less. Why ? Because we have the inside Chepest Fancy package track, though we. are not as swift as -Star Pointer, who paces candy ever sold in Con a mile in l;69ibut we;mean;busine?Sv . a "heap of 'em." We do our own work, therefore we dis corc1, count all bills. Store open from 6.30 W m, to 8l3( p; m. rf Ervin & Smith : GROCERS. ucu, iiui i is ,r yy. p-S. The Undertaking Department is nhder the care .WsaWr TePr 15 HaU Und Is Criminally Insane. Messrs J R Wood and W J Mor -1 There is a desperate negro in the gan spent jeaterflay in-Balisbury. State prison .naniedfHandy Harm. Miss Rena Jenkins, of Forest Some years' ago iewas"p laced in the Hil, was visiting friende at Forest State S prison ;f or twentyve years Hill this week, 4 for killing a., man Jn Anson county. Miss Lizz'e Ronse lef . ior States He remained there about two months yhle this morning ' to visit 'her' and tHeh : made his escape. ' Soqn mother. She will be i gone, some tifterhis; escape a powerf.nl 5 negro me. - ' . called Henrv Joreat broke into a Mies Amanda and .Mr. Charles house at Concord, and when he was crazed with drink,-Charte EarnharrareAv!siting in'-1' ihe' coou-' "iisiwivered f'' iiT 2Vhe K hotwe hie at etrnckhiswife; twjpeth a clever try. 77 tempted to kill he owner. tHe was this mo rnipg,ii feting, fatal inju Mr. vM ;BiRummage,-of eastern: tried a8jHenrjLF(t ad Cabarrus, is visiting Mr. PA Eirn; for 6f ten years. ti After r the trial r hardt atfthis piac. ; ' ' ' 4 developed "'that'' hewas not1 Henry Uljdie. . Mrs. Gunuell ; took in Mr. W PShealy, of Stanley, spent' J u?fr -r- - A la8t!irhtm,thtv.- o! capednvictswhen he J&T1W ... . . . . - ried back to the State prison he Had - miss Virginia .Arnqia, uaugr Edll. H arris i -k One rtn Hftntence's - hancnnir 'overlhim. : 11. ... ; rTilT of Kev. J D Arnold, left for wasn- u . , " w. . . .. Mrs. winsow-a oootningr syrup nasi avJLLfll:r5 lueion, u. u., inis morning,' wuero ; - , - -, . u vr .v .' (rvj .J C-,V ' . ' , . 6 he has become one of the moaU mjijipna46fv mothers for their child- ehewiii enteroh , , aneeroai1 men3 inthe prieonJ'He ren whiieteh1ngwithr)erfect auc Kina lgtO a ti' of ade mi !i 1 r : 3 If ine mianccnuQ or Mr. ana jars 1, . , it !nnnthp tHpnsnftpnR their home on Stanley street. Stands at the Head. Auc J Boeel, the leading1 drue I maa aow f r DTomino Vi i m and hp P'st of Shreveporr, La., says: Dr. 1 . King's new discovery is the only pronounced him violently insane. tmng tnat cures my cougrn, ana u is iHftsaiaHthat he has the worst form some of the other I convicts " andiR? . .1. ') : . j;: w r-.'H Tcclic,,iand, is ; the .best remedy. for puniBUXllcub Bccuicu iu uayo lltblO no effect on him. loFinallyDr. Kirby thft hflflt PAllfir I have, s J f CamD- bell, merchant of Safford, Alriz , writes: Dr. Kingr'siNew' Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure ourefor consnmp tion, coughs and colds. 1 cannot say enough'C f or ? its 1 merits-; IJDt King's ew Discovery for con" sumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to day stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Fetzer's Drug stare. qi lgdical insanity ahd is liable to kill fany body at any time, so the negro has now been placed in the department for the criminal insane. He isLsaid to be a very 'strong negro and a desperate and dangerous man. News and Observer. - Three things to fight for Honor, country and home. Draroea, ' Itlwili.relieye.the,; poor little sufferer immediately. iSold by druggists in ever part of the world, Twenty-fiye cents a bottle, "Be sure and asklfor 'Mrsr Winslows .Sooth cLg , Syrup"'and .take Jnd other kind ' 1 Moses Whitmireand B Bock ner,, two v, rich : negib men, of pear Chelsea, 1. Tiga.v'e a gypsy womt n $880 to sleep Vpn that she might bring; feme jand;;to ,Now all that they aBk is that the woman and money may be brought back to them. Ex. FOR : Rjcle SHOULD:CALL QNiUSl WJhaye Wheels for boys and girls. ' ill have ' another lot of those, Westfield's in a few days. The demand is so great that-we can not keep tnem in stock all tha time. Remember the price of these wheels :- ' i . i t ' ' -i . . ! ' ' -r -, .- x .. - i. i- . ; - . . . . .'. , . s ; : i has been reduced to , 60:00 $45.00 .. - We also give yon , yonr ) preference ,,as to:hand!e.bars saddle anpedals.oWfi your opportunity if you . want a Y or keWad s wo rt h Co. 8